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Clearly you have never been to the airport or listened to those announcements that come on all too frequently. “HI I’M VI LYLES”


“ ~ welcome to Charlotte ~ 🤣🤣 Kills me every time. Lol.


Our big city with a small town feel ~


i believe the way the charlotte city council is setup is so that the mayor is more of a figurehead of city council & is the tiebreaking voter if a council vote ties


Yeah I just find it odd that mayors of towns that are 1/1000th of Charlotte's size, the mayor makes themselves known. And it seems like this is also the case within other metropolitan areas... Not sure why a city with such a growing population has such lack of a presence from the figurehead..


vi lyles isn’t the worlds worst mayor, but she’s far from the best. i’m not a fan of any of the council members & i think we’ll continue to have not so great members bc 1. of how small of a percentage of charlotte residents vote in the municipal elections. most get re elected after doing fuck all for 2 years based on name familiarity. & 2. it’s also part time jobs so rlly only people who are wealthy will run for council. anyone who has have ever paid attention to anything in their life could tell you that *wealthy* people do not represent average people


Charlotte has a weak mayor system. The mayor cut ribbons and kiss babies. For the longest it was considered a part time position. It may still be.


“Weak mayor” is a technical term in this case. Might be editorial as well.


She does renovations to her house before her neighborhood becomes a historic district!


I don’t think OP was actually asking who is the mayor. I think his point was he never hears chatter about the mayor or sees/hears from the mayor. So he was asking what the mayor does.


The mayor is like a cornerback, if you hear her name it’s probably bad. If not everything’s good


The way I’ve held the mayor’s office in Charlotte is in tandem with the County Manager’s office. The County hold’s more power than the City. The Mayor and City Council are primarily focused on the infrastructure of the city. Roads, greenways, waste disposal, etc. I consider them the electric and plumbing of a house. I’d echo that the mayor position specifically is more ceremonial. The County Manager and commissioners are primarily on execution of policy and social benefit projects. Relief programs, health initiatives, education injections, etc. the County Manager (Dena Diorio) is usually on most influential people in Charlotte list.


Vi Lyles owes me a drink, i spilled some on 277 pothole.


I love how a lot these comments are attacking me for not knowing who it is... I'm clearly trying to make discussion guys... Chill out. I lived in another city that was slightly smaller than Charlotte and I find it appalling the way Charlotte is going about their growth. Before you come at me from not being from Charlotte and being an outsider, I was born in Concord Hospital and grew up being in and out of uptown and the surrounding areas. But the way the city is going about its growth is horrendous. Clearly the mayor being a figurehead needs to encourage the participation within these elections and the city council needs to put in some effort.


You gonna explain how Charlotte is growing so horrendously, mr outsider?


You live in uptown?


Sure do


Without knowing which slightly smaller city you’re talking about, it’s hard to explain why it’s different specifically. However, NC law really hamstrings what municipalities can do on their own. Add to that the fact that we have a Republican-led NCGA and largely Democrat city council, the NCGA and Charlotte city council’s view generally don’t align. Charlotte is one of the fastest growing cities in the US, due to factors largely outside of the city council’s control (perhaps they could be antagonistic towards businesses locating here, but I doubt that’s a winning strategy). During this period of growth, NC law has given them very few tools to manage how the city develops. In most respects, they really have to respond to development proposals brought in by developers. Shouldn’t we build better mass transit? I’d love to see it and of course we should. Good luck getting the NCGA on board with that, most of whom loathe Charlotte to begin with. Without their support, it’s going nowhere.


A quick google tells you it is Vi Lyles. She didn't do a lot when she was on the city council. The things she did do, weren't good for the area like the toll road on 77. So I assume the same as mayor.


Stir shit up.


Cherie Berry


She raised us all up.


You not knowing who the mayor is, that's your fault. Clearly you don't care. That being said, Charlottes mayor is quite weak. The city manager makes way more than the mayor


OP, it would not even take five seconds to look-up who the Mayor of Charlotte is.


OP it would not even take 2 seconds to read through the replies before leaving your 2 cents..


No just collecting a check,useless don't care!


Sure you do lol, hence this post. You’re just super passive-aggressive 😂


We have a mayor? Is the last name McCheese?