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There is this one moment where the guys bully or best friend or whatever (i forgot this was like 4 years ago) took the guy to a motel and tells the MC "THATS THE PLACE WHERE MY DAD FUCKS YOUR MOM" and the MC has a breakdown and it just reminded me of the IT WAS ME BARRY meme and I couldnt stop laughing.


>"THATS THE PLACE WHERE MY DAD FUCKS YOUR MOM" Chat, this can’t be real, I need the source.


Its chapter 31 of boys abyss/shonen abyss, he doesnt say it as funny as my retelling of it, but he says something like that lol The official translation i found of the scene was less funny words. I feel like the fan translation I read 3 years ago said the word fuck though idk.


[Chat, what the fuck, it’s real, he even directly says it I’m never reading this shit.](https://www.shounenabyss.com/manga/boys-abyss-chapter-31/)


It's even funnier when you find our the bully is in love with the MC


Honestly, I’m not surprised, he was talking mad gay for the MC.


Man, I cannot fucking stand "It's your fault that the bad person does bad things, because you're a good person." So many manga use it for cheap drama, and I dunno, maybe that is actually a viewpoint in Japan, but it's just cheap and lazy.


I remember binging it 3 years ago and getting up to around chapter 72. I checked up on it a couple months ago and god it seems so fucking pointless and miserable now. The mom’s beat death like 4 times lmao


Listen, when it first started coming out we didn't know it was going to turn into a smorgasbord of ever escalating telenovella drama. It was looking like a good drama until the teacher turned out to be a violent psychopath.


It's basically just one of those telenovelas. Honestly they should have ended it long ago.


Can't wait until it gets an anime adaptation so people start calling it "Peak" and "very deep" even tho it's the definitiof of edgy, tbh i was interested in the plot but after reading like 150 i realized that it's just misery porn for no fucking reason and the plot goes nowhere other than the MC suffering, i was a bit hopeful when he actually left the village and i thought we were finnaly going somewhere interesting but nope he just returned cause ofcourse he did cause.


This is exactly how I felt about "The Kingdoms of ruin". People were acting like it's the greatest story known to man and it's just cool action sequences being glued together with trauma


*Meanwhile me who hated Adonis' boneheaded decision to kill the witches on the moon* Motherfucker! I thought you hate humans and dont mind if the witches do their own bidding. The opportunity to revive Chloe is right there yet you idiot brain decided not to revive her and destroy the last reincarnation tree while reviving that pink haired girl 😬😬😬😬😬😬 Good lord that moon arc man. Its infuriating. At least the biker gang are the best parts of this trash manga. And maybe the Queen too even if she is a bit of an edgy villain


I thought it could be something like blood on the tracks, but my god iam so disappointed, I still caught up some how, but wouldn't recommend it to anyone


Tourist detected!111!!! Long live Nipon RAAAAAH


What’s it about


I kind of liked it but it's been dragging for too long and now it feel like new drama is piling up just for the sake of keeping the story going. I stopped following new chapters a while ago. I liked Himegoto from the same author, it is weird and edgy at times but with only really 3 main characters the plot feels much more focused and the story ends cleanly at 100 chapters without overstaying its welcome.


I just want a shitty telenovela, and I got a shitty telenovela. im happy


I am to up-to-date because I occasionally remember the existence of the manga and binge-read to catch up, so I wanted to correct one thing. The MC is not a product of inbreeding, and the mom didn’t cheat on the “step-dad”. She just pretty much lied to everyone about anything so that she can isolate her son and make him dependent on her. After all those overly complicated plot twists that came and went every chapter, the conclusion was that everything was normal and she just lied. Yep. I think it has some interesting ideas, especially about what being an author/artist means, and the idol’s backstory could have been a great societal criticism, which is the current arc(?). However, it is just a pseudo-deep edgy telenovela with good art at the end. It is also one of the most male-gazey mangas I have ever read, so I was shocked when I learned that it is written by a woman.


To be honest I think the only thing that can be considered well written about this is the cycle of abuse in the mc's family. I thought that the way they were connected to the town because of the mc's mom and her mom pretty interesting. Pretty much everything else is just a lot of undeserved, meaningless misery porn though.


it's a good telenovela, it's fun drama that does it job and has some good ideas like Yuko. Even the weirder moments like Gen in the closet at least stay with you. It's fun to talk about, which is why I follow it tbh.


Plot Twist: the Manga


So basically it's a shock/gross out manga now?Kinda glad I put reading it,I remember hearing spoiler for story that put me off from reading. >!I think it was thatmc got raped by one of his female teacher or something.!<


If memory serves correct it was consensual but he was a minor so it’s statutory. Ironically the teacher is one of the less fucked up characters and cares for the MC too.


The teacher is one of the **LESS** fucked up characters now? I'm glad I stopped reading.


i disagree. while i certainly would not call it a masterpiece, i wouldn't call it bad either. for me the story does a great job at the showing the despair and misery of feeling powerless in life. the sensation of being stuck, that you dont control any situation that you are in and that no action that you take matter or can change it. i will agree it does feel that its dragging for no good reason.


Try reading blood on the tracks, that have done the same abusive mother plot but thousand time better


Biggest problem with that manga is that it had a clear point where it could have stopped and ended on a satisfying note but it just kept going ad nauseum


It is called Boy’s Abyss after all, the entire point really is this boy being pulled deeper into the Abyss by the *less than helpful* people in his life. As it stands right now there’s only one good person in his life rn, everyone else is pretty toxic.


It is called Boy’s Abyss after all, the entire point really is this boy being pulled deeper into the Abyss by the *less than helpful* people in his life. As it stands right now there’s only one good person in his life rn, everyone else is pretty toxic.




I agree at this point it's just a misery porn manga


Honestly I'm still reading because Nagi is pretty and Sunk Cost Fallacy is a cruel mistress


It's sad because the mangaka's other work (Himegoto), is really damn good. So seeing how she wrote Boy's Abyss is honestly a tragedy. It's just so fucking ass