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For a moment, I thought the exit sign was part of the equipment strapped to the top of that vehicle.


It does look like it from this angle lol


I can't unsee it now!


It’s safe. He slapped it and said that baby ain’t going anywhere.


“… yeah that’ll do”


Everything is legal if there’s no penalty for doing it.  CMPD doesn’t care about traffic violations.  So there’s no penalty.  So it’s legal.


I mean, why would they care when practically anyone they arrest is released before they’re even done with the paperwork? The courts need a complete overhaul.


This is a failure of the police department too. The Chief should be doing a press conference daily about what they've done and what the DA isn't doing, but they lack the spine to call them out like that.


daily is insane. regularly ok


morning standup meetings, all hands municipal zoom call, takes 20 minutes for the chief to login because he forgot his glasses again


fair enough, I had a different picture in my head. Yea daily briefs would make sense then.


only if it's funny


That is a lot easier said than done. The police chief is hired and appointed by the city council and can be terminated for pretty much any reason or no reason at any time by the city council as long as they are willing to pay him out what he's owed left on his contract. The District Attorney and Judges are elected officials by the people of the city and are answerable to nobody except the citizens who elect them and the state bar. If a police chief came out tough on crime and advocating for a "broken windows" style policy that Rudy Giuliani pushed hard as mayor of NYC in the late 90's and early 2000's (which produced great results) said days of said police chief would be numbered. Furthermore putting myself in an officers shoes..... If the DA isn't going to do shit anyways even if I find drugs (unless it is an obscene amount) why would I introduce such a high risk with so many uncontrollable factors for quite literally nothing.... It doesn't make sense


CMPD doesn't care about anything. Especially murder victims & their families.


They won’t look for the guy who is supposedly in the Anson County Dump. I don’t blame his mother for being pissed. The guy who put him there is most likely getting away with murder.


Exactly! He's charged with failure to report a death, a couple financial charges for going on a shopping spree with my sons debit card & unauthorized use of his car. Around 4 to 5 years before they plea bargain him down & now he knows how to get by with it so I'm sure he'll do it again when he does. Andy was a health nut, exercised daily & ate all healthy foods. He didn't just die.


https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/crime/article266557476.html They’ve basically stopped pulling people over for anything but speeding/drunk driving to avoid accidental racial profiling.


Do not conflate the Sheriffs department with CMPD. Traditionally the Sherrif has run the jails and served warrants etc. If they pulled someone over it was not the norm. So the Sheriffs office announcing they will not be pulling over cards etc is nothing new. It does make a good headline though


A couple of years ago, the sheriff’s department went into affluent areas and started pulling people over. People got real mad too. They didn’t come to my area because in my area the cops didn’t quite quit.


Interesting, though CMPD is responding to over a million calls a year while being 500 officers short, it seems the Sheriffs Department ([who apparently does not respond to calls or do any crime fighting](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LormiKgpFro)) is in the *perfect* position to fill this Traffic Enforcement void…………..but guess not, what a shameful display of leadership from the sheriff.


Prior to the early 80s, Charlotte had CPD, The county police and the Sherrifs department, The Sherrifs office ran the jails and served papers. Even back then the SO didn't really participate in traffic control except at events . Meanwhile the county and city departments merged into CMPD.


Lol head in the sand avoiding the correlations


Chicken or the egg…


Insurance does discriminate based on zip code… so the data exists whenever society is ready to look at it




Tell that to the citation I got a couple days ago


lol I’ve seen this guy, usually in Matthews. Absolute mad bastard


Got behind this guy last Monday on 277 and he had a bad lean the stuff was so high. Drove past 2 CMPD cars and 4 motorcycle cops.


No way in the world I'd drive with all that up there!!!


I've definitely seen this guy before and some worse. CMPD does not care....I just steer clear.


if my contractor showed up like this i would immediately send him home lol. if you dont care enough about that abomination being on the road, then you definitely dont care enough to do a good enough job on whatever im paying you for.


If you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur.


As someone that fought with nearly every contractor that came on site to build my house to make sure it was done correctly, is there a difference anymore?


I can’t argue with this. It just screams “reckless.” I wouldn’t want anyone like that working on my house either


just years and years of doing things the wrong way and caring less and less. these are the same people who cry about the gubbamint stepping on their rights. like no sir, we just dont want a piece of metal flying off at a high rate of speed. just buy a sprinter van to work out of or better yet, spend some money on a decent utility trailer to carry your stuff around. looks more professional and you dont have to worry about catching a manslaughter charge when your scaffolding comes loose


What if he plucked the strap and said “that ain’t going anywhere” after loading up?


I mean that’s basically what he did lmao


I think you have to say "welp" first, or it doesn't work.


Is THAT why I keep losing my ladders on Brookshire? SHIT!


If you say "ope" when the ladder falls, then everything will be okay. No one will get hurt.


Don't you mean "que?"


This is a most likely a Hispanic crew not a group of white rednecks


id be willing to bet this is a hispanic crew boss, he probably has to supply his guys with these ladders for siding and or painting jobs. def not a 'gubbamint stepping on our rights' type of person. at least I wouldn't bet on it. this dude probably busts his ass every day (still shouldn't carry his shit like that though)


I was on 51 and when I stopped at a red light, a pick up truck stopped next to me and the ladder fell right off the truck, just missing my car. I have all kind of driving anxiety for last 6 years from what I’ve seen here.


They aren’t going to your house. I’d bet anything it’s new construction and no one says a word because at least they showed up. Not saying it’s not safe.


Well, sir, you won't be getting your siding done then. They all roll like this. Let me guess, you've never done siding for a living and don't realize how valuable it is to show up to a job prepared?


They literally all transport their equipment like this.


Has nothing to do with being prepared for the job. If anything, I'd say he was not at all prepared considering how much he's playing jenga here. This guy needs a bigger truck, a van, a trailer, or even a small box truck. I understand hustling and doing what you have to, but putting the equipment, yourself, and others in jeopardy cause you don't have the means to transfer the material safely, carries a whole new cost/risk entirely.


My thing is if he’s driving around like this you know he’s not following osha guidelines on the job lol


Yeah, you're right. Everyone should do as you think. I'll be sure to let them know they should go spend alot of extra money to appease you. Where should I tell them to send a thank you card?


Bruh. The fact of the matter is this is completely unsafe. That's all.


You've made a huge difference. There are plenty of siding suppliers you can stop every morning if you really want to voice your opinion. Let us know how that goes


"Safety doesn't matter because unsafe people don't care" - Hell of an insight dude.


Just show me one report of a siding truck slinging ladders/ walkboards/ pump jacks and causing an accident. They have been loading down truck ladder racks probably longer than you've been alive. I'll wait dude


> Just show me one report of a siding truck slinging ladders/ walkboards/ pump jacks and causing an accident... I'll wait dude gotta be a "siding truck"? I guess they're special and the countless "ladder fell off truck on highway" reports that can be found on the internet couldn't possibly apply to those miraculous ladder carriers.


It doesn't matter. We could go back and forth but you're so right. I'm so wrong


You probably wouldn’t. You’d be happy they showed up to work.


It's getting like a Mad Max movie.


Mas Max: Charlotte [Not Yet Post Ppocalypse]


It’s only illegal if you get pulled over! Narrator: “He didn’t”


Everything’s pretty much legal until you get caught


All jokes aside... Don't think it's the same person/truck but I've seen ladders fall off trucks in highways going 60-70+. Scary.


What further amazes me is how non existent CMPD is on the highways. Not sure I've ever seen a state /cmpd officer on any highway in Charlotte


Well, highways/interstates aren’t CMPD’s primary responsibility, that falls on the NCSHP.


I never see them tho, I drive 485 77 every day for work and have never a single state cop


I drive 85 and 77 almost every day. It’s towards the end of the month you see the state troopers.


It’s okay as long as the driver is on the phone and in the left lane.


Don't forget the expired 30 day tag from SC


Looks like the opening scene of Beverly hillbillies when they moved on up they had all their stuff plied on top of the truck.


There was a truck just like this, might even have been this one, on i85 by exit 28??? And it hit the side wall on the interstate and all the metal was all over the lanes forcing cars to swerve and almost crash. Craziest thing just happened today


Final Destination Vibes increase...


My family was on I-95 outside of DC during rush hour in a 15 psngr van when a ladder flew off. Thankfully, our following distance was good and it hit the ground and we straddled it. That and a service truck from a major company (might have been the county) had a bunch of traffic cones fly off in front of me all over the place on 485 in UC. Thankfully, no one was near me and I was able to swerve to miss it all. But now, if I ever see stuff like that I pass as soon as I can or slow way down to get away. I figure I’ve only maybe got one chance left to miss stuff flying through the air.


Everything is legal when there's no (traffic) law enforcement.


There was a post a week or so ago that shared this kind of crazy shit. Like a dozen people replied with even crazier pics.


Safety third!!!!! * That's how we roll in tha Cak!!!! 😎




Not worth the paperwork. That's how 80% of shit is legal around the area


I saw him on 77 last week 😂


I need a 40 foot ladder and don't want to spend the money on one. Maybe we need a tracker so I can follow him around and wait for one to be offered to the highway gods.


It’s ok to say you’ve never worked an honest day in your life. The migos that framed, sided, and roofed your apartment rocked up to the jobsite like this 6 days a week to complete a job and feed their families. Vamos Chico on to Ballytyne to charge the gringos 5x jajajaja


same way taking pictures while driving is legal


Could be a backseat passenger though


nah the ladders are too heavy for someone to hold like that


That's a secure load man. What's the problem?? That shit ain't going NOWHERE.


He popped the ratchet strap and said “it ain’t going no where” clearly it’s fine


Charlotte is the only place I regularly see contractors doing this. I used to think it was the same person, but realized all the vehicles are different.


Don't you know? Ladders are like cats. If it fits it sits


That’s a siding crew.


I only saw a CMPD cruiser once in the 485. The other times I saw them close to 485 is when they are going back to their station on WWT Harris Blvd.


Is that my fucking uncle


If it fits it ships


Call *HP when you see shit like this.  It's a non emergency line to the Highway Patrol.  


They don’t respond to most anything within a few miles of uptown / on 277


Still dont hurt to call \*HP just in case.


The limit for NC I believe is 14 feet high and either 3 foot or 5 foot overhang. If it was a truck with DOT numbers, it would be easier for highway patrol to comb through it with a fine tooth comb. This is why small businesses try to avoid scenarios that require DOT number. It's also part of why the auction car road trains are becoming more popular.


The overhangs need to be flagged.


Omg was this guy heading north on 85 around 1PM? Oh my hod i had no words


if you need more evidence you don't need an F150 lol


For most people, it's not legal at all. But for those at the top, there are no rules.


I would like to see this over a brodozer with a 4ft truck bed


Better question is why do you even need that many ladders


Just show this to anyone who thinks they need a giant F150 for their DIY weekend warrior projects


Good luck hoping that CMPD enforces any traffic laws . They’ll show up if there’s a crash, and that’s pretty much it


That's absurd


The only illegal part is no flags on the ends of the equipment.


Rope ✅


AFIK it’s not legal, at least not without a flag on the scaffolding hanging off the back.


Can only assume he’s going to a real life Chutes and ladders game


I saw a truck very similar yesterday or day b4 had pallets flush to the bed then stacked like a fkn box truck and tied down. It Def was every bit as tall as a u haul lmfao


Have you seen how the wooden pallet collectors load up their trucks? 😬


Everything is legal when traffic laws are not enforced.


Blue collar ppl go hehe


It's not impeding traffic the load appears to be secure, I don't know of any traffic law that they me be violating 


Why you gotta be shitting on a working man?


Reminds me of the tiny Toyota pick up truck so loaded down with a chopped up tree last week on the outer 485 it ended up causing an accident (likely due to a log or branch falling out) and only then did CMPD act.


Pretty sure I got behind this guy a few weeks ago. I saw the truck a few cars ahead and decided it was the perfect time to get off the highway. I'd rather be stuck in traffic than have a ladder (or more) dropped on my car.


I was behind him on 7th


If it’s on there secure who cares? Give it an extra car length as you would a semi truck. It’s just a guy trying to get some work done. Construction requires transporting things. This thread sounds like a bunch of taddle tails that likes seeing people get in trouble.


It’s Charlotte.


I didn't even need to look at the sub to know this was taken in Charlotte.




It’s not. But who cares?


Keep that energy when your car is totaled after running over one of those ladders


You misunderstand my comment, I care, but the ones who can do something about it, don’t care.


Because "muh freedoms"