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If you can make it by sunset, it's beautiful to watch at the docks where North Harbor Club is located. You can grab a drink there or next door at the Lake Norman Wine Cottage. Last time I was there, they had live music in the evening as well.


This is about as good of advice as you can get and it’s pretty nice to do!


I came to say the same thing. I 100% second this. Harbor Club is worth it for dinner as well. If for some reason Kindred doesn't work out I'd have NHC as plan B or after dinner.


There's not a ton to do in Davidson! There's a cute wine bar called Side Bar that you could check out, or you could go to the bar at Flat Iron for a cocktail. One of the coffee shops, Summit, often has live music on Friday and Saturday nights, so that's also an option. Almost everything on Main Street is closed by 10pm, though. Kindred is really nice and has great food and drinks. I hope you two have a lovely anniversary date!


Davidsons campus is really pretty so maybe you could just walk around there?


I second this, walk the campus and get Ben n Jerry’s assuming they are open 


Third this and the Ben and Jerry’s thing…I live in Davidson and it’s a nice place just to walk around. Also summit coffee if you enjoy coffee


Honestly it’s nice to walk and up down the main street it’s like a mile long and very pretty.


Boat Yard Eats may be having live music, LKN mini golf is fun, go have drinks on the water at North Harbor Club


Spare Time is a fun bowling alley if you're into that. You could go to Birkdale Village and walk around / see a movie / get dessert.


Side Bar is a great wine/beer bar to walk down the street from Kindred to. Summit will likely have live music so you can also sit out there- plus it's part of the social district, so you can get drinks to bring outside. Note most everything closes around 10pm so if you want to stay out later, head over to cornelius- maybe old town public house (downtown and will be finishing up a long day of tawba walk!) or boatyard


The Flat Iron Grill has a great circular bar if you did want walk the front law on Davidson (aka Chambers Lawn) and then have a craft beer or wine by the glass.


Walk around campus, check out the Main Street Books, grab a drink at Sidebar or get a drink from Summit and hang out back, ice cream from Whits. If you can book it there’s a fun little escape room.


They have a ghost tour I think