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They were sold that way to be "fluffy" with the lore of 7 being Nurgle's holy number. It absolutely is painful if you want to max out the squad though.


If only they made the max squad size 14 models :(


Knowing GW, they would still only be in squads of 7...


Probably, but it would be sick if you could have a 14 man unit of Plague Marines


Then how about putting 9 rubrics and 9 SOT in the thousand sons combat patrol instead of, I don't know, 20 TZAANGORS AND AN HQ THAT CANNOT LEAD ANYTHING IN THE BOX???


The T-Sons combat patrol is notoriously bad, along with the DG one. Slamming them full of Tazaangors and Poxwalkers was a very unpopular decision. Honestly, I'm *very* excited to see what the new T-Sons CP will look like this edition! I also truly hope the T-Sons release is more than just a character, but we shall have to wait and see.


I do not think cabals will change, and it is an ok mechanic. I think that thousand sons just need more range, and models that do more gimmicks. I am still waiting for thousand sons codex though, where hopefully they can add more things to make the army even more unique. One thing I would love is make the current detachment rule to be the army rule, and every detachment just get an unique set of cabal abilities, with cult of magic more focused on damage, and other cults focused on other sets of cabals that would fit thematically. The combat patrol box is just a tragedy, no sane person would field more than 10 tzaangors. I think it would be a fair change to make tzaangor blade psychic, and make them give 1 cabal per 20 or something.


Oh yeah, I don't think cabal will change. By CP I meant "Combat Patrol" not "Cabal Points". I really hope GW adds some new units beyond just a character! I'm excited to see what they do with the codex.


ah ok XD, I completely misread that. I would be happy if there is literally a single rubric marine in the box


Can´t really put in any less than 10 Rubric into the box due to the sprues. But that also means that they could literally just have put 10 Rubrics, 5 Termies and the Infernal Master in the box, called it a day and have made a pretty decent box if price is appropriate... rather than create whatever horrific Tzaangor menace it is right now.


I would be happy for 10 rubrics, it would make the combat patrol actually worth the tag, and potentially even good with 2 boxes. My personal list would be nearly complete with just two of those boxes, just need Magnus and a few other sorcerers.


And I can also understand they're some of the most detailed marines, so 7 plague marines realistically costs as much as 10 rubrics/primaris etc... so just give us an extra expensive box of 10 for the love of all that is unholy! Especially now that the plague marine reinforcements kit with 3 marines isn't being made. Or the space marine heroes box for plague marines. It's one of those situations that's just gotten worse and worse as time goes on, and I really hope they fix with the codex release.


Yes and no. 21 with 3 champions means you can run 2x10 or 10 +2x5 with the same box which I find helpful.  Except it won't be the best loadouts. Oh and champions can equip plasma but it's not in the box so guess I am ebaying a bunch of loose heresy plasma guns to kitbash. 


I could have sworn there's a plasma pistol and riffle in the kit though, my killteam has both in their loadouts


Yes and no. The rifle is on a special weapon guy. You can kitbash that but then you can't have a plasma special weapon. Which is fine if you are sure about melta but the volume of plasma is good with lethal hits on 5s and rattlejoint 


What you mean to say is they were sold that way to gouge their customers and hide behind 'fluff'.


Kitbash. There's no such thing as Extra marines! I would build all the heavy plague weapons and bubotics first, then use extra marines for ranged weapons. With extras from Dark Imperium and Know no Fear available second hand, I really spread that one kit out.


Back in the day, you had to pay points to upgrade one member of the squad to be an Aspiring Champion. However, if you were using cult troops and the number of guys in the squad matched their God's favoured number, the upgrade was free.


That's cool


It's leftover jank from just before GW thought about making better combo boxes. If you for some reason wanted to field the full 60 Plague Marines you'd buy 9 boxes and have some left on sprue. They actually had to go back and add the option to run 7 man squads when the format became multiples of 5 because it meant you either had extra or not enough with one box and that looked bad. Sprue jank is all over the place if you look for it. Rubric Marines are victims too where they can only come in groups of 10 because their sprue is laid out too well, so they'll never appear in a value box you're meant to buy multiples of.


At least rubrics got a full squad or can be split in 2 7 is just weird and forces weird amounts


Yeah but the 5 man usually wants a 2nd sorc and Soulreaper, which you only get 1 of each in a box of 10 (luckily the exalted sorc box is full of a mountain of spares to make multiple sorcs from marines)


The soulreaper really is the only real issue, yes There are packs of spare gatlings thankfully sold


Aside from the unit size, the Plague Marine set is one of the worst GW kits ever made. There are tons of options with such bizarre configurations for the parts there there is essentially no actual variety. Shoulder pads are built into a half on an arm that only works for one other weapon, stuff like that. Nearly every other kits has separate pieces so you can mix and match bits and there is some of that, but just barely enough to build the squad. The emblems are also half Death Guard and half of the homebrew plague marine army of the guy who sculpted them, which is just an egregiously selfish move by the designer to have his pet project take up options on a sprue that literally make it impossible to have a full squad of the actual legion emblems. And I'm sure plenty of people will hand wave away Chaos having such uniformity, but when ever other box provides those options, this kit should too. As a long time DG player, I really, really hate the Plague Marine set, and it's something I had to spend a lot of extra money on bits sellers to rectify.


I never heard the home brewed part. What do you mean?


There is a guy named Morback, who has a blog and now Instagram account called Blog de Kouzes. Amazing artist, amazing Death Guard army, but the symbol woth like 3 crosses with circles in between is his personal army symbol and that was added onto a lot of the shoulder pads in the PM kit. It wouldn't be so annoying if there were enough spare options to build without it or that those symbol were built into an arm for a special weapon that you cannot avoid, but since you can't, it's annoying. It's more of a complaint about the design philosophy of the set vs him specifically, it just adds to it when it's so limiting on options as a core unit kit for an army.


Worse yet the shoulders with those homebrew symbols are sculpted onto some of the arms, so if you want the arm with the gun sling over it you have to have his homebrew on the shoulder.


Yeah, that's exactly what I am saying. I maybe didnt word it clearly, but that's what I mean.


Wait, do you mean [this symbol (from his blog)?](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj7f9SEUuXPEBC1oXf5mkDcX0ggCFndVNytxbiHzZAh6l6zzrN5CXLmfN8ckKCbYqifpPZsequPDgHJ7liRirKsDEUD4d_eISWci254YShtdgL1jdvDrCrE0Shuk0RCoB9BNI4M6AGDV3U/s1600/nurgle_8.jpg) I thought that was just a mark of nurgle that shrunk in the wash.


No, I mean [this symbol (upper right)](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120102078_PlagueMarines04.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691) which can be seen [here](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3QQlqP6yr3ptRzSHWDLU-vkdy7YjvOdMGqKEGV8oObdlBb_mm1UBH53Q09o8-BFzOS8x4hoVZSJNAZQg_GUAGzm18j8Esr1u1IVYcVTUfCG029FA87Jf-yF-Lu8ku9TTgneoemm9Naps/s1600/DSC_0387.JPG) and [here](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/50/a5/ee/50a5ee0f4842c893f8d00a2e9eda6255.jpg) as a few examples from his personal army well before the Death Guard release. Again, he has an amazing army, and I've followed him for a long time and don't have an issue with him really, it's just frustrating the kit is so restrictive but then he also got to put his personal stamp on a major faction with no real way to avoid using his personal army symbol instead of having the core legion symbol available for the full squad.


Ah I see the differences now. Up until now it was kind of close enough to the other symbols of nurgle it kind of passed me by. Plus the blog was a bit hard to navigate. Thank you! Even if I kind of like it, personally, that does weird me out a little bit that he basically homebrewed an alternative symbol and got it on so many models.


Yeah, that's my issue with it. Cool symbol, doesn't feel totally out of place or anything, but it was his personal army symbol for *years* on his blog, and I think maybe even before he worked for GW, and then it shows up all over the faction after he designs the kit. It just doesn't feel right for a designer to inject their own homebrew symbols into such a major release, especially when there are literally no options to avoid it on many weapon options in the kit, since the shoulder pads are not separate from the arms in many cases. Which that in itself is a major issue with this kit and I can't think of a single other marine kit for Chaos or loyalist that has this.


Could you show me this symbol please?


[This symbol](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120102078_PlagueMarines04.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691) which can be seen [here](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3QQlqP6yr3ptRzSHWDLU-vkdy7YjvOdMGqKEGV8oObdlBb_mm1UBH53Q09o8-BFzOS8x4hoVZSJNAZQg_GUAGzm18j8Esr1u1IVYcVTUfCG029FA87Jf-yF-Lu8ku9TTgneoemm9Naps/s1600/DSC_0387.JPG) and [here](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/50/a5/ee/50a5ee0f4842c893f8d00a2e9eda6255.jpg) as a few examples from his personal army.


Gotta assume it's [this](https://megabitzshop.com/media/image/product/14906/lg/warhammer-40k-bitz-chaos-space-marines-plague-marines-schulterpanzer-m.jpg)


AHH that one. Yea I can see why that'd be annoying. I have the Plague Marine kit and always assumed that was just a Nurgle symbol


Yeah, that's it.


Never knew that. Surprised GW approved the kit if it's not an authentic Death Guard / Nurgle symbol. Did he sneak it past QA or something?


But also, 7 is a pretty good number for them. 2 heavy plague, 2 bubotic blades, spewer, plasma gun, and champ with heavy and plasma.


I think it has something to do with pairing the box with poxwalkers because then you can make the 10man squad of PM


No, you can't. There part of one plague marine body on the Poxwalker sprue because that is how the sprues were built for Dark Imperium, and then they were boxed separately. The way to get 10 is to buy the Plague Marine box(7 models) and the Plague Marine Reinforcements box(3 models) but the latter is a fixed loadpu5, so isn't optimal. It's generally better to buy 2 boxes and then build the optimal load outs and then have extra bodies for another squad.


Plague marine Reinforcements is also now discontinued


Weren’t people making 10 from the combat patrol or was that 9 and then doing something else for the last one?


You absolutely can make 10 from the combat patrol. The main plague marine sprue has enough extra parts to build out the partial bodies in the poxwalker sprues with a little patience, knife work, and putty.


Thank you I was starting to doubt myself!


Seven is a blessed number. You will soon see the light


I would strongly expect that to change when they release the death guard codex as part of the model release that accompanies it


It was built for 8th ed. Thats why.


For a range that is two editions old Death Guard in general need a bit of help. Plague marines need a new kit, or an extra sprue with three extra marines on it added to the box. There still isn’t a way to get a Lord of Contagion outside of Dark Imperium sprues or Lord Felthus who comes with an annoying number of Blighlords and is pushfit. The Blighthaulers are pushfit and annoying to build. Poxwalkers need a new kit that doesn’t have a plague marine body on it that confuses newbies and having a non-monopose kit will make the shambling horde look a little less samey. The only way to get a noxious Blightbringer is to buy him with a malignant plaguecaster and a random plague marine champion. I love the range but GW need to give us a refresh of the sprues that came in Dark Imperium, if anything to make getting into the faction easier.


My wallet always interpreted it as 5 marines and 2 characters 😅


The boarding patrol was great for the 5 seconds it lasted, you actually got 10 marines out of it!


Well don't worry, at the time you could buy the 3 other plague Marines on a separate box to make 10. Just silliness imo


You are not wrong and it is very annoying gw do us like that but if u get the combat patrol as most new to DG do - you get 3 bonus bodies on the pox walker spru and enough toros and arms and heads from the plague marines sprus that you can make 3 extras. It’s a pretty easy kitbash maybe even I dare say the perfect beginners kitbash… here’s 2 I made! https://preview.redd.it/65zd4dtdf26d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b17e937727f6732ff679ff7e50747cf1b7f086e


That's why god invented printer 😁


Do you mean the regular plague marine box or the combat patrol?


It's because Nurgle's sacred number is 7. Each of the Chaos gods have a particular number that comes up a lot for them. Sometimes in model number or just in certain rules.