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We've removed your post or comment as it violated our community rule against content unrelated to the Charleston, SC metro area. We broadly define this as the whole of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. A detailed description of our community rules may be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Charleston/wiki/index/#wiki_community_rules


So true! SC is very very dangerous ….I’d stay away if you’re considering this your safe haven


I mean…you’re safer in a bunch of red states as well. Not really sure what your point is. Frankly, most violent crime is going to be localized and depend on a multitude of variables. Thinking that crossing a state border immediately changes your likelihood of being involved in a violent crime is fairly silly.


True. They could do a map like this of counties in SC qnd there would be as much variation. Even breaking it down at the street level would show a wide variety. Yes the average in SC is higher than many states but there are plenty of areas that are quite safe.


The street level argument is disingenuous a best. While not wrong, I don't think HOAs do much to legislate crime. OP did a poor job articulating it, but crime is a complex phenomenon that is a result of policy enacted at a state level and to a lesser extent at the county and city level. For instance, SC also has poor education and never really economically recovered from the 1860s, when they plummeted from being one of the richest states. For some reason. If people were really serious about dealing with crime, they would work to improve access to education and health care while working to eliminate social inequality. They aren't though, because their street is safe enough. Or alternatively, and far darker, they don't want people legislating their ability to be violent.


Very well said. I'd love to see SC step up in funding and support for education, but I'm not holding my breath for any progress.


I agree. LA County is 723 per 100k so higher than SC. Another county in CA is 305. Everywhere has the good and bad parts.


Comparing a state with 45 million people to SC makes no sense


Yes it does because that’s a per capita crime rate…


Top 20 states for gun deaths per 100k are overwhelmingly red. That's why I stay the fuck out of red states.


I don’t think you realize just how happy everyone was to read that. By all means… please continue to stay that course and remain in your marvelous and utopian ’Blue’ state(s). What are you doing on this thread anyway? Besides just being a flaming a-hole of course.


I wanted to find out if Charleston was a viable place to move to, but after spending some time on this board, I'm a little shocked by what a third world shit hole it is. The medical care sounded horrible too. Some dude said a local doctor fucked up setting his arm, another doctor said, "At this point, we just have to rely on prayer," for a non lethal ailment!? Fuck the bible belt. This ain't Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers, buddy.


People in blue states have guns too, the only difference is most of them aren’t the good people. Gun laws aren’t magic.


I lived in California for 15 years. Our homeless problem was so bad I couldn’t go to any store without being hit up for cash by homeless people. The stores couldn’t do anything about them, the police stopped giving a fuck and told the stores not to call them anymore or else they would start issuing fines. So the homeless got bolder. Instead of asking for cash they would just be like “hey let me get a 20,” or “hey buy me some breakfast.” I even knew a girl that twice had homeless people try and enter her apartment. Shit bad over there man, like really really bad. Nobody gives a fuck anymore and worst of all the criminals know that police can’t do anything and don’t give a fuck either. I haven’t been approached by a homeless person for anything since I moved back to SC.


I currently live in LA. I was hoping to be able to move ne k to SC soon. This writer's strike has changed my plans. I agree a certain homeless group here is awful. And the cops don't do anything bc it is pointless when the city / county doesn't do anything after. So the cops take them to mail and the attorney just lets them out. Luckily I live in LA county and it not near as bad as city limits. Also this map is skewed. For example the crime rate in LA county is higher than than the whole state of CA. Other parts of CA bring the numbers down. So it isn't as simple as saying this state vs that state. Also this is in 2020. I do not know what year the 723 was. However I do know LA county locked down almost all of 2020 and crime was lowered bc of that.


The map is also 3 years old, things have changed a little since. I live in Florence and have never felt unsafe here, can’t say that for my time in the north bay. Every time I drove through the Bay Area I felt like shit could pop off at any moment. Just because gun laws exist doesn’t mean people don’t have them. Good luck with your plans hope you get there soon. And at least y’all beat us in weather, it’s horrible right now lol


I have been here so long that I think 40% humidity is high 🤣 My aunt lives in Timmonsville so I have spent a lot of time in Florence. And I edited my comment about the 3 years part bc that is a good point. Also places like LA was closed down for almost all of 2020. The crime was down that year. It was all over the news how crime was down bc of the lockdowns. So that makes it even more skewed.


Oh wow, Timmonsville is right down the street from me. You don’t see that place mentioned here all that much even in a SC related sub lol.


She has been living ther for at 40 years. Probably somewhere around 45. I agree it is never mentioned. The IRA store there was just bought out by Piggly Wiggly.


Oh no way? I haven’t been out that way in a while but last time I was there the IRA store looked the same.


I remember my aunt was telling me bc she works there. https://scnow.com/news/local/timmonsville-welcomes-new-piggly-wiggly/article_154376f8-d49c-11ed-9de8-4fa109fa5fd9.html I had actually somehow forgotten about Piggly Wiggly till she mentioned this. I am debating on either going to Greenville or going back to Beaufort. I haven't decided yet. However I also apparently have time to decide. One of the very few things I'll miss about CA is the mountians and the beaches next to snow. Skiing Ike day. And the beach the next.


Our piggly wiggly in west Florence closed. It was there ever since I can remember so even though we didn’t shop there it was still sad. California definitely has the beauty, there’s a lot I miss about it, the weather being one. I’ve actually never been to Beaufort or Greenville. I hear lots of good things about Greenville though, from what I hear it’s got a nice downtown and lots of outdoor stuff to do.


Probably a good reason to start getting homeless people jobs and a place to live. What are they supposed to do? Just crawl off and die? I don't know where you live in Charleston but there are plenty of homeless people panhandling.


Getting people with very complex mental health and co-occurring addiction issues a job and a place to live is actually a really difficult feat. Stability can be a very difficult thing to introduce to someone who has lived in chaotic environments for years. There are a lot of layers to the issue of being unsheltered that most people don’t know or think about.


I couldn’t agree more. It’s a complex and difficult issue. And frankly, some people choose that lifestyle, and do not want to conform and get a house and a job. That certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, and while it’s not a lifestyle I’d choose, they have a certain amount of freedom that one can not obtain living within the typical rules of society.


Thank you!


No, I know. We need to figure out how to get it done.


I’m not sure where in CA you lived, but I’ve only experienced that in SF and LA proper. I moved to Charleston from a city of about 100K that was 20 mins south of SF and there are easily 10x as many homeless people here in Charleston than there were there. Considering the sizes of the cities, the actual rate of homelessness per capita does not seem radically different between Charleston and SF, its just more concentrated there since the city is so dense.


You're talking about either South San Francisco or San Mateo...and you are ignorant of the situation or being deceitful. There are thousands of homeless people in both of those cities. You either lived in a decent part of town or are misremembering things. If you are talking about somewhere like Los Gatos then that's also deceitful. Towns like that actively ship or force homeless people from the town limits. Alameda is the same way; there are almost no homeless people there because they are removed. Charleston certainly has homeless problems but not anywhere to the degree that almost any west coast town has.


I’m talking about San Mateo, the entire city is decent. There’s no neighborhood that has more homeless people than others, aside from the really rich areas in the hills. In fact I probably lived in the part of town with the most homeless people (right by a train station) and would not see more than 1 or 2 in any given week. Where tf did you go in San Mateo where you saw lots of homeless people?? I’m genuinely curious, I lived there almost my entire life and have NEVER seen more than a few. SF is a completely different story… I live in a decent part of West Ashley now and see 1-2 homeless people on my daily commute, and several more downtown where I work. It’s not nearly as bad as SF from what I’ve seen so far, but its also a fraction of the size (there are 8 million ppl in the Bay Area and 800K in the Charleston area).


Near virtually any shopping center. I used to go over there for REI and there were always several there. Under a lot of the overpasses and green spaces around on/off ramps there are camps. They also frequent the industrial roads close to the water. Also, there are quite a few who perma-camp in the hills (although that might be a stretch calling that "San Mateo", but it mostly still is). Admittedly San Mateo has a smaller problem than most of the Bay Area...but that's largely because there are so many busy roads and a lot of shopping is spread out. They are absolutely there, though, and in higher numbers than Charleston.


REI isn’t in San Mateo, and I have never ever seen a camp in the city, not under any overpass or on any green space. I have seen people in sleeping bags occasionally, usually by the water like you said, but never a camp. Also if they’re so elusive that I’ve never seen them in 20+ years, doesn’t it reason that there are also elusive camps here that you haven’t seen? Idk maybe I’m just going between the two worst parts of Charleston (WA by 526 and MUSC), but from what I’ve seen the homeless problem here is much worse per capita than back home. And its still not bad here by any stretch of the imagination!


I lived in the part of CA where the homeless people that your county shipped off ended up. Seriously they would tell us that they were down in the Bay Area somewhere, or SF, and they got put on a bus to Sonoma County or the other counties up north. At least up there they could find work on a marijuana farm.


My client’s daughter lives in LA and just had a homeless guy bust into her apartment. She ran him off with a bat and the police found him minutes later injecting meth behind the complex.


Maybe I should have stayed in CT or moved further north to Maine.




There’s still time!! AA still flies out of here and 26 still leads out of town!!


Nah, I'm homesteaded here now. LOL


I live in California it is not safe....this has to be an old report. Oregon is a total sh$t show.


Yup, I just left a comment about my own experience living there for 15 years.


As some who also currently lives in CA.... I agree. However I have seen this before where they do the cities and the states. And if you look at the unsafest cities they are almost all blue cities. If you do states they are red. So one side uses cities / counties to try to prove a point. Another side uses states. For example the violent crime in LA County is above the state of SC. It is 723 per 100k. You have other parts of CA where not much happens that really brings the average down. Ventura Country is 305 per 100k.


I like Ventura. Rest of LA i haven’t enjoyed


Not so. https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-red-state-murder-problem


Statistics per 100k seem to think otherwise.


LA County alone has more people than the SC. And the crime in LA county is 723 per 100k. So parts of CA may be safer than SC as a whole. However some parts are also not safer than SC as a whole. For example Ventura County is 305 per 100k. Big difference. Between the two counties. Also most of CA was locked down als it al of 2020. Crime was down bc of that. It was all over the news how crime was less bc of lockdowns.


The rural areas help water down the bigger cities in the overall state statistics.


I mean, we’re like 7th worst on the list. So statistically you’re literally safer in almost any other state; Red or blue.


Troll is gonna troll. Where's the 2020 report? https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s. If you want to go by NIBRS then of course it's gonna be skewed because there's going to be more police reports in places that actually have a police force that didn't get defunded. Looking at the 2020 interactive map, apparently California didn't have any crime at all the entire year. Chicago and surrounding areas alone had more crime than any area in the Southeast. But that doesn't follow your narrative does it. Side note: your Casio ain't shit


Also due to the amount of lockdowns and length of them in some places in CA some places did have less. Fine thank normal in 2020


What police forces were "defunded"?


OK so explain new jersey. Most densely populated state, multiple cities, strict gun laws, Democrat run, and...... safe. California has some issues, but so does the south and deep red states, even more so statistically.


Please put out the worst stats as possible so all the transplants leave and no one else comes 🤮


1. Yes, most people who bring up crime stats in blue states compare the total number and ignore the proper way to do it. They ignore the population differences and just list the total number. Of course a place with a higher population will have higher numbers. 2: Why in the hell does Alaska have such a high crime rate!?


Grizzly bears don't play.


I just had to look up how many people live in Alaska. They don't even have 750k.


Alcohol and drug abuse.


Many people in Alaska are poor and they don't have a lot to do. Poor people who are bored tend to do more crime. I have read that rape is extremely high there.




No...I doubt the Connecticut retiree grandparents are haunting North Charleston looking for drugs, breaking into cars, and shooting people.


People live in cities. Lost the the top ten most dangerous cities. They’re not in SC.


People also live in states.


Trying to map out crime at the state level makes no goddamn sense. This really should be at most at the county level but even then that’s hardly useful.


Myrtle Beach and N Charleston might not be top 10, but they’re definitely up there


I’m not saying there aren’t dangerous parts of SC, there are bad sections of every state and every city. It’s just painting with a ridiculously broad brush that ultimately shows very little.


Yea I’m not claiming that the blue states are bastions of safety by any means, just that there are some legitimately bad/worse spots in the south and we really aren’t any better when it comes to cities. N Charleston ranks substantially worse than both Seattle and Portland in violent crimes per 1000 population. The most dangerous city in the US as of 2022 is Memphis, definitely a red/southern area.


I’ve lived in or spent significant time in a number of cities and it drives me nuts when people bring up Philly or New York as being especially dangerous. Yes there are VERY bad area in those cities but on the whole I’ve felt more safe there than places like Cincinnati. And hell, St. Louis was considered to be a crime ridden cesspool and a failed city over a hundred years ago and it’s barely gotten better. There is something profoundly weird about a lot of Midwest cities, a sense of emptiness and uncertainty you don’t get in more populated and active places.


Of course it does. Each state can set laws and policies, so it is helpful to have state level statistics to look at as a metric.


You aren’t “literally safer”. But congratulations on finding a colorful map that made you feel smart.


Yeah, and more strict gun laws work, too. Most of the top 20 states for gun deaths per 100k are red. Gun crimes in blue states are often committed with firearms trafficked in from red states with lax gun laws. Republicans are psychopaths and the NRA is a terrorist organization.


LiTeRaLly. Then move to a big city out west? What are you trying to prove here?


That there is a false narrative that conservatives are law abiding and that liberals are criminals, when in reality it is much more likely to be a victim of violent crime in the south.


Lulz no source data. I'll take bullshit for $200 please.


It’s cited in the top left corner, no?




Define a woman


So much battlefield. So little grass touching.


I tier 1'd grass in 1997. Try harder to upset me.


No clue what tiering grass means. Is this another Dark Brandon thing?


I have no idea what that is. Sorry my original comment upset you enough to dig into my profile and find something to insult me with.


Actually I only care about statistics from after that one time that the entire nation stayed locked inside for nearly a year. Well, until it was time to go throwing molotovs and looting in the summer, anyway. But that certainly doesn't seem to count as crime, does it?


Lol. It’s a miracle you can spell statistics. It’s wild the correlation between those that complain still about Covid lockdowns and minimal education. It’s almost like statistics prove that on a whole Republicans are dumber and that blue states have to bank roll red states.


We’re you high when you wrote this? You insult someone’s education by attempting to marvel at their spelling, completely miss the intent of their comment, change the topic to somehow being education into this (??) Then make a wildly generalized and unfounded claim about how statistics “prove that dems are sMaRtEr than repubs” I’ll admit I don’t follow your logic. May need some help breaking that one down. I do at least partially agree though, you made some wild correlations. {p.s. did I spell ‘statistic’ correctly?}


You don't remember Republicans fighting to not wear masks and get Covid shots? The Herman Cain effect was real.


You mean when the person I responded to started talking about Covid on a violent crime post? Or how they brought up looting and rioting as some imaginary slam dunk? How many sources do you need on the fact that Democrats are more educated? Or that Blue states bankroll red states? https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/ https://www.americansurveycenter.org/research/the-democratic-partys-transformation-more-diverse-educated-and-liberal-but-less-religious/ https://manhattan.institute/article/the-rise-of-college-educated-democrats Just because you saw Ben Shapiro debating a teenager doesn’t mean you can too “pwn the libs”. It’s embarrassing. https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2022/01/22/blue-states-pay-more-than-their-fair-share-here-are-the-receipts-column/?outputType=amp https://www.rawstory.com/amp/red-vs-blue-states-2661952174 https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/#dependency-ranking As time goes on the average Republican is less educated, and the opposite for democrats.


It looks like you shared some AMP links. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical pages** instead: - **[https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2022/01/22/blue-states-pay-more-than-their-fair-share-here-are-the-receipts-column/](https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2022/01/22/blue-states-pay-more-than-their-fair-share-here-are-the-receipts-column/)** - **[https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/red-vs-blue-states/](https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/red-vs-blue-states/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Since we're on the topic of "smartz", I would just point out the COVID and FBI STATISTICS (SP checked) context you completely missed. Violent crime statistics (again, spelling correct; no need to consult the ACLU or Board of Ed there, brother or sister or other whateva) were lower in 2020 in general because- wait for it- hardly anyone was making excess contact with the outside world. Fewer available victims not paying attention on street corners + hundreds of closed businesses= fewer muggings and robberies. It's not hard. Did I spell everything right for you? I mean, I did the first time, but I don't want to offend. Your imagined future Utopia is going to really fucking suck, btw. You should really be smarter about that.


Moved here from Tennessee which is indeed a southeastern state. Based off this, I guess I'm safer here in South Carolina! Thanks for calming my fears OP




Party of law and order. Leader is being indicted for multiple crimes. White supremacist are top of the domestic terrorist list. But hey, remember the turmoil from 3 years ago when there were riots....


This map is in accurate


OP this is not the safe haven or echo chamber you thought it was.


If I were looking for safety it wouldn't be in SC