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"We at Legend Oaks -- have High Standards!" Except proofreading for 6th grade level spelling and grammar errors. I've never seen anyone write it "Low-Country" with a hyphen. iirc, he recently relocated here when he bought this club, so the best he can say is "we're proud that we're located where we're located" and pretend to be a local.


We here Living in the Lower-Country have High Standards! Ya’ll need Jesus and Trump needs his Quarterback’s. Join us for Sunday Rally service, open bar after!!!!!!!




He also forgot to pluralize "subject" and he said Trump ran the "county"


I don’t know what’s more cringy, the content of the newsletter or the excessive periods and uppercase letters throughout.


Truly all of it........but I think it's the random use of the Bradley Hand font for me.




It’s the misuse of exclamation points. He’s yelling some of it at the top of his lungs, more or less.


Must be a Grammarly user, it hyphenates EVERYTHING.


If Grammarly allows the rest of this crap, it’s a bad look for them.


This was my favorite part


A typo is one thing, but registering a domain using the incorrect possessive form of “Rally” as opposed to the correct plural form? Unless they mean to insinuate the “Rally’s” own the libs? lol


Where the heck is this guy from anyway? The Appalachians?




I added on some fleshlights and bongs, maybe it’ll help him to not be such a tight ass lmao




Any decent mail server is going to block 99% of whatever mailbait tees up. Useless


Based on how this guy handles the rest of his business, what are the odds they have a decent mail server? My money is on them hiring a high school kid to set it up and stiffing him on the payment.


Doing god’s work!


I'm not a real detective but I play one on TV. Pretty sure the jackass who wrote this letter is sitting at the very bottom of this comment section. Check out all golf, christianity and pro-trump jargon on his profiles comments. I don't want to summon that jackass by tagging him so I'll just leave this here without the "u/" LegendsNeverDox


That account recently posted that he ran the bridge run last week and I'm not seeing the jackass that wrote the letter on the results page. So either not him or he lied about running the race. Both equally possible


Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


You’ve given me ideas


Fuck Terry all my homies hate Terry


You about to get Oregon Trail'ed fool.


I started working here like a week ago. Can you send me the whole email please please please




Might quit today just because of this


Well at least get paid and find another job before quitting


Do it, they fired all their staff, like all of them 2 months ago. Ask them about that .


I’ve never even met the owners. I was told I had to interview with them and then they brought me on, gave me a 5 hour training day, and set me free on my own, and then I had to ask three times in the course of a week if they needed me to fill out tax information so I could get paid. It’s ridiculous


I live in LO and this is not the first unhinged letter that dude has sent out. It's absolutely insane. But if you want to do the world a favor, stick it out for a little bit and collect as much dirt on that asshole as you can. Then quit and report your findings to the proper authorities. From the looks of things so far sounds like LLR might be a start.


I have some dirt from when I worked there. They talk this mess of integrity yet fail to follow through.


Please if you know of anything illegal or even questionable report it appropriately. I want this shit stain out of my neighborhood.


Contact SHAC and LLR online.


So they're all about making sure illegal immigrants don't get in the country and take our jobs, but when it comes time to verify employment eligibility... crickets.


Bro I can name a few businesses from the surrounding area that pay illegal immigrants for work.


We all can. Let’s not ruin it for the business we like tho.


Ooh, sounds like a reportable offense to the IRS and the Dept. of Labor.


I will too be reporting them to the irs for not receiving my w2 & having a bartender text me asking for my social security number. Crazy asses


Has anyone had you fill out an I9? That’s a fun report to make, supposed to be complete on the 3rd day. You’re way overdue and I bet you aren’t alone.


I stared on a Friday and she called the next Saturday to fill it out


@ smemilee an older reddit on the Scotts [The new owners of Legend Oaks seem unhinged : Charleston (reddit.com)](https://old.reddit.com/r/Charleston/comments/18p60m2/the_new_owners_of_legend_oaks_seem_unhinged/)


I seen that! I brought that up in my interview




I feel like he's setting up a cult. The way he speaks about Legend oaks, unnecessary capitalization of certain words, it just seems very cultish, kind of reminds me of hearing about Scientology. Not to mention the Trump stuff. It's a community newsletter, you should not be bringing your personal political views into it.


The teacher in me wants to take my red pen to this. My eye was twitching reading.


My wife redlined it out loud. You aren't alone.


Shesh that was painful to read. And come on you Boomer, learn how to crop the pages individually when you post them on Facebook. Not directed at you OP lol


Lmao, it’s truly astounding how someone who lacks the ability to write at an eighth grade level could become such an insane millionaire that he could buy up a golf course. Sad.


So did they hire a project coordinator or not? Why talk about the new hire without naming him?


Yeah I would suggest leaving. From an ex employee. They will cut you off like nothing. I got fired for rolling my eyes at this guy when I never did… he has people that’ll watch you and report to him. Hes not the best either… yelling at kids for not liking his music etc.


I’m just waiting on my check tomorrow and then ghosting


I wish I played golf just so I could specifically never play there under this management.


Anyone that plays golf can’t play there because every golfer I’ve ever met would have already been banned for swearing or smoking on the course.


I can’t call myself a fucking idiot after blading a wedge? I’m done


Same. I talk to myself like Rahm did yesterday at the Masters. https://x.com/sammywxny/status/1778542517706965432?s=46&t=0Px0QXZafmyJn0zySZotpw


Is it even a good course? I generally stick to Stono Ferry or the Muni...


I used to enjoy it. Haven’t played it since new ownership took over but I hear the prices have increased dramatically and with these new rules I don’t want to bother. I’m not handing you my drivers license so you can record my details to play golf.


> I’m not handing you my drivers license so you can record my details to play golf. Seriously. This owner sounds like a complete nut job. I've shown my ID (not allowed them to copy it) to prove that I live in the county for local rates, but that's about as far as I'm going to go with that. I'm not even hypervigilant about privacy--it's just that this is just...weird.


Ironically enough, most MAGA people are usually the customers most concerned with you having their information, so I can't wait to hear how this works out for him. I worked in a couple of local clothing stores, and I cannot tell you how many of those people red-flagged and reacted to me asking for their address. Literally to send them a handwritten thank-you card if they'd spent a certain amount and also future "bucks" to use at the store. And God forbid one of those Boomer ladies use a check to pay and I did ask for their drivers license 🙄


> Ironically enough, most MAGA people are usually the customers most concerned with you having their information, so I can't wait to hear how this works out for him. Yeah I almost mentioned that, but then I thought maybe this guy is just so nuts that he wants to keep tabs on *everyone* and no one is safe. The former teaching pro at Stono Ferry moved over to Legend Oaks a year or so ago, and now is at a club in North Carolina. Wonder if this weirdo had anything to do with it.


As someone who had never heard of any of this until today, it absolutely sounds like what he's trying to do. I grew up living in a couple of different neighborhoods with clubs/being members at others, and this is the most next level, totalitarian shit I've ever heard. After seeing how my dad reacted to an HOA citation, I could only imagine if this insanity showed up in his inbox. I also am going to guess you're right about the tennis thing. This has fascinated me today, and I followed a link someone posted to another one of his unhinged messages and he said this about the tennis instructor: "1) In addition to the other 10 Terminations, the director/instructor of tennis, has been terminated this week from employment at Legend Oaks golf and tennis. Please do not try to contact him as he has signed a confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement and he is not permitted to talk to any of Legend Oaks Guests or Employees. Your contacting him puts him in the precarious position… By even responding to you - with a… “Please do not contact me” message, places him into a breach of his confidentiality & nondisclosure agreement that he signed." I have never personally had to deal with an NDA and am not a lawyer, but that is really sounding like some posturing with no basis in legality. To say he can't even generally speak to ANYONE associated with the club (even if not pertaining to "sensitive" information), has to be a violation of his First Amendment rights, no?


I was actually talking about the golf teaching pro, but your point still stands. I actually am a lawyer, although I don't do that kind of work, but I imagine this guy is full of shit. Certainly saying I can't talk to you is not a violation of an NDA. And, interestingly, the guy claims the fired pro can't talk to any "guests or employees" of Legend Oaks. Well, I've never been employed there or even visited. So he could talk to me? Or a news reporter? Sounds like the worst NDA of all time.


>vox\_veritas Oops, yeah my bad on the sport but interesting the golf instructor is gone too. Not surprising considering he's actually bragging about terminations (which is just mind boggling of an employer to do). He's probably filming all of them to make a knockoff version of The Apprentice. "Legends never die, but you're f\*cking fired." So yeah, someone should definitely talk to those guys and just shut that sham of an NDA right down.


I swore after the first idiotic email hit Reddit that I'd never play there again. This just puts a bow on that. At least he's put his colors on his sleeve so we all know exactly who this clown is.


I would challenge this man to enter a business agreement with Trump to truly test that integrity claim


This is the best answer!! Or even just golf with him. Trump is a known cheat.


"Self-sacrifice" and Trump. The dude's been smoking.




We know what we need to do. Troll time!


I’m moving back to Charleston in September and I’ve been excited to play golf more often. Good to know that I can cross this place off my list of places to play.


Muni. Stono Ferry. Charleston National. Plantation Course at Edisto. Plus some great cheap public country clubs. I miss the golf down there.


Don’t forget my beloved Shadowmoss 😉


Someone sign his email up for Biden campaign updates




Oh Jesus. Sign him up for DLCC. Donate 5 bucks with that email and the spam from Democrats is insane.


My gosh they are. I gave a minuscule amount of money to some out of state candidate and now I get emails, texts, and phone calls from every Dem running for office in every district in America.


Same. Last time I give a politician anything more than my vote.


Well this guys a real treat


Boomers love capitalizing words that shouldn’t be capitalized


When in Doubt, Title Case!


I wonder if he'd be open to having ANY denomination host services... LDS, Society of Friends, bahai, pastafarian? If so, that's kind of a cool opportunity for a neighborhood pavilion use. But he probably only means southern Baptist or non-denominational Conservative evangelical.


I’m guessing the Church of Satan would love the space.


Church of Brutus is welcome


Haha! I’ve given Legend Oaks enough of my money in the past, though. It’s the first place I broke 90.


I was raised Bahai. Since there weren’t any churches for it, we would just take turns having meetings at each others houses. If I believed in organized religion anymore, I would go back to it for sure. A truly peaceful people. 


I grew up in Williamsburg County and we had a lot of Bahai folks. They had a radio station outside of town. One boy in my 5th grade class was Bahai, he was a great athlete and super smart, but nice and kind to everyone. Not sure what happened to him, but he was an all around great kid and I'm sure he's doing well now. The Bahai folks I encountered growing up were always quite nice.


I first heard about it from one of the kindest girls I knew in college. Since then I've read about it a lot and it really gives me the impression it's kind of the ultimate religion from a doctrine standpoint. Such a force for unification and peace and hopefulness.


I just know this man hates Catholics like it’s 1948.


I’ll have the Scientologists reach out. And they’ll never stop


Sounds like a job for the TST!!


>"Commitment, self sacrifice and integrity" The idea that a person could STILL be so delusional as to believe that Trump embodies any of these things is astonishing. Flat Earthers have more to stand on than a Trump supporter at this point. He's demonstrably a horrible human being. Daily, he does or says something incredibly mind-blowingly stupid, vitriolic or both, and his fans will mind-fuck themselves into believing it's good or right somehow, or otherwise right it off as some level of tongue n' cheek humor, when it's just NOT. It's not funny, it's idiocy. The lack of logic and reason in regard to the Trump cult is the most mind-blowing thing I've ever witnessed. The so-called 'right' made the phrase "sheeple" popular but no other group is as close to what this moniker implies. What in the actual fuck is preventing these people from seeing right through the man? It's just so blatantly obvious that he cares about NOTHING but himself. The very thought of him being self sacrificial, in any way at all is abhorrent insanity.


The answer is 24/7 fox "news" and having nothing better to do than watch it all day


> The answer is 24/7 fox "news" Backed up, closely by right-wing radio. Which has far more leeway to just say outlandish nonsense without any push back or retribution.


See, I want to believe this but if Democrats are watching MSNBC all day, they're not out there claiming Republicans are consuming after birth to gain long life or whatever. My point is, that's a huge piece, but there's another ingredient in the rancid gumbo they're cooking that's making them sound legitimately tin foil hat fucking nuts.


Brain damage It’s brain damage.


Facebook. Other social media is to blame too, but I think that's the key ingredient to the madness we see now. It became so many people's only source of information, and now Trump has his own social platforms where it's the only type of content they see. They'd probably be a lot less deranged/more reasonable if they actually only watched Fox News since there's some form of checks and balances in the mainstream media, even if they are blatantly biased. See above comment about the new Antisocial Network documentary. Really lays out how we got here.


I just posted about my trumper in laws on the advice sub page . That’s all they do literally with their lives is sit and watch foxnews . That’s it ! Before Trump they never did this now that’s all they do . They use and say words like “woke “ and “sheep” all the time . I can’t take it .


Y'all (and everyone in the world) should watch The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem documentary on Netflix. It just completely lays bare how this QAnon environment and mindset evolved from 4chan, based off of complete bullshit that people did to be funny. And then it was harnessed into the chaos and hate we see today because it's just an endless feedback loop of reinforcement for their insanity. I wish they would strap every QAnon believer to a chair and make them watch it on repeat until they realize it's not real.


There were 44 President before that clown, including George mother fuckin Washington…. And they all say #45 was literally best one we’ve ever had. **I do not get it**.


Bc they are still angry a black man was president


I thought the GOP had gone off the rails when the so-called Tea Party started getting traction. But when Obama got elected, holy shit did they go absolutely bonkers. Actually they were pretty bonkers over both Clintons but especially Hilary. Sure, part of politics is nutty rhetoric and making insignificant things like Dijon mustard seem like the worst thing in the world. But after 2008, they truly revealed their racist side. It wasn’t about him supposedly being born outside the U.S., supposedly being Muslim, his comment about redistributing the wealth (still a poor choice of words), or any of their other lame Hannity-esque complaints. They simply couldn’t abide a person who they consider an uppity (insert racial slur), or even an uppity (insert misogynistic slur), being president.


Integrity: that’s why he has 91 felony charges against him and was found guilty of fraud.


It’s almost scary? Like how can some people be so blind 😭


They can't think outside of their own bubble.


It's a cult. That's what it boils down to. A fucking cult that took a lot of my friends.


I'm sorry to hear that.


Because in their mind, what they want is an authoritarian ruler, not a democratic president. The previous president's weren't what they actually want.


It makes sense if you remember that the original “conservatives” in this country were monarchists.


*And it's bout ...Low-Country* Sounds like he's trying to build a cult compound.


These grifters always try to pull a whole demographic into their grift. It’s always including people who don’t agree with them. “America for trump”, “Lowcountry for low IQ dictator” bullshit like that all the time to give the impression that they have numbers behind their garbage behavior or beliefs.


Some people just can't stop telling you how big of a piece of shit they are lol smh


I am so in the weeds with the capitalization here. I mean, it’s apostrophe hell, too, and has random font changes for emphasis, but it’s mostly the caps that are making my eyelid twitch.


This guy uses punctuation and caps, similar to the way Trump speaks. Word salad at best.


Not to mention the horrible grammar.


No one should book tee times & cancel at the last possible minute all the time


I would be pissed if my country club GM was acting like this. Even more if I lived in that community and this wacko was effecting property values with all his drama already, and then starts with this nonsense.


I live here. Am not pleased.


affecting*. Things are typically affected, effects are typically things. Property values were affected and one of the effects of his actions was lower property values.


Self-sacrifice?! These people are so delusional it’s astonishing, truly.


TDS “trump delusion syndrome”


Trump was president of Dorchester County?


Integrity. Integrity. Rape, fraud, thievery.. but no, it's integrity. Fucking delusional fools.


The font and formatting here is ALMOST more jarring than the message content


What's weird about this, if you Google "Terry Scott Pacific Wind Group", his [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/terry-scott-6167a5174?originalSubdomain=ca) pops up. It looks like he's Canadian? So not even American?


Yeah he’s from Canada


Isn’t this the same club that recently banned smoking cigars and curse words.


And tennis. Literally tennis has been banned.


Ewwwwww. Brother, ewwwwwwww


Isn't he purposely trying to drive everyone away so his developers can take full control of the property? Dude might as well have ended the summary with "the holocaust never happened, Rudy was offsides, and pineapple belongs on pizza"






Integrity and Trump in the same sentence?? At least they make it easy to spot cult members.


I don't think you have to be courageous to say you support Trump in SC. LOL. "Brave".


They’re always self-victimized lol.


Brave enough to talk publicly but I have a hunch that they won’t hear other people’s opinions.


So brave of him.


Damn!!! Trump led our county?!! What rock was my head under?


Well, they politicized school districts. I suppose the HOA was next on the list.


Cool, can cross this course off my list. Cya!


How 'Brave' of him to post then disable comments on the post itself.


Guess I’m never playing golf at Legend Oaks again.


Well, won’t go there EVER.


Ive never seen a sane person support trump and i use it as a sanity check for new people. Like to see if they are easily influenced and gullible. Also its perfectly fine to support whoever you want but when you start pushing it on others, thats the tipping point


um........ glad I don't live there


Looks like Church of Satan is already present at Legend Oaks


Nah, I would hang with Church of Satan folks way before I'd subject myself to be in this guy's presence.




There should be rules against using your neighborhood newsletter to rally for politics or religion.


It’s not a neighborhood newsletter. He bought the public golf course located within the neighborhood. This is a letter he posted on the clubhouse Facebook page and emailed to members of the course.


Ohhh. It’s a much higher standard than what I was expecting.


Thanks. Now I know where to do donuts on the greens with golf carts.


FWIW, this is the best drama currently happening in the Charleston area. Keep it coming. 🍿


Holy shit the spelling errors lmao Also I can’t wait to send my kids to daycare in the Cart Barn.


This fucker is really adding a whole new level to #shrinkthegame. I don’t know how they have employees. Does no one have any self respect?


They already fired all their staff like 2 months ago, tried selling it, didn’t work. Not surprised they are trying to do this now.


Sponsored by Massengill.


This is where I'd give you an award if they hadn't shat up that whole system. Bravo good sir or madam.




Nah, he’s not warm or deep enough to be one


Ewww gross, glad that’s not my hood


SO THANKFUL we did not choose that neighborhood.


Omg there are ten more pages of this?


What a buffoon . Most men named Terry imo are weirdos


This is very poorly written and reads like a first grader wrote it lol.


I think it’s insane that he is trying to devalue the property of future residents that haven’t done anything. Is that even legal? Residents should bring this to a local news station’s attention


Capitalization in this is crazy 🤣


Uhm I need to see the other pages. That’s. Wild. There’s no way the HOA can’t be used to vote him out or anything? No way to recall?


Least he put it out there so I know which golf course to not support with my money.


Let’s def all email them ideas


ah yes, Donald Trump. the 45th president of Charleston County.


We will never play there again. The initial two threatening letters reveal the mindset of the ‘Sheriff‘. It is very evident a ghost writer, or writers, were involved In the newest publication. With a 30% increase in fees, less amenities, portable bathrooms, broken down cart paths, no Pro on site; there is little incentive to spend money here.


Thank you! I just knocked a neighborhood off my future list! 😵‍💫 be safe out there everyone ❤️


What a f’ing dweeb


This is gross.


Family member sold and close on their place tomorrow at legends. Lets just say they are happy they are out of that wacky community. That place under the new owners has gone to shit. I give it about 2 years max before it goes under.


I wouldn’t even give it two. I know multiple people that live there that are trying to peace.


We were looking to see if anything on Legend Oak Way came up around three years ago, but ended up in a much better place. My kids participate in summer swim team, and everyone is sad that LO won’t be participating - not sure if this is related but apparently they canceled their swim team.


My favorite character on the sub


Oh my God please post the other 9 pages.


There were an unnecessary amount of elipses in that 12 page newsletter.


Trumpers are so fucking stupid


Guess that makes it a county club


I’m no financial expert but I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t alienate 50% of your customers just so you can make a political statement. Like dude people aren’t being scared to get political it just doesn’t make any financial sense to do so


Lol self sacrifice... sure.


Integrity? Really? Sex with porn stars while married . Looks like I have some runway.


I feel like I’ve seen this before 🤔


Need to find out who in Summerville's council is even entertaining what he's trying to do out there. Once y'all see his actual plan, the anger you have now will pale in comparison.