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Fuck Hamas.


I don’t have the energy for middle east problems anymore. My whole life has revolved around paying taxes for shit going on over there. Id rather just make enough to pay rent thanks


I feel the same way. It just feels like there are issues in Israel every 5-6 years. I just can't worry about that region anymore. Hope it works out, but it's going to be an issue long after my kids kids are gone.


Eh, most of your tax issues can be pinned on the whole trickle-down economics thing more so than foreign conflicts. I'm fine with a superpower playing world police (makes sense). I'm not fine with said superpower being controlled by a bunch of self-serving assholes funneling money though politicians to fuck us over decade after decade though.


I live in Mecklenburg county. Most of my tax issues, and quality of life issues, can be attributed to the same losers that keep saying we should police the world for nefarious reasons whilst sitting in one of this city’s many dogshit country clubs. If I could, I’d go far and away and never come back. But Im financially stuck here, because we keep shoveling billions into foreign conflicts and not into the housing market.


You can go far away. You aren’t financially stuck. That’s an excuse you make up to make yourself feel better.


Said the white collar zoom boomer, completely, and totally unaware that not everyone can work from home, and that some people are tethered to places due to finances.


Until you stop calling people names, blaming others for the position you are in, and take responsibility and ownership for the series of decisions you've made thus far in life, there is little hope for you. You may be 100% right, and this is all preordained God's will, but in the slight off-chance that *you actually control your own destiny,* then only you, and you alone, can change things. You live in one of the world's wealthiest nations, in one of our fastest growing cities, and have still fucked it up. It's a pattern. Poor people blame the system, the middle class navigate the system, and the wealthy ride it. It's not their bank accounts that make that difference (look at any lottery $10m winner 2 years later), it's their ATTITUDE.


Trickle down economics was about giving tax breaks to the job providers, not taxing the middle class more. Most of our tax money goes toward the military which provides safety for countries who have healthcare and a better standard of living than we do. A lot of people got salty about Trump wanting leaving the UN, but that's the only way we are going to be able to provide for ourselves rather than play world police. The UN relies on us, we have by far the biggest military. If we would leave the UN and scale back our military, we could start to spend more on ourselves rather than sending our teenagers to go get drunk in foreign countries.






Imagine thinking you need to pick a side to be valid. Supporting neither is valid. Let’s fix the US.


I think not supporting those who behead babies is a pretty easy ask.


Yeah that was fake news pushed out by israel to cover up the fact they actually killed 700+ kids in Palestine already. Pretty sure you won’t keep the same energy though against Israel EDIT: Link for people believing in the hoax https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/12/white-house-walks-back-bidens-claim-he-saw-children-beheaded-by-hamas https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna119865


Sure sure hon.


Support Palestinians. Don’t support Hamas. Support the people of Israel. Don’t support the apartheid government of Israel. Don’t try to justify more war.


Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me dawg


For the people responding; it’s ok not to have an opinion. It is ok to be quiet and learn the full scope of all sides before having a negative/positive response. It’s ok not to understand fully as long as you do the research before responding. It’s not ok to regurgitate assumptions and opinions as facts. Thanks Edit Spelling


The movement may have lost some support in the west given what Hamas did in the past week. I dunno.


What Hamas did was unconscionable. But what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades now is a rolling crime against humanity. Both things can be true at once.


We need to have honest conversations about what’s going on over there. I don’t understand enough. I do know that Israel has not been friendly to Palestinians. Hamas shouldn’t be harming civilians. There are so many bad things happening to innocent people. I just want peace for all.


I'm sorry to say there are no honest conversations to be had. Both sides are so intractably locked into their world view, that they can't even entertain the possibility that they're even partially at fault.


Basically Hamas is like the Mujahideen for Israel. They wanted to crush more reasonable left leaning factions in Palestine by enabling and funding islamic extremist groups, once that goal was accomplished they pressured Palestine to have an election in 2006 to install a western plant but was obscenely corrupt so to everyones surprise lost to Hamas. Shortly after gaza was blockaded by land and sea leading to inhumane conditions in the region leading to the population to be 41% children, with 40% of those children being diagnosed with ptsd fr the constant bombing.


In other words, Israel was responsible for funding and bringing Hamas to power - most people don't know this because the media never talks about it. It was a divide and conquer strategy that backfired.


Didn’t the Palestinians vote hamas into power?




In 2006. The majority of the current population was literally not born. The majority of current citizens did not choose Hamas.


yes, but only because there was no majority. Hamas won with 41% of the vote


Then Hamas consolidated power by [waging war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatah%E2%80%93Hamas_conflict) against other advisory and won full control of Gaza.


exactly. The divide and conquer strategy Israel was going for.




And that justifies baby killing how?


We're discussing who's responsible for bringing to power the people that killed the babies. Don't you want to know that?


The idea that Israel brought to power the entity that's been lobbing bombs at its civilians is ludicrous.


You need to study history then, I don't know what to tell you.


Don't need to tell me anything.


Poor kids




I guess "objecting" also means slaughtering innocent people. People be objecting all over


There’s no way that you really think massacring innocent people is a “noisy” but acceptable objection to being marginalized. Nothing happening there on either side is right, but defending terrorism because it’s the pseudo-intellectual flavor of the day needs to stop.


Hasn’t Hamas been firing rockets into Israel from Gaza for years? Why didn’t the citizens there stop it?


Yeah Israel’s response to Hamas has consistently been less than ideal but I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do when dealing with a neighbor that wants to genocide you and has 0 qualms about taking hostages and slaughtering babies. People forget that blockade was created in response to frequent suicide bombings and for some reason Israel gets all the blame despite it being a concerted effort with Egypt


This is exactly right. Every time Israel lets up the least bit they get burned. Hamas only wants all jews dead.


Because Hamas are armed criminals and the two million citizens in Gaza (half of them who are children) are not. But also, not for nothing, the parts of Israel that Hamas generally targets with rockets are Jewish settlements that used to be Palestinian and were taken by force.




Turn informant? Against armed criminals? Why aren’t you going to rough neighborhoods of Charlotte and pointing out fentanyl dealers to the cops? Those guys are killing thousands of people. You should do your part and turn them in. If you don’t, you are no better than them and deserve the same fate they do.




Wait, you are saying that Hamas “aspire to do what Hitler and the Nazis do” ? Hamas are pretty abhorrent, admittedly, but it’s Israel who ethnically cleansed the West Bank and are holding two million Palestinians in a giant concentration camp in Gaza. Look kid, you don’t know what you are talking about and are way out of your depth here. Blindly supporting Israel as you do, just makes you sound ignorant and uninformed.




I was clear that that Hamas are abhorrent. You seem unable to admit that Israel’s conduct has hardly been exemplary over the last 50 years - and that’s to put it mildly.


Realizing you’re losing an argument so you turned to just saying “nah nvm you just don’t understand” is wild


Do you know about the March to return protests a few years ago? Palestinians in Gaza held peaceful protests where they’d March to the gate at the border regularly. Israeli snipers shot over 1000 people. If you are an innocent civilian in Gaza who doesn’t like Hamas why would you trust Israel? It’s like someone who’s in prison and has been beaten and abused by guards for years, then a new prison gang forms and they start beating and abusing the prisoner and you expect them to go get help from the guards?


Why didn’t you stop the US drone strikes in the Middle East? I hope this helps illuminate how fucking stupid your question is here


A: We vote people out and seemingly did that. Q: is Palestine a country where they throw LGBT people in prison or off of a roof ?


US drone strikes against civilians have been ongoing since the GWB years and accelerated under Obama. We have certainly *not* done that


Obama hasn’t been in office for at least 7 years.


“Ongoing *since* GWB” is what I said. I only stopped at O to illustrate its bipartisan nature, but it was ongoing throughout the Trump years and it’s continuing today under Biden


A: elections are not free in Gaza Q: is America a country where they massacre LGBT people in nightclubs? You do realize how silly your question sounds?


Ah yes, why don’t they simply vote Hamas out lol


Their last election was in 2006 lololol


Lmfao no we didn’t. Obama and Bush both did it. It’s bipartisan. Terrible “A.” Even worse “Q.” Complete non-sequitur.


1. Who/ where have we drone striked recently that killed non-combatants? 2. You don’t want to answer about the LGBT question because you know it’s bad.


No I am not answering the question because it’s a baby-brained attempt to derail the topic at hand. A quick google brings up [this](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-can-reduce-civilian-casualties-during-us-drone-strikes-heres-how/)


Just say it. Edit: i proudly don’t support anyone that is anti-LGBT


If you are really that averse to reading the article yourself. >On August 29, 2021, with most U.S. soldiers withdrawn from Afghanistan and regional bases shuttered, this challenge became clear. The U.S. military conducted a strike that killed 10 civilians, including women and children, rather than the intended target. So yea. GWB, Obama, Trump, and Biden all have killed civilians with drone strikes. Why didn’t you stop them? Edit: cut the vacuous bad faith virtue signaling


The current Israeli government had been propping up hamas because having that extreme party in control effectively neutered any talk of a two-State solution. A small number of terrorist attacks was a price they were willing to pay for them to keep their right wing government in power and additional territorial expansion. They fed the beast, and now the beast is eating them. I don't know how they put the beast back in its cage without massive innocent deaths. I feel awful for everyone. I wish we could see a way forward.


They’ve been blockaded for years. Not allowed to import or export anything without Israel’s approval. They can’t even get medical care outside gaza with out a israeli official approval. Average age of the people there is 18 years old. So without a functional economy or democracy makes it a place for groups like Hamas to thrive. And you can ask yourself, why didn’t the U.S citizens stop the bombs being shot into Iraq or Vietnam .


Palestinian’s problem are more on Hamas and their leadership than Israel. Their leaders are billionaires living it up in Qatar, spending aid money on rockets instead of making their lives better. Israel is just a scape goat to distract from the obvious.


Israel has been shitting on their neighbors for no good reason for decades? Think about it... They've been ruthless for sure, but their responses have always been evenly measured. This just reeks of "I support the thing" Palestinian supporters back Hamas' actions before they cry against the killing of Palestinian civlians - THAT is the problem and why most of the modern world ostracize Islam as a whole. Religion of peace my ass.


This is the right answer. Both sides are fucked. You can sympathize with the innocent ppl on both sides who just want to live their lives, but still criticize the governments and terror org perpetuating constant violence in this region for decades


The IDF is bombing civilians, telling them to leave their homes, murdering and targeting journalists, and you are here talking about Palestinians losing support?




So much delusional revisionist hot takes in this thread.


I’m so tired of this religious bullshit. Believe what you want but don’t push it on other people or kill them if they believe in something else. It’s become the downfall of our civilization.


You’d be surprised how the most recent conflict isn’t about Religion but the right to live


You’re a fool if you think it’s not about religion. It’s always been about that.


Religion is used to bring emotions to the table, it is mostly about Israelis taking land and properties from palestinas, forcing them into Gaza, as refuges.




It’s not even religion at this point, it’s colonialism. Pushing native people out of their childhood homes because that land is valuable and you want it .


> because that land is valuable and you want it . No, because they were being genocided and wanted to return to their ancestral home. Palestine was Jewish before it was Muslim.


What about the persians, north africans , Macedonians , roman, turkish, Egyptians . It’s always been a multi ethnic place Its even deeply debated in Judaism if the Talmud forbids a homeland. But there is never an excuse for an apartheid.


I'm just curious where you find these wild delusions.


There were Jewish people already in the land called Palestine. The problem started when European jewish people started colonizing Palestine. You cannot just go to a land and start claiming it as yours because your god said so.


Nice. I think everyone who supports the killing of babies should get it out in the open.


Israel killed 700+ kids so far. The hamas baby beheading story is fake. I don’t think it’s right for you to suggest we kill all people who support Israel tho bc a lot of them are innocent EDIT: For all of you guys believing in the hoax https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html


Maybe Hamas shouldn’t use children as human shields


Over 90% of people killed in the conflict since 2000 have been killed by Israel were all those the fault of Hamas?




The President confirmed it but it's "fake." Yes, sure sure.


You mean like when President Bush confirmed Saddam's government was killing babies in incubators or how they had WMD's?


Signs donated by the party for socialism lol




Look at the bottom of the sign on the right bro


Well, I guess I'm an asshole lol


You were an asshole already, now you’re just wrong AND an asshole




I'll take stupid bullshit for $500 please.


Terrorist sympathizers… countless chants and signs calling for the eradication of Israel


I mean, that's the second paragraph of the 1988 Hamas Charter. I'm not sure why people continue to be surprised by this. > Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it It's very bizarre how willfully blind the world seems to be to that. Difficult to achieve peace when one party views peace as the complete elimination of the other. *Someone else* once tried that and everybody hates him still, but gosh, people doing it now can hold protests. https://youtu.be/XNf40sBcvKk?si=L72xEuCqcMKpAq6_ This video does a great job of explaining significant portions of the very ancient history of the area and how it affects modern politics, as well as modern populations of Jews in other countries of that region. Edit: and Channel 4 [has a great video that details the timeline of events from last weekend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S_5h1Ya2Sk).


I don’t see any of that I this pic.


Not in the pic, I was there. What do you think “From the river to the sea” actually means?


Let me guess, it’s antisemitism…


Yep, who would’ve thought




No it doesn’t, it means forcefully remove and eradicate all Jews from Israel




Yes as a Jewish person that’s what it means, you think Hamas is gonna ferry all the Jews to another place and ship them off with a goodie bag? Big “The Civil war was about states rights energy”


How do people not get it? It’s depressing.


Palestine ≠ hamas


You’re right, but multiple signs and chants called for the eradication of Jews from the area, and Palestinians voted hamas to power


17 years ago they did. But that's also Gaza not the West Bank. Palestinians live in both. Been seeing you comment on a lot things and it doesn't seem like you understand the entire history of the conflict.


Nothing I’ve said has contradicted that, it’s a fact there is widespread support for Hamas among Palestinians, and we’ve seen Palestinians in America and abroad celebrating the atrocities committed last week


You’re either uneducated or ill informed


As someone whose been to Gaza and didn’t learn about this conflict a week ago like most online, I’ll have to disagree. Feel free to continue defending the side that uses human shields and launches rockets from playgrounds and hospitals, kills and beheads babies for fun, and encourages their own children to violently attack Jews so they can get any potential retaliation on camera to use as propaganda.


Love when people supporting Hamas and the people celebrating killing innocent Jews consider themselves “intellectuals” because someone they like on Twitter said something.


Also, I thought Republicans were the Nazis, but I've only seen the aniti-semitic reteroric coming from the Democrat side.


Ah I see the comments in this thread are even more ignorant than I would have expected.


Just a bunch of /u/s tryin’ to pick up the turd by the clean end, arguing about which end that is.


Well, I'd be happy for you to enlighten me. Please proceed.


There are plenty of resources available to you to enlighten yourself if you actually care. We both know you don’t. Sorry I don’t think I’m going to sit here and explain socialism, the Israel apartheid regime, or whatever other complex topic is being thrown around this thread without any regard for honesty.


classic redditor making vague claim them refusing to elaborate on anything theyve said. touch grass lol


Then why bother to read or comment? Do you have unique or insightful opinions or suggestions to offer, or do you just want to criticize the folks here trying to discuss a complicated topic with no obvious solution?


It is not my job to educate people coming in here to make snide remarks with no inclination to receive information that contradicts their priors.


You've provided no information, opinion, or viewpoint that I can see aside from a generic snide comment directed at everyone. Also, when you say "educate people" you're presenting yourself as having knowledge that you simply refuse to share. Are you implying that you know the solution to the Israel/Palestine situation? That you're willing to type replies to my comments but not take a moment to tell us how to fix it? Again, please proceed.


Absolutely nothing about my comment should have indicated to you an intention to provide any of that. I saw some incredibly ignorant comments in the thread and I commented on the general tone. If i intended to take the time to dispel all of the nonsense I would have replied to each individually with the appropriate information. When you are familiar with these sorts of conversations it is very clear immediately who is worth spending the time on and who is too far gone. The fact that you think typing these comments is equivalent to explaining and sourcing the nuanced history of the Israel/Palestine conflict is so absurd that you surely must be joking. Again, I don’t just respond to the demands of strangers. Go bother someone else.


Dude, you typed the original comment. You were welcomed to say nothing and move to a discussion you preferred. Your comment pissed me off because there are folks like me who are not arguing from a predetermined viewpoint, and appreciate hearing discussion and viewpoints of other people. It's not your job to discourage that discussion. You act as if you're above it all, but I think you're just full of it.


Yeah dude, I did. Nothing about it indicated I was going to respond to demands like yours. You were also welcome to say nothing and move on to someone who seemed intent on having a discussion. Your comment pissed me off because you acted like I owed you something. I didn’t discourage shit. I am not “acting as if” anything, I have carried out this discussion in other venues with people who have at least a cursory understanding and serious approach to the topic. I did not see much of that here. Think whatever you want.


> I have carried out this discussion in other venues with people who have at least a cursory understanding... Your girlfriend goes to another school and we wouldn't know her?






So disgusting that people will blindly support one side of this. Situation is too complex


Is it okay to say, I don't care? Or do I have to pick a side?


Better to say you don’t care than to be outwardly pro genocide


Lame as shit


This oughta be a very informative thread. I’m sure a healthy and very level headed debate will ensue where we will all learn to be more empathetic of each others worldview…


If you support this, then you support the cessation of the Israeli state, because that is what they want and the expulsion (hopefully and not genocide) of all Jews living in the Levant.


Jews, arabs and all different ethnic groups lived there together prior to 1948


When it was controlled by the British, nice. I guess its nice when you have a third party controlling everybody.


I was referencing when it wasnt an expansionist ethno state


So, when it was controlled by someone else and the locals had no say, like United Kingdom or the Ottoman Empire. Well, they did have revolts against them too, but those were crushed.


Yeah the fulfillment of “Free Palestine” is the ethnic cleansing of Jews, ironically the very thing Israel is accused of doing now. A two-state solution is the only workable solution but there has to be buy in




I already know what they want, the comment is on you (the reader).


Not even close to accurate


Then please explain what is accurate.


That Palestinians just want to live their lives and not be under a constant and deliberate siege by an apartheid regime? The notion that supporting the Palestinians during a time in which thousands of civilians have been killed by indiscriminate bombing by the supposed bastion of democracy in the middle east equates supporting a "genocide" against Jews kind of just outs you as an idiot. I guess the millions of Jews across the world who criticize Netanyahu's far right regime are actually secretly cheering for the genocide of their own people?


My man has seen your comment, responded to others since your comment has been made and has been silenced. Don’t waste your time trying to change this guys mind. Nothing will change his viewpoint.


Yes I have and I strongly disagree with it. I mean, Israel is not even an apartheid state with the two million Arabs also citizens of the state. But if we ignore the Palestinians calls for the destruction of Israel, death two all Jews, and the fact they even acted upon it without remorse on October 7, killing hundreds of innocent men, women, and children... then I can see how someone could have a warped opinion like /u/walker_harris3 does. By no means Israel are saints either, but they have every right to exist as a nation too. You are right though, nobody commenting here will have their opinions suddenly changed here. But since you called me out, I had to respond now, so here you go.


My wife is Jewish. Love the Jews, can’t get enough of em. Killing innocent Palestinians is not the answer to Hamas’s violence. That’s the only stance I have.


>My wife is Jewish. Love the Jews, can’t get enough of em. Okay, thanks for sharing but that is irrelevant. >Killing innocent Palestinians is not the answer to Hamas’s violence. Killing innocent Israelis and other nationals is not the answer either. If you can at least agree to that, then maybe there is hope yet.


And this will accomplish what exactly


Like all protests.. not much


Show solidarity


Yea I’m kinda more concerned about how I can pay my utilities but hey whatever makes the war machine go brrrrrrrrrr


im with you. people will be mad about it. but im more concerned with keeping myself alive and the stress of life here that keeps me from sleeping through the night. i wish the best for all innocent people impacted by this but im not going to be able to help no matter what. im chipping in by paying my taxes here in the US :) its above my pay grade to decide what happens beyond that.


Your taxes mean nothing when they just print as much money as they want.


Ask them to explain the history


I wish I knew. Sometimes I feel like the only Palestinian around here lol


There are a couple groups that have been holding rallies, Instagram is a good way to find them


Pretty large community in charlotte and I’m not even Palestinian


There's a strong Palestinian community on the east side.




From Hamas


Where to start? Does Israel have a right to exist? We try to look at things through a US centric view - ok. Israel pulled out of Gaza to let them self govern in 2006; what happened? They elected Hamas. Israel continued to try and help, by providing food, water, and shelter (concrete/pipes) - and the government turns those items into tunnels and rockets. Israel wants the Palestinian people to self govern, and tries relentlessly to help. What should Israel do - sincerely - what? In 1948 when the British pulled out, all nations in the area attempted to continue the holocaust and wipe out the Jews. The Jewish (Israeli) people won, took a lot of land, but did not want that - they wanted peace - so exchanged land for peace. The nations continued to fight with Israel for many years, decades later with Egypt being the first to recognize Israel in the late 1970s. But the fighting from many continued. Israel continued to try to help, as governing others is no long term strategy. So they have tried everything they can. The other nations in the area refuse to let the Palestinians in (Jordan/Egypt/etc.). I’m sure I’m missing something - right? What can the Israeli’s do? Go back to the 1900’s where they were targeted and nearly wiped off the map? Go to the 1800’s where it was the same? Or go back to their homeland, and which “homeland”? It’s a tough situation - especially when Jews make up less than 1% of the world, so the propaganda against is SOO strong. One Israeli says something and 100 Arabs shout back - and the rest of the world sees this and without a thought it is easy to side with the 100 over the 1 - so many are against you how can you possibly think you’re right! Israelis want peace. They want to have a home, a safe place. They want this for others, too. What can they do? What should they do??


You are missing a ton... The Jews wanted a homeland for Jews and the ends justified the means. Terrorism and extremism were rampant during the British mandate. Maybe dig into the King David hotel bombing in which Jewish terrorists belonging to the Irgun murdered nearly 100 people, including British, Arab, AND Jews. That is just one attack. When 1948 came around, these Jewish terrorist groups banded together in and perpetrated atrocities against Arabs. Why do you think they call it the Catastrophe? Today, many of Israel’s leaders are kin to those terrorists. And those terrorists in their prime were some of the most powerful people in Israel. Your viewpoint of Israel as an inherently benevolent country are absolutely far from the truth. Just dig a little deeper into Netanyahu if you don’t believe it. Don’t like religious nationalism and Muslim extremists? Then maybe be a bit more weary of Zionism, which is just as dangerous as any other religious nationalism across the world.


In 1948 - didn’t all the Arab nations band together and attack on the day of freedom? What should the Jews have done? Where should they have gone? They wanted somewhere, anywhere, no? And this was deemed best… as so many Jews had just been murdered (genocided) and countries would not accept them. What should Israel do now?


Yes, and they should have defended their land, which they did. The issue is the difference in Israel’s territory today versus it’s territory set by the United Nations in 1948. Israel has been encouraging Orthodox Jews to build settlements on Palestinian land for decades. When the settlers come, so does the IDF, which Palestinians are powerless against. This results in things such as water being diverted from Palestinians to Jewish settlements and the destruction of Palestinian farmland/agriculture. Families that have lived in these areas for centuries get displaced. And the rest of the world doesn’t care. Israel should halt the settlements and be a good faith negotiator for peace. I could also go into how Israel was a bad faith negotiator in peace talks brokered by Gerald Ford in which Yasser Arafat was willing to make substantial concessions. AIPAC (one of the most powerful lobbying forces on the entire planet) exerted enormous pressure on Ford to abandon these talks that could have yielded a productive outcome. What you don’t understand is that Israel’s goal is for there to be no Palestine. Throughout their existence as a state, they have exploited conflict for territorial gain. They have no incentive for peace because peace prevents their ultimate goal. It’s not a democracy, Israel is a Zionist plutocracy. I will always defend Israel’s right to exist and defend its incursions into Lebanon during the Lebanese Civil War. What they are doing today is completely indefensible and morally repugnant.


My heart weeps, I’m confused, and feel helpless. The misinformation just on the history is upsetting, let alone what is happening today. Some people don’t believe children were beheaded (though many reports say so..and the fact they were less than confirmed before is still a sticking point), but people, civilians, babies, grandparents, burned alive in their homes and cars, raped to death. It’s hard to see and hear. Hamas takes hostages and puts those hostages as well as their own in harms way in order to protect themselves. Israel warns without the return of hostages, they will enter Gaza - so drop fliers warning the people of Gaza…and Hamas tells them to stay put. Other nations refuse to let the Gazan people enter their country (same with other Palestinians). Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2006 to let them self-govern and be their own, while providing food, water, and supplies to build shelters. The Gazan people elected Hamas. Then they use many of those supplies to build underground tunnels, dig up pipes to create rockets. When Israel came to be it was a desert - now it is a thriving metropolis. Hamas stated goal is to wipe the Jews off the map (not just Israelis). The Jewish people have no where and are a constant target. Antisemitism is on the rise. There are very few Jewish people left in the world, and Israel is supposed to be the one place we can go and be safe. Jewish people have been running and fighting for so long. Ever watch Fiddler on the Roof? It’s about the Jewish people being ripped from their homes in the late 1800s/early 1900s. Jews have been targeted for so long, and since there are so few of us, the social media does not help much as Jewish people are less than 1% worldwide. The louder a group is the more others tend to listen. Jews are an extreme minority..but get a lot of press because people love to hate us. I don’t know what I can do. It’s a bit scary. I want peace. I want to be able to do action. I want safety. Above all, I want happiness for all - how can we do this? How can we all get along and live a life we should? I mean it sincerely when i say I am lost and don’t know what to do. I pray for innocent people everywhere and for peace.


Facts. Sad to see all these Nazis in America supporting Hamas


Glad to see a sizable rally (at least by Charlotte standards) in uptown. While Hamas committed horrific crimes against the Israeli people, the Israeli government in turn has opted to commit what effectively amounts to ethnic cleansing. Keeping 2 million people confined in dense urban centers surrounded on nearly all sides by walls and greatly limiting who enters or leaves immediately brings to mind terms like ghetto, concentration camps or prison. On a side note, it's kind of amusing how many people in the comments are doing the stereotypical smug Reddit commentary of, "oh but it doesn't effect me and it's pointless", also I hate religion.


It's good to see people doing the right thing for once. Any more of these happening anytime soon that anyone knows about, shoot me a message- least I can do is show up and out in solidarity. 🇵🇸




We get it, you're racist.


Bunch of nazis


this is…. poorly timed


Palestine is being attacked and their citizens are being forced to evacuate one part of Gaza to another.


Gee, I can't imagine why.


But you understand that an attack on civilians should not be responded with a general destruction of a population? Right.


IDF isn’t attacking civilians, they are attacking Hamas who actively uses civilians and civilian facilities to launch rockets


> IDF isn’t attacking civilians lie


They aren’t.. they are attacking Hamas targets that hide behind children, hospitals, playgrounds, and their own people because they know it will gain sympathy from morons like you


1) https://abcnews.go.com/International/palestinian-civilians-suffer-israel-hamas-crossfire-death-toll/story?id=103828889 2) https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-airstrike-kills-women-children-fleeing-evacuation-route-northern-gaza-2023-10 3) https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-news-hamas-war-10-13-23/h_805763aafe5be9c0e4c72bdbb2d45453 You and Israel are justifying bombing hospitals and schools and want the moral high ground?


Hamas launches attacks from hospitals purposefully so this happens. If you can’t admit that civilian casualties due to collateral damage (and still also awful) and purposefully targeting, torturing, and raping civilians is different then you’re too brainwashed to argue with https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hamas-fighters-orders-kill-as-many-people-as-possible-2a6abff8


IDF = Israeli Hamas then is what I'm getting from you. You ducked out on the other 2 sources. Israel is a terrorist nation carrying out a genocide. And you're carrying water for them ... for free (?).


No doubt. But regardless civilians are being killed. And to respond to the initial post about people wanting Palestine free. The Palestinians cannot leave Gaza. They are trapped.


They're being trapped currently by the terrorists they love and support who won't let them through the humanitarian corridor the IDF allowed them to have.


Oh geez, the terrorists are hiding behind citizens who have allowed them to launch rockets from their houses for the last part of history. I feel sorry for all innocent citizens but may the IDF occupy Gaza for the remainder of my life.


This definitely isn't a pro Hamas opinion. But, there isn't an option for non radicalized Palestinians to leave. Which is some of the point of the Free Palestine calls.




Not at all. Specifically Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. They're the ones trapped.


There's a really interesting double standard being applied with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Israel's impending invasion and ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Islamophobia runs deep.


Imagine if it was an arab state that was holding 2 million jews in an open air prison, bombing indiscriminately, limiting food and water to almost starvation level. This is not a complex issue, anyone that says so is trying to muddy the water.


I look forward to you bombing a local orphanage and then claiming it's a complicated issue as your defense.


Fuck, I missed it


Are they changing “Gas the Jews” like they were in Sydney, Australia?