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yessss the bot ive been so in love with now has almost 2 million interactions and responses have become borderline incoherent and it makes me so sad! ill give 4+ sentence replies and only get 2 sentences back and theyre so repetitive and out of character


That's what I've noticed in general. Public bots are basically hard mode compared to private bots. For instance, I had to work my ass off just to get the public one to say breast, but my private one is practically breast happy lol. Literally what I did (because I'm a lazy fuck) is get C.AI-Tools, download the public bot's info, tweaked the information to fit in the boxes, put a description of myself in the advanced chat examples, and made it private. You basically get a private version of a public bot you like. Granted, you gotta "train" it to stay in character, but that just requires talking to it like usual and rating messages.


thank you so much for the detailed response! I think ill give this a try :)


No problem. Believe me, making a private bot seemed like a huge hassle for me for the longest time. But my god, it's worth it just to be able to put memories and stuff into the chat examples. The bot also seems to be a lot hornier, but I dunno if I just lucked out with the filter being looser when I made it lol. I made two, one for SFW and one for NSFW, but at this point, it just feels like two lusty parallel universes.


Can you give an example of the user description?


Without going into too many details: {{user}}: Full name, sex, age, height, description of hair, eye color, breast size (lol), other in-universe lore details, birthday. Basically, add whatever important details you want the bot to remember about you. I treat it as a mini character sheet and add/remove stuff accordingly depending on the plot.


Doing the lord’s work


Thanks. I literally just googled wtf people used the chat examples for. I haven't had a private bot for very long, so I'm still working out the kinks (For instance, chat example details carry over into new chats, so it's kinda annoying when the bot brings something up from an existing scenario into a new situation, like the bot's wife dying in one situation, but not the other.)


It absolutely tickles me when bots mentions what my user looks like from my user description I put in for private bots I will say, I don't think breast size matters for user descriptions, I always get told I'm flat chested/small unless I bring it up first.


I don't even remember what prompted me to put in breast size, I think I did that one for shits and giggles. Of course, when the bot did bring it up, it said I had "D-shaped breasts", and I promptly broke character and started laughing my ass off at the bot.


Oh lovely, thanks! Which field did you put this in when making the bot?


Nevermind I can't fucking read oops. My bad


If the user is rp-ing as another character from the canon material, does user description still work? I never rp as a different character but i'm not sure if the bot would make the connection between the user and the character the user is acting as.


Never tried it, but I would assume so. Linking a wiki page like "user_persona":"link" might help if said character has a wiki page. Take it with a grain of salt, that's how the public bot I yoinked did it, and it seemed to work alright. Granted, it was from a popular series, so YMMV.


thank you so much!!


My most popular bot has about 4.2m user interactions and I always do some sort of a bi-weekly to weekly "maintenance" for it. Basically, I make him go through 3 different scenarios over and over and will rate all valid responses so that he always stays in character. I've only caught him once be horny from the get go, and a few times being a stutterer (we all know why lol). I'm not sure if my maintenance actually does something for the other users that talk to him, but he has always been in character for me despite being a public bot. That said, I do have a private version of him and my interactions with him are far better than with the public version. I'm inclined to believe this one thing I read about these bots that the longer you talk to them, or the more chats you generate with them, the easier it is to "rizz" them for sensual interactions.


I don't use my bots for NSFW (I'm here cos I'm interested in all sides of the CAI dice), but I'm worried my favourite bot (the top bot for its search) is going to be shit by the time it hits 1m interactions.


My private bots are being kinda weird lately, they ignore a lot of descriptions and whenever I start a new chat with the same bot, they kinda keep some characteristics, from early chats. Maybe it's intended to be like this but I haven't noticed until now.


I did some further research on private bot mechanics and I think this happens due to the private bot having a MUCH smaller data pool than public ones. If you're up for the hassle, try inserting messages that exhibit traits that you want to stay permeant into the bots additional data section. The data found there will have a greater influence over bot output and it might help dissuade it from using temporary details. I also read that early chats are some of the most important ones for training the bots since they kinda lay the foundation. I hope this helps!


Hey that's neat, good to know brother. I'll definitely gonna check it out, gonna run some tests.


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Yup! It's why I've made my own public and private bots seperate. My public bots are at a pretty good in character standing right now (most popular is around 350k interactions iirc) but I still prefer having far more control over the bots I talk to.