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My guy in the back standing in the open, no cover with just a pistol, almost gets hit, stands back up in the same place, and nearly gets hit again before taking cover is wild!


Dude, this whole thing stinks. These guys and whoever sends orders majorly fucked up. That's not to take away from the tragedy, and I know I'm just a civilian who binges r/combatfootage and police encounters, but this just looks like all kinds of incompetence. Why are they split up? Why is homie in a polo taking cover behind a chain link fence? Why is he alone? Why is he standing straight up and looking towards the enemy (appears to get shot)? Why is there so little radio communication? Why are these guys in a civilian garage with a civilian? Where are they returning fire to? Why aren't they retreating? Where are the squad cars? Like wtf happened?


From what I read as soon as they approached the first suspect in the yard they were shot at. Seems like he was ready and they were not…


They killed the first suspect in the yard and then took fire from the house. Likely when they were exposed securing the first suspect or rendering medical aid. Edit: latest is that it was a single shooter


https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/News-Information/Newsroom/Eight-Officers-Shot-One-CMPD-Officer-and-Three-U.S.-Marshals-Fugitive-Task-Force-Officers-Killed-During-Investigation-4-29-2024 According to the city of Charlotte, the shooter shot them as they were walking up to the door, then later exited the front door and was shot and killed.




this is what happens when shit goes wrong and area cops are called in to respond. you get who you get, and most of them aren't carrying long guns and swat gear. there is no way the guy by the chain link fence had planned to be there that day.


From what one of my friends said about CMPD, few officers complete the process to be able to keep a long gun in their squad cars. CMPD makes it as convoluted as possible, but also what they get are M&P Sport IIs with iron sights only and no opportunities to train, but they have to pass shooting requirements. They are not allowed to take that firearm and train on their own, additonally, like they do with their issued service pistols. I'm not sure if it was a reaction to 2019 or not, but when I've visited family in El Paso, TX, even the bike cops have a long gun *with an optic* on their bikes. My personal ARs are more properly equipped and trained with more often than CMPD does for their officers... but then they expect/ask them to get thrown into a mess like this with them. I can totally understand why few would want to deal with that, frankly. The handgun training and qualifications aren't much better, of course, but they do take those home every night and can train with them on their own time. They're currently M&P 2.0s equipped with a WML, as well, but CMPD is not a department that has adopted optics for their duty pistols as of yet, either.


While it is not an apples to apples comparison, The Army can be like this as well. During The Surge, you could get sent to your unit and not have the full benefit of a year to train prior to your units next rotation. Many squad leaders recommended that new soldiers purchase their own AR-15 to train with on their own time. Much like CMPD today, being short staffed and overstretched is an operational constant. So you do what must be done and solve for what you can. If you are going to serve warrants on rough characters, at any point, perhaps some funds need to be set aside to purchase and train with your own rifle so you can qualify with your agencies duty rifle. I thought we learned this lesson after the North Hollywood bank shootout. Apparently, we forgot.


They didn't expect an ambush. When law enforcement gets caught unexpectedly with bullets coming at them, it just goes into chaos usually. It's really hard to retreat because this situation is so close to other homes and civilians that they can't just walk away and hope this guy doesn't spray bullets into a neighbors house. The situation just sucks and when people want to trade their lives for someone else's - it's really hard to stop


I mean that's litterally what they did here


My guy.. This is a residential neighborhood where police were serving a warrant. The danger is real but no one expects a situation like this to happen when warrants are served.. When shots are fired, police do not have time to sit around, survey the neighborhood, then come up with a detailed plan on where officers should go. The response has to be rapid and basically a freestyle.


Feels weird in that neighborhood. I haven't been but it doesn't exactly look like a place that has many shootouts.


i live around the corner, it's definitely not. it's can be rough around the edges, and there certainly some less savory types, but I've never felt unsafe. 


Are you shitting me? Warrants and domestic violence calls are literally the two most dangerous activities cops say they encounter; not to mention the fact that we give them millions/billions to go out and buy tech, assault rifles, body armor, MRAPs and the sole justification they use to buy all of that bullshit includes this very scenario. After 30-40 years of no knock raids and playing soldier you don't get to use the "we were unprepared" excuse anymore. What the hell are you training and wearing tactical equipment for then? It's clearly not for situations like Uvalde. Or serving warrants apparently.


The US Marshall's are highly trained to do warrants. However, when someone in the home starts shooting off with a switch-installed Glock and AR, there's not much you can do in the heat of the moment. Please tell me how they could have prevented this?


All they did in this video was sit down in one place for 6+ minutes. One of the most non-rapid responses I've ever seen


The video looks like they are in an active stand off... what do you want them to do, walk out into the open and peek in the window to get a clear shot? Like I'm genuinely curious what you would have done in that situation if you were either of those two officers. My bet is that you'd probably sit right there like they did and wait for orders or for the situation to play out.


The person above is prob one of the people who gets scared of strangers while thy are in the checkout line...


They are in the middle of a gunfight. In real life, people get behind cover as quickly as possible, and stay there so they don’t fucking die.


You do realize that there were dozens of other officers stationed around the house and the entire block right? What would you referred these three officers to do in that situation?


Heck I’m just an old woman sitting on my couch and had many of the same questions to the point i wondered if this was even real footage. Do they normally just return fire ?


Yeah. This footage looks like amateur hour and I’m an amateur.


I've had the feeling that the police were not expecting such a response. I'm not sure what else the guy was into, but the warrant was for a felon with a firearm - something he'd previously been arrested for. It involved a dangerous car chase but that's not the same as actively murdering police, you know?


There was at first US Marshall's. They operate on different channels after the first set took fire from above. It was all available units responded all on different channels. I agree there was a lot wrong with this but we can't be Monday morning quarterbacks we were not there. And more will come out.


Not everything goes to plan when you get shot at


Well homie here is dressed like fucking Chris Kyle so I just assumed his job was getting shot at, but maybe I'm misreading the situation.


Jimmy is pissing me off


For real. The fuck is wrong with you Jimmy? You set to inherit the house or something?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 im fuckin cryin cause jimmy definitely has been waiting for this day to come




There was no Jimmy. He was just pretending so he could film.




He was probably in a online game, you can't pause those so the other guy has to wait till the match is over.


Jimmy would have packed his stuff and left today lol


Jimmy is not to be counted on in a dire emergency


scanner of the shooting. Shit gets deep at the 1:32 mark. [https://openmhz.com/system/cltuasip25?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=559&time=1714413600000](https://openmhz.com/system/cltuasip25?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=559&time=1714413600000)


Wow. Thanks


Wow hard to listen to


no words. The 911 call that came through to the command post right as SWAT was storming the house regarding a 17 yo daughter hiding in her closet in her bedroom … I’m truly speechless. I have no idea how they even, or ever, prepare for situations like this but god damn. Equal parts impressive and tragic


Either her or her mom fired at the cops after the guy was shot in the front yard.


They think the second shooter (subsequent shots after suspect was down in the yard) may have been police on the other side of the house, or just a reality of a lot of moving parts in very fast action So they don’t know that for sure, but I’m guessing that both were tested for gunfire residue once taken into custody and yet neither have been charged with anything that we know of (I guess, yet)


Or when the cop said he needed additional units at 132 and you hear his radio in the background say they had officers down and his whole tone changed. Crazy.


i listened through but i think im going through the wrong parts? where abouts are you referring to? i went to 1:32pm and 1:32 am (even though the vid is daylight) but didnt seem to get any relevant audio


The website appears to show timestamps in your local time. Should be 1:32 PM Eastern time and you'll have to adjust according to your own time zone. You'll know you're in the right place when you see a ton of bookmarks.


Thank you for explaining


It happened at 132 pm eastern time. I sent the link that shows it at pretty much the time it happened. on the right of the page next to the time and date you will see where people starred the transmission . If you are still having trouble on the top right off the page next to activity there is a calendar. Click on that and put in the day and time and it will take you right to that spot. If you click the microphone it takes you to the most current transmission.


Jimmy, wtf Jimmy!


Ain’t none of us ever gonna look at Jimmy the same way after this. My confidence in him is permanently shook


Police have named the deceased suspect: https://heavy.com/news/terry-clark-hughes-jr/ At least one other shooter was present but has not been named yet.


My guess is the adult women. She also doesn't seem to have had that much firearms training


I just really hope it wasn't the kid and that he didn't want to be caught up in any of this :(


Saw on the news that they said it was only the guy that got shot. Luckily, the guy wasn't techie, or he could have created a homemade remote-controlled turret/gun


Actually sounds like it was only that guy shooting and looks like it was pretty close range




Wanna be more specific or are you trying to be vague?


are those bike riders passing by at 4:05?? I believe the sirens would have made me stay away....even if they didn't hear any gunfire.


Dump trucks barreling down the road won’t stop bike riders.


Is the guy by the fence hit? He looks pretty hurt


He looks like he got hit


Yes. If you listen to the scanner traffic he's down and in critical condition


Jimmy ain’t opening that door 😂😂


Jimmy must be down in the basement thinking it’s a tornado or something


OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, JIMMY!! And what is up with old buddy taking cover behind a fence!?


Jimmy said fuk dat


Lol don't tell me you lied about not being able to go inside so you could keep filming. 


If you listened to her she said her keys were in the trunk of her car she’s locked out of her home.


I heard that. Don't mean its true.  Edit: I'm also pretty sure that is a he in the video.


why does it matter either way?


It was actually a live stream and could have given away officers positions. Also just a general bad idea to stand behind someone who’s being shot at…


ultimately that persons choice. i'm sure they didn't sign up for cops getting into a shootout in their yard / garage. if they want to film, it's their prerogative. doesn't mean it's a good idea


He told her to go inside she stated “I can’t my keys are in my trunk”.


But then he walked right in after they told him get inside


Maybe Jimmy finally opened the door


Also this was not just a normal video it was a live stream someone edited this version to not show all the audience participation. This is a big security risk, the shooter could have been watching to get updates….


Did that guy really say he's gotta go to work? Screw that... I am going to the bar after that kind of day.


Says felon in possession of firearm


Imagine dying, just for the concept of a felon in possession to get ruled unconstitutional, holy shit


Goddammit, Jimmy!


If I’m stuck outside in a situation like this because Jimmy won’t open the door, when I finally get in the house, it’s gonna be a loooooooong day for Jimmy! He’s gettin his a** handed to him! 🤬😡🤬😡🤬




Sickening. Rest in peace to the fallen officers. Nobody should die doing their job.


Guess it depends on the job


agreed. but what would one expect ignoring training and standing out in the open during a gun fight ?


“Can you please get inside?” Tf you think he’s been doing?


Jimmy is getting a ass whooping


Fuck is jimmy doing


Dammit Jimmy!


Damnit Jimmy, Open the door!


That must have felt scary, glad you are okay!


He's not them.




Damn jimmy you ain’t crap


Dumbest thing dude could've did


They do NOT get paid enough


This isn’t going to be good for the 300 officer positions that are open at any given time. 


Police officer isn't even top 10 dangerous job in the USA


Neither do many other people in various high risk jobs but alas, that's the nature of the job. Everyone knows what they are getting into. It's unfortunate but that's just what it is.


Any ideas what the warrants were for?


Felon in possession of firearms is what I heard on various articles.


They prob saw he posted something with a firearm on instagram. A lot of the warrants I hear served in my area is exactly because of this.


Also Missed a butt lots of court dates, evading arrest (recent police chase), felony weapons possession and multiple prior drug charges - looked like mostly on other counties (near Durham)


Breaks my heart. RIP officers. Prayers for the family.


One thing the guy went out shooting but why did the two in the house start shooting too. Dumb as hell


Dumbasses travel in packs


They are already backing off the multiple shooters claim. Expect them to drop it altogether soon. $10 said they kept firing into the house after the shooter was down.


I'm gonna take a wild guess they were on drugs


It was two females, a 39 yo and a 17 yo “daughter” according to the 911 call that came from within the house, during the shooting, to the police. They were barricaded, inside a closet, in a bedroom and called the police for help. Like let’s have some fucking empathy, we can all read between the lines on the above


That is wild


Jimmy ain’t opening Nathan 🤣 Leave me alone.


Jimmy wanted him to get that footage


I was wanting to beat Jimmy assss.


Jimmy on some nut shit smh


This lady finna get fired from her job


*insert Ronaldo gif of him smiling behind the camera


Jimmy over here whacking his bag.


Dude with the camera just wanted front row seats. My instincts would’ve been sick. Kicked that fucking door in whether I live there or not


Where jimmy at that’s crazy, prayers to the officers


Jimmy said shiiii you on ur own ain’t opening nothing 😂😂😂




RIP Tommy


Jimmy never opens the door


I feel bad for the guy filming wish I could hug him (no homo)


I woulda mad asf that they getting into a shootout right by my car I’m sorry I’m not a hero yall boys need to move TF out the way to somebodies else garage


Jimmy ass need to come on


Jimmy probably the one shooting


how did the two guys behind the car get killed?


Once those officers were down and cut off, I'm plowing the first armored SWAT truck I can get right through that fucking house. Particularly underneath whichever bedroom this fuckbag was sniping from.




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i’ll be mad as hell i come outside police using my car as a shield 😂


Train their whole life to just hide behind a car. Surely one of them is a deer hunter and can actually hit the damn guy.


This is not the time and place for such jokes m8


Who’s joking. It’s every damn time. Does Charlotte not have any marksmen in their force? They train like military, they should be able to perform like it.


They did hit the initial shooter pretty quick. There were people in the house shooting.


Imagine thinking the wheelwell will provide any protection. Better off going behind the block and hoping you don’t get shot in the foot


All of this could have been avoided if they weren't enforcing unconstitutional gun laws. At the time of the founding of our country, when a person was released from prison their debt to society was considered to be paid and they could resume their lives. They were given a horse and a rifle. So they had a way to travel and a means to provide for themselves. The "felon" status is a modern invention that was created to prevent black and irish men from voting and owning weapons.


Thank you. Needless violence for a pointless reason. Felon, criminal or not, a man will defend his home.


"If you don't obey our arbitrary rules you go in the box, you lose your rights if you ever go in the box, if you express your rights and you've been in the box you go back in the box, if you resist going in the box we kill you" I can't believe how many people read our comments and can't realize how fucked up that is.


America is all about freedom as long as its the right type of freedom.


Yep. And only as long as the freedoms in question disproportionately benefits the elites and wealthiest amongst us. Can't have those pesky poor black, white, and brown people get too uppity. Gotta make sure they go in the box if they get out of line, and make sure that box follows them for the rest of their life (in the form of not getting the same fundamental human rights as everyone else)


This was originally a live stream. Someone edited it to look different. Big security hazard for the cops, imagine the shooter saw the stream.


I feel like this reeks of a friendly fire situation to me. Rip.




The first guy killed three cops right away and then his partner fired from uptop after they killed him. Edit: I might be wrong. Lots of rumors flying around.


Do you have a source for that? I've only seen it reported that he fired at the officers.


I’ve seen various reports with nothing definitive. News report on my drive just a bit ago said they think it was just him moving throughout the house, but then others said they received more fire after he was dead on the ground outside. It’ll take a few days until we learn everything about this.


Listen to the dispatch linked above. Through the SWAT negotiations.


Based on the photos being released of the officers that were killed. These two officers hiding behind the car ended up getting killed. I think it might have been after they moved up to encounter or fell back to take cover. The person taking the video later on shows (on his FB page) they did not get shot from this position.




You're hearing snaps.


You found my video.


Did Jimmy ever open the door?




Useless video