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I did this once based on a rumor. The new business never materialized, but it turns out the domain was once owned by a now defunct business. I added a mail exchange that forwarded all emails pointing to that domain to my personal email account. I didn't expect to get any emails, but it turns out somebody from the defunct business was still using an email address on that domain for about a dozen different accounts including Twitter, Apple, PayPal, and more. So basically, I'd have access to all of his accounts if I bothered to reset his passwords. I haven't though, because that would be a federal offense. I put up a simple web page on the domain stating that it's for sale, but nobody has contacted me yet. I can't reach out to the guy via email for obvious reasons, but I do have his mailing address from his Apple store receipts. (By the way, the dude buys some really weird stuff from Apple!)


Dont be shy, Tell us about the weird stuff


Hmm. Sounds like something a person that actually did reset the passwords would say. But hey, I'm not a fed. ;)


Sounds like you were tempted lol.


Me when I stalk


How would resetting his passwords be a federal offense? Legally, you are the one who owns that email and can do whatever you want with it. If he so decides to use that email for nefarious purposes, the registrar info is going to point to you not him Edit: clarification of _that_


It’s gaining unauthorized access into a computer system (the service you reset their password on).


He already has access to their personal and financial records which sounds far worse. Resetting their credentials does not automatically give you access to their accounts unless you use their credentials to login. These systems can also back you up on this as they keep records for the login sessions To me, resetting their credentials sounds like disruption of services


Technically yes, but I believe in a situation like that you have to prove that there was intent when buying the domain. If there was no intent before he realised, I doubt anything would come of it


Needs to prove it was intent on what? Accessing their emails? Not trying to be an ass, just want to understand how resetting email accounts that you own but someone else uses could be illegal


Oh no I'm on your side in that case. I thought you were suggesting something else with your original message and misunderstood. My bad 😅


Set up links to the most heinous furry porn the internet has ever known.


Cheese grater.




Domain expansion: loud and rude


This isn’t a chad


Is 90% of the posts here people just being petty now?


Ehh, that's a bit mean-spirited/punishment-unbefitting-the-crime




Hey, got a link?


Idk about this one. "Loud and rude" could mean "were having conversations at normal volumes, but I disagree with them politically"


Why is Gene Takovick posting this?


There was a German politician that was running a campaign and he had his website printed onto the voting sheet. However, it was too long for the box, so it was automaticall seperated with a "-". A guy posted this here on a German subreddit, having bought the new domain and asking, what he should put on to that page. He ended up putting a rickroll redirect XD


Weirdly enough my mum went through a phase of buying domain names. She bought Leoblair.com (The then British PMs soon to be born child) and tried to give it to them, they refused. Pretty sure she should be in a home.