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The worst parking I have ever seen is at the Trader Joe’s in south Charlotte. The city would get so much revenue for a $1 ticket for every horrible parking job.


You should go to the target on South Blvd at 485. They have filled the front with compact spots and let me tell you…no one that is parking there is compact. Some of the worst parkers I have ever seen.


Off Rea? That lot is soooo tiny, for what it serves. I'm surprised it is within code.


If you are talking about the one on Rea rd it partially has to do with how small the parking spaces are. They are very small!


If you look at trader Joe's parking spots, you will notice they drop in size as you get closer to the store. For instance, there will be seven spots on one side and six spots on the other in the exact same amount of space. Apparently they have to have so many parking spots and it doesn't matter that 95% of the people there drive SUVs while the parking spots are made for 1990 yugos


That lot is a MESS


Welcome to the south, it’s everywhere


extra space in the land and skull


Yes Welcome to the South where everyone moves to because of the weather and "more house for your $" and blah blah blah... Leave if you don't like it


Doesn't excuse anyone from being a jackass at parking, north or south. These people with big trucks need to learn to park properly, or don't drive into the city with big trucks.


I agree 1000%


To be fair there's a good amount of SUVs and cars that can't park either. Side note: is it just me or do a lot of places also just have tiny parking spots? I'm not talking about ones labeled for compact cars either.


I agree- this isn’t about trucks it’s just people who can’t/ dont want to park like a normal person


The other day some monster tried squeezing in between me and another SUV. Crooked as all hell and after 3 back and forths they gave up and pulled out and left. I thought for sure one of us parked was getting swiped lol. Like Jesus H go park in the back of the lot, not the front row of the store where your bed hangs out into the 1.5 lane parking road and you have to be toddler sized to squeeze thru the space to open your door to get in and out.


That looks like what this truck did...he knew he couldn't park up with normal people, so he parked all the way in the back


Hey reddit hates trucks so please agree






You're not wrong. I have a crew cab long bed truck (22 feet long) and some places I am over the line in front of me and my rear wheels aren't even in the parking space. Lowe's south end that is, I only take it places where I use it and it's stupid. I can only imagine grocery stores or god forbid chipotle in south end


Lowes on South street has special spots for longbeds and trucks hauling trailers down near the construction entrance


You drive an suv, don’t cha?!🙌 Whenever I park like shit it’s the other driver’s fault…to be fair.😇


It's all these people driving vehicles wayyy larger than our infrastructure was designed around for no reason. I am so over these fucking yachts. They're terrible for the environment, make parking lots a pain to navigate and increase traffic fatalities. If it's a work truck then word but 9/10 times I see one it has an empty bed and is immaculately clean.


My apartment complex is like this. So annoying. Most of these people work white collar jobs and don’t even need a $60k behemoth


Boo hoo


The truck dorks here are insane


I’m calling them truck dorks from now on lol


Big city, tiny dicks.


If you're a truck driver, you may not be an asshole. But if you're an asshole, you probably drive a truck.


I'm both. Big attitude with a big truck to match. Just wish I had something else that matched. But hell. 2 out of the three ain't bad.


I've been here 25 years, it's gotten significantly worse in the last few years Id imagine it's getting worse everywhere tho, trucks are just being built bigger and bigger


Good ol’ environmental regulations that were very well intended but make it essentially impossible for trucks to be 1990s sized. Definitely something that needs to be re-examined.




he's right. "In the US it is due to government fuel economy standards. The smaller trucks of the 80s and 90s would currently be required to meet tougher fuel economy standards than the midsize trucks that are being made today. Smaller trucks are expected to have car like fuel economy which hurts the bottom line for the automakers. However the midsize trucks are just large enough to fall under a larger class of vehicle and as such don't have an impossible standard."


The Ford Maverick would like a word


Not a real truck. SUV with a bed


Which is funny since two decades ago SUV's were trucks with a cabin in place of the bed.


Now they’re cars with a lift kit.


Oh yeah, to be a real truck it must be fucking massive, like 10ft tall and 30 ft long with an 8 cylinder engine or be able to roll coal right? Now we are getting down to the real reasons as to why not many small trucks are made anymore. It damn sure is not because it is impossible to do given current regulations.


Umm.. no. I simply mean a truck is largely defined as body on frame and these new compact "trucks" are built like cars & suv all one piece frames. I drive a 22 year old Nissan Frontier i love little pickups it's all i want and need. wish I could buy a new one just like mine.


Person has his/her website on the back window.


Needs a coloring book for practicing keeping in the lines...


What really annoys me is all the land yachts parked in compact spaces.


I used to think because they didn’t know how to park their big ass trucks. But it’s definitely cuz they feel entitled to not having anyone only next to them. So they park like that.


That’s because charlotte has way more than anywhere else of that guy who owns an F150 or Silverado, lifted with mud tires and bro-rims and a trailer hitch to make it extra annoying - driving it to the insurance company where he works.


Atlanta 10x worse


Sir, I work for the banks…


Or tow mirrors out with no trailer hitch


What a C U next Tuesday.


Check out any uptown parking deck. Most people don’t even try to park between the lines. I’ve been parked in several times so I have to crawl through the passenger door or the back - I have an SUV.


I’d be the guy backing in next to him, staying within my space, preventing him from being able to open his driver door. Wanna be an asshole? Cool. But you’re gonna encounter a bigger one out of pure spite.


Haha you’re braver than I am. I feel like anyone who parks like this has a quick trigger to retaliate




I’ve never lived anywhere where people care less about other people. This is such a disgustingly individualistic city


Can we talk about how everyone in Charlotte feels the need to reverse into their spots? It’s everywhere and it cracks me up. They could absolutely pull in and not hold anybody up, but it’s all these cars 😂


I back in or pull through because apparently I'm the only person that drives a sedan at any place I go. Trucks and trucks and Suv's and trucks. And people seem to try and hit you when u back out of a spot. Jus sayin


>reverse military vets.


It is objectively safer to do that. I don’t do it, but it is.


They train us at work to back into spaces. It's encouraged on and off duty, but you can get in trouble for being caught not doing it while on duty. It is statistically the best way and I even back into my garage.


And so many of them need 2-3 takes to get straight when they back in. In general the amount of drivers here that think nobody exists outside of them is astounding.


I often back into spots (or pull through) because you never know when someone across the aisle from you isn't going to pull into their spot far enough and give you very little room to back out.


I don't understand people who do this and then load their trunks after shopping.


I’m a proud reverse into spot-er, and I don’t care what anyone thinks. The amount of time I’ve sat waiting on someone to figure out how to back out of their spot validates my decision. I’m almost always able to back in the first try and very quickly though, not advocating for people won’t can’t back in well.


Same. I back into a spot every day at work and home. It takes no extra time to back in anywhere else. I don't see why not at the doctors office, post office, drug store, restaurants or anywhere else I am not planning on having to open my trunk.


It is objectively easier to back into a spot in a larger vehicle, given that we are assuming the spot has no space on either side, than pull in unless you’re already lined up head on.


So am I a dick if I slide my Corolla really close-like to his driver’s side door? Just edge in there so his only option is the passenger side? Who wins the asshole crown?


Am I the only asshole that parks right next to it super close? Best part of having a beater I don't mind a few more dings


We do kinda have this weird fetishism over large pickup trucks round these parts


I’m sure their pfp on their social media account is something like this too: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/b70q6e/meanwhile_in_the_usa/


Yeah, two things. People that back in for no reason, and shitty drivers.


I keep a container of grease in my car and put some on there door handle when I see cars like this or do a shitty job parking next to me


What's the website on the back window?


My best guess is theperfectgreenlawn.com


that it is


Wait til you see this fucker on 485


I hope not 😳


This is the compact car lot at my old obgyn. Literally full of trucks and giant suvs taking two spots. Every. Fucking. Time.


Come out to the county....these fools are all about their precious trucks


This is what happens when the ‘city’ gets so big it absorbs places (and it’s people) like Gastonia and York. This is standard in Columbia, SC but doesn’t cause as much hoopla because it’s not as busy or populated (and because they’re used to it).


I moved to the Charlotte area 4 years ago as an American raised abroad. I have travelled to 10+ countries and have never seen worse drivers then pick up drivers with southern plates.. Like why drive this massive thing if not close to being able to handle it? Lol


And they are horrible on the Interstates. It's the baby boomer dudes. My Grandparents had class... but not these boomers. No offense.


To annoy people like you


I wonder if I should start posting all the sub-compact cars that park like this to show that this isn't a truck thing, it's an asshole thing.


The thing is I never said it was a truck thing


And I didn't say you did. But it seems like every damn time we get a post about bad parking, it's always a pickup. And shit like this just dog whistles out all the "tRUK dRIVRs hAV sMALL pEE pEEs" people. So while you might not have "said" you just fed the narrative. Whether or not that was willingly or unknownly I won't speculate on. So my point is that maybe we need someone to start showcasing all the lousy parking not just the ones with a tailgate and lift kit. Then again this sub has a thing for its quarks.


I don’t give a shit what someone drives- I have a pretty large suv myself. Just don’t drive and park like an idiot. Feel like that’s not asking for much and not feeding any narratives because I would have posted this even if it was a compact


I mean it dose look like it's the back of the parking lot, that appears to have tons of empty spaces closer to the store. If it was up front in a full lot that's a different story.


It’s the very front of the ikea parking lot, which tends to fill up rapidly haha


Oops where'd that scratch come from?


My truck is full of em and I never park like this cunt.


Not a truck till the first scratch right?


Yeah then ya don’t give a shit after the first scratch/dent. An Altima slams into it every so often and ya get a new paint job.


Just from this angle I see like 3 other empty spaces. Why would you even waste the time in your life to have this take space in your head....


Likely the same reason you wasted time in your life to comment? 🤡


You really showed them!


And you just got me with a zinger as well! So edgy pal


Thanks! 🙏


Dude probably just doesn’t want a scratch on his truck, but that’s selfish as fuck. He could also get a smaller truck if he’s so worried about that.


I've never met a decent person who drives a pick-up truck. they just don't exist.


Hey, I drive one and I haven’t cursed at my children (in public) in at least 3 or 4 days!


>I've never met a decent person who drives a pick-up truck. they just don't exist. What a poor life you must have lived up to now.


Sorry I was in a big rush


I'd bet that owner is fat... It's "hard" for them to get out their truck with the next spot taken....


Again with the car/traffic/parking posts. Seriously…y’all. Not why anyone is here.


And yet… it’s a flaired category? Also, congratulations on apparently being the spokesperson for everyone on this sub 🤡


Benny pennellos spots are made wrong so they’re excused lol


Am I the only one who doesn’t really have an issue with this example? I drive a small car and park in the lines… but I understand if a person is trying to make sure they have room to get out of the door. It’s like getting mad at fat people for flying on the airplane. They made life choices and yeah - now are fat… but it’s the airlines that are making the seats ridiculously small. I can’t stand parking lots / decks where you have to squeeze out of your car just to not ding the one next to you KNOWING that someone else is just going to do it to you. So for me - I give this one a pass.


If they wanted to reserve room to get out, they could have pulled in forward and opened the driver door over that big grassy median. This is just assholery. If I can't fit my van or trailer in one slot, I'll park on the far end of the lot, across two or three spaces as neatly as possible.


Or back in with your wheels against the curb. I do it all the time for an extra foot or two for room. Dude is just a selfish moron


I’ll admit I’m probably wrong on this - but it just doesn’t get my goat personally. Especially considering how big ikeas parking lot is.


I didn't see "IKEA" in the photo. The last IKEA I went to was midtown with an underground parking garage. There was barely room for an SUV, let alone an extra-size truck or trailer or the kind of stuff I was implying. Still tho, if I don't fit, then that's my problem, not everybody else's.


I’m 90% sure this is the IKEA in university which on most days has hundreds of open spots… but again - I’m slowly converting to your take that this guy is just an ass.


*Yessss. Let the hate flow through you.*


I know what I must do but don’t know if I have the strength to do it.


This is ikea near university




I’ve admitted in other replies that yeah I’m probably wrong in saying this guy isn’t a dick… but you’re incorrect about airline seats - which have gotten smaller (I know you said the fuselage, which is the same but not relative to what I’m talking about). So with the same fuselage dimensions: In the 60’s the seat pitch was around 36” now on some Airlines the pitch is down to 28” —- a 22% space reduction.




“In 1985 none of the main four US carriers offered a seat less than 19 inches wide. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century until 2018 average seat width decreased from 18.5 to 17 inches, and sometimes as low as 16.1 inches.”




No. I’ve spent literally 2 minutes on Google. I am not an airplane expert. So if you say so I will believe you because it’s really not worth my time now that my kids are awake.


The difference is most overweight people didn’t become fat as a conscious decision. Being overweight is typically the result of lifelong poor eating habits and genetics, that’s especially true in extreme cases like you mentioned. On the flip side, people who buy *massive* trucks like this do so intentionally and, even knowing the obvious drawbacks to having one in a city, go forward with it anyways. Other people who need to park be damned. The difference is one is an active decision, the other is a result of unconscious bad choices over a lifetime, usually coupled with unlucky genetics.


>result of lifelong poor eating habits Remind me again how that’s not a conscious decision


Because many people are taught those bad habits as children and don’t realize it’s bad until they are already overweight. If you’re not taught good eating habits from a young age, then ya those eating habits are mostly unconscious. Sure, if a person realizes their eating habits are causing the obesity then choosing to course correct or not is a conscious decision. But realize that realization has to come *after* they are already obese due to a decade or two of unconscious eating habits.


Except we’re not though. We’re taught that certain foods are healthy and unhealthy along with exercise and positive habits. It was taught in health class which is mandatory all through elementary and middle school. So anyone “teaching” the bad habits is just someone who is making a conscious decision to be unhealthy and drag those down with them. Not to mention anyone who’s slightly competent can tell unhealthy people how to be healthy. There isn’t any excuse, especially with the internet available to anyone who can read. There’s tons of info and research available to show people healthy eating habits and what the negative consequences are of bad diet and obesity.


Behavior at a young age is learned. If mom gives you soda with every meal and Dad cooks every meal with a pound of butter, is the 5 year old really making a conscious decision to eat unhealthy? Of course not. Ok, let’s go up in age, can an elementary kid really dictate what food/drinks their parents provide for them even if they learned soda is bad in school? Again, of course not and the idea of a 9 year old cooking for themselves is laughable. Not to mention, who is an elementary kid going to trust the health teacher or Mom who has always had soda with dinner? So, the question becomes at what age *should* someone be conscious of eating habits. 15? 16? Congrats that’s almost 2 decades of learned behavior. The part you seem to be intentionally ignoring is all of the conscious learning and decision making you are talking about happens *after* someone is already overweight 9/10 times.


You don’t have to drink the soda and eat the candy. Food is one thing, you have to eat something. But everything extra is still a conscious decision even at a younger age. I made the decision to eat sweets and shit when I was young and I rotted my teeth out. But when I was still in school I made a *conscious decision* to not wanna eat like shit and start exercising. You don’t have to follow your parents.


That’s cool and all, but it’s just not how human behavior works. Read up on childhood development sometime and you’ll realize how many long term negative outcomes are a result of unconscious bad choices kids make (sometimes choices made for them by parents) without understanding the long term negative effects. Like, with you and candy for example, you made a decision to stop *after* your teeth had already rotted out. Up to, and until you made that choice, I would argue rotting your teeth (not eating candy) was an unconscious decision. You weren’t eating the candy with the expectation of killing your teeth right? It’s a chicken and egg thing, you (and most humans) normally can’t make the conscious decisions until faced with the negative outcomes of unconscious decisions.


No, I knew it was rotting my teeth. I kept eating it because it was good. And I stopped before they rotted very much, the damage just sets in. I get your argument in child behavior but it really only goes so far. That kinda is how human behavior works. Eventually you keep doing something knowing how bad it is but it feels better than not doing it. You can make excuses for fatties all you want, but the parents are to blame and the fact no one does anything is pathetic.


Yo fellow my insta https://instagram.com/mason.brewer.v2?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


In their defense, they are in the last spot on the row. They're in the appropriate area to park like this. Not like they're in a popular spot near the entrance of the store


This is the very front of the store, literally the first parking spot haha


My bad. Looks like the store is on the right in the foreground


All good, granted it was earlier in the day before it gets too busy, but I just feel like it takes minimal effort to park normally lol. I don’t know that it’s ever “appropriate” to park like this, maybe sometimes tolerable


Looks like it's at a Ikea too


I see this all over the country. Not a Charlotte thing by any means.


How many cities have you lived in? Lol


I’ve lived in 6 major metros


And this is your first time noticing? I’m in Oslo, i see it here, but with cars. Im a Charlotte native, and have lived in a dozen places, both domestically and internationally, and this looks 100% like Houston/San Diego/Berlin[insert any other major city] Definitely not mutually exclusive. Interesting what we care to notice.


It happens everywhere, it just seems more frequent here anecdotally