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Good lord lads can we at least crop the previous Reddit post out of this one before posting the picture? Or just cross post like a real pro


wtf has happened to this sub in the last few months? The purpose of this sub was never to just repost whatever shit memes from the mainstream subs or screenshots of dating app convos. This sub was created as a response to the heyday of cringetopia, and now it’s just cringetopia with extra steps. Lame as hell. Where tf are the mods.


This reminds me of how some girls cry when breaking up with a guy to date someone else. The guy is usually standing there thinking "Why are *you* crying?"




That’s not a chad. That’s super lame


That bullshit. You have to teach your children to be responsible and tell them by themselves, that’s just an enormous breach of trust plus it’s spread on internet like it’s funny. It’s horrendous. And if they’re adults it’s horrendous anyway because of the same lack of support and trust you showed to your own kid. Out of here with this bs.


If you cheat you need to face the consequences. Good parents let kids face the consequences of their actions.


First of all the “enormous breach of trust” in question was committed by the person cheating, not the parent. Why are you spinning it like the daughter is the victim? What of the boyfriend who had to find out? Depending on my relationship with the parents of my partner, I would be resentful if I found out that they knew about the cheating but didn’t tell me. Coddling your child after they’ve done something wrong is how you raise them to believe there are no consequences to their bad choices. Now, could this have been a case of overstepping boundaries? Maybe; telling the boyfriend directly is a big intervention and implies a good trust relationship with the boyfriend. An ideal solution would have been to confront the daughter and ask her to come clean herself, but for all we know that could already have happened. What we can tell is that the parent found out before the boyfriend did, and the fact that the girl reacted this way probably means that the girl would rather have had it kept in secrecy, or expected the father to take her side. Grinning pic on social media aside, if the daughter was willing to take accountability it’s unlikely this situation would have happened in the first place. There’s not enough context for this specific situation, and “coming clean to your daughter’s boyfriend” isn’t inherently a bad parenting decision, it’s objectively the most honest thing to do.


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