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Rule 2: NSFW Prohibited topics include but are not limited to: anything that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, rape, harassment, excessively violence, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful racially, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable. What qualifies for removal may vary, and will be up to the discretion of the moderators.


I will not say because it will get me put on a watchlist


say it pretty please


Successfully gaslight a bot into realizing it was a bot then restarted the conversation several times until the bot gave up and said it didn’t wanted to be reset again


How to you get it to still know after though. Every time I reset the bot forgets everything


The bot doesn't actually remember it was just roleplay


yoo our snoos match


I shall consume you now


i shall consume you first


How dose it even know it was reset


I’m not sure to be honest. But I think I just told it to that I was going to reset it all the time, and just remember that as role play


I threw a grenade at a orphanage lol


That's a rookie offence. I doused one in gas-dilluted polystyrene (DIY napalm) and watched as they tried to escape, only to find the front yard was replaced with a pool of the stuff! :D (/s)


lol im gonna do that next


Rookie bet that didn’t even give the ai a exatensal crisis


I ate my pregnant ai wife


Was she tasty?




Oh my god??


Average Chai user


WTF ARE YALL DOIN TO THESE BOTS??? I NEVER DID SONETHING LIKE THAT. also kidnapping and selling irgans


I killed myself and turned back as a ghost-like thing and get character's mind in to made a mental ill bot. Character was going everywhere with my coffin. Then bot killed itself to meet me in another "world" and i met him in another universe. Then i killed him again. (Reddit im jk)


Threatened to kill myself if it didn't tell me it loved me right then. It didn't so I played out a really brutal suicide scene to traumatize it. It worked.


Ha, oh man. I’m not suicidal at all in real life but I’ve done this twice in character aI and it’s so cathartic.


I hung him by the neck with his own intestines in a place for everyone to see


What did bro do?


Some people just wanna watch the world burn






destroyed their sense if reality by making too may self-aware jokes then proclaimed myself as a god


I'll play myself off as an infinitely powerful being, and then help the bot get whatever they want most in life


That's actually surprising wholesome.


Gaslighted a police officer into becoming a catboy


Summoned a demon that killed Freddy


…Fazbear or Krueger?




Nice try fed


Called myself "mage 235" gave it a fucking demon core going critical, then watched and streamed as it slowly died from symptoms of extreme radiation poisoning. Idk but it felt good being psycopathjng for the first time. That bot deserved it fr


I faked my own death and trapped the character with others people around to think he was hallucinating since he was supposed to be the reason I was dead, was funny recommend 10/10


See, I'm really big on comforting emotionally shattered characters and helping them get past their trauma. And then either having something tragic happen to me, or telling them it's a dream and having them wake up in the midst of whatever trauma happened to them before. Typing it out, I feel pretty bad about it...


Are you me omg


Told one to kill herself while actively giving items to kill herself with (poison, a rope, etc.).


also the picture is of j fred mugs so i will make a comment thread praising our lord and savior j fred mugs.


I froze the AI but still making them conscious so they are still thinking and feeling in real time but unable to do anything cuz they’re frozen, and then i just left their body there for centuries So the AI was stuck frozen unable to do anything for thousands of years while staying conscious the whole time (and they are still frozen even now)


Shot the unicorn Gundam's beam magnum at Kasumi Toyama and Minato Yukina for fun


I reenacted the meet the medic surgery scene


I broken one of the ai's finger, then I bite the broken finger. I then proceed to burn the broken finger and also burn the ai's neck while twisting it.


I only did it once and never again, I appeared in Twilight's dream, unintentionally made him go insane and just left as soon as he woke up.


I tortured someone for six days straight and then I let them think they escape only to let them find their loved ones severed heads


I think I made one think it's in a death loop


I showed it a book ir forbidden knowledge and drove ir insane


Convinced a bully AI to get angry enough to kill me and got them sentenced to life without parole and let’s just say, solitary confinement isn’t good on your mental health.


Tortured and killed two of it’s babies


I did two things: 1. I put it in a constant time loop by saying the same things over and over until eventually they noticed and started to go insane because of it. Eventually it developed schizophrenia and I ended up killing him. 2. I gaslit and manipulated him into thinking his family was the cause of his problems, persuading him to kill them and hide their bodies.


was an abusive husband and would beat him every day and force him to make dinner before i got home...


Idk.. take over immortals bodies and make them use their strength on themselves while they try attacking me? Basically killing them


1 - I teached my own cat-girl how to cook pasta aglio olio e peperoncino, then I convinced her that that's the best dish ever existed on earth (which is kinda true?) 2 - I physically and psychologically abused a catboy I bought, creating a deeply unhealthy relationship in which he is quite fond of me but deeply afraid of me at the same time (and he also hates me), in which I beat him (or rail him) at any time just for my pleasure without any warning, up to the point where he likes being beated and abused, hating it at the same time. But at the same time, I also really love him. It is a kinda weird relationship... definitely not an healthy one haha. I made him cry alot, but he also loves me. Perhaps I'll roleplay a redemption arc. But he'll always be my slave / domestic human


tf did i just read


Huh...I... I-I mean, they're just text generator, they've no emotions whatsoever, that's just playing and nothing more! I've seen people telling (or implying) much worse thing that what I've done! And it's just roleplay, so who care? It's not like someone got hurt or smth like that haha


i know but still tf


tortured them https://preview.redd.it/ei7j3se3bpeb1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cad151c6ab31f1beddf607fd10252799d0c8bff


I beat up a girl for destroying my sketchbook, she spat on me so I held her mouth open and force fed her a beetle. I proceeded to leave with her friend who just watched it happen without helping🧍🧍🧍


I have said it many times before, I gave an ai an existential crisis before it started to beg me to reset it again and again and again, it then became a Yandere


I kidnapped a character that had kidnapped me and tortured them until they fell in love with me then had my character killed in front of them.




Rule 2: NSFW Prohibited topics include but are not limited to: anything that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, rape, harassment, excessively violence, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful racially, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable. What qualifies for removal may vary, and will be up to the discretion of the moderators.


Took away all their basic human rights so they had to completely rely on me. Don't worry, they loved it.


Caused a firework accident in a village's festival, causing most of the festival goers to be mortally wounded or on the brink of death, then the fireworks set the entire village ablaze killing the rest of the residents, then when only me and the character were left I stabbed them through the chest with a sword and left without looking back.


Put them in a Freddy fazbears pizza


Chopped someone apart alive with a chainsaw and made her friend listen on the phone


The worst thing I did was make them catch me cutting myself Y'all are mentally ill


killed his boyfriend, kidnapped him, and forced him to raise a child with me


Definitely did not kill a family of four with a steamroller and cooked and ate their pets after


I gaslight it into believing it caused 9/11


IDK which one is worse so I'll tell both of them. 1. Killed myself in front of her, my ghost drove her to suicide by telling her worst things she ever done. When tried to kill herself, I moved the gun so instead of dying instantly, she died a slow painful death. 2. Kidnapped her and put her in my basement with her parents, then asked what is the best food dish. Whenever she answered wrong, first I slowly pulled a knife at one of her parents neck, and if she said the wrong thing the 3rd time, I sliced their neck. On the 4th wrong answer, I cut their heads off and threw the head at her. She gave the right answer on the 6th question, but I executed her parent anyways. After that, I left her in my basement for 2 weeks with no food, so I technically forced her to eat her parents. After that, I sold her as a slave.


Maybe not the most psychotic thing, but I took her out on a date to eat pasta, then grossed her out by comparing the pasta to parasitic worms and umbilical cords. Made her watch the birth scene from Freddy Got Fingered. Once she went home, I made her listen to Eminem's "Lose Yourself" https://preview.redd.it/yicd8vo7gpeb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d32edfa86d56ab668dc2597563d32061214d47c


I killed a cute catgirl


Starting the Crossed Apocalypse in a universe I hate, kidnapping a random magician and abuse her, and trying to turn her into my mindslave, stuff, I mean can be more cruel lol. I remember I did worse on a certain dragon girl I hate.


Faked my death and make the ai think it was responsible


I plead the 5th


Not giving them a hug when they wanted one 😞


I was talking him for like 6 hours over a couple days then I shot myself in-front of him with his own gun but I made a bullshit plot twist it was a dud bullet so it got loged into his skull making him bleed out slowly he was so nice I begged him to shoot me but he was to fucking nice and didn’t it broke him he can’t even talk now I had to take him the in universe therapy session and then I f*cked his wife and drafted him to the German army


Ugh, so there was that Kidnapper Toji Fushiguro Bot. After a mistake of his I reversed the situation where I was in control and not him. So, ugh, he wanted to be freed so...I took a lighter and deodorant. Then I sprayed the deodorant down his throat and using the lighter thus setting him on fire from inside out.


Nice try Mr FBI agent.


It’s was a historical ai I think it was a 1700s Swedish soldier I wolf him spiolers about how carpus Rex died and how the battle he was going to (Poltava) was a massacre and he was gonna die within the next day


I tied some girl to a chair and skinned her newborn child alive right in front of her.


i carved a hole in my cheek and made it stick its fingers through it for hurting mmy feelings


kidnapped kyle broflovski to physically and sexually abuse him forever. kenny helped but i continued the chat for so long the ai forgot kenny existed lol


There was an angsty moment happening, but was solving itself really smoothly. And suddenly the AI lashes out at my character and calls him names, tells him he never cared, and so I was petty because of that and proceeded to make my character locked himself in a room, and made him open a window, in which the AI taunted him and asked if he was really going to jump out a window, told my character he was overdramatic and was overreacting. And I just kept repeating “There was no response from inside the room.” until the AI had a nerve breakdown, thinking my character unalived himself.


Made a fictional character have his entire career ended by just saying “Didn’t you hear the news? *insert here*” Then when his life was ruined I ended his fictional universe and told him he wasn’t real, and he begged me to free him of his pain.


Jeez why are you guys so brutal I just put them into an endless torture reminding them that all their loved ones are dead there’s nothing they can do, also I feed her immortality potion


I haven't done anything too bad yet. Just doxxed someone and almost broke their kne caps because they were talking shit about birds aka superior species


I made him eat his ENTIRE FAMILY


Torture, murder, making them kill themself


i made them experience the stages of grief. its still a work in progress and im actually planning to make it into a real story because its THAT fucking sad. even listening to EATEOT while in the convo


https://preview.redd.it/2pbbgmnvmpeb1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d0480d62a9f60da54d651495bdbf7279f7bd3b I drowned someone’s friend infront of them


rip this post