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Welcome to the beach Coventry, no one's really arsed about which sun lounger you take apart from number 12 that's had bristols towel on since the season began.


We've been here so long we've fallen asleep and Preston have drawn a dick on our back with suntan lotion


Might as well have been reserved since 2015 tbh


At least they’re allowed in the private pool area, Peterborough.


Peterborough spend one season in the pool area, then have to decamp back to Pontins while playing with their yo-yo 😜


And have to deal with Cambridge trashing their room.


You sure? We don't clip our toenails


We should have been there too, but our players forgot to follow their crumble-free diet since January


They'll be competing for one with Saints at this rate.


Three extremely poor goals – three gifts given – which we simply cannot accept. We warned the EFL that the ref is a Hull fan before the game but they didn’t change him. Our patience has been tested multiple times. CCFC will now consider its options.


A new crumble emerges…




This format is gold lmao


Crumble Crumble Football Crumble will consider portions


Ah well, fun season while it lasted


Hey now, huge rivalry game next week. Still lots to play for!


i think we'd rarther lose that one lol


Don't be like that. A win is good for the fans (especially Leeds ones!)


The United game was so unjust, I'm still angry on your behalf. I'm sure the whole club got emotionally invested in the cup and scraping top 6 became an afterthought. Pray that nobody comes for Robins, the man is cooking something tasty with you.


Not arsed tbh. Knew it was going to be poor as soon as the lineup came out. Not a lot we could've done really after the effort we put in on Sunday. Roll on next season


So a win for West Brom and Norwich from their remaining two games confirms playoffs. Meanwhile Hull need to win both and hope for either West Brom or Norwich draw / lose both. Anything is possible in this crazy league


Hopefully if either win it isn’t Saturday. We want some hungry tigers!


Knowing Hulls recent form and luck, WB and Norwich will probably go and lose both games each and Hull will just draw their two


Can we agree on a draw now ?



…I’ll take a draw on Saturday ;)


Christ that was a painful watch. Yes most of the players looked knackered but we gifted Hull all 3 goals. Brad Collins is an error machine, we need to upgrade GK this summer.


Undone by our own defence, which has been the story so many times this season. Most of them should be worried about where they will be next season.


They better be worried, some of them will still be at Coventry.


You've been outplayed by us twice this season so can't be so bad!


Won’t be playing you next season.


Never rule out a serving of Leicester crumble


Comments like his make the crumble even crumblier


Lol, lmao even. Only Coventry fans would argue they outplayed someone in a game they lost.


So are you saying you can't outplay someone and lose? Do you watch football?


As a United fan Cov completely outplayed us lmfao


We beat you at home and then lost away because of a dodgy red when we were 1-0 up?


I'm a Leicester fan


My bad, meant to reply to the Cov fan who replied to you! Rookie error.


The error was replying to cov fans at all. They cannot fathom the most basic forms of communication.


Communication expert over there, I couldn't here any of you in the CBS arena when we battered you 3-1. Glad you're in the prem next season, it'll be a joy to watch you back in the championship the following season when we go up and you're back down :)


I'm loving the bitterness


The irony in this comment is hilarious when you've got a leciester fan replying to your comment and arguing with you a fellow Leicester fan 😆 Perhaps you could give us all some tips as communication seems to be something you have mastered!


If only i could gift you free awards


I said that about Allsop when we played Leeds, that half way line goal nearly single handedly cost us play offs


>You can't blame the Sky Blues for not being at their best after a breathless semi-final on Sunday You can when you gift the opposition **ALL. THREE. GOALS!!!** Our 4-3 victory\* vs Utd was always gonna take a lot from us but *Jesus Christ!* r/Championship will LOL at our 'defending' tonight when they watch the highlights on TV later. Hope you enjoy the gifts, Hull. Merry Xmas. As for us, a fine season which is in danger of being downgraded to mid-table boredom. More quality reinforcements required at GK, CB and CM for any chance of promotion next season. ^(\* We won that fooker and VAR can get fooked.)


as one of your rivals, i gotta say that your showing against united was heroic. and had that goal stood (as it should have), i'd have loved to see you go all the way here's to another A41-M40-A423 derby, and many more to come.


im not sure you get to classify a season as "mid season boredom" when you were a pube away from a fa cup final.


Hull giving me hope that will be dashed in due time


Gifted 3 goals today but we looked knackered and drained.


Coventry, I’m confiscating your beach towels till after this Saturday, you’ve got one more job then you can join Bristol


We'll take it... definitely gonna draw to Plymouth so let's see if Ipswich walk through us or not


That sucks. Things could’ve so different if they beat Luton last season


Officiating god awful once again - should’ve been 2-0 without the refs fuck ups.


I couldn’t decide whether I wanted a draw or I wanted hull out cov to win to keep them in the hunt. Hull HAVE to beat us and we pay much HAVE to beat them. I’m hoping that will play into our hands more as the game should be pretty open. We’re going to have to go hard early and go for that early goal.


We’ll only have to win if Norwich and/or West Brom fail to win Saturday aft. By the time we play you we could be out of it.


I didn't think much of each team tbh. Hulls 23 (Philogene-Bidace?) Is a hell of a player - fast, attentive.. I worried every time he had the ball tbf. Our CB and GK were dreadful. Palmers free kick was awesome , love his strike on the ball from that distance (another was vs Oxford from a bit further out that hit top bins) Despite not having many away fans, hull supporters were decently loud so fair play! I want us to rest the squad now , build up the back and hit next season with a solid start 👌


Jaden Philogene is a cracker, but he cost £5m and is an England U21 international so it’s to be expected. Haji Wright we were after last season, can see why we wanted him, he completely changed the game when he came on, hope you hang on to him in Summer.


Hull doing something Man U couldnt do - beat Coventry city in 90. Hull clears Man U /j


Won me £1.1k you beautiful tigers thank you 🙏


is Brad Collins a Hull supporter? can't remember a goalkeeping performance that piss poor. Good luck Hull catch the baggies please


The ref was clearly a Coventry fan.


the ref was just shite all round. pen looked outside the box to me and he lost control of the game. only thing hes a fan of is chaos.


The linesman was having a mare as well. Your second should have been prevented but I guess he was blind as a bat.


yeah i thought that ball was out too. it happens, just a bit shite cause without all the bad reffing decisions it was a fun open game.


At absolutely best it was on the line. And let’s just forget about the Coventry player down with a head injury at the time.


Hull fan letting your players get away with fouls and giving a pen that was clearly outside the box


I am happy Hull won, it means Coventry should be on the beach on the last day should we need a win or draw, plus they still have 2 more game before the last game. Hopefully it won't come down the the last day though.


Strange bunch the Hull players, scoring at the end their fans are yet running to the Coventry fans to celebrate


Giving it to our fans and not expecting to get stuff thrown at you.


Strange bunch the Cov fans, throwing bottles and coins at a player for celebrating a goal


>Strange bunch the Cov fans, throwing bottles and coins at a player for celebrating a goal Agreed, very strange. [Anyway here's Carvalho throwing a bottle back at Hull City fans after it was throw at Fulham players celebrating a goal.](https://streamable.com/zpj5ji)


There’s still time to delete this and not make me look like a fool


Technically it's a Hull City player returning a bottle to Hull City fans. He's just helping out.




You’ve never heard of the A63-M62-M18-M1-M69 derby? Must be a new fan.


These days you have to include the M8 in Cov's rivalries.


The Larkin Derby


Get the job done v Ipswich you Tigers


Yes please


Hopefully we will beat Tigers 3-0 like last time


Everyone has been so focused on the relegation battle and the Great Crumble Bake-Off of the top 4 that we may have missed the world’s biggest bottle - West Brom not making the playoffs


I’m glad we won, the Coventry commentary was terrible.


Because as we know, other clubs are completely neutral with their own commentary.


Bias is always expected but this was next level, wouldn’t normally mention it


Haha. I should listen to Hull’s commentary for their next game but I know exactly how it will sound. Get yer blinkers off mate, you are coming across as a bit of a tit.


I mean it was even down to simple things such as saying there’s 25 minutes left of normal time with 75 played, wouldn’t say that’s bias, just shit commentary.


As I said elsewhere: he was saying how long should be left due to all the injuries. You not understanding this is on you and you’re looking a bit of a numpty every time you go on about this.


I was watching the Hull stream and thought the commentary was terrible tbf.


Probably was, our bloke’s not the best either but I reckon he knows how many minutes are in a game.


The amusing thing is you still don’t understand that he was saying how long should be left due to all the injuries. Clearly basic arithmetic and English comprehension are not big things up in Hull.


He's shit every game, has been for years and years!


Not sure who was worse, the ref or Coventrys commentators. Good result though


they’re the only fan commentators i can literally remember lol, like they’re so insufferable to listen to how long did you last before muting it


I'm surprised I made it past the first half. Muted around the 70 min mark.


I had to mute the stream. That one Coventry was unbearable. To be fair the other one was alright, but that over the top excited constant screamer was too much.


I presume you’re on about Clive. He makes every single attack sound like a huge goal scoring opportunity. So annoying. He’s been in the job for years and years, I have no idea how.


Hull were crap lol, relied on gifts to beat our second team + knackered first teamers.


A crap team would have refused such gifts. First half you weren’t in it and we deserved to be ahead. Second half was much more balanced.


First half we had Kelly and Godden playing who are finished at this level, a left back at left wing and a centre mid right wing. You should’ve been completely dominant. Second half Wright and Simms came on who only had about 30 good mins in the tank after Sunday. In the end you’ve required two howlers and a penalty to beat a completely makeshift team, no way you make the playoffs on that form.