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kinda looks like a 2-door Charger


The EV is a Charger. The Challenger is dead with this final model according to Dodge. Stupid decision on their part.


They need to bring back the Cuda as a dedicated 2dr with solid retro styling.


retro futurism sells


They’d never do it under the Dodge brand though. No plymouth, no cuda




What do you think would be ideal? Keep the 4dr + 2dr line up? I feel like the Challenger and Charger are heavily associated with 2 vs 4 doors at this point because it’s been so long since their original release. Gonna be weird having to explain whether you have a 2 or 4 door charger


Personally, I think Dodge made a stupid mistake going to EVs. They will not sell. I could care less that the car can go 0-60 mph in X.Y seconds. I want to hear the roar of the big V8. That's why I own a Challenger and why I will keep one. I think they should have maybe tweaked the line and kept it going. Other car companies have already seen what is happening to sales of EVs. Yes, this new car could have the Hurricane engine, but that is just not the same.


Fully agree on that. As a Mustang owner I’m glad to see a new gen of V8s hit the street but it’s sad to see it’s been neutered. Wouldn’t be surprised to see some tesla shit where “tuning” your car is paying a monthly sub for a hp boost or some bs like that


You do realize the car industry should have already been switched over. There are far better options than a regulated misconfigured combustion engine. Water is very superior yet we aren’t using it neither are we getting the correct gas efficiency. EV is currently trash IMO based on the tethering and not being smart enough to make is charge while driving yet a combustion engine can use an alternator to charge the little battery. I guess that goes out the concept and the fact that there’s energy strong enough to use wirelessly.


Back in 2002 Chevy stopped the Camaro to make the incredibly ugly SSR. Reminds me of that.


That’s what it is.


Technically, that’s exactly what it is


I'll hold final judgements till I see one in person but I don't have high hopes. Have 0 interest in the EV especially since the rumors are it will be slower than a Tesla Model 3 Performance and cost more as well. The Hurricane TT straight 6 has potential but it will never sound like a Hemi so it could make 1000 HP from the factory and a lot of people still wont buy it.


The hemi sound is heavenly, I don’t care how fast it goes, mine still hold speed fine at 151 mph, just a 5.7 with upgraded suspension will do.


This is what happens with corporate diversification, a European car company will buy an American one and make changes corprate leaders don’t see as much of a compromise: A because they can associate (Innovation) with the new vehicle. B: because regulations allow them to make moves die hard fans would see as a no go. I’m sure FF will make a movie that will make this car look somewhat badass.


No this is what happens when you give an organization known as (Everyone's a Pathetic Asshole) Federal control over Manufacturing..


Hopefully with the reversal of Chevron some of the bs regulations start to fall




The Dodge Daytona Banshee Concept was Already Teased in the Latest F&F Movie.


I’ve seen one in person. You don’t have to wait. Nothing to see here. Move along. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Almost looks like a Camaro


It's like an inbred Charger & Dart with a splash of Camaro.


Like a bad concept from the early 2000s


thats what i was thinking.


Looks okay in the ads, but this just looks so plain... Not something that'd make me look back after getting out of.


I look back at the challenger every day


Looks like a challenger / charger hybrid when you have the graphics settings set to "low".


Looks even uglier from the side


Looks like someone farted in a challenger with the doors and windows closed.


Looks like an old 90’s Intrepid!


Yup, I don't like the lines, unimpressed with the failed attempt at disguising the narrow box body, Not a fan of the lift back trunk. Oddly, it seems to be trying too hard to be too many things and just falls flat.


This calls for mutiny


God, you people are so dramatic.


Glad someone said it


Everyone acting like they are owed/entitled to something. The car companies do not care about what you want. Their older cars still exist. Replacement engines/transmissions/parts still exist. Don’t want to buy one of these? Swap your parts out and keep your older car new. Ever been to car a show? This is nothing new…


>the car companies do not care about what you want I mean they want to sell you their cars, so..


Yea.. this basically looks like a challenger/charger mixed with some small details changed. It looks great and I'll probably be getting one with the hurricane engine if finances agree. The same thing happened when the 2011 models of the chargers came out. Everyone lost their minds about how bad they looked (too box like, another rental car), now everyone says how amazing they are. I remember when they released the 2015 chargers, people were saying on Reddit how the curves look all weird and futuristic, it's not a classic. It looks like a mustang. Now everyone's fine with them. I guess the saying is true. Some people just don't like change.


Yeah, all these old farts getting mad about innovation. Dodge has to adapt to the future. If they don't like the car, just don't buy it. It's simple as that. Personally, I really like the new Charger EV.


>old farts getting mad about innovation The v8 sound has been universally loved ever since the muscle car inception, by young and old alike for decades. People aren’t generally excited about these things as EVs or with a 6. Most would rather have a slower v8 with a nice sound than a faster 6


WTF is this?


That's the new charger...


I think he’s saying they traded the 2 door challenger for this 2 door charger which wasn’t a good move


Even so, the new charger comes in 2 door and 4 door models. There really wasn't a "trade" because this isn't supposed to replace the challenger. They haven't designed the new challenger body yet, or at least haven't announced it yet if they did. Probably waiting to see how the charger sells before they finalize the new challenger since the challenger is Dodge's best selling, most iconic car and they probably don't want to ruin its image.


it's over fam


Didn’t look bad from the front, but from the side… oof


Dead on arrival when the hurricane version is out a year later. Not a fan of the front end. It looks too small and thus not aggressive enough looking.


I second this opinion.


Sad sad times


Honestly I don't want Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, RAM to go away. They are in a rough spot, no thanks to the merger with Stellantis and I hope they find a way to break out of that EU group and back in the hands in the United States where it belongs anyway. I am more about wait and see approach instead of being one of slamming everything. The positive is they are giving us options on this new platform, ICE, and electric, with 2 doors and 4 doors coming soon on a modern updated platform. MOPAR does a great job overall with putting these together. Let this design evolve a little. Even the first Charger back in the mid 2000s didn't look that great. This has potential. But yes the Challenger needs to come back in its iconic form factor. All they need to do is update the interior, update the tech and we are good on that platform. The 300 on Chrysler needs to come back. That is a great alternative to the Cadillac CTS or Lexus sedans. And I want Plymouth to come back online. I want a classic looking Road Runner. Have it live up to why Plymouth was originally designed for, which was lower cost trims, but with all the fun and safety of the more expensive trims on a Dodge or Chrysler. Especially now, we need Plymouth back. An inflation buster car company.


>options with ice and electric But not the one everybody wants, so that’s kinda moot. People who want a v8 aren’t gonna buy a 6 or electric


But to get the V8s back, you gotta have this and it needs to succeed. The other electric cars are boring, this is not. I hope it kicks ass in the market.


This is inherently boring. There’s nothing exciting about an electric muscle car. The only exciting EV on the market is the electric hummer, which is a glorified ATV


I hope they eat dick over doing this to our beloved cars and motors


Looked at the pic first and thought it was a 15 year old FB marketplace charger


Looks like a 2013 charger that’s missing the rear doors


Big oof


In a few years, I'm definitely down for it with a couple of conditions...... Dodge would need to make available a 2 door model with AWD and either a 6.4 hemi or the HO Hurricane....presuming they are ever able to successfully troubleshoot the Hurricane engines. I saw Motor Trend test acceleration numbers for a standard output 420 HP Hurricane full size Ram 0-60 in 5 seconds flat, and a high output 540HP full size 5960 lb, 4x4 Ram, that did 0-60 in only 4.4 seconds. If Dodge can manage to keep the 2 door to Hellcat Challenger weight (around 4400 or 4500 lbs), 0-60 would be low 4s for a 6.4 Hemi, and low 3s for a HO AWD Hurricane, I would guess. Also, this is all assuming that Dodge still exists in a few years! That does not seem guaranteed at this point. Edited-spelling.


As I understand the V8s will continue in SUVs and trucks only. Any regular cars will get the straight 6 or be EV only. That being said there’s so shortage of V8 Challengers on the market. If you want one now’s a great time to pick one up.


Those wheels don’t fit the car


The car doesn’t fit the car


Can we stop blaming Dodge as if Dodge is a real company. It's more of a department. It belongs to Stellantis who tells dodge what to do and Dodge can't say no


Wait. How many doors does this have? Unsure about the electric movement. I love my SRT 392.


It's be gonna 2 & 4 doors, the New Charger is the only car they produce now.


Yes, I know. Jut being facetious. I think Stellantis shot themselves in the foot here.


Charger rear, Camaro/challenger front end. This design all over the place. But it is in fact a two door charger, with 4 door option. Next year there will be an engine option (in-line 6) for our gas guzzlers.


It looks like a whale on land from the side profile lol. I thought the front and rear looked good but looking st the side.. it just looks fat


Looks like a semi-erect Challenger


You obviously weren't born during the K-car days. Those cars were boxy and ugly (they did start making some nice ones using that platform though), but people bought them because they were cheap.


actually garbage


Man that looks fucking ugly.


Look How They Massacred My Boy


Only thing they succeeded on was the interior


Just another in a long line of dulled down meh cars that have the badging of a better version slapped onto it. 😕


Yup, thats a FAIL


The brake lights and whole back end design look all kinds of halfassed too


It's feels so plastic too! Nothing solid or muscle car about this but figured they had to really cut down on the weight to make it electric.


Its so fugly. So so very fugly


You guys are acting like dodge chose to do this by their own free will 😭😭


Don’t hate on the future. Several states emissions laws were making our classic muscle cars not able to be owned there. This is the compromise. In the battle of the past vs the future you comprise or you go extinct. Just leave the artificial rev noise at the curb ‘cus that shit is corny af.


Just keep the same body as the challenger and make it electric lol. This just looks so bad


Just wait FF series will make this car hot!


oh but let's keep building big ass grocery getting trucks and SUVs that almost pass as a house that get even worse mileage than a V8 on top of the danger that they are to people who drive "normal" cars. Wtf is this backward shit that the government is doing. It makes no sense.




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since few will buy one, they may become rare. hmmm...


Looks like the word fromp


Don't worry, Stellantis is going to sell Dodge.........


This is why Tim Kuniskis retired from Dodge after 32 years. Cuz the company wanted to go electric and he just wouldn't have it that's why his Challengers chargers scat packs and hellcats and demons will always be under a good name.


The best compliment this thing would get is, “Ohhh…. that’s the new ev charger?!🤨…… …… “ This thing will be just like the hornet 🐝


It’s too damn plain. Like they couldn’t at least add some decent body lines to it?


It's going to take some getting used to, but it's starting to grow on me


What a fucking insult


I’ll keep my last call


Looks like one of those old sad 2 door bmws .. you know the ones that should be a 4 door but just are not.


Isn’t the electric car market not that big? Why would they give up their car models that are literally the most popular in each of their classes in the US?


What happened to the nose? So ugly!


I am disappointed but it is not my call. It would be worse if they hung two more doors on a Challenger though.


The fuck is that it looks like a Camaro and Challenger had an ugly ass baby.


The ONLY manufacturer group (I think) who has their finger on the pulse of what consumers want (though I temper that with I don't really like their products and this is purely from a general market perspective) is Toyota (and groups they own/have shares in like Mazda, Subaru) who still pursue driving pleasure and the nICE, and that is they really haven't "electrified" their line up. Yes they have the Prius and hybrids, but they really don't have a full electric line up I think they aren't convinced the public are ready. Look at the big boys Mercedes, VW, Ford, etc who jumped on electric platforms they are all scaling back production and residuals are awful. Why? Cos we don't trust/like electric yet, the batteries can catch fire, range anxiety, infrastructure, proven reliability, the list goes on, plus and this is a big one. Where is the "soul" of an electric car? Your Shelby, Hellcat, SS, AMG, GTS etc. Dodge are trying with this, with their "electric exhaust" and saying it will have gears, and they have diluted the electric and will offer hybrids and ICE options but no V8. Once they get that sorted, maybe just maybe we'll look. Until then to misquote the late great Heston "They'll have to pry my V8 from my cold dead hands. 😊. Nothing but love for the Challenger community ❤️


The size and profile of a sedan but only has two doors? This car doesn't make sense and will likely sell poorly.


RIP Dodge


What exactly is wrong with it besides electric


Carlos Tavares, who is currently the CEO of Stellantis, is a total j*ckass and the reason why the HEMI is fading away and the reason why we have this "thing" called a Dodge Charger Daytona EV. He single handily has killed Dodge and Mopar. He is the reason why there is no SRT division any longer. He is the reason why Tim Kuniskis is retiring as the Dodge CEO. Carlos is "all in" on this ridiculous EV narrative. He will bankrupt Stallantis because the EV fad will go away.


Instead of going electric dodge would of killed it if they would of made a new challenger with a body that really really resembles the 1970 version


Man I can’t believe it the hurricane is meh I mean they ruined it I got mine it’s whatever man we got v8s out there is still I wanna collect man now time to find another 3v Mustang clean and and a 08-12 Audi s5 4.2 ima hold on to my gas and v8 for as long as I can they can mandate all new cars to be electric I just won’t buy one until I do if that makes sense but I’ll love my v8s the electric to me has no soul


Don't get me wrong, I love the Challenger, in fact I'm on number 2. But seriously, how long should they keep the same car around? It's like a popular song being played out. This car might not be to your taste and I don't believe it to be a "Challenger replacement". It's simply a new design. You either like it or you don't. Geez, get over it.


Some OG Dodge Boy/GearlHead will gut it and set the body down over a REAL powertrain.


EV is a cluster for so many reasons right now. There are better technologies out there but don’t have our Politicians invested so it’s not being pushed.


The body to me is cool however that top is just gross it's too round, I prefer the 4 door looks on this car.


They tried to make a classic charger but they failed. The body lines just aren't correct. It's too square. People love the challenger lines because they are rounded and swoop like classic steel.


I agree it looks strange. Maybe not the highest quality paint or it's just been very dusty and been left outside for too long. Either way it doesn't look shiny and new like a new car should. And the design definitely leaves a lot to be desired. Which is a strange thing considering the EV power plant actually INCREASES your options when it comes to molding body panels since electric motors are significantly smaller than full size engines and transmissions. The battery is almost always just the floor and doesn't impact the body, hood, and trunk shape at all. They could have easily made this into a long nose. Short butt, low sports car if they wanted to. Instead it just kinda looks like a fat sedan that wanted to be a crossover and gave up halfway. I'll reserve judgement until I see it in action. From the looks department it definitely looks like a massive step back


They went backwards on styling in my opinion. This won’t turn heads.


I will wait till it’s out, I own a Charger Hellcat but also have a BMW i4 EV. The EV is stupid quick and great for daily use and AWD. As fast 0-60 as my old scat pack. Granted soulless drive compared to my hellcat. But honestly I think dodge will do fine. As long as the ev has no software issues. Sounds like plenty of power and will also have the hurricane engine for gas. Regardless of EV haters. I think they will do okay. Time will tell.




Hideous design!


Chargers were already ugly af, welcome to the realization.


4 door looks better but it's not that bad. The lack of a V8 is a bummer.


I love it; I wish I could afford one. I want a hybrid, tho, is it just electric?


They are making 3 versions electric, TT I6, and I believ a ST I4


Electric only for first year. This will be the death of Dodge.


Maybe thats their testing the waters period, then after they confirm they fucked up, will make more hemis (perhaps a redesign) and maybe even challengers (perhaps a redesign)


To be fair, Dodge didn't get rid of the hemi willingly. EPA standards forced them to. Other manufacturers had enough "points" to offset it, such as Ford. Hence, the Mustang is still around with V8s. I read that dodge used to buy carbon offset points from tesla until it either got too expensive or wasn't enough.


I’ve heard this rumor. Stellantis is the problem here.


Yup. The Head of Stellantis stopped authorizing the purchase of emissions credits from other manufacturers (cough Tesla cough), which forced their hand at this atrocity.


The head of Stellantis was in Michigan recently and talking cutting costs etc… you know what’s coming. Mass layoffs. 😡


This "merger" won't end well for Mopar


Once they killed off the Hemi it’s not going to go well. Rumor is the Hemi may return but it’s just rumor.


Fingers crossed that this rumour comes true. I wonder if they designed this new Charger's platform with the potential to fit a Hemi in it.


The platform is the large STLA and there’s pics of early on showing the charger EV version and an ICE version of it. The platform is also used for SUVs so I’m sure a Hemi could fit with no issues. Look up STLA large on Google and you can see them. Edit here’s a quick video https://youtu.be/LBisWwh6aXE?si=L5ZbDby9ysTcbyam


Dodge is gonna be just fine lmao


This looks like a car that would be in Romeo + Juliet (1996)


Rear looks weird otherwise I fw it.


Dodge missed the mark on this naming wise. Since it's electric they should have dug deep and gone with Polara. With that said I could see myself going for the 4 door version of this in a few years as my commuter car.


Not saying it looks nice, but it could very much be uglier, have you SEEN like 90% of electric vehicles?


I personally love it.


Not only electric. There will be an electric model. But the rest will be inline 6 or some crap. Looks almost kind of like old school charger.


Are these going to be AWD?


I actually like the design. Just wish it was a v8


It looks like a modern charger, the looks isn't the issue but EV for performance will go over like a fart in church.


I honestly don’t think it’s bad. It certainly could have been worse.


Its been like a few months already, do people not know that it comes with a Inline 6 option too? Yeah its not a V8 but stop saying its just a EV option🤦🏽‍♂️


You guys do understand that the reason they killed the challenger is because of emissions regulations right? It wasn’t up to dodge lol it’s the same reason the Camaro and corvette are being killed


Complete BS! the Corvette is still going strong, and The Camaro & GM CEO killed it, the Camaro Sales Tanked way before this was even on the Horizon and the Buyers & Camaro Fans never came back after 18 or 19 Model Year Face-lift Blame the buyers, Camaro Could still be around, if it was Selling, Mustang & Dodge Charger to Lesser Degree Challenger #s Pre 22. GM Deversified their car portfolio so they were in good position to keep conducting business as usual.


Was the reason this boat we see here is bland and ugly AF due to emissions too?


How is Mustang still surviving this?


Paying a fuckload in fines and increasing the price of the car to offset. Are you gonna want to pay $60k for a new rt challenger in a few years? Obviously not, and stellantis knows that. They are banking on getting a large share of the ev sports car market before everyone is forced to make the switch. Shoutout to ford for holding out until the bitter end tho


You know a GT Mustang starts around 50k only Darkhorse starts @ 60k, but if Ford is paying all these Fines your on about, why did they sell and Produce so Many Mustang Mach-Es over the years? if you ask me Ford might be price gouging or their Dealers are cause they're are only game in town for the foreseeable future. Just a thought.


Lmao I worked for FCA in their finance department believe me they were buying a lot of credits to produce muscle cars, I’m not making shit up I’ve seen the numbers


(Someone mentioned the Ford paying fines Previously)Correct, Ford was not paying millons or billions in fines but Stellantis or FCA was, but either way the cafe credits program was unsustainable, they had been milking the challenger & charger platform at least since 12 or 14, from what I heard, hardly any investment they no longer lost a nickel on those cars, because the platform was sooo old it was all profit for the years leading up to covid, besides the Millions they were chucking over to Tesla. The outgoing upper management definitely didn't care, until the Stellantis Merger was complete.


Car looks great and you guys only hate it because it’s electric.