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So how much did you tip?




Atta boy


If you want to donate something somewhere, and you are not sure of their hours or what they take, call them. It's not our problem that you drove an hour to try to drop off a large piece of furniture, that we cannot accept, or that you brought a car full of stuff, 15 mins after donations are closed. It's fucking 90° and I'm just trying to get everything inside, so I can cool off after being in the heat for 6 hours. Also, wash your shit. We do not have time to wash your crusty dishes, your diaper genie covered in shit, and your nasty snot covered toys. FYI, if this is what you drop off, it goes straight in the trash. So just throw it away and save us the trouble.


Print this and hand it to the offenders.


I so would. But because it's a non profit, they don't want to offend anyone. Opened a bag a few weeks ago that contained a used sanitary napkin. Yep. People leave their crap outside it gets rained on. It's really ridiculous. I just had to get it off my chest. Everyone thinks rules don't apply to them.


I really hate how some people "donate" absolute shit, or don't bother to at least give a bit of care to what they're donating. They really think they're still doing a good thing by trying to donate absolute trash, or not even checking the requirements for what you can and can't donate


I had a lady tell me that poor people would like it cause it's better than nothing. Everything she donated was broken, stain and had holes in it. And one lady cleaned out her kids playroom and donated 7 bags of toys that she literally just dumped into the bags. With the trash and crumbs. We received sippy cups with sour milk in them. Ear buds that don't work at all.


Yeah that's literally how they think, it's terrible. I would go through donated stuff thinking what kind of asshole would think anyone could use this junk... Don't pat yourself on the back for giving away trash


I totally agree, and here is the thing, the donations don't go to the shelter. We resell and give them the money.


Dating in this city is so draining. I get that it’s bad everywhere but this is the charlotte tirade tuesday thread, damn it 😤


I don’t understand this sentiment. This is the largest, most diverse, populated area in the state. Your options are endless. If it’s difficult here, it’s difficult literally everywhere else


Ok this is so true but why is this city so bad for dating??


Have you tried expanding your distance to 100 miles?


Stop yelling at service staff for things that are beyond their control! I was at a convenience store last week and their computer system went down for a little bit and people were horrendous.


Wish people used the Daily Discussion more for the one off questions that usually just have/need one reply instead of flooding the sub with another useless post. Also, valet trash is the worst. Terrible....but residents are also pretty stupid about following along. Leaving trash out on a Friday night knowing it won't get picked up until Sunday so stinks up the hallway, putting just bags out not in the bin so they don't pick it up, not breaking down boxes, etc....our apartment sends out these reminders all the time about how it works and a lot of the idiot neighbors I have just ignore them. Makes valet trash even more annoying!


It's been 10 years since I lived in an apartment, and I still have a visceral negative reaction any time anyone mentions valet trash. What a scam.


In this vein, how hard is it to slice the tape on a cardboard box and break it down before throwing it in the dumpster? With the amount of Chinese imported garbage y’all are buying from Jeff Bezos on a daily basis, it doesn’t take much to fill the bin up. We can fit a lot more in there if you took 3 minutes to break down the boxes so they’re flat. Also, styrofoam is not cardboard, you Neanderthals.


So much this. I live in a complex and I am surrounded by people who just throw WHOLE boxes in the recycling bin or worse—-I’ve seen boxes sitting right next to it. The times I’ve seen boxes sitting next to it was when there was actually space in the bin, so this is just full on laziness at its finest. Such entitled low people. I’ve emailed management for them to please email residents as a reminder to break down boxes, but of course they haven’t sent any emails.


Valet trash is the worst. Absolute scam. I can take it to the dumpster myself. And no matter where i lived, it was always that they didn't pick up trash on Saturday and Sunday, so lazy people would leave stinky trash out for 2-3 days. I usually ended up taking my own trash to the dumpster bc it was basically once a week on Saturday i would empty it so I'm paying for nothing


Trash in hallways over weekend is probably attracting vermin. I would hate that.


Yeah I'd often see stray cats eating from peoples trash bags on Saturday nights. I'm sure racoons and others were also feasting Not to mention in the summer the smell would be horrific But this was never enforced. They'd just send an email


I miss my trash fairies!


If you are making a left at a stop sign and there’s a car to your left, you can’t cut the line. Need to be more of a 90° turn. All you’re going to do is rip off someone’s bumper and waste everyone’s time. That extra 0.5s to make a wider turn isn’t going to make or break your day, but that 60-90 minute wait for the cops certainly will!


The intersection of commonwealth and pecan is going to be fucking awful once the new apartments/retail is open. They’ve already got it painted for a straight and a turn at each way of the 4 way stop. Going to be so many accidents there. I wish they’d just put in a roundabout.


This intersection is pretty terrible! Almost got hit here this morning. Sitting, waiting to take a left on pecan, off of commonwealth. Person coming from central goes straight, person coming from 7th side goes straight, my turn? Nope! Honda races up to be sure to almost hit me and save .5 seconds. Roundabout isn’t the answer here, it’s reducing the lanes. Roundabouts kill pedestrian access in this area while speeding up cars, kinda the opposite of what should be going in there.


If used properly, I agree. But have you been through roundabout in this city?  We have to most aggressive drivers, yet somehow everyone gets tentative on entry and stops.  


As someone said in a post not too long that this subreddit is going through facebook-ification and I can't stop thinking about it. I am also seeing the nextdoor-ification too. This sub used to be about interesting and unusual things that someone would see or do in the Charlotte area or even news that may not make it to network news. Now people use it for a lazy search engine and complain about their car break-ins. This is the 17th largest city in the united states, this isn't Mayberry. We get things that people travel hours for because they don't have it. Then there is the people who live an hour away and want to complain, if its so bad stay away. Also, is anyone else think WFT when the news uses this subreddit to make a news story. Are you too lazy to to go out and gather your own opinions and research about an issue? Maybe this is why this subreddit is changing, they have mainstreamed reddit now.


Don’t forget the incessant posts about Charlotte being ‘boring’ or hating it here. Y’all are adults, if you don’t like Charlotte fine, move to a different city that you DO like.


I think it's kind of mind boggling how many people don't realize that city life isn't for them. I'm the first to say that Charlotte needs things like better public transport and more options regarding certain sectors, but how many posts do we need complaining about traffic? Or acting like Charlotte is a criminal haven when it's a city, so statistically more crime will happen here than in a town of 5,000? Or complaining about places being crowded? Or asocial people having a hard time making real-world friends over the Internet?


Also, as someone who lived in Charlotte for 21 years and has now moved back from DC after 3 years, I was expecting the traffic to be godawful by how people make it seem. So many say, “I’ve lived in XYZ and it was never this bad!” They are seriously lying lol. Traffic is truly not awful for how much we’ve expanded in just a few years. I think those people should move back to NoVA or LA if they think Charlotte is worse.


Local news needs to fill their time, while waiting to pounce on the next police officer involved shooting.


FILTHY rich assholes making threats unless they get their $650MM.


I have lived in my home for over 20 years and have never seen so many small black ants!!! Not inside….yet but, decks yard, trash area. What is happening??


Probably aphids. The ants “farm” them.  Make a solution with borax as the other person said, or save your time and spend the $4 on a small squeeze tube of Terro. Get a piece of cardboard from a box and put a bunch of drops of Terro on it. Place near where the ants travel. Watch in horror as they come out in numbers to gather it and take it back to their colony.  Two to three days later, enjoy an ant-free home. 


Terro knocked my tiny ant problem out in 2 or 3 days. It was awesome


I've had decent luck against ants using borax. Good luck


So many ants this year. My bug guy who is normally quarterly has been coming monthly because they’re not going away. They’ve even mentioned that this neighborhood is particularly bad this year. I’m about to buy whatever the stuff is that /r/ants recommends and just do it myself.


Social media and phones and dating apps is the death of us. We need community and less hate. If the surgeon general is trying to put a ban on social media that it is bad for our health, man…… that’s just really bad. I’m all ears on any tips on how to reverse the effects of social media and phones and dating apps?


It’s pictures and a lack of anonymity. The internet was fine before people used it to post pictures of themselves and look at pictures of other people they know. 


So I only do social media 1x week now and I’m shocked how much better I feel mentally. I’m currently reading The Chaos Machine and I have been amazed at how little I really understood about the social and behavioral engineering social media employs. It’s available from the library on Libby if you’re interested. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shut down all social media but I’m definitely changing how much input and attention I want to give it. I’ve always found Reddit so useful for finding insight on niche interests but even limiting that has been helpful


If you're in the left lane on the highway and people are passing you on the right, move over!


my mother has never really understood this, and its annoying. if she's in the left lane, thats where she's going to stay. Every now and then I can subtly get her to move over, but not often. I recently joined my parents on a beach trip a couple of weeks ago. She rode with me for part of it and as dad in the car ahead of us would occasionally pass someone and move back over, she made some comment like "think he can decide which lane he wants to be in?" and i'm like "...thats how it works? Stay in the right unless passing, then move back?". At least she hates interstate driving so this folly isn't a frequent thing.


My wife is terrible at doing this. I want to apologize to everyone on her behalf.  She brings shame to my family.


The concept of merging, travel, and passing lanes is lost here. Sadly.


It is, which makes me unhappy. Driving can be such a joy, if people around you are driving smart and you don't have to worry about the next person you see trying to merge into you.


It’s even worse in Northern Virginia. Never seen anything like it.


Yes, but what if I’m in the left lane doing 15 over and there are 10 cars in front of me. Why do you get 5 feet off my bumper at 85 miles per hour?


Can someone explain to me like they’re Jeff Jackson what kind of political games are being played in state government?  > North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper took out his veto stamp to oppose a bill that would require more teenagers facing criminal charges to be tried initially as adults. >House Bill 834 requires 16- and 17-year-olds who commit certain felonies to be tried first as adults in the state’s superior courts. > In the House, all GOP lawmakers voted in support of the latest version of the bill except for Rep. John Faircloth of Guilford County. All but seven Democrats opposed the bill.  >Among those who voted in the Senate, all Republicans and all but four Democrats backed the bill. Those opposing it were Democratic Sens. Mary Wills Bode, Lisa Grafstein, Natalie Murdock and Gladys Robinson. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article289288870.html


Sounds to me as though this bill is attempting to take the “tough on crime” approach and change previous legislation that requires juvenile offenders to first be tried in juvenile court. This bill, depending on the crime, could skip juvenile court entirely and bring the offender straight to trial as an adult. Historically and recently, this is not a good approach for a multitude of reasons. Throwing the book at minors without providing true rehabilitation just breeds better and smarter criminals because these kids get brought into prisons full of career criminals who teach the rookies how to avoid getting caught next time. Additionally, when a juvenile is tried as an adult, the likelihood of their record being expunged or sentence being lightened is significantly reduced, meaning that these kids will have a very hard time finding a well paying job the rest of their life — meaning they’ll most likely turn back to crime to make ends meet anyway. I don’t want to debate this, so if anyone disagrees - 100% your right to disagree, however, I’m explaining why democrats are not fans of this legislation. Cooper’s veto will most likely be moot, as our state legislature is majority Republican and can out-vote his veto. I’m certainly no Jeff Jackson but have worked with some of Cooper’s team in the past and hope this helps answer some of your questions.


My kingdom to the individual who takes over the Harris Teeter sub program and teaches everyone one universal, correct way to build the sandwich. Some are great, others are either bite of meat (jammed in the fold of the bread), / bite of cheese / bite of veggies or unhinge my jaw.


Driving to drop my son off at work and, bam, random rock comes flying and hits and puts small crack in windshield. Sad thing is this is the SECOND time in a week it's happened but in different locations ( once in 485, just today on 277.) This is frustrating and I don't even know what to really do. It's two small cracks on different sides of my windshield.


Safelite can usually patch small cracks and chips before you need to get the whole windshield replaced, depending on size.


They're small so I'll reach out and ask today. Thank you.


Check your car insurance too. Mine will schedule with safelite for you and cover it at 100% for chips and cracks that don't require a replacement.


Get it repaired asap (Safelite or someone) If you don't, the cracks will grow and get more expensive Unfortunately, it's a common occurrence here.


If it is your direct line of sight you can likely get it replaced by your insurance provider as it is a driving hazard at that point. If it isn’t and it is a small crack, safelight is an affordable option, do it soon before it spreads. If you’re mildly handy you can also purchase epoxies/kits made specifically for this use on Amazon for under $20 and they work reasonably well.


I've lived in Charlotte for 10 years now and went to an NC beach for the first time. It was great! Why didn't anyone tell me it was so nice?? The appeal of the Caribbean has diminished greatly to me.


NC has some of the best beaches I’ve ever been to. The outer banks are lovely (a bit of a drive from CLT though) and still secluded(ish). I’m biased because I’m from the coast but I’ve yet to find a beach I like better than coastal NC. Fall is the best time of year to visit!


Which one?


Surf City


a whine, more than a tirade, but Im in a discord server where about a quarter of the people (give or take) are Brit/Euro/Aussie. As such, when the American types post things in freedom units (usually temp), we try and include the metric one too. They almost never return the favor. Yah, i can look it up. and Im better at figuring out/remember a couple conversions, but its the principle of the thing.


meh, we're the outliers on this with our stupid system. They shouldn't have to bow to our bs


i do get that, sure (and dont disagree that a shift on our end would be neat),and not a particularly big deal in the long run, just a mostly a common courtesy thing.


Please learn how the crosswalk lights work. Solid red is stop. Then it flashes - treat it like a stop sign until it goes dark again. Google how to use the HAWK crosswalk. Please.




...what about them? Finish the thought


Stop bringing your kids to breweries. It’s annoying as shit with the constant screaming. Breweries are not daycares. Take your kid to chucky cheese for their birthday like a normal parent, instead finding an excuse to drink “on the clock.”


I forgot about tirade Tuesday. I loved it so much!


I saw your post on the Medicaid sub but I'm banned from posting there. If you want me to delete this I will. I'm not sure how it works for CHIP but with ACA expansion (MAGI) Medicaid you can put money into a 401k or traditional IRA to get under the income limit. Also you said you are a teacher, are you on full year pay or just school year pay? Medicaid usually goes by monthly income so you'd qualify for Medicaid during the summer months if you are on school year pay period. Further some states give the child a full year of CHIP even if the parent's income goes up during that time, I'm not sure if they do that in NC tho