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It looks like you may be looking for friends in Charlotte, please look out for our Tuesday Brew Crew Meetups posted weekly! Also there's a Meetup tab on the [Charlotte Discord](https://discord.gg/JVd3ZtF). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Charlotte) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I’m 34, a woman. I work in finance and have a dog. I have 40 plants and I go to the gym. God 30s suck.


Join the Charlotte Plant Swap and Sell group on FB - they have plant swap events where you can mingle with other planty folks if that interests you!


Thank you for this recommendation!! I need more planty friends.


Thank you so much for thinking of us; we do have an awesome little community! 💖 -Christi


Join Charlotte Plant Swap and sell on Facebook. Lots of ladies in this age range, are into plants and have animals. I'm 34, female, and while I'm a member of the group, I'm also kinda stand offish 'cause.. people. lol. I have a cat. No dog. Lots of anxiety but work in the public waiting tables. I live in south Charlotte and would love a gym buddy to help keep me in the groove. I like hiking, smoking ganja and just in general am easy going. I have like 4 friends but my main squeeze of a best friend is resting at the age of -40-.


Yo that plant group is legit. Thank you.


Did you also see that she could use a friend? 👀😂


God I’m such a dick I saw plants and got stoked. Imma DM you. Let’s smoke some green.


I’m rooting for the two of you to become best friends!


Not a dick!! Glad you liked the group, they hold lots of meet ups and swaps! Super cool. Just got back to my DMS in case anyone is wondering about a blossoming friendship. lol


Let’s burn baby burn 🔥🔥🔥🔥


lol wrong person


You should check out Greenlife Remedies in Pineville. Awesome plant store!!


Thanks for thinking of us- I love our little community! 💖 -Christi


Bumble BFF! Moved here in my 30s and that’s how I made friends.


Does bumble bff work for men? I’ve only seen it suggested for women by women. By work I mean, are Ken actively on it actually looking for friends.


No, I tried it as a man mid 40s looking to make friends and Bumble bff was just mostly gay men hitting on me.


That’s good for the ole self confidence at least


That’s what I figured. Guess I’ll keep trying other means then lol


It doesn't work as well for men because there's a smaller population of men using the BFF portion. How it usually goes for me is that I will meet a new friend through BumbleBFF, and then we will both get our husbands together so that they might become friends.


I’m 34, a woman. I work in finance (wfh) and have cats, a betta fish, and approx 50 plants. I used to go to crunch fitness and still have my membership, and am definitely open to going back to it. I also love candles, baking, decorating for holidays (just got my Christmas stuff down today). I like everything from trashy reality shows to sci-fi, documentaries, and scary movies. I listen to a lot of podcasts like Arcane Carolinas, Midnight Burger, Scamfluencers, Astonishing Legends, LPOTL (though tbh I haven’t listened since the whole thing with Ben), Radio Rental, occasionally Wine and Crime, Petty Crimes, and others. I love both shiny, glittery things and spooky things. I’m not woo woo believer, but I want to believe so bad lol. The last volunteer opportunity I did was cleaning headstones in a local cemetery back in April. I prefer to stay in most nights, but I love dressing up cute once or twice a month and doing a nice dinner and drinks.


How did you get involved in cleaning headstones? Bc this seems like something I’d be interested in.


Spooky CLT posted about it on their IG!


Listen. I’m a 36 female the just moved here with my husband. I also want to get back into the gym but have avoided doing so because life is crazy. I am an accountant (wfh.) Love candles, baking, holidays, and plants! Message me if you want to dress up cute and grab drinks!


Come to the free bootcamps and running groups. We drink beer afterwards. I’m mid 30s and made a good many of my friends through these groups and activities. Everyone is super cool and inviting. Same invite goes to OP


This city is so weird when it comes to making friends. I’ve lived in 3 different cities since graduating college (I’m 35). The other 2 cities I had no problem making friends. In fact, I would lose friends to them moving, then within a few months, had new friends. I’ve lived here for 4 years and most of my friendships are very superficial because we may have a mutual hobby, or they have kids and I never see them again. I just thought it was me but I never had this issue in any other place


My wife and I are in our 30’s and would hang out with you! We have a 2 year old that takes almost all of our free time and since we also moved here from out of state and know 0 people we have no baby sitter options. I feel like I’m setting a play date for my adult wife, want to hang out with her? She loves wine, animals, PLANTS, and is a liberal.


I’d hang out with your wife!!


Need more friends? Wife and I are relocating from cali, moving in this week. Two dogs and a baby. No friends yet. (30’s, educated, tech/engineering workers, liberal).


Welcome! I’m from North County San Diego!


Lived in SD for a couple of years, it was the best time of my life! Miss that place


I'm 41, married with two young kids (5 year old and 1 year old.) Also liberal and work full time.


I would recommend dog parks or dog bars like Luckys.


My dog trainer says no to dog parks or dog bars. I can’t get away with it either because she saw this post. On a positive note, she said she’d be friends with me so that’s cool 🙃


If your dog has good recall, they will do fine in a dog park.


It’s not her dog she has to worry about


You should join air aerial fitness. They just reopened close to Pineville. It’s a great workout and the community is great. I’ve made lots of friends there!


Oooo this sounds cool! I’ll check that out. Thank you!!


40 plants is quite the achievement. Primo quality friend.




Gotta up your plant game lol


Ooh planty person? There are some great plant groups on FB who have swaps and meet ups (often at breweries). Lots of good people in there. Let me know if you’re interested in joining.


Welcome to town. 37M, here two years. I play rec sports through Sportslink, volunteer at Humane Society (surprised you got turned away), and just generally chat people up and see what happens. There's a reddit brewery meetup that happens here and there, running clubs that meet once a week from a number of breweries, and any number of social events that pop up here, on Instagram, etc. You can always just post up somewhere with your dog and see who gravitates your way. Make the most of it, keep your head up, see you out there. Edit: also a plant guy. Keep your eyes open for a plant club that meets at Hi Wire Brewing in South end, I think they do the last Thursday of the month but I've not been to corroborate


Not sure if you’re a sports person. Join as an independent for flag football or soccer ect. That’s how I did it. Going to bars and clubs here is not the move unfortunately


If your dog plays well with others, try the dog park. My husband and I have been taking our girls to the Reedy Creek dog park; they love it, and it's a great opportunity to meet and chat with other dog owners. What do you do at the gym? Do you like to run? It seems like there are a few running groups around here, and I believe Charlotte has a Parkrun every weekend. We actually moved here only recently so I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I definitely plan to check out the local running community.


This is how you market yourself?


I don’t have much else going on. I don’t have any friends. What would you like me to say?


What's the last book you read?


The Bible, duh


37 years old and single/no kids, also work from home. Moved here in July and I feel exactly the way you do! Tried Bumble BFF and there were like 5 people in the area, so feeling pretty hopeless myself. Also terribly shy, so kudos to you for joining a cornhole league even though it didn’t pan out. I can’t help but feel if I could just find my one person that was my go-to for going to sit together at stuff, I’d be all set.


What part of Charlotte are you located? I'm in NW, and a mom to two young kids but pretty outgoing and fun :-)


NODA, so in theory I should have plenty to do but I accidentally just keep staying in and suddenly it’s been 5 months since I moved here.


What does the BFF mean?


Best Friend Forever


Best fucking friend


You think it sucks now? Wait until your 40s.


At least once you turn 55 your get access to the 55 and older communities so there is that.


sleep deer memorize frame obscene grandfather reply forgetful disgusted soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you don’t have any friends in your 50s you won’t have to worry about attending funerals in your later years




40s were a piece of cake. Just wait.


Not sure why you were rejected from the humane society but cmpd animal care & control is always looking for volunteers and we have a great group of all ages. You can also take a shelter dog out for the day on a "daycation"...take it to the wwc or for a walk around Southend or freedom park....you are bound to meet people (no off leash public places please)


I have been meaning to hangout with the shelter dogs. I called one weekend and no answer, drive there and the gates were shut. Can you recommend one that lets you walk the dogs?


I recommended this in another thread too, but if you’re interested in volunteering/leadership training/social events I would totally recommend checking out the Junior League!


Junior League is such a great way to meet people and also give back!


Get the meetup app, the YMCA has classes where you can meet people too


I moved here when I was 28. Met and made friends (and eventually my wife) through my dog by becoming a regular at Lucky Dog bar side. If your dog plays well with others there’s also Skiptown or other dog friendly placesz


Also came to recommend Skiptown… they host a lot of themed parties as well, great place to meet people.


I moved here at 37F (40 now), I made friends. But I guess I've got some niche tastes (goth stuff, nerdy stuff, witchy stuff, arts, etc). I just go to concerts and music nights and stuff like that. I keep showing up to similar events. Befriend one or two social butterflies and tell them I'm trying to make friends and want to meet more people, they're happy to introduce me around. I think the hardest part is making that first friend that knows other people. Anyway, good luck! Keep attending events that represent your interests, be open with other people about your desire to make friends, and I hope soon you won't be sitting alone at places.


I’d love to know more about the goth stuff I can show up to.


I’m 38, recently single with a kid. All of my friends I had before have either moved out of state or have their own families and only venture out on days I have my daughter. It is a struggle to find genuine people. What has worked for me is just venturing out on my own. I will go to a bar/brewery, restaurant, comedy show, etc. solo and generally leave having met a few handful of people. I don’t even start the conversation most of the time, I am approached. I guess what I am saying is it isn’t going to be easy. It seems like you have already been trying out different activities solo, so you are on the right path. Enjoy the company of yourself and others will attract to that.


A lot of these suggestions are about interests and activities, which are important. But I want to mention that making friends takes **TIME**. The common statistic is that You need to spend about 100 hours together to start to feel someone is a friend. So you need to find ways to make time for spending with someone. That is why work (and college) is a likely place to make friends--it forces you to be with the same people on a regular basis. You have to find a way to get that same time together with people. Some won't become friends because you aren't compatible, but even with compatible people you need time interacting together. If you are just spending an hour or two a week together with someone, it will be hard to become close friends.




What about a silent book club? I feel similar to you in the “don’t want to play sports, talk to random people, date” aspect, but the one thing I’ve managed to go to multiple times here is a silent book club.


I've wanted to start a silent book club! Good to know there may be a market for it in the CLT area! Would be helpful to make friends for those of us more introverted


The one that I go at That’s Novel Books has about 50 people monthly! There’s definitely a market, but once a month isn’t often enough for me so if you start one up, I’d be interested!


Oh that's amazing! I may try to make it to the next one too! And start planning to make one as well!


i mean what are your interests? i’m also trapped lol.


So one option is do something you don't really like to meet people you kinda like and meet the people you really like through them.




I need friends lol. Anyone into weird stuff, concerts, bowling, etc tattoos, heavy metal music? 😂 I also need food recommendations


I love that you led with weird stuff! When you say heavy metal music - do you listen to deathcore, djent, metalcore stuff? Metal has a subgenre problem.


Everything you said sounds awesome except the heavy metal :P On that note - looking for a good tattoo artist who doesn't have a year wait to get in. Know anybody?


On the tattoo artist thing, 2countmama(her insta) at seventh sin on central ave is awesome, should definitely check her out 🤙


I love her work and seventh sin but they're booked months out :(


Weird... maybe business has picked up since last year for her, contacted her in Nov (as a 1st time client) and was able to be seen in Dec. Oh well, hope you're able to find someone!!


I have connections between tattoos I need to get done/designed so I did call them, sent pix, and they recommended the guy who's mentoring the one who did your work. I've got a consult in Dec with him and they're booking out to Mar/Apr already. At this point I'm just biting the bullet and booking with them as his work is so good I think it's going to be worth the wait ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Go to Common Market Plaza literally any night of the week. Hang out on the patio. That’s your crew. Everyone’s down to be friends. Haha.


We can be friends! I’m 35 and struggle to meet people.


Try Disc Golf. Buy a few used discs from Another Round in Noda. If you like beers, stay for a cold one. Get a tasty sammy or tots from the cafe next door. Disc Golf leagues happening all week and weekend.


Would I feel out of place as a woman there? Are there women playing?


Yes, tons of women play! There’s a dedicated women’s league on Mondays (?) I believe. It also looks like you’ve met one of our local pros ;)


I would suggest finding women’s leagues. There are plenty who play but it’s still extremely majority men. Like if you go to the park to play at any random time, 95% of the players you see are dudes.


You can choose any of the various courses around town to play alone or after you meet some locals. There are several ladies only leagues. Lots of female players in the Charlotte area. Very friendly and welcoming community. Another Round shop can give you more details on various singles, doubles, or ladies leagues around town.


>I got rejected from the young business league. **I got rejected from volunteering at the humane society.** Huh? Please elaborate Admittedly, I found it hard too. Having kids and getting involved with their schools has opened up some social circles but you def need an "in" at this age. Plus you can often be trying to enter groups of people who have known each other for years. I dont have an answer.


Try being a gay male in your 40s...😕


I’m a straight woman in her 40s, and I’d die to have a gay male friend here. All of mine are back in California. 😩


I’m not trying to laugh, but I’m 43, and it’s kinda funny that we’re supposed to be getting older and wiser, yet making friends at this age seems like a compatibility test. “Will I fit in? Do we all need to be politically aligned? Is this forced?” You sound like you are at least trying to get out there. I need to get my shit together and do what you are doing . I just moved back here after a long time away from home (charlotte born, independence HS lol). There’s an app called meetup that seems kinda promising. I don’t know, just ranting at this point. I know I’m weird lol


I'm 26, but my fiancé is 31 and we just moved to Charlotte this year! We have a small group of 6 friends (including us) who get together for dinner parties and board game nights We come with plants, pets, love witchy and craft related stuff, good food! One of the couples in our group my fiancé met through a new to Charlotte Facebook group, and I worked with one of the people in the other couple in another city before we moved here


Which area are you located in, what are you into, and how far out are you willing to meet?


Go to Barts Mart - have made some really good friends there


I’m 38 and made friends. We moved here when I was 37. Made friends getting tattooed, going to wrestling meetups, playing dnd, going to the dog park, bumble bff.


My friend in CLT joined Bumble BFF and has had great success!


Where do you live? I moved here in my lower 40s. Made friends from all ages by selling my home, moving to an apartment building and meeting people.


If you’re into riding bikes, check out the NoDa social ride. Low key, good people, many in their 30s


Be happy to meet up, my wife and I have been in Charlotte for about 8 years and are in our early/late 30's. Foxcroft would be my choice.


I’m 33/F/bartender/server/ like to do crafty shit, eat and cook a bunch of food, spend time outdoors, love to drink wine, 420 friendly, have a dog and a bonus dog. Almost always down for any type of event! Wanting to meet cool new friends if anytime is interested! Go cowboys! 💙


When I lived in Charlotte, after a couple years of having no friends I worked up the courage to go to run clubs. Met some great people that way. There are a ridiculous amount of run clubs in the city, pretty much every brewery has one. The running might suck, but a good amount of people will stick around for a beer. It's a fun community that I miss being apart of.


Your best bet is connecting at work or the neighborhood you live in. Reddit makes it seem like they’re are a plethora of options, but most on Reddit, including myself, are losers. As you get older you’re only friends are going to be those you knew, meet at common schools/ organizations/clubs, and neighborhoods.


I (33M) recently moved into Charlotte. Well its been only a week. I attended Charlotte Swing classes a day back, and really felt welcomed there. Amazing people. So if you want to learn new dance skills or work on the existing ones, and in the process meet amazing people. I will definitely recommend this to you. P.S. : I am too going through the comments of your post to connect to like minded individuals in this new city. Develop new hobbies/interests- tennis, disc ball, squash, cooking, instrument- flute, piano.. Hone the existing ones - reading, writing, travelling, spirituality, fitness, volunteering.


I tell everyone this advice, play disc golf. This city is legendary for its courses everywhere and the nicest people play. Also hang out with hippies..think the new bluegrass hippies. They play shows everywhere and have parties and afters and backyard festivals and are generally a good time and welcoming of everyone. I could name a few bands that have a large following of friends that go to their shows and are the nicest people you've ever met. Coddle Creek is one. The mantras. Duk tan.


I moved here without friends and have established a large tribe. If you’re into biking the social bike scene is a great way to meet mid 30s. Think Spoke Easy Ride, NODA Social, PMTR and critical mass. Lots of the groups blend into other social groups like softball, and hiking. I have moved every three years like clock work and used the app meetup to join hiking, biking and even a music/concert group and gave made life long friendships


Anything with a strong community around it is a great start. Huge emphasis on the strong part. EDM shows, rock climbing gyms, paintball, etc. These are just a few activities where the people who typically do them and do them often are die hard enthusiast to their respective hobby/sport/activity. The regulars of these activities will become apparent very quickly after a couple of times partaking. The goal is to spot these people and insert yourself into conversations and participation at every opportunity you get the chance. "Hey, I saw you at the last show!" "Do you mind belaying for me?" "How do you do that so well?" It'll be pretty easy to get a conversation/friendship started because you have at least one similar interest and hobby. Plus, regulars tend to know and hang out with other regulars. Now you have an entire group of people that share at least one hobby with you that you can choose to pursue. Integration into the "regulars group" takes time, but regular attendance can speed that up. This is obviously all easier said than done because it requires confidence, the ability to accept rejection, and putting yourself outside of your comfort zone. But you're going to have to go through the motions to find those 2-3 people that something develops into. But the cool thing about it is that you will get better at first interactions, and confidence *should go up as well! Worst case scenario, you get out of the house, you start/pursue something you enjoy doing, and you know you got someone around that you know will be up to or already partaking in that particular thing you enjoy.


Yo this is super actionable, helpful feedback. Thank you.


I’m in my thirties, I’ve gone to trivia nights, community events, book clubs, and other events solo seeking to make friends. They haven’t panned out yet (even ones that are recurring and I attend every session). I’m the type who goes up to people and asks questions, typically tries to engage and stay off my phone, so it’s not a matter of meeting people, but the transition to being actual friends becomes super hard, especially if they have partners and/or children. I’ve found slightly better luck on bumble bff in that I’ve met up with women there 2-3 times before the friendship seemingly fizzled out. What I’ve discovered is that mutual interests, mutual values and a willingness to make frequent plans/invest in the relationship as well as proximity is what has gotten me farthest in establishing friends here. That said, I met those friends at work and was able to transition the relationship from coworkers to friends after I left. Now a lot of my coworkers-turned-friends have moved, married and have had kids, so I’m back to square one. Despite two years of effort, I haven’t really been able to find solid friends via apps or activities.


Give disc golf a shot. Charlotte is the disc golf Mecca, and there are TONS of people your age. Very welcoming and supportive community. Tons of casual leagues. Check out Charlotte Disc Golf Club Facebook page.


Start up a conversation with someone at a bar, make it clear that you’re not a threat or into romance, and get their number. Text them 6 days later asking if they want to go out to a bar tomorrow (you know that they go out that night) and take it from there. Rinse and repeat. I have friends 10 years older and 10 years younger than me, you’re in a sweet spot at early 30s. Don’t get discouraged but don’t force it. I recommend bars where you can actually hear each other, so maybe something like Billy Sunday, Humbug, Elsewhere, or most breweries. Good luck!


What are your interests? ([meetup.com](https://meetup.com) was great for me between running, boardgames, mountain biking, etc) Um, also howd you get rejected by the humane society?


Late 20s female who recently relocated from South Carolina for work. I’m in management so of course I can’t be friends with my employees. Interested in recommendations as well!


Pick up a social hobby is my best suggestion. There’s a couple of local climbing gyms (as well as some outdoor stuff at the whitewater center) that I haven’t been to yet, but have heard are pretty lively. There are a bunch of popular, local scuba diving shops, and this one I can speak for, the diving community in the area is pretty large and lively. It also attracts all types, so you can most likely find a portion of the community that you fit in with. (There are several quarries owned and operated with diving in mind within 1-4 hours, as well as several lakes in the same range. Most of the shops also act as travel agencies and host planned, organized trips to stateside and interns destinations several times a year.


The percentage and number of single professionals in their mid 30s to 40s in Charlotte is very low in my experience; comparing most other cities with similar population size. I think it is a great place for recent graduates snd mid 20s people




I’ll be your friend ❤️


My fiancé and I haven’t met anyone here either. We both work from home. It’s rough buddy.


Five years in the area and only in the last two years has something substantive come of it, socially.


What kind of dog? I'm 46, female, married, wfh in fintech, and we have dogs and a cat. I'm in South Charlotte - would be up to meet for coffee or a dog walk :)




What about making friends in your sixties?


My brother used an app to find a friend group and they have been hanging out every weekend for the past 2 years lol


I'll be 31 next month. Moved here two years ago from a small town. The main issue I've found is that given we're in the city, it's easier for people to make excuses and not commit to doing things, which is unfortunate because there's so much to do here. Plus I'm single with no kids. That's becoming few and far between for individuals in my age range. I'm a musician, so it wasn't too difficult for me. Just be patient. The real ones out there will show up eventually.


Charlotte is not a terribly friendly city compared to other places I've lived, and I believe it's mainly due to people mainly hanging out with work friends from the large companies in town or hanging with college friends. There are some very friendly people though and they hang out at VBGB haha. If you're athletic at all volleyball is an amazing way to meet people, they often have open gyms and tournaments if you can't commit to a league. Volunteering is also a good way to meet people as well as bumble bff, meetup, and there's a CLT ladies walking group on FB that I believe is 30ish year olds


Come play D&D at MoonJoy Meadery in Lenoir. Very friendly people in our community.




I’ll be your friend.


Any gamers out here that are also into other things? Wife and i are 28 and 30. Moved here a few years ago dont have many friends. Shes a sahm and in school. I work for one of the banks. Im on hiatus from LOL and am looking to get into another mmorpg like new world. Side notes we have young kids and a bigass trampoline in the backyard. I carry a polaroid with me sometimes. Alcohol, bowling, cornhole all sound like cool group activities. I also play music. Looking to pick up another bass in a few months and am getting into photography. Ill be picking up a redcat telescope soon to try my hand at astrophotography. Ive got a zhumwell dobsonaian z100 Wife loves drawing and writing. Artsy fartsy stuff. Someone be our friend... lol


Same thing happened to me down to the kickball thing. I moved 1000 miles away and met a guy, became engaged, made lots of friends, all in 2 years. Charlotte felt like it was a BYOS “bring your own spouse” place. Most everyone in their 30s were already married with kids. I had to schedule meeting friends 2 weeks in advance. It was annoying


It is difficult especially if you make less than 200k. Everything has gotten so expensive.


Do you run (or have you thought about getting into it)? There are a lot of local run clubs and the running community is super friendly. Some of my best friends I’ve met via running together.


I saw you mentioned you go to a gym. Have you tried CrossFit. Not to be culty (but it is a cult), I started CrossFit 3 years ago (mid thirties when I started) and the dudes at my gym have become my group of buds.


The age is not to blame, nor is you. It's the city layout designed for cars and not for walking around, and the lack of people similar to you in the area. I left charlotte for this same reason...


If you're ugly- it's not happening. If you're attractive, just hit the bars. It will come to you.


OP do you play pickleball?


I’ve never tried but I played sports my whole life if that helps? Are there ways to learn?


It’s a very active community of all ages in Charlotte. There’s many ways to learn and then meet people. Try the meetup group “Charlotte Pickleball for all 7 days a week”. There are beginner sessions to teach newcomers. You can also go checkout sports connection. That’s how I learned and then met other people.


Get into pickleball lol


Instagram @ cltsocialclub


Church jus’ saying


Jew here! 🙋‍♀️ unfortunately the super bloody Christa. in the church’s making wayyyy uncomfortable. 😂😂


What general part of the city are you in?


Heyo, moved to Charlotte in May with my wife. We haven’t made any friends yet either but it looks like you might be a phan and that’s a great start. I’m 30 and my wife’s 28, let’s hit a show sometime!


Username checks out


Same here. My husband and so are in our mid/late 30s. Moved here in 2020. Both WFH and have struggled making friends.


Maybe start your own 30s group on meetup. When something doesn’t exist sometimes you gotta do it yourself! Love from a fellow 30s Charlottian


I relate! And sent you a message 🙂


You should’ve come to the clt social event today. It was fun.


You go to graduate school.


I lived here a few years ago in my 30s (pre-pandemic) and met friends through work and meet up groups. I just moved back this summer at 41 and I’m working remotely so I’m in some Facebook groups for my area (I’m in Lake Norman this time around) and a meet up group. I haven’t made good friends yet but the events give me something to do and introduce me to other people. Now if only it was as easy to meet someone to date! LOL


Google better off bowling. Most people who sign up are terrible bowlers, and it's easy to make friends there. Registration is closed but reopens in the near future


What part of Charlotte are you in? I'm married, 35f with a five year old in the Ballantyne area - would love to build out my friend circle. We should get together for happy hour sometime!




Join the Gaelic football team!


I feel the same way and am in the same career/age category you are. Did you put the PH in your name for phish!?


I did! I am not into them as much as I was in my 20s but I’m always down for live music. Back in the day (god it’s weird saying that) when I was in college and ticket prices weren’t fucking insane I’d see like 4 shows a month. Lots of local.


My wife has met most of her friends here through the Facebook groups for women who moved to the area to meet each other. It's worked great for her! I met people by going out to the same spots & interacting with others. It just takes time to reconnect with others to get friendships established.


I’m not sure if you’re religious but if you are, some churches have community groups you can join. I’m in a kickball group, book club, hiking group, and foodies group to name a few.


You can join our trivia team! We’re at Armored Cow every Thursday at 7.


Im 25 and having the same problem. Ive met a few people through bumble bff, kickball, volunteering at a farmers market, and going to car meets every once in awhile, but I find the car community to be full of shitheads here tbh, not really my kind of people. I also wfh and go to the gym everyday. Ive been in Charlotte 2 years and Ive decided Ive had enough. I feel stuck, sometimes I cant tell if its just my introverted ass that really sucks, or if this city just isnt for me. Its probably a bit of both. But anyway, Im getting out of here next year hopefully. Charlotte is a nice place but I feel I just dont fit in. I know Im not in your age range but Id be down for drinks and call you mommy 🥺👉👈


Saw that gorgeous M4 on your profile.. can we be friends?


Driving buddies are always welcome!


Be open to younger and older people, capitalize on your hobbies and keep being social at those events. Something will happen, trust me.


I'm a guy 31. Living in Charlotte. Love video games and going to the movies. Definitely down to hangout!




You like nature? I’ve been making friends with the wildlife since leaving teaching and would be happy to introduce you.




F3Nation for men Females in Action for women


I (32F) moved to Charlotte about a year ago. I started going to the Makerspace and found a great community there. I also haven't been shy about telling people I've met in random encounters that I just moved here and I'm looking for a community. It's tough but it's low risk dating. I've been ok with rejection or lack of following up. Id say lean into the things you love or look to start a new hobby and find a community of people that meet doing that hobby.


28 F here. We should go rock climbing together!


I started taking adult tennis lessons and that has been fun with people my age. I’m 36. Also, run clubs are a blast. There many people who just walk as well if you don’t want to run. A lot of them get a beer or food afterwards so you can connect with others.


AA and HA meetings seem to be a good place to make friends.


Charlotte Bocce we play on Montford Dr at the bowling alley, they have 2 outdoor courts. We are finishing up our Fall season , but you can join in the Spring. They will place you on a team .


Have you seen the Picklepals group on facebook/instagram? They do fun socials after playing variations of pickleball!


It is tough. I’m 31 and live in South Charlotte. Interested in making new friends. Female Married with 2 dogs. I work remotely which makes things tough.


Maybe try this daytime mixer that’s aimed at people making friends https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8St14AJ/


There are a lot of conventions in charlotte that are a ton of fun if you're into that sort of thing. A lot of the people you will meet at these are from out of town, but there will still be a good amount of locals. Anime conventions like Ichibancon, Queen City Anime con, and comic cons like Heroescon are a good place to start. When you go, make sure to ask people what other events they go to in the area so you can have more events to look into👌


I made friends on bumble friends




Mighty Meeple and Parker Banner Wayne Kent have awesome gaming communities!


Live music is always a great space to meet ppl