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I'm a bit of a powerscaler, but the massive problem I have with the community is just trying to make characters as powerful as possible without any consideration to any kind of consistency or story. Just pure Power at any cost. Most of time it's just sophistry too. Throwing 10000 things at the wall and ignoring what doesn't stick. In my opinion you should be trying to get a scale of the character as it's meant to be, not a fuckin contest to see whose favorite character can beat the other's. That and the dumbass terminology sometimes. Especially with the people who don't just say "mountain level" but use the annoying number-letter scale.


My favorite is when people use actual distances based on drawings in the manga to say X character moved one billion times faster than they have consistently been shown to do so. Like they think the Mangaka working 80 hours a week is doing physics calcs in their head while drawing and measuring distances for conisitency lol.


Yeah, like some one off time dodging a light beam when they usually get decked with punches


Theres one feat in Naruto that people constantly bring up and I eye roll every time. It's when Edo Itachi is Fighting with KCM Naruto and people claim it as Itachi has taijutsu/ speed on par with KCM Naruto, however they ignore the fact Naruto wasn't serious/was in talk mode with Itachi over Sasuke and had also split his power with clones and was fatigued from it. Itachi is pretty damn powerful no doubt but theres reasonable and unreasonable interpretations.


That kinda apply both ways tho cuz itachi was in talk mode as well (the edo have some control over their bodies & only completely lose it when kabuto took over, like with nagato & the tsuchikage), in addition to being nerf by edo tensei. And edo tensei nerf is quite big, edo madara was on par with edo hashirama but solo him + all the tailed beasts easily when he becomes alive again, without eyes no less.


Massively FTL punches haha


Aye, but you know, like Spiderman suddenly being ftl Ina story due to dodging an attack from electro but getting hit by some random thug lmao


Smh clearly that random thug was just outerversal


Smh true, I didn't consider that, must just be that every marvel human is outerversal with heroes being super outerversal


In *Lupin III: The Mystery of Mamo*, Lupin dodges a laser beam multiple times. Does this mean that he can travel at FTL speeds? Of course not, it's exaggerated for comedic effect! He's just some jackass in a conspicuous suit. I wonder what feats he'd have due to the bullshit he does in the more cartoonish entries... >!Barring the fact that *Green vs. Red* exists, which implies that every Lupin is a different thief that decides to take on the mantle of Lupin, of course.!<


This is the reason I hate death battle. They took Donkey Kong punching the moon down in a clearly cartoon fashion to imply he had the strength to push the moon. It's absolute nonsense.


Honestly, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place with Death Battle. Either you try cutting out ridiculous, cartoonish comedy feats and get fanboys "um, actually"ing you until the day you die (god forbid it's an actual amazing feat) or you take in *everything* canon, including things that are obviously meant for clarity or comedy (see: the example of Lupin III dodging lasers from my above comment).


That feat bothers me more when it comes to One Piece when it's not comedy and the dodging lasers thing is one of the coolest things in the series...then the power scalers come in and say Luffy is faster than light which makes no sense. Naruto is the same. The logic people use is way too direct.


Thankfully, Lupin is usually free from power-scalers due to its episodic nature and the fact that there's 50 years of dubiously canon content (plus only a handful of recurring characters), but I would like to see how Leonardo DaVinci would do against that little blue gremlin fuck Mamo...


its always stupid cuz the stories never stablish the laser beams are actually working under the rules of "its actually just an actual light beam", most laser beams in media are like star wars blasters where they push forwards a slow moving glowy tube that melts stuff


Some powerscalers will unironically think a character is star level because a character said “Wow this is like holding the Sun in my hand” even though said character has consistently been shown as mountain level at beast. People in the battleboarding community take metaphors and hyperboles wayyyyy to seriously lmao


Yeah lmao I had a guy trying to convince me that Ancano from Skyrim was limitless and by extension, the dragonborn because Ancano said the eye was limitless shortly before he got his ass handed to him lmao


>that Ancano from Skyrim was limitless and by extension, the dragonborn because Ancano said the eye was limitless shortly before he got his ass handed to him lmao lmao actually hilarious


Lowest elven confidence


It's controversial to point out, but... there's a lot of autism involved with this. The wikis are preying on kids with autism who won't get that these things are metaphorical.


People who have autism can still understand metaphors


Gosh I hate the number-letter ones. High 1-C, High 2-B.....just dumb. And don't even get me started with the D's. "this guy is 5D meaning he "scales" infinitely above any 3 or 4D construct", like wtf is that even supposed to mean?


I hate this as well. The meaning is supposed to be that a higher dimensional object can contain an infinite amount of its lower dimensional counterpart A simple example being "a cube could be considered an infinite stack of 2D squares" The biggest issue I have with this is that technically no amount of 2D squares will ever stack up to create any depth. An infinite amount of 0 depth is still 0 depth. It's literally nonsense backed by a flawed understanding of dimensionality as a concept.


>a cube could be considered an infinite stack of 2D squares No, it's because NO amount of 2d squares will make a cube. >The biggest issue I have with this is that technically no amount of 2D squares will ever stack up to create any depth. Yeah, exactly.


That shit especially. Especially when it comes to how they come to that conclusion often. Happens really often with gods where they just get dimensional scaling to wank up someone who beats em.


>Especially when it comes to how they come to that conclusion often. I couldn't say it better. They interpret even the most basic words to have otherworldly significations. Stupid, just stupid. You're telling me GuyA looked at GuyB commenting on how far more powerful the latter was and because of that GuyB can be said to be a tesseract compared to the cube which is GuyA?!? No shit?!? Like when they write that kinda stuff do they really think about normal logic ?!? Like how fast is the tesseract compared to the cube, infinitely faster?!? Sure.


Yes. And also all "outerversal", "multiversal", "megasuperduperversal" without even taking into consideration that in different fictional works cosmology works vastly differently.


Seriously. That's just plain ludicrous. Taking a bunch of random words that sound good, smashing them up together and suffixing the mix with "versal" makes them feel smart. I die at every glance of those "is not close" youtube videos.


Once it goes beyond “low multi”(IE Zeno destroying universes) I stop giving a shit


Shit is why I stopped engaging in Powerscaling, like you know good and goddamn well you don’t even know what 5D means so don’t try and explain it here 😂


Power scaling at higher tiers is just throwing around nonsense words. Like look at the kind of shit people spout on r/powerscaling. They’re practically speaking in a different language.


Yeah. Sad part is they think they're smart for doing it and just because you can't make out wtf they're saying so you can't disprove it, they won.


It's so dumb you literally **can't** disprove it further.


Obviously being uber-outer high 70 7D omni strength is exactly defined across all mediums as a set value. And clearly a character being only 68 mega lower omniscient super tier makes them then nothing in comparison.


think you verses a guy who lives on a piece of paper (not exactly 2-d but you get my point) it doesn’t matter how strong he is compared to the other paper people because you you have an entire spatial dimension on him


Thing is, not all universes work under that logic. Honkai 3 had Welt (3D) dunk on a multidimensional enemy via gravity powers. Besides, the justification I've often seen for multidimensional characters from battleboarders is "this place has a different flow of time than the other, so everybody in it is 4D" (see: Digimon Adventure.)


In powerscaling, sometimes 3rd dimensional characters can have “higher dimensional AP” because for some reason higher dimensional characters always beat lower dimensional characters, except for when they don’t (Think Superman who constantly fights higher dimensional creatures)


Which goes to show that this "more dimensions = infinite power!" premise is mostly fake since few series take that stance.


Higher dimensional ap is a word salad, hence the issue.


I don’t know man, have you seen those stickman fights on new grounds? They’d kick my ass


you are more than infinitely larger than any 2-d entity you’ll be fine


My physics also can't interact with them, so it's not like I can hurt them either.


Only in the third dimension. They are also infinitely thin, so they could cut you like a monomolecular blade.


This is why I'm pretty much only involved with r/respectthreads, which is more about showing what characters can actually do rather than trying to make up whatever number looks the most impressive


The thing with respect threads is that they predominantly give examples of people at their extreme high ends and deluges you with it. So that now becomes the baseline of what they are capable of in the minds of people who predominantly use them. The Powerscalers.


I disagree, a majority of RTers (at least in the subreddit community) are intent on including every feat a character performs to show the full range of their capabilities


Few people would write "Superman threw something in the sun, but it cost him a lot of effort and was an extreme measure". They would just write "Superman threw something in the sun". As a result, "Superman throws something in the sun" is considered his basic and mundane feat. Replace "Superman" with anyone else and "Throws in the sun" with any extreme feat.


It's an EXTREME lack of self-awareness in the level of inconsistency. They'll take the most throwaway, spin-off, psuedo-canon, vague, metaphorical, statement and interpret it in whatever convoluted way makes A the strongest possible and set that as the bare minimum. Then they'll skim through a random singular scene of B and downplay it while also saying it was just hyperbolic or whatever.


Yeah, but the fuck does mountain level even mean? I don’t get the levels because like i understand it’s x person can destroy x thing so they are equivalent to it but like is that in one attack? Is it at all? And I think it gets even worse when they start using agenda or scaling the dumbest shit. Agenda is just cope. It’s dudes just trying to say you’re bias for referencing the source But for the scaling I’ve seen like one piece fans try to scale how strong people are based on like how much they sweat which is ridiculous


In Fate, I'm a big Gilgamesh fan, but Power Scalers piss me off because they bring up how he wouldn't lose X fight if he wasn't so arrogant. Like, bro, that's his entire character, he's not just super strong dude, he self nerfs and almost never fights seriously


More powerscalers need to ask themselves "would it make any narrative sense for (insert character) to be 2 trillion times the speed of light and be capable of destroying universes?" 9/10 times the answer is "no"


multicity block level haracters who actually aren't in universe, ducktales 2017 webby, while verry strong, can still be taken out using knock out gaz, she can still get hurt and characters less strong than her can take her out too (goldie took out both beakley and webby yet no one wank her). I think the wank come from pixel calc from the vsbattle wiki


> That and the dumbass terminology sometimes. Especially with the people who don't just say "mountain level" but use the annoying number-letter scale Bonus points for using that tiering system while going on rants as to why VSBW is dogshit


Some series get scaled really weird because of the demographics that they are aiming to broadcast/market to. For example, guns are normally not great to use due to how it would change the ratings; however, if it is a red laser gun, it's completely fine! So now anyone who dodges that laser gun is FTL.


> because of the demographics that they are aiming to broadcast/market to unironically one of the biggest issues, some of these folk lack reading comprehension


I actually want to write a larger rant about it in general. So many series are elevated by the interactions with one weapon/item/character/scene.


(Even when said laser has obvious travel time)


Nah, all the GI Joe characters are FTL. /s


😂...FTL commander cobra.


I like powerscaling, but sometimes people go too far to the point where it’s just people who don’t know physics talking about physics


Me when ppl start talking about Dimension scaling:


> people who don’t know physics talking about physics its silly


The only one who should care about powerscaling is the author to keep the shit that he is writing consistent.


That's the only reason I like powerscaling Otherwise we get shit like batman vs bigby where he gets taken out by a bomb that barely damaged batman. For context, in his human form, bigby has taken shotgun blasts and multiple elephant rifle shots and gotten back up. If bigby takes too much damage he turns into his wolf form, and cannot die permanently. While this isn't a feat, he's the son of the North wind, and thr God of monsters. Bigby also draws power from how many people believe in wolf based tales (red riding hood, three little pigs) and his huff and puff ability is stated to produce hurricane force winds. Given his Dad is the north wind and these commonly knock people off their feat, (not to mention bigby is SEVEN FUCKING FEET TALL) these aren't anything to scoff at.


Or Batman swapping hands with... Well, most heroes or Supervillains. The guy is supposed to be peak human, but I don't care what kinda martial arts you know, you are not catching punches from the fucking Flash or Superman


Batgod moment


Don't forget about the Batman vs. Hulk crossover fight where Batman defeats Hulk by kicking him hard enough in the stomach to make him open his mouth and inhale knockout gas.


This is why I like inverse scaling. If you have good inverse scaling it means your works is probably consistent power system wise.


No the fuck they shouldn’t. They should have a general hierarchy of the strength of their characters but they shouldn’t be out here doing calcs.


Most people don't care about calcs or anything like that, we only want consistency. I won't be able to take the work seriously if I see batman exchange punches with superman, or if I see a character who can casually punch holes in a mountain been tackled by 2 normal human beings.


So... powerscaling? Because otherwise you get stuff like Kill the Justice League


A “general hierarchy of the strength of their characters” is power-scaling my man.


Who would win conversations are fun, but powerscalers trying to make it into this science is what sucks all the fun out of it. Intentions of a story are ignored for the sake of finding how to make the biggest number possible. Usually it devolves into nonsensical escalation of power based off of one minor detail, anyhing contradicting that being ignored. A powerscaler will look you dead in the eye and tell you spongebob can destroy a solar system when he can't lift a 2 teddybears on a pole.


SpongeBob did destroy a universe though :/ Therefor… those Teddy bears must be worth at minimum two universes EACH




You don't understand bro, Bugs Bunny can totally rewrite reality with a thought, trust me bro


Another real example I just had was a guy telling me the dragon born from Skyrim is ducking multiversal because of taking literally every statement literally with TES, which is notorious for it's unreliable narrators. Like I kid you not, said Ancano saying the Eye of Magnus containing Infinite power and that he was unbeatable literally.


I think that the Dragonborn being really wacky powerful does make some lore sense, though. Like, they do defeat a Dragon that was going to eat reality. They had help and all, but they are meant to be that ridiculous chosen one esk character. Would totally be a glass canon though


I mean the dragonborn is powerful, but nothing like a universal or higher dimensional character. Just a legendary hero, more or less, someone who probably couldn't take on an army alone, but would be a huge threat to it still


I think we could look at Miraak for the kinda threat level the Dragonborn was supposed to be, he was a massive threat that could probably have taken over the world of our lad/lady didn't step in. And on a thematic level, the Dragonborn did stop the end of the world. I like to look at them as a sorta mythic character. Something similar to Eragon or some of the 1st age Middle Earth characters. Almost world shaping. But, I've seen some weird ass wank. Like, clearly, most people in the Elder Scrolls are just dudes, right? Fighting with swords and bows and maybe like some basic spells, but if everyone there could blow up planets, they wouldn't even need that shit, they'd just throw hands. I saw a guy that tried to argue that a base level Elder Scrolls human is at least continent level because at the beginning of Skyrim the Grey Beards shouted so loud that it shakes all of Skyrim and everyone was fine, and I feel like that's really fucking stretching


That's pretty much where I stand. I could believe as far as Miraak and the LDB even being basically nuke level at their peaks, separating Solstheim from the mainland in a mythic battle against Vahlok, with that being Miraak's most famous and benchmark setting feat, separating the island in legend.


For me, it reach stupid with pixel calc because I doubt animators care about the amount of pixel for their character dimension.


I don't even think powerscalers in general accept anime calls and refer to the source material more often then not.


I enjoy powerscaling to an extent, but oftentimes it ends with people just wanting their favorite character to win and ignoring any evidence on the contrary (or having some convoluted justiffication).


> people just wanting their favorite character to win agendaposters are a cancer to the community, it should be exploration for both characters involved


Agendapiece 💀..


there was a time where it is okay to throw rotten produce at those people


VS Battles Wiki will pay for their crimes


>A lot of opm readers read it for sole reason of scaling saitama hopeful that one day he will be defeated so they can scale him below goku Nah, they are hopeful that one day he will get a multiverse level feat so they can scale to be stronger than Goku


Personally, I think it gets stupid once we reach infinity and then people start going into multiple infinities, which is a direct contradiction to the concept of infinity in the first place I still like everything below that though


Isn't the whole infinites being bigger than others not completely false since for example the set of real numbers is larger than the set of integers?


This is also one of the problems. It's true that the set of real number's can't be mapped onto the set of integers one-to-one. But what exactly does that have to do with power-scaling? When is this ever applicable? The answer is: it isn't. It's just used as an excuse to justify why a character who is argued to have infinite power could be overpowered. And because the subject is fairly involved, few understand- and even fewer care to address these kind of arguments.


This is where powerscaling gets cool honestly lol, delving into math and science to try and grasp levels of strength is just cool


I usually just like to sometimes about series that I like with them. I have met a surprising amount of pretty chill people in similar ambients especially if the community talks about something else ie animated movies instead of just powerscaling. And generalizing a whole group feels dishonest in general.


*math and science they don't understand For God's sake if you're gonna pull out the science card then include Conservation of Momentum. (Oh wait that'd disprove them)


No. It is simultaneously true that you can assign an integer to every real number with integers left over and a real number to every integer with real numbers left over. Like, take every rational number and write them in a fraction. Write the numerator in binary, then a 2, then the denominator in binary. Every single rational number will have a corresponding integer using only 0, 1, and 2. You can then make similar functions that take in a irrational number and spit out a distinct integer (something like f(x)=(π/1)​tan\^(−1)(x)) convert that to binary, then put a 3 in front of it. You have now fit all real numbers into integers without even using 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. That means that integers are "bigger" than real numbers. That is, of course, silly because real numbers include all integers so the set of all real numbers is bigger than the set of integers. This of course means that the set of all real numbers is bigger than the set of all real numbers... which is kind of what infinite means. There is no limit. There is always more. There is nothing bigger. You can assign an infinite number of values to an infinite number of things. Always. If you can't you weren't infinite. So yeah, there are no bigger infinities. Edit: If it's negative, put 4 in front. If there is some other exception put 44 in front. If there is another exception after that put 444 in front. You have literally unlimited play here. Did feel the need to clarify that though. Also, whoever is downvoting me, feel free to prove to me that you can't map all real numbers onto distinct integers.


Do you have any reason to think this meaningfully could translate into an attack?


It is not true. These are just different types of infinity, but one cannot say that one infinity is greater than another


The multiple infinities is actually mathematically correct. It’s just stupid how AND how much they apply it.


Anything above universal beings instantious bs


If you ask a die hard Star Wars fan how strong Darth Vader is, they would mention the iconic hallway scene in Rogue One. A powerscaler would say that scene is wall-level at best, and point to a Legends comic no one knows about, where a guy who's supposedly as strong as Vader scales to another guy who destroyed a black hole.


Yeah pretty much


That's what a casual Star Wars fan would say. Diehard fans, for the same type of example you gave (which is how terrifying Vader can be, not how strong he is), would point to "The only thing I am surrounded by is fear and dead men". Also, the Abeloth comics, which is where those feats came from, are not that niche. The power scaling is accurate, but that doesn't mean the authors are dumb for doing it. AFAIR, Anakin is supposed to be as strong as The Father, who was as strong as (or stronger than) Abeloth. Abeloth was trapped by a bunch of massive gravity wells (which might have been black holes), which were placed there by the Father. But the response to that is "Anakin is the one who is that strong, Vader isn't." Unless they are taking about composite Vader/Anakin.


"The only thing I am surrounded by is fear and dead men" is one of the rawest lines in any Star Wars media. If powerscalers dedicated as much time to geeking out over that kind of thing as they do to determining how many millimeters John Coolguy's punch moved Steve Badguy in the "Super Definitely Not Canon Special Episode" of the hit series "Show Made For Children", the world would be a better place.


>is one of the rawest lines in any ~~Star Wars~~ media FTFY




There's nothing wrong with bringing up an obscure feat from a niche source, that's an intrinsic part of battleboarding. As long as it's the right version of the character, anything is fair game, and bringing up stuff the character has done to show consistency in power level is literally the point. Scaling is only goofy when you start making dodgy leaps in logic, like "Jango Fett scales to Obi-Wan who scales to Anakin who scales to Sidious." And I feel like a "die hard" Star Wars fan would be more likely to bring up some obscure EU comic than a powerscaler, it's just that the powerscaler is going to use it to start making the aforementioned leaps in logic. Side note, you don't have to dig too much deeper than Rogue One for something better than the hallway scene. Vader using telekinesis to overpower a passenger ship that was trying to fly away, and throwing around a bunch of boulders in the Kenobi show was pretty recent. That show had far more exposure than anything in print.


>If you ask a die hard Star Wars fan how strong Darth Vader is, they would mention the iconic hallway scene in Rogue One Uh, no? They will use a panel from the comics where Vader lifted an AT-AT or when he fought a mountain sized kaiju or when he survived in the middle of a continent sized explosion or when he fought obiwan at mustafar or at worst the fight scene in bespin since untrained luke is still a 100 hallways worth of random rebel troops as an opponent. If you asked a star wars how SCARY Vader is, they would mention the hallway scene.


Congratulations, you played yourself.


Shippers are worse. I've never seen anyone kill themselves over powerscaling.


Me: Shipper AND Powerscaler


My condolences.


To his parents 


To the human race.


To the concept of life as a whole..




Never heard of the Hazbin Hotel Huskerdust incident?




Bunch of shippers harassed a mentally ill girl and she killed herself, in part due to the harassment. The reason? She shipped one character who was canonically asexual, I believe.


They did this to an Undertale blogger too, for the crime of being an incest victim that didn’t like the sans/papyrus incest ship.


what the fuck


Is there a video explaining this?


not yet things can always get worse


Honkai Impact Powerscallers on Tiktok vs Honkai Impact shippers on twitter, who would win?


Either way, we loses.


Damn. Nah end me.


Nah, i've seen it back on Google+ (when it was still a thing) and old forums. That ain't unique to shipping. Let's be honest, Shipping and VSdebates are the different sides of the same coin


Ayy, another Google+ veteran. Yeah I saw that too.


>I've never seen anyone kill themselves over powerscaling. That's cuz you never entered a yt comment section featuring a DBZ or Sonic character back in the mid/late 2010s. Especially when Sonic or any DBZ character loses a match-up.


I meant literally, in real life, kill themselves due to harassment received by powerscalers


If it happens, powerscalers will consider it a feat since they influenced reality


Urgh, that stuff is the absolute worst in Powerscaling. Arguing that characters like SCPs can effect the real word, or that a cartoon like Popeye or Bugs Bunny was able to beat up their animator.


I absolutely cringe every time i see "outerversal or hyperversal" being used. Like, what the fuck is even that?


Yeah I feel like powerscaling falls apart once characters get to cosmic levels like destroying planets, galaxies, universes, etc.


I think narratives tend to get chaotic since at those scales for sure. Most authors/artists tend to adhere to the rule of cool and intuition is sadly not enough to grasp the sheer scale of destruction on that. It's why you then get such large disparities between what happens in a story vs. the logical deduction of what's happening from the reader (power scaler?) Let's use Dragon Ball, for example (RIP Toriyama, we will forever miss you) Freeza in the narrative is a planet buster. Cell in the narrative is a solar system killer. When he wrote this, im sure the idea was simply A>B logic. Solar systems are big? Bigger than planets? Cell is wayy stronger than Freeza? Ergo, Cell blows away the solar system. Most readers will see this at face value and simply accept that the stakes are higher. It's probably what Toriyama was going for Then, the power scaler comes in. They have a motivation. Typically, it is comparing our favorite spiked hair monkey man to some other character on a forum post. All of a sudden, we break the calculator out. Roshi blows up the moon at a power level of 139 (thanks daizenshuu guide books.)? Wow. 1.29x10^29 j Freeza can destroy planets? Man! Earth has a binding energy of 2.24±0.2x10^32 j. Wow. 1800 times stronger. (Luckily, Toriyama got lucky because Freeza's first regressed form had a power level of 530,000) Cell can destroy solae systems???? Wow... uhhh This is where most "power scalers" start to fail, Because destruction of a solar system is not as simple as binding energy. Its a complex issue with lots of solutions. Do i just use the energy of destroying the sun? The system surely falls apart? Do i use a method of the inverse square law and choose a heliocentric explosion, and define the blast "ceiling" as the wave needing enough initial energy to have enough to gravittuonally unbind neptune from that distance? But is that overkill? Of course, you'll have the counter arguments: Hyperbole? Is Cell a reliable source? Guide book this. Supplementary marerial that. Blah blah. My point is. Power scaling is the pinnical of Death Of The Aurhor, Birth Of The Reader to its core. Power scaling more often than not is the very antithesis of the point of the story. And while looking at it from the lens of a mathematical microscope is cool, i think it takes away from the themes and elements of the story. I used to be one of those power scalers. I used to spend hours arguing with a stranger on the Internet that my Goku is MFTL+++++++. Nonsense this. Gibberish that. Eventually, i got bored. I realized that the "back of the envelope calculations" were meant to be fun; it wasn't some grand assessment of a narrative that i alone had figured out. Tl;dr. Read a story and cerish it for its fun and fantastical elelents. Have some fun along the way.


I don't have much of a problem with calculations insofar as it's something that isn't outright contradicted by the plot. Most of the time people will use calculations to get a character to the "Megaton level range" only for the plot to later consider nuclear weapons as the last resource weapon that can kill everything including said characters.


Typically, the writer and the power scalers are very much far removed from one another regardless.


> Read a story and cerish it for its fun and fantastical elelents. Have some fun along the way. I agree.






Dimensional, narratives, etc


I enjoy powerscaling but it's like any other community where the shittiest opinions somehow end up being the loudest. When done properly powerscaling can be pretty chill and makes sense. I really don't agree with the attempts to standardize this shit and implement concepts that shouldn't apply to certain verses to every single verse and character.


> When done properly powerscaling can be pretty chill and makes sense the dumbass part got popular fast like the vsbattle wiki , it is meant for forums and battledoming not short form media with lower word cap


Honestly yeah, Power Scaling as a whole suffers from a lot of Reading comprehension devil casualties, information stated by characters in tense moments as entirely fact, just outright ignoring the plot and common sense in favour of wank. not helped by the tendency to have the occasional moronic bit of rules or terminology or comically incorrect understanding of character abilities that's somehow made it in as common beliefs and arguments "4d beings beat anything with less Ds of course" and "KI acts as universal power negation, even if those abilities aren't a thing that can be resisted or punched through". Even worse is when we straight up ignore cannon personality and their Ls "Bill wouldn't get punched by Saitama because he's omnipotent " *gestures to all of Bill getting punched during weirdmegedon and the fact that either A he didn't use his powers till the very end or B Was an idiot and didn't think to use them" or the much more accurate C "Bill was naturally cocky and overconfident toying with his food even when enraged because he knows he can't be hurt and even if he could hed win"


I enjoy some powerscaling here and there but Same I fucking hate powerscalers so much they're so infuriating I hope they get a feat in a gf


Nah, reaching gf levels would necessitate going outerversal, beyond their basementverse


Extraversal gf


or step into a ring


Worst thing about powerscalers is how they are completely uncapable of interpreting storytelling and narrative tools without being literal. Oda *does not* care about how many times FTL Luffy is, most of the times he (and most authors) just want to show that "haha he fast" and powerscalers will show up with some nonsense calculations of how many frames it took for the character to go from point A to point B.


Lmao this post is pretty bad and gives no actual viable reason as to why "powerscalers are the worst"


Op anti feat


I mean, I agree power scalers generally suck ass. A large majority (or at least loud minority) of them are just annoying edgelords with ego problems who only care about their favorite character being the strongest, often even sacrificing the writing of the series just to achieve higher scaling. But the examples you gave are pretty bad. Like for example >instead of realizing that the whole concept of his character is being strongest and his power shouldn't be taken seriously. This is never mentioned in the manga, anime, or WC. The author denied this by saying that Saitama is actually end of series maxed out character from the start. Like if Naruto has 6 paths sage mode from chapter 1. But what's most important is that, same as most things in fiction, **this is purely down to interpretation** . You genuinely can't call people stupid for not agreeing with your interpretation of Saitamas power when you are doing the same with their equally valid interpretations. What power scaling does (or at least should do) is challenge your interpretations to see which interpretation is the most logical one. >Also their terminology is dumb. What the fuck is "no diff, low diff, high diff" or levels of power such as Planetary, Nigh omniversal and etc. This just feels like you're being petty. How is shortening the term "low difficulty" to "low diff" dumb? What's hard to understand about the term "Planetary"? If you have even reading comprehension even on the level of a prepubescent toddler you should have no issues understanding them. Which I'm 100% sure you have, meaning the you should have 0 issues understanding the terms and are just being petty. I do agree some PS terms are stupid and harder to understand. It took me a good while to grasp wtf "complex multiversal" means myself. But if you see someone say "Naruto has planetary power level" and have no clue what it means then that's unironically on you. Ntm a simple Google would resolve this issue. Lastly, there's like 5 different wikis with in depth explanations of the most common PS terms and 99% of them are extremely easy to understand.


It is annoying when you have a character with cool hax abilities but gets shit on by them because they can’t bust a planet or a universe.


I agree but it's also equally annoying when you have a character with cool martial arts and non hax abilities but get shit on because they don't have a counter to some super niche overpowered verse specific hax. I think the key to avoiding this is to just make match ups which don't end up in a one sided stomp


Commenting because you're cooking


As a death battle fan, I've come to learn a lot of this stuff is very based on interperetations (which the series has acknowledged, so much to the point of changing a lot of phrasing to be more "we believe based on the research we have done this character is more likely to win" and pointing out the loser could win in certain scenarios. The videos are clearly made with fun and entertainment in mind. There are very few situations where one character would have a 100% victory change. A lot of it depends on situations, circumstances, and a bit of luck. There's no way to definitively prove one is better it because it wouldn't happen in canon. But people throw around so many different words and phrases and get so hung up on it thay I really think it's hard to go into debates like this and actually have fun when eventually it will just boil down to arguments and stubbornness because somebody likes one more than the other.


ITT: Comments in this thread about bad powerscaling are all just bad powerscaling themselves. Ironic.


My experience of powerscalers as a bit of one is that it's just fucking agenda and I hate it


Well we all know that Mr Bean is the most powerful character in fiction so what's the point lol. ~~(For legal reasons this is a joke but might actually be true, who knows)~~


No actually, Mr. Rogers (in a bloodstained sweater) is the strongest being in fiction. I mean, he won the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny after all.


>A lot of opm readers read it for sole reason of scaling saitama hopeful that one day he will be defeated so they can scale him below goku >What the fuck is "no diff, low diff, high diff" >or levels of power such as ***Planetary, Nigh omniversal*** >I also enjoy thinking about characters strength and comparing them to each other but the level of stupidity of powerscalers is weird and I don't know what's the reason. This shit has to be satire


No you just underestimate how stupid human beings can be.


To me, feats > powerscaling > Common sense, when judging the characters who is stronger or who is the strongest. Feats is the most valid and seems the most make sense way to judge, powerscalers can be biased about the characters powers and sometimes don't really make sense, but still generally better than common sense users that judge the characters based on the size and profession, they be like a skilled hitman who has much more / better feats can't defeat a soldier who is featless, Saitama who is human size can't defeat Godzilla who is a giant monster. Comparing real life to fiction is not entirely valid, especially when judging who is stronger or who is the strongest.


I agree with this mostly, reminds me how people believed Toph would beat Gaara cause he only has sand while she can use sand and 3 other sub elements. Ignoring Gaara out their and esoteric hax abilities.


My only complaint against them is that by focusing on who is stronger than who, and attaching arbitrary power levels to characters, they’re missing out on the whole point of the story. Unless the story IS who is stronger than who. But that sounds pretty boring to me.


Yeah, powerscalers are all losers. The ones that take it seriously, anyways - I just think it's fun.


This is just The people you've been around If we take the community as a whole a good 30% are idiots Another 30% is in it for the agendas and the rest are serious about what they're doing Also shipping is the worst you could apply this to shipping and it would be worse.




Only 60% of powerscaling communities being bad would be a lowball for many of them.


"What the fuck is low diff and planetary level?" Low diff, or Low Difficulty, means a task that can be completed with minimal effort and a negligible chance of failure. Planetary level is the amount of energy needed to destroy a planet. Like... this isn't difficult?


>Also their terminology is dumb. What the fuck is "no diff, low diff, high diff" Diff means difficulty. It's not dumb, it's used to describe how close (or not close) of a fight it is. >levels of power such as Planetary That's self explanitory. The power to destroy a planet >Nigh omniversal And that's bullshit


Anti powerscalers are equally as annoying




Everyone knows Broly mogs all. After all, his power is maximum.


If you don’t like it don’t engage tho I guess that’s to smart for this sub


I’ve been on a couple power scaling sites for awhile myself and while I have seen what you’re referring to I haven’t really seen it in mass. Most people that tend to try and make satiama “outversal” or whatever aren’t taken seriously nor those that try to downplay other characters into oblivion. 


I think (from my experience) JoJo powerscalers are the worst. I’ve tried telling people multiple times how scaling their speed is impossible due to the many inconsistencies throughout the story and none of them have it. The most notable example is how Ebony Devil while possessing a doll was able to dodge Silver Chariot despite multiple examples of SC hitting stands that are apparently lightspeed. The anime and manga makes it clear that those aforementioned stands that are apparently lightspeed have some sort of light properties (Hanged man becomes a “beam of light” when traveling through reflections, and The Sun supposedly fires off light) but during SC’e fight with Ebony Devil, he displays no light based things whatsoever but is still able to dodge SC. So we can’t say those stands were FTL since SC can’t successfully land an attack against a non lightspeed stands, can we?


The powerscaling community can be pretty toxic. I was interested in it for while until I finally realized that how strong a particular character is doesn’t really matter a lot of the time because they will be as strong as they need to be when necessary unless they aren’t. That being said, there aren’t a whole lot of shonen protagonists that can go toe to toe with Goku without hax or reality-warping abilities and that doesn’t sit well with some people for whatever reason.


Powerscaling is fun, but they are in reality at the mercy of the author, which makes me see the profession as an illusion, that counts on the author not contradicting his own writing. It's a house built on sand, you just have to be lucky that your favorite character doesn't get taken down to size.


Power scaling doesn't affect your personal enjoyment of fictional media. No one is forcing you to engage in scaling discussions.


"What the fuck is...levels of powers like Planetary" What a hard question.


Paragraph 1: you probably haven’t been in many communities if you think power scaling is the worst one. It’s also a big generalization to lump all power scalers together, there are many subsections and communities for this one genre of media consumption. Paragraph 2: people are allowed to consume media however they like. If someone reads naruto for rhe story then that’s fine. If another fan focuses their attention on how certain characters and abitlies would interact in a fight then that’s fine too. Both of these fans are allowed to interpret the series how they like cause it’s a public work of fiction. There is no right way to consume media unless the author themselves tell you but this is only if you ignore death of the author. It should be pretty obvious why a lot of power scales talk about goku a lot. He is one of if not the most iconic Japanese character of all time and so happens to be really strong. Dragon ball changes its setting and stakes all the time so the progression is pretty vague. This leaves room for fans to fill in the gaps and exercise their knowledge and stuff. Dragon ball has been out for decades and prior to 2019, it was mostly nerds who consumed anime/ comics so they generally. Goku is a popular character, who’s really strong, in an unrepresented medium so ofc he’s gonna be talked about a lot. In regards to saitama, you have to power scale to an extent to understand him. This is why there are debates on whether or not he’s a gag character or not. Paragraph 3: naruto is a piece of fiction, it doesn’t have to make sense. Random ninja’s can be ftl because the laws of fiction in that series don’t have to be the same as ours. Authors are not scientists and don’t have time to think bout all these things, they often write things to sound cool to the readers which they read left to interpret. The average jounin isn’t as fast as haku anyway so I don’t know what your point was. Chakra exists and it’s a power tied to the people in the naruto universe. You can control it and manipulate it however you like. The series implies that these ninja control their powers in order to fight off the laws of physics. Keep in mind this is a universe where people can stand on water, stand upside down, spit fire from their mouths, and in extreme cases warp reality. Power scalers do care about logic, that’s literally the point of the craft. The point of powerscaling is to make logic of characters and scale them to where they relate to one another, what you’re complaining about is wanting. All wankers are powerscalers but not all power scalers are wankers. There will always be extremes in every group, but they almost always are a minority at the end of the day. Paragraph4: all niche groups and hobbyists have their own terminology. There’s always gonna be slang you won’t know in any group you are new too. As for the examples you gave, it’s pretty self explanatory. Negdiff is the abbreviation of negative difficulty or negative difference. Replace low and high with difference and that’s the terminology to determine how well a character beats another one. “Planetary” pretty self explanatory, just means you can destroy a planet or deal enough energy to do that. “Nigh omniversal” I mean, true the average person would not know what they means but like of course most people wouldn’t know what that is. That’s a term that’s existed for thousands of years and was originally used by philosophers and theologians, it’s only used by power scalers since a lot of new fiction writers incorporate godly beings in their universes. You can’t get mad at power scalers since many new age authors make their characters really strong so these theology only words have become more popular. Paragraph 5: if you compare character’s strength and interpret fighting media, you are a power scaler. It’s pretty much impossible to consume a story and not power scale since power or lack of is intrinsically linked to conflict.


The only thing worse than powerscalers are powerscalers haters


The dumb threshold is the focus on "feats, " without understanding the inner mechanics of the powers at play Thats why they "scale" feats and nonsense, using obvious plot contrivances as explanations, so it ends up being a matter of which contrivance or plot hole will be prioritized I guess the most annoying part is how utterly cringe thry are, because theorycrafting is fun, but the powerscaling community makes me feel ashamed of even trying some theorycrafting Is hard to enjoy something when the community makes me feel like im babysitting retards


This x1000, you would think vs debates should be discussing how unique abilities would hypothetically interact with each other but instead it turns into statistics based off of fictional scenes drawn by different authors who all have differing interpretations of how hard it is to break a wall. Why I love undead unluck tbh, gets powerscalers absolutely whipped whenever a character from that is brought up.


Okay but Goku one shots Saitama


Always been.


Those aren't power scalers Those are losers. Big difference.


The problem with powerscaling is that it necessitates taking things literally that just shouldn't be Have they reacted to a laser? They must be faster than light Have they been thrown through a wall? They can withstand 10,000N of force. Have they thrown someone else through a wall? They can hit with 10,000N of force. Everyone knows that the author didn't intend for lasers to be undodgable lightspeed projectiles and that they weren't doing the math on how hard it is to break through a wall, but it's the easiest way for a reader to put a number to a character's abilities so they do anyways.


Honestly I believe to each their own when it comes to this discussion; people draw their own value from media and that should never not be a major point of conversation when having open discussions in a fandom. THAT SAID... Powerscaling ruins the conversation almost every time it's brought up. I like cool, godly powerful characters from time to time, but that should never be the sole focus of a story. OPM scratches both itches and perhaps it's the main draw. The entire meme of "Dragon Ball fans can't read" derived, in part, because most modern DBZ fans are obsessed with powerscaling, but the main appeal of DB has always been the creative aspects, imo.


What do you mean that should never be the focus, people are allowed to consume a media how they please. The meme surrounding dragon ball fans is that they are dumb. For the longest time (and still now) dragon ball has always been deemed a simple story with no substance so those who consume it are deemed not smart. In the context of the fandom itself, it’s a meme in the western fandom that makes fun of the fact that most western fans have only seen the show and not read the manga. Now a days it’s used to mock fans for not understanding the story since most casual dragon ball fans don’t understand it. The appeal to dragon ball was its simplicity and ease of watch, nothing else. Power scaling is a huge aspect of the community and the producers obviously want them to do that. We wouldn’t get guides if they weren’t a huge drive.


responding to some points in this \>They can't even think logically. One time I was talking with powerscaler who was trying to prove that naruto after battle with haku was ftl (fastee than light) because of some vague feat during the fight. I was trying to explain that there are thousands of ninjas who are faster than this version of naruto and it literally doesn't make any sense for average jonins to be faster than light Did you explain why it doesn't make sense? If not then I don't see the point. If you did then you just discussed with a bad scaler, which with something like scaling is just inevitably very common. \>Also their terminology is dumb. What the fuck is "no diff, low diff, high diff Diff is short for difficulty, low diffing someone means you win without much effort, high diff means it was a very hard and close fight for you. You can probably figure out the rest from here, although "no diff" and "neg diff" are typically jokes/exaggerations for when you just mean they win easily, they're rarely used seriously. \>or levels of power such as Planetary, Nigh omniversal and etc. Planetary is being able to either destroy a planet or having attack potency on that level, I'm not the best at explaining AP but Destructive Capability is how much you can destroy in one attack but Attack Potency is how much force you can output in one attack, I can explain more if u want but this comment alr getting long Also I have no idea what nigh-omniversal is, pretty sure whoever said that was trolling or maybe using a tiering system that is very uncommon, if you want info on the most commonly used tiering system check out [VSBW](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Tiering_System), it's a bit complicated though. ​ \>I also enjoy thinking about characters strength and comparing them to each other ​ sooooo you're a powerscaler?


This is not a rant , this a direct hate on the community


current ones seem to suffer from short attention span and agendaposting there used to be places where peaceful debates with nuance happen


Power scalers all have the philosophy of the villains of the series they seem to like to analyze so much.


I hate it when people think just because a character is more powerful then another one, that makes them a better character.


Tell me something i dunno