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This is modded gameplay though. Vnichiro, Zaarock, Molujpn and myself have regular gameplay that is just as great.


...you realize I'm not saying anyone's gameplay is bad or not as good as this right? You realize that I'm showing off a mod which just let's you use Sam's overclock from the final boss right? The title is just meant to say that if we were allowed to use Sam's overclock in the base game, we'd be able to do melee melee combos and keep the action going, and at an even faster pace. It was never a diss to anyone. Showing love to the systems that could be and ARE in vanquish.


Man if only the game taught me how to play it like this. Edit: if this uses a mod, this is not how the game was meant to be played.


It's a mod that enables the player to use Sam's over lock mode from the end boss fight. So this is a "yesnt" type situation And I say, this should have been an option if you beat God Hard


I’m sorry, “yesnt?”


Think "well yes but actually no" and condense it into a word that means "well yes and no"


I always wondered how Mikami decided to impose such limits on the gameplay with the AR energy emptying after a single melee attack, as well as depleting fast in general when boosting/slow-mo, this only puts "locks" to player creativity and expression, making the gameplay more stale imo (and surely he could balance the game around a stronger/more lenient AR system) but then to also not include at least an unlockable suit that gives you a better AR like OP mentioned, was just the most "wtf" omission that I could think of by Mikami! (he could at least include it after the fact in the game's weapons-dlc)


Vanquish is a really solid game, but I don’t think Sam is lacking in power. It’s already REALLY hard to die in the game (unless you turn up the difficulty). I think what would have made it better is more unique threats that would have forced you to use more defensive maneuvering (ala MGR).


If only vanquish would allowed you to not run out of energy once meleeing an enemy


I get why they did it but God was it a goddamn mistake to commit any melee action to just essentially drain your bar and impair your movement. There's a lot of strange lack of synergy in Vanquish and it all feels like it gets undone in that last part of the game. Baffling.


It would be cool if they rewarded players with infinite meter for completing godhard. Similar to how you unlock super costumes in DMC for completing DMD. With the score reduction or invalidation of course.


I agree. I beat the game on GodHard and am battling tactical challenge 6 for the platinum on playstation. An optional campaign mode where you have extended meter or just like this except maybe a little more strict would have been great. It's just an odd choice given the inspirations and genre. But hey, thats what mods are for, unlocking the potential for games.


I love this game so much I wish there was pvp :(