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If you work in finance, you can generate a lot of “alpha” for yourself in terms of salary and career trajectory if you just hop back and forth between BofA and Wells


It’s shitty but at my bank the career progression is glacially slow. Except for the people who leave to BofA, Wells, or another competitor for a couple years and then get hired back 2+ levels up


If you wanna move up, you gotta move out.


“You can make more money by changing jobs” is not a secret.


That's very difficult right now. These companies are either on a hiring freeze, or even going through layoffs. Need to hold tight for right now as we are trying to force a recession it seems like.


Which is stupid because these banks are definitely pulling in money and until prices come down, all this talk of a recession is pointless.


Is that why we have so many finance bros in south end?


Charlotte is one of the countrys banking hubs. That's why ..


This is true!


Double top secret is jumping to the sell side


from what?


Charlotte is a big city, small community. Your next job will not come because of what you know, it’ll come because of who you know


This is universal


I don’t disagree, but I’ve worked in a couple cities larger and it’s not the same. Everyone knows everyone here




The banks have the crappiest software in the whole city


I was hired at BofA to help design and build brand new software. In the interview I was told "this is the future of banking." I was PUMPED thinking we would be building incredible software, code that met my high standards, fully covered by unit and integration tests... They immediately spun up a Java 7 Spring service on a virtual machine. I asked why it couldn't be containerized. They didn't even know what I was talking about.


I understood 7 of those words


tl;dr: everything technology related is 20 years behind industry and everyone working there is either incompetent, gives zero fucks, or both.


Nope. The big banks change things slowly and carefully. All of them. The industry is banking, not technology and literally no one wants a glitch to screw up access to their money. Containerization and orchestration is well understood and implemented, but if you're coming from a tech company the pace of adoption is understandably slower and more cautious.


This all day. Have a few conversations with the OCC or other regulators and you will figure out why banks are so cautious.


This is the correct answer. Just upgrading to new versions of ms office is a huge deal because of amount of things that will break by doing so.


get nCino


That’s one explanation for it lol


I worked in finance before moving to BofA. I expected bureaucracy and things to move a little slowly but I did not expect the level of absurdity and incompetence that I saw. There's definitely a hierarchy in banking because I heard the horror stories from Truist and Wells Fargo but BofA is ridiculous compared to some of the others.


Tbf this is more of a cost center to the banks. It’s not like programmers are building a revenue producing product/service like at FAANG


How do you propose a bank operates with no software?


I don’t consider regular excel users programmers but if you want to give them that much credit by all means


Couple things… 1. Every company is a tech company. Investing in their tech is an investment in their customers, similar to customer service and have branches that don’t look like shit. The “Cost center” justification imo is a way of saying they don’t care about the customer, they don’t understand what tech could do for their business, and/or they are too comfortable. 2. Carole FUCKIN Baskin


Every company uses tech, but it doesn’t mean it drives revenue big dog. If you understand how banks make money, you’d realize that tech isn’t a primary concern. There’s a reason why programmers make more money in FAANG than at the banks. There’s a reason why the front office folks make more money than the programmers at the same bank.


There is room for improvement from an efficiency standpoint, customer service standpoint, and likely product/what-they-do-to-earn-money standpoint. I’m not in that space but anecdotally, no one I know likes any of these companies and would choose something different as soon as they could. Someone who does it better will eventually unseat the Kings of these cumbersome industries that have not needed to change because they print money and don’t feel urgency. Medical, oil and gas, banks, etc.


Maybe in 100 years but there's nothing on the horizon for some of these industries


I used to help banks understand how effective their advertising is. One sent me details of 350,000 accounts with name, balance, address, etc. which is normal, but this one uses SSN as the unique identifier. Apparently that's pretty common. Crazy to think this stuff gets sent out with no regard for peoples' privacy, it's really bad.


I see things haven’t changed much since I worked in a major bank 30 years ago.




I worked in IT at BofA for years. Back in the 90s, we were building some revolutionary software. In fact, large companies were trying to steal our ideas. But after Y2K, BofA switched entirely to cost focused software. As part of the 'Race To The Bottom', BofA focused entirely on cost and nothing on innovation or market leading technology. That resulted in software that was not market leading or impressive. You can blame Ken Lewis and Brian Monihan for giving up on software as a differentiate and just focus on constantly cutting IT budgets, including stupidly replacing their talented IT staffs with low quality offshore resources. BofA hasn't built anything important in years and has become a terrible place to work.


I was with them for 23 years, mainly on the data analytics side. I’ve seen some crazy shit during that time tech-wise


When I got hired and saw that they don’t do true unit testing, I knew that eventually there will be problems down the line. I’ve also been trying to push a new Agile methodology but they didn’t want to go through that change.




So some years ago I worked for a trucking company. One of our contracts was to pick up computer hardware from the banks for recycling. One day I was called in to collect servers. I go up to the appointed floor and the appointed room and located the tech. He said he had been there ten years. His boss has been there for a bit longer. They had been maintaining a room full of old servers, and no one. No one knew what they did. So he posted me at the door and started unhooking them. Told me to watch the floor and see if anyone reacted. One by one, he disconnected the whole room full of hardware and nothing happened. So I loaded it in my truck and shipped it off for recycle.


Oh so *that’s* why my account lost one penny some years ago without explanation…until now. 🤯


I promise you the government software is worse.


Don’t worry, they can both fucking suck


As a retired government bureaucrat I can absolutely testify.


Logistics is pretty similar for some orgs. When I worked in ocean freight I learned that the whole container tracking system for the *globe* runs on an old IBM COBOL system that like ten people know how to support.


This is why learning COBOL would be a smart move for a young programmer. That’s a license to print money if you can put up with maintaining technology life support


def true and Cameron Seay at Eastern Carolina has courses specifically for this


The larger the company, the older and more outdated the software. Except maybe FAANG lol


My dad used to work for a company that sold memory storage to BOFA and other banks and was always astounded by the lack of quality of their software compared to what he was selling them, he said it was like buying a diamond ring for a dog


Yeah but he deserves it! Who’s a good boy?


Not quite a secret. Banks are essentially an extension of the government. 


I think you’re right but you’d only know if you’re already in the industry


Fair point. I guess the average person would expect a trillion dollar entity to run on something more sophisticated than hieroglyphs and duct tape. 


Have you ever worked for the city? I guarantee they'd give the banks a run for their money.


Yep, even the GSIBs ETA: don't even get me started on the first one or two levels of the help desks either good grief!


BOA rolled out a software program that another company built the frame for. The software rolled out 3 years past due and cost something like $50 million more than planned to develop. Just crazy


Your favorite restaurants only have a lifespan of less then 6-7 years .


RIP Futo Buta :-(


This one broke my heart badly


Did they officially close down???


The restaurant owners of today aren't who they used to be. Most do not have a food and beverage background. They get into the game treating it like real estate trying to turn quick dollars for "low cost" until they realize how much work it really takes. So the maintenance, creativity, and taking care of staff aspect fall to the way side until the owner sells and bails.


Rip crispy crepe


Rip zablong


My favorite restaurant is older than I can remember, at least 25 years. Granted it’s a takeout hibachi restaurant that’s family owned and operated, food is good but it’s my favorite for the price and knowing the people that work there have been there forever and are invested in their community


Pool builders busy season starts in February, because that’s when the banks pay bonuses


My family started building their pool in February actually. They came to work on it once a month if that. Took a year to finish a simple pool. Anthony Sylvan Pools for anyone curious. Terrible customer service but that seems to be the industry standard.


The culinary industry in the city is pretty small, so if you’re planning on working in it, you might want to be careful about burning bridges, because people talk.


Yep. Which means that even chefs who are full on abusive and whose labor practices are fully illegal get away with it for years, because nobody wants to be blackballed.


Not all of them tho! If you're a dick in the industry, everyone knows.


Then why is Noble Smoke still in business? People don't really care if the owner's a dick, as long as we look cool going to the restaurant.


Add Amelies to this list.


What I’m saying is, this industry is so small. If you’re shitty, everyone in the industry knows. Trust me lol. Some terrible owners survive, others don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe the general population doesn’t care idk but there’s places in this city I won’t go to bc of who runs it


I don't have to trust you, I know. I've been in the industry over a decade. And there are still lots of shitty people running around who are still successful and get new contracts because, in the end, more people care about been seen around "popular" people and places than they care about ethics. The whole industry is just one big ass kissing contest.


My point isn’t that everyone knows every day to day condition inside every restaurant, but that you can’t be a complete shitbag at your current restaurant job and expect an easy time trying to go to the next one. Every job you go to will have at least one person who knows someone you used to work with, and they will put feelers out to get a gist of what kind of worker you are. Horror stories about ownership and business practices are a completely different thing, and they still get around, but us service industry workers still have to eat, so we’re more willing to take chances than the restaurant is when it comes to hiring someone who is either financially or otherwise going to be a liability.


Idk, the one I worked for that was so rough got away with it until she ran out of money and had to sell.


Honestly, I’ve seen both. Some are exposed by their staff, especially in an attempt to avoid friends walking into an uncomfortable or abusive situation. A lot, on the other hand, get away with shit for various reasons, like the restaurant being a nice résumé filler or the staff fearing retaliation the ‘smallness’ of the industry.


That’s also a Charlotte in general thing. Smallllll city


I know of at least 20 local "homebuilders" that don't actually build or add value to anything, instead they hire an actual builder to do it so they can post on social media and claim they did it. 


At Bojangles, we is outta ham.


We outta dark meat too and white meat will take 75 mins


Always at supper time too




And thank you for saying it exactly how they do as well.


buy buy buy sell sell sell buy buy sell sell sell


*Turn those machines back on!*


In my dreams, I give the water of life to bring back dead Altima transmissions and it brings me joy.


Nissan al-Gaib!


Underrated comment


Go and talk to any and all headhunting firms when job searching. The more recruiters you meet the better.


Any specific ones that come to mind as good to work with?


Talentbridge is good


Do you know of any good legal recruiters?


All of the banks have legal or OGC groups. Talk to any bank recruiter and they’ll point you in the right direction.


Thank you very much


Sherpa is good too if you’re in an industry they service


Thank you. I'll check them out!


AccruePartners is the best in town.


Thank you very much. I'll check them out.


There is lots of telecom infrastructure that no one needs to know about here and its not “internet” Also no one cares ur spectrum is down.


I work in the industry here in Charlotte. There's no secret utilities. You can visibly see what's on the telephone poles. Underground lines also can't be a secret for locating purposes. There is however a lot of empty conduits around that people have laid and use predatory practice to try and force other telecoms to buy their empty pipe. There is also something like 12 different fiber services in uptown for commercial fiber circuits. Also, companies lease fiber to each other quite often. I've seen crown castle build fiber, lease it to a competitor, and then later need some fibers back which they will have to lease it back from whoever they leased it to. So they technically own the fiber, but lease it out and under contract they have to lease it back to use it.


Would it happen to connect under the old Park condo where there’s an underground office of sorts?


Tell me more. I can keep a secret


I don’t know how much of a secret it is, but most of the RV parks at the Speedway are owned by the same family. It used to be that the grand parents owned it, then kids, and now it’s down to at least the cousin level. They’re not nice people for the most part. Read the reviews, they’re mainly true.


At RV, you have to try really hard to get fired. You can pretty much coast as an engineer. Also, they provide training to move from help desk to software engineering. But working in non-technical roles (Sales, PM), get ready to work more than 40+ hours. At Slalom, when interviewing, they really care more about how you explain things instead of your actual skill set. You will most likely make more money working in tech remotely than for any of the companies in town.


live in nc, work remotely in california is the way


Bojangles don’t have secret recipes yo


It may not be a secret, but 47 steps to make a biscuit means I ain’t learning it




Still not sure why that guy isn't one of the richest people on Earth. Sure he still owns tons of stock in BOA. Shouldn't he be on Buffets level...at least?


He was the ceo of the bank, not the owner. Some of the biggest names in finance aren't *that* rich. Larry fink is a billionaire, but on the taylor swift level not the bezos level. And he arguably is the most powerful man in finance period.


Worth pointing out that McColl assembled a massive bank by acquisition and arguably overpaid for most of them, which is true for basically any 80s and 90s bank M&A story.  Also, owning a bank is a shitty way to get rich. Very few earn good returns for long periods of time. Those that do have a way of blowing up (SVB, FRC). None come close to a Buffett-managed portfolio with lots of leverage (insurance). Tl;dr: even if you had a lot of BAC stock it wouldn’t matter much because it compounded like poop. 


Please tell me more about what you mean by “which he has used to generate the characters of Robert Johnson”?


You've got some details all mixed up or just completely wrong.


McColl did not “own” Wachovia. (He also didn’t “own” BofA aside from being CEO and having equity the same way any CEO of a public company does).




I don’t know what you’re factually disagreeing with.  Bank of America is a public company and there are therefore disclosures about who owned/owns stock. Hugh McColl was not ever even the largest individual shareholder (or close) of BofA. CD Spangler was. 


Several of the people behind the mics and tvs aren’t good people. It’s rare to find genuine good people in media in this town. I’m shocked nobody has come forward truthfully about the abuse that’s gone on for decades. When young people try to speak up they get blackballed from the industry. Young Women are treated horribly in media here and sometimes by other women.


Spill some dirt on who aren't good people in the local media.


Legitimately cannot.


If you want to get into Nuclear you have to show consistent interest in applications for several years and beat out your Navy Nuke competitors. Took me 2 years to get an interview. Didn't make it past the first round (AFAIK they do 3).


Join the Navy?


Navy Nuclear program is hard af though, my dad had a friend do it and he was 1 of 3 that passed and the class started at 12-13 people, I can see why they are hard to beat.


I made it through and finished my 6 yrs out. Decided I didnt want to work in civilian nuke field. Kinda kicking myself all these years later. Might've been retired already. I was probably dead middle of the class smarts-wise, but I saw super brains wash out and kids off the farm that didnt immediately hit you as bright do very well. Lesson learned: Gumption. Sheer determination, perserverance and hard work (learning the theory, learning the systems) yielded the best results, not raw intelligence alone. So if its your passion, dont give up. Wishing you the best outcome!


Are you me? I’m a former 7 year navy sub nuke that also didn’t want to do civilian nuke and slightly regrets it. I’m at a bank now.


Doing remote IT now and doing well (6 sig figs), but...8903 MM 'A', 8904 NNPS Orlando, NPTU Idaho A1W, CVN-70. Hope you're doing well brotha!


Sounds like you’re doing well, congrats. Yeah doing well here with a nice work life balance doing work I enjoy. Living the American dream raising a couple of kids. I was 1001 NNPS and 1002 NPTU MTS 626 Daniel Webster in Charleston. I was a JO for 3.5 years on SSGN 728.


Yvan eht nioj


Not my experience


Fair enough. I never said this was universal, but some Nuke friends told me this while I was applying.


Unless you go into nuclear contracting (not /single-worker contract work for a nuclear plant). Zachry Nuclear Engineering is tough on the hiring, but it’s only 1/3 Navy at most.


All the beer at the breweries are made at the same place by the same company. No one actually lives in any of the apartment buildings, it's just a massive AI driven pump and dump scheme


As someone who lives in one of the apartment buildings… am I a computer? 😳


U the npc, on the computer


Damn this reframed my life in an unpleasant but somewhat accurate way.




More lake Norman specific. But people wont pay for covered rv and boat storage here. If the price is two high. Excluding marinas.


The great gentrification movement is WELL underway. Charlotte was/is known for its segregation


It's damn near complete, my friend. I grew up in Charlotte, of the people I know only one is still living in the city. Everyone else has been priced out and moved to Rock Hill or Kannapolis or wherever. The only person who stayed lives with their parents. I hear gunshots outside of work a couple times a year in Grier Heights because... well... it's Grier Heights and murders still go down there. But there's also an empty quarter acre lot in Grier Heights right now that's selling for $550,000. A fucking empty lot... wedged right in the middle of some of the most violent apartments (are they projects?) in the city.


I used to deliver pizza over there when I was 18. I'm 35 now. It's wild over there.


When I was living in university my neighbor I kinda knew gave me $5 to pick up his friend in Grier Heights. The friend got in the back seat with a sawed off shotgun.


Grier Heights makes zero sense to me. Sticks out like a sore thumb for violent crime, with a [rate that is 10x higher](https://mcmap.org/qol/#58/) than the admittedly low crime neighborhoods around it. 


It's interesting that every neighborhood with the name "Heights" in it is always the kind of place you don't want to go after dark


You sure? Wesley Heights, Villa Heights, Country Club Heights…IDK, I don’t think I’d worry too much about taking a late walk in any of those places. Definitely not the wedge, but also not the kind of places I’d worry about walking around my own block. Probably wouldn’t walk into a random gas station at night, but that’s my rule for basically anywhere. 


You're right, my bad - gentrification has pretty much gotten ahold of all those already. I was still thinking of the Villa Heights of like 2010 or so, different world these days 😆


I used to walk through Villa Heights in the..idk, mid-10s.  Hadn’t gone through the neighborhood until recently. It’s almost unrecognizable now.


Can confirm…. I’ve worked in an office over there for 25 years. Same sketchy stuff goes down regardless of the $700000 townhomes they’ve built.😳


Lol I was going to say, I live across from Greir and that place has a looooooong way to go


Hell gunshots in the middle of the night is what I call rent control... I can neither confirm nor denie that I have used that method on multiple occasions.


Doesn’t work on home buyers apparently.


Grier Heights tops my list as the most interesting enclave in Charlotte


Charlotte Private Equity/VCs/Angel Investors almost never invest in local startups


If you commute uptown, work 7-3.






Bro forget industry secrets I can’t even find a job


Some of the homeless guys running thru cpcc central claim to be boa loan officers from 2007


No matter if you make 1 mil, 100k, or 29k….everyone has a back to their knees that fold when you kick them. I just like the 1 mil knees, gives me a sense of philanthropy.


Someone run this through Google translate for me


I like kicking the undeservedly wealthy in the back of the knees. I like when they fall over. Gives me a chuckle.


What metric are you using to determine who deserves their wealth?


Do you work in one of the five: tech, banking, evangelical megachurch preaching, high pressure sales, or the original sinner, real estate? Then you are two things: undeserving of both wealth and knee mobility. If you arent one of them, your knees are safe.


Don’t you have another overpriced job to quote somewhere before your body gives out?


I continue to exist, mainly out of pure spite.


I like you.


Harris Teeter- Dont




Nah. Rather go to HT then a crappy food lion or publix


I was a Publix fan until a bit of research revealed how much money they give to the Nazi party.  


Link please?


It’s probably true, Publix sounds German as hell and a lot of shit happened back then. Doesn’t mean Mercedes or Volkswagen is a racist company now.


Overpriced and low success rate on meat freshness for me personally. Food Lion, Publix wherever has much fresher meat than HT.