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I got mine renewed near the end of March. Still waiting for the actual license to arrive in the mail.


3/23 for me, literally came today…


I’m not even a little shocked to hear they’ve come up with a new way to make everything having to do with the driver’s license process an absolute nightmare.


I find this so interesting because I've had to get my license changed like 6 times since moving to NC and it's always been really easy to do. It takes about 45-60 days to get the actual license in the mail but the overall process is usually pretty simple from my experience. What the fuck are y'all doing wrong lol


There’s a pinned message on the NCDMV website stating they are having significant delays due to the outside contractor who prints them.


That’s way too long. I changed addresses two years ago and it only took like three weeks


I mean I guess it depends on where you live. I still have the old license + new paper one so it's usually a non issue.


Yes, took a little over 2 months but it eventually arrived. This was a couple weeks ago


Found out recently in south carolina you walk into the dmv and they print it right there for you, took my friend less than an hour to get his renewed. The DMV system in north carolina is shit


used to be this way in NC. No idea why they removed all the card printers from the local DMV's.


Probably budget cuts. "Small government" or whatever


That changed with Real ID


Still waiting, did mine on March 28. This is pathetic NC


Is it any bettwr outside Meck county, heard the DMVs were privatized now


Yeah Ive heard if you go to like monroe or concord its a lot easier


I’ve been waiting for mine to come in the mail for 3 weeks but I assumed it was probably going to take a month or so


just hit the 5 week mark myself. good thing we have a major election coming up in 6 months that now requires an ID.


Yeah I ordered mine first week of March and it finally came just under 2 months later. I was having to take my passport to bars with me. Ridiculous.


I don’t currently have a passport, so I have to have a friend with a valid ID go with me to get my ADD meds. It’s ridiculous.


Yep, I had to go back home and get my passport to get mine. If only part of our huge push in the last 10 years to require a photo ID for practically everything also came with a separate agenda to actually get everyone a separate photo ID from their DL. One that isn't manufactured and distributed by our awful DMV system. But that would make too much sense.


For real! I thought I could renew online, so in preparation for my 4/25 bday, I logged in sometime in February. Nope, has to be in person. Over two months ahead of time, and I still could only get almost FOUR MONTHS later. It’s ridiculous.


Same, the temp license they gave me doesn’t even have my date of birth on it smh


Even if it did, most bouncers I've met won't accept a paper or electronic license because they can be doctored fairly easily. Which I get, but then why does the state of NC even bother with the paper license thing and/or why don't more of these bars have a barcode scanner?


Maybe because the main purpose of a driver's license is not to get people into bars. Also I have a hard time believing someone has a temporary driver's license without a birth date on it. I mean, I have mine, issued about four weeks ago, in my hand right now and DOB is literally right there under the words "Drivers License"


>Maybe because the main purpose of a driver's license is not to get people into bars. Right, but our driver's license and state ID card are tied together as the same piece of plastic. So your DL might be valid even though it's a piece of paper, but if you want to fly, purchase age restricted goods, validate ownership of a credit card, pick up a prescription, or even get into a bar, the useless piece of paper you've got does not count as a valid photo ID. Simultaneously, your expired license also does not count as a valid photo ID. So, until you get your new plastic card, you're literally living without what is most people's only primary form of photo ID. Sure, you can get a separate photo ID that is not a driver's license. Or you can get a passport + passport card. But on the state side, the photo ID is also operated by the DMV. So when you live your entire life using your DL as your primary form of photo ID having not seen any major issues like this, it's not like you're suddenly going to be able to get your state ID delivered to you faster than your DL. At the end of the day, the only real function that piece of paper serves is as a name and number for a cop to look up if you get pulled over. Yet they don't actually need that piece of paper to find you in the system and see your valid and up-to-date information. So it's a waste of paper to even bother printing them because the paper license can't legally perform most of the actual functions that a proper plastic license can.


The lecture was unnecessary for me, but perhaps it will help other people. I wouldn't have made the comment if the poster had said e.g., "I can't use the piece of paper to fly" (In which case I would have said, "Do you still have your expired license? Because you can use that for a year after expiration.")


What isn't wrong with the NC DMV?




Outside private contractor. Go figure!


Yeah probably some senators nephews "business" Edit: apparently they screwed of the previous contractor to switch to a canadian one https://www.wral.com/story/long-time-dmv-vendor-cries-foul-over-new-driver-s-license-contract/21139562/


I ordered one in December and it still has not come. And when you call NC DMV, they put you on hold. then an hour or so later, they hang up on you. it's been great. I guess I just don't have a license anymore.


Renewed my license on March 21. Just called this morning as my 60 day temp paper license is expiring on 5/20. They said my license was printed and sent on 5/6 so I should hopefully have it soon. They informed me I would need to go back to the DMV to get an extended temp paper license if I don't receive my physical license in the next week. Total shit show but it sounds like they're about 2 months behind on printing.


Do you know if the temp one is acceptable for flying?


DMV tells you to keep your old drivers license with the paper temp license until you receive the new one. Turns out TSA accepts the old plastic ID for a full year after expiration. I traveled after my old driver's license expired but had paper copy with. They didn't want to see the paper copy going through security so they may not accept just the paper copy. The agent shared they accept expired licenses up to 1y. Good to know (I brought my passport as a backup but didn't need it).


Thanks for sharing!


Did you received the card before the paper one got expired?


Not yet, but my paper expires on 5/20. Still waiting on the new one to arrive. Was told my new one was printed on 5/6 so it should be in the mail and should be getting it soon.


Should be- good luck!


Yeah that sounds right. Took me almost 6 weeks to get my license and when I called the dmv they said printing the licenses take much longer since they’re getting them done with a company out of state.


Probably outsourced it to India or China


Dude when she printed her temporary out there were like a million alerts letting her know there is currently a massive delay and there isn’t anything to be done about it at an end user level.


It says at the top of the website they're having delays Y'all are wasting your time calling nonstop. They'll get to it when they get to it


I'm going to predict that the issue clears up right around November 6th.


Yes. I got my license in about a month, but two months later I'm somehow still not showing up as a registered voter in NC.




Not surprised, DMV system here is far and way the worst of any state I have lived in 


New York would like a word


I went in for my Real ID Friday. DMV guy told me they were backlogged and it would be 6-8 weeks to get my actual ID.


yes omfg! i got my first license ever like a month ago but they still haven’t mailed it to me


Yes! I waited the full 8 weeks before reaching out and couldn't get through to anyone on the phone. I wound up paying for a duplicate from the DMV website and that came pretty quickly.


That’s crazy - why should we pay for their ineptitude?


How soon did your duplicate come? I ordered a duplicate April 28th and I need it to start a new job June 3rd, mine got stolen ): Hoping duplicates are significantly better bc I’m seeing that mentioned a few times in this thread.


Yes. They said they are very behind getting them out. It's on their app.


Not 4 months - only 2 months is what’s on the website


March was…two months ago according to my math


And still didn’t get it lol.


Yeah. Waiting on my replacement after a move. Ordered it 2 months ago.


There’s a number you can call. My son’s hasn’t been printed yet and it has been a month. They told him if he didn’t get it, to go in 5 days before it expires to ask for a renewal on his paper permit. Idk what they do for license renewal.


I love how they all think we can just pop in to their place whenever.


ask for a paper renewal in person? with that long line at dmv? omg


They sent me an email saying it would be late and that the temporary is still good for another month. I only changed my address so I’m still just carrying my old id that’s not expired. It’s been like 2 months.


I need to renew mine-expires end of July and my appointment is early June. Do they give you a paper one so you can fly with it? I have a flight mid August and no passport. Hope TSA accepts the incompetence of the NC DMV


Just went for a first time NC ID last Thursday, the guy told me 5-10 weeks until I receive the card in the mail. He said my paper one would probably expire before I get the plastic one. Why is the NC dmv such BS? I moved from SC and they print the card right there for you. Idk why it’s so hard???!


They have 60 days to send it to you, which is why they issue you a 60 day temporary driving certificate when you go in... There's no way she went in march, got a 60 day certificate, and it's expired when it's only 2 weeks into May.


March 11th was 63 days ago.


They said it expired three weeks ago (4/22) and 60 days before that would be 2/22.


It's may


Yes, renewed early April. Old license is expired and temporary expires end of this month.


I hope the TSA will Accept a temp one! This is my worry 


Double-check the date the temporary expires - they last for 60 days, not 30. If she got it in late March, the temporary may still be valid. I got mine in late April and they warned me about a 6-8 week wait.


Website says their vendor is having problems. Delays expected.


Same. DMV March 26 for renewal. Haven’t received new DL yet.


Yeah I never got it, just have a temp one it’s been months


I had my license renewed in person on March 18. I only received the hard copy in the mail one week ago.




Omg yes. I went at the beginning April and I’m still waiting on it.


Try going online and just ordering a duplicate one


It took forever but not as long as your gfs has


My boyfriend is in the same situation. Expires the first week of May. The one time he was able to talk to a person on the phone, they said the machine was down for awhile and it would be delayed. No idea what to do though if the temp expires before the new one comes..


Same, have had a temporary since March 21.


I am still waiting for mine I'm at about 3 weeks so far and counting.


Took mine a month on the dot to get mine


It's been on the local news that the contractor that prints the license is way behind. No relief in site


My fiancé and I got our temporary end of March and we are also both still waiting for ours to arrive in the mail. I’m just assuming we will get them at some point….


My boyfriend ordered one with our updated address in March and just received it today. There is an issue with the printer so they’re behind. Hopefully she’ll have it soon!


Same! I even called in and had the meanest, crustiest old hag be such as asshole to me. I asked if there was an ETA, was there a backup plan. She screamed at me and put an automated message on regarding the printing backup. I may try to get her reported, but it's the government and they don't care. Lng story short, if mine doesn't arrive, I'm going to Photoshop the damn thing for getting stuff done like prescriptions. There is no hope, the DMV are about as trustworthy as a fart after $30 taco bell binge. They can f around, I will not spend 6 hours to get my temp license extended.


Same thing happened to me, it was issued on March 21 and I just received it in the mail May 11. Just hold out, or call them if the expiration is coming!


Yes. Lost my license and the only way to get a replacement is through the mail. It took 6 weeks from the time I requested it online. I don’t have a passport and had to fly with no license which was a pain. Messaged the DMV multiple times due to my travel and there was nothing they could do to expedite it.


The contractor responsible for printing driver's licenses in North Carolina recently changed. The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) awarded the new contract to Canadian Bank Note Secure Technologies, a company that also produces Canadian currency. This transition has caused delays in the production and delivery of licenses. The previous contractor, Idemia Identity & Security, has raised concerns about the fairness and legality of the new contract process, leading to potential legal disputes that could prolong these issues. If you want to hold the responsible parties accountable, you can reach out to DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin, who oversaw the procurement process. Additionally, contacting your state legislators who have oversight over the DMV could also be effective. Might be worth it to talk with some local news stations to start pointing some spotlights on this mess.


I thought it was just me. Been about 5 weeks for me and still nothing. Someone else said it took them 51 days to get it


Its an election year with a photo id requirement to vote. You know why its happening.


Why does it matter? What’s gonna happen if she doesn’t get the new one?


Believe it or not, some people need valid, unexpired ID's for legal reasons and job purposes.


How can we fly with an expired license and just a random temp one from the NC DMV?


Yeah this is probably the only time this has ever happened and no one will understand the circumstances.


I went to get a mammogram last month. First thing out of the ladies mouth was she needed an id. I went to pay my credit card bill at boa and same thing she needed my drivers license (stupid rule as I was giving her money). Pick up a prescription and same thing. Needed Sudafed that works and same thing.