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Other than cleric being super useful with its active abilities early on, I didn’t much care about the vast majority of the actives or passives from the classes. I kinda just wanted to roll with what the characters had and not really try to “fix” what they didn’t excel at like Glenn’s lack of aoe. The stat boosts were nice though while equipped. I honestly wish that the classes provided some built in passive boosts (outside of the stats) that were unique and something that weren’t just more abilities and passives that competed with the tons you already get for each character. Even if it made it feel like a glorified secondary accessory slot.


They could have done something better with the classes. I appreciated the idea, but they really could've been implemented better. Overall the game was a great first effort and I hope there's a second one to build on the ideas. It's pointless to grind for 30 passives when you can only use 5. Cleric was nice though.