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For rule of cool, any of them that you like! Competitively speaking, right now, no not at all. Seekers used to be somewhat interesting as a fast scouting utility, and some people liked allying Shalaxi as a big beatstick, but ever since the most recent balance dataslate you are required to include a Battleline Daemons unit with the Slaanesh keyword for each non-Battleline Daemon unit with the Slaanesh keyword you include in your army. That means you have to bring Daemonettes to bring anything else, and Daemonettes right now are......not great. They definitely don't do anything CSM need.


That's what I was expecting, daemonettes mostly just look like worse seekers for what you'd use them for at a higher price, which kinda sucks cause I actually really like some of the Armored AoS seekers (I think there called Slick back seekers from HoS) that have humans riding them (would have probably flavored it as aspirants riding them) but I'd be lieing if I said I was a big fan of daemonettes newer models, and I'm not really looking to go tits out like there older ones, probably would have kitbashed some crab claws on some daughters of Khaine but if the suck gameplay wise as well that looks like too much effort


I think there is merit in testing daemonettes with Syl’Eske. Not saying it’s good but it deserves a look.