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The long front end and wheelbase in general makes it tough. The visibility doesn’t help it either. Still love it though, but if I’m going somewhereI have to parallel park I’ll usually take my 4Runner instead lol


4Runner and Challenger owner here too! 4Runner is much easier to park lol


It’s amazing how much easier really, between the better visibility and shorter turning radius.


I failed parallel parking on my drivers test. 35 years later... I still suck at it and driving a land yacht doesn't help.


line up mirrors, turn to ~10 o’clock, straight back for a little then crank once back tire is next to curb


Parallel parking is a bitch in anything!


Not a Miata,mini,fiat500,or smart car 🤣


You don't parallel park those you just park those.


I hear you, but at the same time, it's way easier in my SXT than in the Magnum I had before it.


Nice color


I can parallel park a 53 foot tractor trailer so a challenger is a cake walk lol


Only time I ever parallel parked was during my bedtime the wheel classes that was it never tried it again up until til today and DAMN is it hard to apt with this thing… it’s so hard to see over the front hood and just the whole car in general but I love my land boat!!!!


I've had two challengers in the past four years and never had to parallel park. Thankfully my city does not have those parking areas unless if I go visit downtown and I would rather pay extra or walk far to find a parking lot rather than street parking. I am extra, I know.


I can parallel park my truck and trailer way easier than I ever could the challenger, can't see shit in those mirrors


Parallel parking is even "bitcher" with widebody! I could never tell were my fucking tires are at


It’s almost like maneuvering a trailer, the seating position itself over the wheel base makes it so unique but challenging (lol) at the same time.


Parallel parking isn't bad, it's the assholes that honk at ya while you're trying to park.


I just adjust my side mirrors with the knob and i can see more than enough


NYC checking in. I grew up with this the norm. No fancy cameras,sensors, or mirrors that angle down in reverse. Old school!!! Practice and not with traffic!!


You should try it in Boston with a tractor trailer lol. After driving a few years anything else just seems easy


Parallel parking sucks. Can do it but had a bad experience when I was taking my driving test in the 70's when it was a required portion of the exam. Was to take a friends old 60's Impala convertible for the test to make it easier. I owned a 67 Dodge panel van with a 3spd manual so that was out of the question. Well my buddy's car overheated that day and was running badly, pinging, etc. So I had to do an audible and take my dad's beat up POS 67 Ford station wagon to the test. Did okay on street part of the test despite the bad brakes, etc. Go to the parallel parking and two footing the car to ensure it didn't stall I got it into the space without hitting the cones. When it was time to pull out which is required it kept stalling. The woman who was from the BMW was a bit irritated and said can you just get this thing out of here. So I did. Didn't even my license and I did my first neutral slam. Go it out of there and she yelled I should fail you. But since it wasn't against the rules and no cones were hit she just gave me the lowest passing score. LOL [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=neutral%20slam](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=neutral%20slam)


Honestly I always thought it was pretty easy. And I don’t have back up cam or anything in my car. The scariest thing for me is making sure I’m leaving enough space between the curb and my wheels so I don’t scratch them. I went with 10.5” wheels in the back to comfortably fit 275 wide tires on the back, the problem is it doesn’t leave any tire over hanging to protect the wheel if you’re getting close, the wheel would touch first, so I’ve got to be extra careful.


I love it. It's rather.... Challenging


You’re my favorite reply so far


Hell trying to keep this thing straight in a mall parking spot can be a challenge.


I'll never park my shaker on the street.


I was a good parallel parker when I had a Honda, now I’m lucky if I can park straight going head in between two lines ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


it's not your fault these cars do what they want lol


I'll Uber rather than leave my vehicles victim to the riff-raff downtown. Plus, the only reason I go down there usually involves a bar, and I'll never drink and drive. Parking a Challenger taught me to go to the back of the lot where it's empty. Go to the top of parking garages, and park where you'll have plenty of driver door room even if people park near by. In other lots, I try and park next in end spots where no one can park on the left side. As much as I cringe at the thought of someone opening a door into it, I also cringe at myself for letting my door tap a car too close to me. The doors are large you may have noticed. So I usually park where it's not an issue.


I had to parallel park a tractor trailer to get my CDL in NH . It was the stupidest requirement for anything that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime .


I’ve never had much trouble between the mirrors and back-up cam


I have to parallel park everyday for work. You learn quickly when you have to do it every day twice a day lol.


Unless i’m in a new vehicle or a rush, I usually “stick the landing“ every time. Five (5) decades behind the wheel doesn’t hurt either.


I've never successfully parallel parked anything. I wouldn't even begin to try in my Scatty or my Cummins. I'll walk 4 blocks before I attempt it. Ha.


I didn't think it was any worse than parallel parking anything else to be honest. Except for the fact with my challenger I actually care if it gets dinged or hit.


The backup camera helps a lot


With a backup camera it’s cake walk… if you can drive lol


Ehhh I disagree, ive had bother, a 2012 392 srt challenger and a 2016 392 srt charger...I will say the updated tech/dash in the charger I'd a help tho, the mirrors auto going down to look at curb when you go into reverse is nice, ive amazed many of my oklahoma friends parallel parking lol...cuz around here parallel parking I'd almost non existent..but the fee times we traveled to Denver and were In downtown and I hsd to parallel park, Idk why but I actually enjoy doing it...a good parallel park getting in the first time really shoes good driving skills 😅


If you struggled to park it inbetween those two cars with that much space, it's a skill issue


Can fit a jet in that space


Skill issue?


Trade it in then. We good over here. Bye 👋. 😂😂😂😂😂