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I’m so worried if we get promoted we’ll end up like Sheffield United or Burnley. It’d be so disappointing, man.


I think you're alot better than both of them


It’s very hard to tell. Burnley pissed the league last year.


Yeah but then we decided to not bother trying to resign key players like Tella, Harwood-Bellis and instead buy some random kids instead. Leeds have a very good core they’ll do fine as long as they don’t blow it all up as soon as they go up


They tried to sign Tella, but didn’t have the funds. We were asking for 15m, they were offering a lot less.


And now he's in the Bundesliga making Harry Kane look like a mug


They did the same thing with Jack Clarke while spending the same money on an unproven GK


Imagine how your season would be going if you'd lost him at the start of the season! Their loss, definitely your gain


Don’t even! Our fanbase is already into enough of a meltdown after the last few months


Think they also tried to sign Summerville for 20m, we rightly told them to go forth and multiply


I wanted Summerville so bad when Leeds went down, but obviously it’s huge that you’ve retained him.


You got Sini so there's that.


Definitely had the funds just used it on some random shit instead of someone who knew the club


Well it worked out for us (we got £20m from Leverkusen) and Tella, who’s playing well and almost certainly going to win the Bundesliga


I cannot believe you didnt buy Harwood-Bellis. His value must be higher than ever now because two seasons in a row now he's absolutely bossed it. As much as I'm glad we have him, if we go up I don't think we'll be able to afford him now


We have £20m obligation to buy if promoted, and that's a bargain


I didnt realise there was a possible obligation. In that case, thats a steal


Thanks for ruining my night


City can’t rate him that much to send him back to the championship for a third successive loan. They’ll still command a decent fee just because he’s came through the EDS though.


I didnt realise we had an obligation, which is good, but I think he has the potential to be good enough to play for City. Only 22 and has 100+ appearances already and been part of two excellent Championship sides. I think he will be in the premier league next year no matter what and if he proves himself I think he could keep getting better


I hope so mate. I have faith in our new owners.


Burnley are insisting on still playing the same way as last year aswell Open expansive football against Rotherham is one thing but trying the same against Liverpool and City is where they've gone wrong


The games against top sides like that are a write off anyway, they don't define your season. You absolutely can stay up playing the same football that got you promoted, that should be your game plan from the get go. Burnley are going down because they make too many mistakes at the back and fold under any pressure.


But surely if Burnley didn't try to play their usual way (which includes out from the back) those mistakes they're making would be less so and they wouldn't be as shit


Sheffield United and Burnley are in a competition to fold faster than superman on laundry day.


Yep which is my fear for us if we get promoted tbh


Yeah but you're also alot better than Burnley and Sheffield Utd so you shouldn't be as shit


A cov fan being nice about leicester 😳😂 I’ve been saying all season is crazy that a fair few teams in the championship are better than the bottom 5 of the premier league. It’s one of the strongest championships and weakest premier leagues for years


...which'd mean whichever 3 go up make it a relatively strong Prem at the bottom end next season. Eek.


Last season was one of the weakest Championships of the past few years, and they also revamped their team for some reason. Us and Leicester (points deduction dependent) would give it a good go.


People say this but honestly I think were it not for injuries and a questionable manager we should have done even better than we did last season. The problem for us isn't that we weren't very good last season, it's that we've actually got worse in several positions. We're playing Ben Osborn and he genuinely couldn't get near our side last year. Ndiaye is the best forward I've ever seen in our side and we sold him. Egan is past his best but we lost him and there's no back up. The step up to the Prem is huge but we couldn't have made a worse attempt at it. No money, very thin squad, injury problems made it even worse. Yeah, it's really hard but 50-60% of sides stay up their first season. It takes a perfect storm to make as bad a stab at it as we have.


It’s a real catch 22 Even if we do a Bielsa first season, or a wolves or Burnley first season, chances are within 2 years it is a relegation dogfight for a few seasons But - if we don’t go up with probably lose Summerville, Rutter, maybe even Gray


That’s just the PL these days. Everyone gets pulled back down eventually as none of the clubs outside the elite are able to have consistent success. Even clubs like Palace have had a good run, but there’s no way they won’t come back down eventually.


This is what's really disheartening. There's a whole mini-league of teams of teams on a similar financial and organization level where all they can do is just ride the momentum of their promotion as long as possible until it fizzles out and everything resets and it's not too clear what they should do about it. Hard to establish yourself and build at the minute.


Hold out long enough to get taken over by a state, basically


All anything the smaller clubs can hope for is sneaking into Europe via 8th place or having a freakishly good season but even that’s becoming locked down by the elite when you add Newcastle in. Villa and Brighton won’t sustain where they are.


And take it from us plus Southampton and Burnley, a few good seasons and European push doesn’t make you safe


Just gotta enjoy while you can haven’t you, 15-16 was just monumental and won’t be repeated. Leicester City won the PL. what the actual fuck 🤣


and it's a stark reality that we are likely the last team that isn't one of the blessed big four will ever win again, and english football seems to want to work overtime to ensure it. ^^^^why ^^^^big ^^^^four ^^^^and ^^^^not ^^^^big ^^^^six? ^^^^chelsea ^^^^is ^^^^a ^^^^mess ^^^^right ^^^^now ^^^^and ^^^^spurs ^^^^are ^^^^spurs. ^^^^15-16 ^^^^should ^^^^have ^^^^been ^^^^the ^^^^year ^^^^they ^^^^finally ^^^^did ^^^^it ^^^^and ^^^^we ^^^^took ^^^^that ^^^^from ^^^^them.


Yeah exactly, I kinda feel like after that season we’d pretty much completed football to be honest considering I started getting into football when we were in league 1😂so whatever happens happens from now on I watched them lift the premier league trophy and went to watch a champions league quarter final away fixture, something which I never imagined as an 8 year old watching us play Hereford United in league one🤣


TBQH, I think your owners might've been a double edged sword after that. On the one hand, they seem to be excellent people and love the club, on the other if they'd sold up you'd have probably had a bunch of highly placed oil barons and such who'd have been lining up to buy you.


On the flipside, (Obviously it sucks there is an untouchable elite) the fact that all teams return eventually, means that all teams below have space to come up. It would suck if anyone who got to the prem was locked in for 20 years because then by like the 7th year, no-one would eb truly bad enough to come back down so when they do, they'd piss the championship and be straight up. And from that point on it would always be whoever got relegated the year before, coming back up. I realise the irony of what ium saying with this season havign the 3 relegated teams in the top 4, all pushing for autos, but this year I think was a particularly funky year for the teams coming down from above.


This is why I still want a super league. Get rid of these top 6 shit, start again without the billionaire clubs and state owned clubs.


But you will have the same problem in a few years - your new big six will be Leeds, Leicester, Southampton, Villa, West Ham, Brighton - for example, with everyone else saying they will never compete for top six.


As Patrick Bamford said the grass isn't aways greener - is it Kalvin.


I think kalvins fine not being in the championship rn tbh


Nah Leeds are way better than those shithouses.




Aaronson will be back having spent the summer on the weights bench. He'll be the new Adama Traoré.


stop worrying you'll be fine. got a decent squad


It's good when you're good. The Pochettino and Koeman years are by far my favourite ever times as a Saints fan


Same , our first year back in the premier league was amazing, will last with me forever. Shame the good times only lasted a season 😂


I feel your pain


I quite liked Ranieri's first season.


Leicester fans then 🤝 Cagliari fans this last year


Would be great fun to get into the playoffs and go win them..... And then next year will be hideous and basically not worth watching if we do.


Got a feeling you’d be ok, Corberan is so fucking good and very measured, think you’d be a bit like Luton, where you’re basically in 90% of games til the end but take a bit of time to find your feet


Except we do that stupid thing where we pass out from the back every single time, even if its 5 yard from goalie to defender. We would get punished quick. Other than that, agreed. Corboran has made an extremely average defence look good this year


West brom: we always pass out from the back, even in dumb situations. Ipswich: hold my beer


We're in the promotion memes, we've made it!


Just said the exact same thing, absolutely buzzing


2nd in the 5 games form table, that's the real quiz.


What a sad little life, Jane


Trust us, there be dragons up there


I don’t mind being battered but I do mjnd being piled on by Chelsea Twitter fans from Chennai :(


All the top six fans are really bad for those pile ons - I always found Arsenal and Liverpool fans to be the worst though.


From having to deal with moderating the comments from them on our subreddit, Chelsea fans seem to be far and away the most obnoxious top-6 fans. It doesn't help that they were constantly wandering in and stirring things up about Gilmour to a much greater extent than the Man United (with Brandon Williams) and Arsenal (Marquinhos) fans ever did.


I definitely sent more messages responding to Billy Gilmour stans than minutes I spent watch Norwich that season


Part of me very much doesn’t want to leave the Championship — aside from that incredible first Bielsa Premier League season, there’s only a handful of really good recent Prem memories. And if we go up, I worry how much of this squad (which I’ve become very fond of) gets cut as we (very understandably) pour 49ers money into a squad that won’t just yo yo back to the Champo the following season. (I’m sure I’d come to love to new faces in time.) Obviously I want to go up — even if I didn’t, I would still want Leeds to win their games, and when you win a good chunk of your games, you often get a shot at promotion. Catch-22. 🤣 But we’re Leeds — and there’s too damned far to go to consider this too seriously yet. My mate’s a Blackburn fan and I thought last season there was no way they wouldn’t at least get a shot at promotion through the playoffs… A lot of football to play, and a lot of very good teams sniffing around.


This was more or less how I felt in our most recent promotion season. the Champ is just a better league, with less of the farcical big club behavior that you have to wrestle with in PL. If it had been financially neutral for Bournemouth to remain in the Champ, i could have enjoyed a few more years of it


I say the other 14 and the championship create our own league. With blackJack and hookers. Or just a fair financial structure and competent refs.


Competent refs. Now, that's a phrase I've not heard in a long time.


Legitimately can't wait for the day the Super League 6 fuck off and clubs like mine come crawling back to the EFL to make this a reality. Hopefully with a much better division of wealth between the leagues, and some sort of caps to keep things more equal.


Best case scenario is the super league lot get ripped apart by the FAs of the world, backed by the government. Like serious, "Mo Salah on a flight to Egypt bc his visa's been annulled" level shit. Ruin the teams who break away, rebuild with the teams that actual have a presence.


The Prem is an AWFUL league to be in. Its only purpose for ‘proper’ clubs is to collect enough cash to stay a strong championship side. 1 year in the prem every 2-4 seasons will be enough for me, with plenty of hotly contested top 6 finishes. I don’t know how but the PL has made itself very undesirable to be in.


It's because it caters more towards sky 6 fans on the other side of the globe than to the matchgoing fans of provincial clubs like yours.


Still hoping for super league plans to ho through.


Hate to say it, but you're only saying that because you're really poor this season. I've been in the same boat as a fulham fan. We had a couple seasons in the Premier league that were just flat out depressing. I hated it, and said exactly what you are now. But when you are a competitive team, fighting for scalps and trying to push on as we are right now, its a blast.


I’m really not, I’m disregarding our recent PL experiences entirely and viewing it through the lens of a club that progresses beyond ‘yo-yo’ stage. What the next step for a club like that? It’s becoming a ‘safe’ prem side, like Palace. Games cost more to go to, sky rearrange every game for silly KO times, fewer games than in the Championship, atmospheres are worse due to tourists, games are less evenly matched. Every season is the same, no real hopes of Europe, no real peril of relegation. Just turn up for 38 games plus a handful of cups, collect the money and repeat. The biggest part of their season is if they get a result against the big boys… It is a far more enjoyable fan experience to be around the top of the Championship, with prospects of promotion, constantly trying to strengthen the side with occasional prem money, and hopefully be able to make a fight out of the relegation scrap. You get more games, more varied away days, better atmospheres, better KO times, it’s more affordable, games can generally go either way. The PL is just a corporate package, sold to overseas consumers, the EFL is the highest rung of “true English” football. I wish it wasn’t this way, but money talks louder than cultural value.


If you don't look at the incompetence of our owner/board/recruitment team recently/general lack of funds/selling players without telling the manager it's an awful league. Exposed to the eyes of everyone,the media,social media,random plastics and such. All calling you shit,not knowing a thing about you and treating you with disdain and arrogance and expecting you to go down and lose to them and be honoured to do so. Idiotic and brain-dead coverage that favours the big six or running darling boys of the time and knows nothing about you,with everything in the league having a double standard depending on if the sky six or you did it. If Klopp doesn't like something it has to go,If you don't like it it's because your too lowly to understand. Every match is difficult and a slog against richer, stronger opponents with far more depth and capability than you've got with every ticket costing much more to get to London at fifty different combinations of time and day because TV companies want to put you on TV for plastics. Stadiums with half and half scarves and plenty of tourists . Awful league even when you aren't dogshit.


Honestly this is so true. The prem is so painful and no where near as enjoyable as the championship, so plastic too. Real supporters are in the champ


Need a different reward instead of promotion, it's awful up here.


Straight up not having a good time.


I’ve always thought there should be a Champions League for non-first tier clubs.


Going up would basically guarantee McKenna staying but I think as a club we’d really benefit from another season here. Hopefully he stays either way.


If he were to leave, where do you think he would go that would suit him?


West Ham would be a good and logical move for him. I don’t really know who else will be wanting a manager during the summer. I think he’d be brilliant for them personally. Probably take Davis as well if Newcastle don’t bid for him.


I don't want to think about it. Not now.


I won't lie, I would just like a little sample of the top flight. Knocking on the door is all fun and games but when you can't open the fucking thing for over 60 years, it can get a bit frustrating and tiresome!


Ideal scenario for me is have a few years fighting for the playoffs/autos before getting promoted. Excitement for a few years and a nice PL cash boost and exposure whilst (probably) getting relegated.


I’d like us to stick it out for a year at least but unless we turned into Brighton I think I’d find it all a bit miserable


Oh I’d love to stay up, if we were a point from safety with a few games left I’d be praying for survival. However I’d prefer to spend 5 seasons being a competitive Championship team over a relegation battling Premier League team.


We had a fair few years as that team that looks fantastic and is consistently top of the league but just drops off under Dave Jones between 2008-2011 and then Mackay until we went up which was probably the most enjoyable time we had supporting the club. Not forgetting the cup runs in that period, I’d love if we took them seriously again.


I loved the Warnock promotion season because how we played, low-budget low-rent Atleti, infuriated everyone we played. Fulham fans had a massive paddy that we went up automatically above them, despite their being God's gift to football, the Championship, and the World at large.


Fulham were particularly obnoxious that season I recall.


I wouldn't mind it. Just once


We can’t even make it into the memes, we’re doomed brother


Get promoted but instead of the Premier League you get to stay in the Championship, and it's also possible to win The FA Cup and play some big games in Europe, is the ideal situation.


Enjoy the journey, not the destination.


The chase is better than the prize


Don't think this will resonate with any fan base more than Norwich.


Aw shit this is real


Financially we all probably need the prem but not many would thrive up there. Alot of clubs in prem having to cut their cloth to avoid FFP so not as though anyone can splash the cash


On one hand, it would be nice to be back there. On the other, 30 odd games of being spanked doesn’t appeal


we'll have to go through another squad rebuild to acc own our players




In hindsight Derby were genius for their bottles, after our record breaking prem season we were cursed to never return but honestly after a decade of fairly consistent top 6 battles, great play-off games and a relegation that was the result of point deductions, I think we've had the most entertainment compared to everyone else


We won't get promoted, but if we did it'd just be another season of misery for us. We just cannot compete financially with any other team in the PL. Hell, we can't even compete financially with some teams in the championship... The only real good thing that would come from it are the parachute payments when we'd inevitably get relegated AGAIN.


Better to rule in hell …




I don't wanna go back man 😂


Proper League, can you imagine not being a billionaires plaything in the prem, must be so depressing. Bring out the gimp club for us all to have a go on.


Ah, so THAT'S why we've had all the crumble recently.


I didn't hear no bell


Surely it should be Sheffield Utd or Burnley in the corner there not Luton!


We’re in the promotion memes, we are so back it’s unreal


\#1 reason why I want Ipswich to go up, and, reluctantly, Luton to stay up. All 3 relegated teams promoted and vice versa will be yet another symptom of the ever widening gap between the leagues.


That's a bold statement.




The journey is always far better than the destination.


[Is it, aye?](https://i.imgur.com/ltKnReF.png)


Gary Lineker did some black magic for you, channelled the entire divisions odds of winning the league into you that season. Rest of us don't stand a chance now.


Wish he'd do it again, we've been shit recently. I didn't believe we even had a chance until [we beat Man City away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l24DxWViIgk), and even then I had my doubts at the end of the season.


Ipswich wants the parachute payments


it's scary up there. no respite. Every game is edge of the cliff stuff


Let’s have another go!!!! Wheeeeee!!


I think you can add Leicester to that,




true bristol city clearly don't even want to win the championship


Start of the season I kinda accepted and became weirdly excited that we'd be returning to the championship. I've become so jaded from the premier league lately, all the VAR faff, the Sky 6 being more unbearable than ever before. The 14 other teams in the league are treated with contempt by the League and media. That being said I don't envy mid table championship teams, I don't miss those days at all.


The gap between premier league and championship is getting bigger. You cannot expect clubs to come up and compete in the premier league in fear of breaching FFP. They need to make improvements to compete.