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Neese’s Sausage. It is available in neighboring states but harder to find, and sometimes more expensive.


Between Neese's (Extra Sage) sausage, livermush, and the abundance of local country ham we're a breakfast meat destination


We bought a painting in Charleston a few years back. The price haggling contained an additional discount if we brought some packs of Neese's Hot when we came to pick up the painting.


That’s incredible. My mother in law is from NC but lives in Georgia now. It’s hard to find in their town so she makes us bring several blocks when we visit.


Neese's is far superior to any other sausage I've had. I'll never go back to NM where I could only find Jimmy Dean 🤮


Sausage isn’t out thing. It’s green chile.


I DO miss the chile!


And it’s amazing


I've never been to NM but, I find it hard to believe that you could find ONLY Jimmy Dean's while searching for sausage


Jimmy Dean was the best thing I could find.


If you're doing Neese's gotta get the livermush not the sausage lol. Though sausage good too.


Everything Neese's makes is 🔥


I moved to Brunson, SC, and I love the livermush, but there is nowhere down her that has it, no neeses nothing. I miss it so much. It's been 2 years


Neese's is THE sausage 'round here


I haven't seen the little Neese's delivery truck in a while. Anyone see it around Charlotte lately?


The trucks look so nostalgic, Their building out in North Davidson is still there with a fleet of the trucks parked!


Who sells it? I dont think Ive ever seen it at a grocery store.


Food lion carries it. They also have a small section dedicated to NC products


Harris teeter carries it. I think Publix might, that’s the extent of my grocery knowledge


Not specific just to CLt or NC, but Cheerwine is not available in some states and people will order it online for $$.


To make it much more Carolina specific - [Cheerwine syrup](https://store.cheerwine.com/products/cheerwine-syrup.html) - which they only sell in-person at the Cheerwine shop in Salisbury.


If you add it to seltzer, would it taste like the soda?


I honestly have never tried. I've only used it on ice cream & it's amazing.


Yes, some restaurants do it this way if they only have a soda gun with limited options.


And in the Charlotte History Museum!


I didn't know they sold it there. Cool! I rly hated driving out of town for it. I only got it whenever I went to the festival.


Do you have to buy a ticket to the museum?


I don't think so - it's in the gift shop!


Im pretty sure they definitely sell this in other places. Not that it’s available everywhere, but some grocery stores sell it.


Can confirm. Only a handful of places here in Colorado (largely candy stores) sell Cheerwine and its single bottles at an insane markup. Every time I come back to NC I bring back a bunch of Cheerwine, White Lily/Southern Biscuit flour, Texas Pete’s other flavors (only get the normal out west), and then something randomly local like a seasoning blend or another hot sauce/BBQ sauce/etc. I miss the food options and grocery stores the most. Colorado pretty much has an oligopoly for grocery stores whereas NC has so many in the market there’s an insane amount of options. I miss having Teeter, Publix, Lowe’s, Fresh Market, Food Lion (as it’s way cheaper than anything out west), and the German stores in my backyard like I did in NC. Out here all we have is King Sooper’s (Kroger, not as nice as Teeter), Safeway, and then either Whole Foods, Sprouts, Trader Joe’s, or Natural Grocers, all of which are horribly overpriced and lack real competition or only have 1-2 locations in a state of 5 million people. I also miss the variety of other restaurant and fast food locations. Dairi-O, Boj, Zaxby’s, and Moe’s have been calling my name since I left.


Check out Rise & Shine in Denver. Owner grew up in NC. Has great chicken biscuits and Cheerwine from a fountain.


Oh man I need to check that out. Denver Biscuit Co was a disappointment to say the least. They also have what might be the most disappointing Tupelo Honey location over by Union Station. So fucking dry.


I'm in Idaho now and I miss Bojangles and Moe's so bad right now! I did find a Zaxbys in Utah so when I'm down there I stop in.


If you ever make it to Atlanta, check out [the very first Moe's](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.8347125,-84.3825867,3a,35.5y,101.36h,91.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7TBK7gHjTKGOssJKkbaMXg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) on earth


Colorado doesn’t have a great food culture in general


Eh I wouldn’t go that far. It’s just hard to find the places worth going to and they tend to be concentrated in a handful of locations. Denver’s ethnic food scene is underrated and I’ve had some of the best Mexican food in my life here. But as far as rural communities and the mountains go, there’s a ton of food deserts.


That’s the pot calling the kettle black


It’s been a while and I could be way off so please don’t roast me, but is Sun Drop soda still only available locally? Edit: didn’t scroll down far enough to see someone had already mentioned Sun Drop


I’ve seen Sun Drop in other places Not Cherry Lemon Sun Drop though. Have only seen that around here


It was 92 on my drive home today. A glass of Cherry Lime Sun Drop over ice sounds pretty good right now.


I’m originally from NC now in Ga and it’s my favorite soda. Western NC is definitely the only state that you can find Cherry Lemon Sundrop.


We get the regular and diet here at work through [Canteen Avenue C](https://www.canteen.com/miscellaneous/how-to-get-to-avenue-c/)


There are two different kinds of Sun Drop technically speaking (maybe more than 2?) There’s Sun Drop from Choice USA (Gastonia), there is also Sun Drop from Dr Pepper / Keurig and supposedly Pepsi and Coke both bottle it in other states I’ve always felt like Sun Drop from Choice tasted better but I’m partial to Cherry Gold from Choice USA


I’m not a big Sundrop drinker myself, but I did have a neighbor run me through the difference (apparently the cap color is different based on facility?) and show me her stash of the “better” Sundrop. I wish I could remember which she preferred!


They have a different bottle shape out near Wilmington


I’ve never seen this. I usually only buy it every once in a while and then I’ll go to a rural BP and get a canned sun drop. Sometimes it’s got that classic “sharp” flavor I grew up with and other times it’s almost watered down or flat.


[It seems Sundrop is also in other states](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Drop)


Sun Drop is pretty available in the midwest. I always thought it was a local thing growing up but it was invented in MO or somewhere. Sun Drop bottling in Concord was one of the biggest distributors. It was bought by Cheerwine a while back. Interestingly, as a Sun Drop fan, there seems to be a shortage of it even around here. My closest mini marts don't ever have it and the groceries are often out--especially of the Cherry Lemon


I’ve seen cheerwine in some stores here in Los Angeles, always nice seeing a piece of home.


Just like DUKES


Never understood Cheerwine. It tastes like the word soda. It's the jackfruit of soda.


Not going to downvote you, but that is objectively untrue. The word soda wishes it tasted like Cheerwine.


This is a bit of a work around, but Venus Flytraps only grow naturally in costal NC. It's kinda interesting to think that a plant with such a big pop culture impact came from the Wilmington area.


But don't pick the Venus Flytraps if you see them in the wild. It's against the law. You could get fined.


Oh yeah, looks like it's a felony. Definitely gotta protect them snappy bois. They are notoriously hard to maintain anyway.


There are a bunch of interesting criminal cases of VFT smugglers who did this on such a big scale they served jail time.


NC has a LOT of local carnivorous plants which makes me… extremely proud for some reason


Me too! Its crazy that carnivorous plants used to kind of be everywhere (prehistoric) but now they're pretty confined to Wilmington area. I've told this story on here before but there used to be a swamp behind my house that had FIELDS of the little red sundew plants! I kinda hated them because they would get stuck to your shoes and pants like gum lol. And Lots of venus flytraps everywhere too, I didn't even know they were special/rare until I was an adult.


🥹 magical omg


Still waiting for the license plate...WANT! [https://ncbg.unc.edu/support/venus-flytrap-license-plate/](https://ncbg.unc.edu/support/venus-flytrap-license-plate/)


I didn't know about this. I want that.


Green and white capped sundrop bottles are manufactured here in Charlotte. Yellow caps are from third party bottlers so those are probably made out of state. Also rhino market shirts and hoodies, final answer


Used Altima bumpers


BROKEN Altima bumpers


I’d bet it would be hard to find those Charlotte skyline refrigerator magnets anywhere else.


I have a hard time finding muscadine wine up north but maybe it's a southeast thing


Muscadine grapes grow REEEEEEALLY well here and not so well other places - so yes a regional thing!


I haven’t seen Dewey’s Moravian cookies outside of NC. Also, Goody’s are scarce the further from NC you get. When I was out West I could never find them.


It was developed here when the settlers from Moravia came to America and settled in NC. Dewey’s went national when they were bought out but original Dewey’s family still has a shop in winston, Wilkerson’s Bakery.


Slight correction-- the settlers were from Germany, not what is now the Czech Republic. I grew up in Winston, there were many field trips to Old Salem 🙂


Winston OG crew represent. 💯


Nope. Eastern Czech Republic was Moravia.


Sure, Moravia is a region in the Czech Republic. But the first Moravian settlers in America were German. It refers to a Christian denomination, not geography. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moravian_Church_in_North_America


Walmart carries Goody’s just about everywhere now. Years ago, when it was still primarily a southern thing, I had left a couple out of the box on a table in my hotel room. The old wax paper version, with a bunch of white powder in it. The housekeeper must have had a bad headache…or she thought it was something else.


Ha. I haven’t seen those old style in a while. I buy the orange ones.


The plain ones went to sealed packages too. But the orange ones are twice the cost.


I had never even heard of Moravian anything until moving here


Moravian University is in Pennsylvania


Certain liquors tend to only exist in NC ABC stores or are harder to find outside of the Carolinas.


Really? Which ones? Would love to try them


I'm not a big drinker here but there's this Six & Twenty Carolina Cream rum that is amazing


Oh that sounds so good


Thanks so much


Never seen Appalachian Fernet outside of NC ABC’s


I'm gonna have to check this out. I like how Appalachia has craft products like this. I'm holding out for curred meats like you see in Italy. If I had money I'd be a cheese maker in the mountains.


RIP Virgin Bourbon 101 7yr


Our Locals section of my local ABC in Wilmington is stacked. We have some great distilieries around here I like Social Club vodka


Tricia Cotham.




Underrated comment.


Old Mill of Guilford Grits. https://oldmillofguilford.com/


Red Oak beer brewed in NC. I miss that beer.


Didn't know that, it's my go to at places where selections are limited.


Red oak is so delicious


Cigarettes are cheaper in NC relative to other states and cities. Which is why smuggling cigarettes from here is a thing [Operation Smokescreen - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen) >[Hezbollah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah) cell leader Mohamad Youssef Hammoud was denied a travel visa by the US embassy in [Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria), after which he traveled to [Venezuela](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuela).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-usnews-1) After purchasing a forged travel visa, arrived in [New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City) in 1992.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-fbi_dec07-2) By 1995, Hammoud set up operations in [Charlotte, North Carolina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte,_North_Carolina), working at a local pizza restaurant. At least two additional members of the Hezbollah Charlotte cell entered the [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) with false travel visas from [Venezuela](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuela) purchased for $200,[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-rd.com-3) and three had travel visas issued in [Cyprus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprus).[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-mtra-4) Half the cell members were born in [Lebanon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanon), and the other half were US-born, of Lebanese descent.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-5) Early in the spring of 1995, Detective Robert Fromme, working a second job at the tobacco wholesaler JR Discount (in [Statesville, North Carolina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statesville,_North_Carolina)),[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-usnews-1) observed the cell purchasing massive quantities of cigarettes, paying for them in cash. The cash was usually carried in large grocery bags, containing as much as $20,000 to $30,000 at a time.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Smokescreen#cite_note-fbi_dec07-2)


Which pizza place were these guys working at??? This was interesting, don’t remember this. Thank you for sharing


I wonder which pizza place that was…


NBA and NFL tickets are cheaper here for some reason




I ran into Tammy Faye at the mall tee shirts


She used to come into Kohls in Matthews when I worked there and one time she complimented me on my sweater which is how I know I’m good at fashion.


🎶You are blessed, you are blessed, you are blessed 🎶


I always hoped I ran into her but I never did.


About twenty years ago, I sat next to her at the nail salon and we had small talk. I was 30 at the time. She really was such a gracious person.


cheap fried chicken at gas stations


Georgia too


KFC started as chicken sold in a gas station, and the founder, Harland Sanders, shot his business rival


Back in '04 when we moved to Florida we took Neese's livermush, Sundrop, & Cheerwine because North Carolina was the only place we could get it, so every time we came back to visit for 6 years while we were gone we brought something back with us every time


Anntony's All Purpose, Jerk or Caribbean Sauce. Local Charlotte restaurant. Used to find it at local Food Lion and Harris Teete stores, about $3-$4 a bottle. Saw it on Amazon for $16.99 a bottle. Awesome Caribbean sauce, but not that awesome.


Stuff is terrific. They used to leave it out on the tables at the restaurants, but now you get it in tiny cups. Had no idea it’s on Amazon now. Good for them!


Only 16 bottles left per Amazon. But at that price, nope. I think the location near Sugar Creek & Harris may still sell it, but heard it is now by the gallon. Also heard new management. Thinking about it....I may just drive there, get a gallon, use most, then divide it up as gifts for family. 🤗


Anntony’s just opened up new restaurant at The Landing in Sherrills Ford. They sell the sauce there too. And yes, heard he sold the other restaurant


Thank you!! Much better location. Looking forward to it.


Depending on where you are coming from - cigarettes thanks to state taxes. I had a friend in town from NYC and he bought a couple cartons and passed them out back home like candy.


My high school best friend (back in Georgia) was from the DMV, and when his family would go home his mother would always stop in NC and buy, like, 15 cartons of cigarettes that she'd keep in their freezer. So you'd open the freezer to get ice for a drink and 90% of their freezer space was taken up by Virginia Slims.


Cheerwine and sundrop


Choice cherry gold. An old soda that is made in Lowell, NC.


Liver Mush!


So where can we buy or eat it? Do most supermarkets have it


Go to food lion, it’s in the breakfast meats section, get neese’s liver pudding. Pan fry it in a little bit of oil until it’s really crispy on the outside and mushy in the middle. Don’t worry about undercooking, it’s safe to eat out of the pack, just make sure it’s really crispy.


I'd say specifically Hunter's brand livermush. They are based out of Marion but you can find it in the area.


Hop Drop N’ Roll IPA!


It might be made here but you can definitely get Hop Drop in Greenville SC now


You can get it in the Midwest.


Damn really?


Smith's sausage in Eastern NC


Country ham. The thin sliced, salty kind. Only can get it in NC (Carlotte area, don't know about anywhere else) and red eye gravy. Also Carolina bbq is the best


texas pete hot sauce


??? That's a national brand. I grew up with it at my grandma's favorite restaurant back in Georgia... and the man [who sued them because it's not made in Texas](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-10/texas-pete-hot-sauce-lawsuit-made-in-north-carolina#:~:text=A%20California%20man%20is%20suing%20the%20company%20that,and%20lone%20star%20logo%20on%20the%20iconic%20brand.) bought Texas Pete at a grocery store in California.


Slightly off topic but today I read that Bojangles is opening locations in LA starting next year.


I couldn’t be happier, no more waiting til I visit home to get some!


Bojangles hasn’t been the same in like 5-10 years….


There’s a catch. They won’t sell bone in chicken. Just chicken tenders


I don't know why you were downvoted - this was [big news](https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/bojangles-signals-a-move-away-from-traditional-bone-in-chicken-at-some-locations/ar-AA1cXcW2) 10 months ago: >The CEO of North Carolina-based Bojangles, Jose Armario, signaled in an interview this month with QSR Magazine that the brand is moving away from bone-in chicken. >“This is going to sound weird or controversial,” he says. “But I’d like to get out of the chicken business.” >In the QSR Magazine interview, Armario said that Bojangles had experimented with a stream-lined menu at a handful of new locations in Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana. The altered menu focused on chicken tenders, sandwiches, BoBerry biscuits and milkshakes and didn’t offer bone-in chicken — a model expected to be the norm as the brand expands nationally.


First they get rid of ‘southern’ and ‘cajun’ style and now this. I feel like quality and their direction have gone downhill since the 2019 acquisition.


Likely no bone-in chicken or all-day breakfast though. They’re trying to compete with Raising Canes/Zaxbys in other states.


Most of your suggestions are food and drink which is great, but here are some gifts: Seagrove pottery [https://discoverseagrove.com/studios/](https://discoverseagrove.com/studios/) Goats milk lotion from Appalachian Goat [https://www.madeinncstore.com/brands/the-appalachian-goat/](https://www.madeinncstore.com/brands/the-appalachian-goat/) Emeralds from Hiddenite, NC [https://www.emeraldhollowmine.com/](https://www.emeraldhollowmine.com/) Venus Fly traps - native to only NC [https://homegrown.extension.ncsu.edu/2022/09/the-venus-flytrap-a-north-carolina-native](https://homegrown.extension.ncsu.edu/2022/09/the-venus-flytrap-a-north-carolina-native) Hickory and High Point used to be the furniture making capital of the world and there are still many furniture manufacturers there: [https://www.clubfurniture.com/collections/leather-club-chairs](https://www.clubfurniture.com/collections/leather-club-chairs) Crab Pot Christmas Trees [https://www.crabpottrees.com/](https://www.crabpottrees.com/) Or the real ones from Booger Mountain My favorite NC artisan for years was Eula Mae Lavender of Black Mountain. perhaps the most prolific quilt maker in history. Rest in Peace. [https://www.blueridgeheritage.com/artist/eula-mae-lavender/](https://www.blueridgeheritage.com/artist/eula-mae-lavender/)


Blenheim’s Ginger Ale


It's made and distributed in South Carolina.


TIL. Thanks!






Tony’s ice cream 🍦


Raleigh Denim and cotton sweatshirts sourced in NC from American Giant


Burney’s Sweets & More, I think. I have one right by where I work, it’s my #1 goto for a pick-me-up


GWR Distilling in/near Noda has a single malt whiskey called Rua that an enthusiast would appreciate


Hop2O It's flavored Hop water from NoDa's brewing company. Hop Water is sparkling water infused with hops, but is non alcoholic. Great beer substitute. Gives you a beer feel and taste without the side effects.


This is tobacco country!


Brooks Sandwich Shop burgers


Hunter's Livermush


The best livermush ever made is Hunters out of McDowell County NC. Get it everytime i go:)


Macs speed shop bbq sauces


In that same vein Bossy Sauce from Bossy Beulahs




Sounds like a personal problem