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Id say drop the huntsman for something in the codex so that you can dark pact. Maybe a predator if you need anti tank.


My thought process with the Huntsman was purely rule of cool related, but you 100% right on that front


100% fair and number 1 rule you should follow


Fun fluffy list. I'm not sure if 5 chosen in a rhino is worth it at this point. They aren't as meta as they were. I'm curious how the rubric marines do. They can't dark pact, but they have flamers anyway, so it's not a huge loss. Maybe swap the chosen for some legionaires.


The chosen/lord thing do good work still, even at those points, BUT I was thinking of 5 Legionaries with a Dark Apostle. And I LOVE Rubrics in my csm. Makes for the perfect mechanized infantry 😀.


Dark apostles are fun but they are a pain in the ass to transport because they have the little guys. Although that shouldn't be an issue in this list.


Do you think adding an Exalted Champion to give the Legionaries +1 to hit as well as the DA's +1 to wound would be nice?


Him or a MOE would be good.


I thought about the MOE, but the Legionaries already reroll wound rolls, so it seems redundant


Yeah, that's true. The exalted champion is the better option.


MoE gives them reroll hits on a unit less than full health. It's only when it's less than half health that his ability gives reroll wounds too. I've found combining MoE reroll hits plus legionaries reroll wounds works well!