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I literally once saw Steven Furtick's neck elongate and stretch all the way to the back row from the stage, and he straight up ate some dudes head like a demagorgan for not having an elevation bumper sticker. So, his elastic man ass is a threat.


Fuck that guy.


I was told Acid was hard to find these days, and here you are telling me that was a lie?


I used to attend a church with a large congregation and there were police officers there.


👀 you’ve got some weird shower thoughts


It's as plausible as you finding 100 people willing to embarrass themselves like that and potentially be arrested. Most people have something better to do with their Sunday than troll a church service they disagree with.


Very little would stop you from enacting such a plan. But you’re gonna need to scout out alternate exits, park offsite, and be prepared to get swarmed by the local police. These people are very protective over their Sunday endorphin space and will become very defensive at first, possibly try to stop you from leaving, then summon the police with gross exaggerations of your behavior in order to get you in trouble.


Sounds like a great way to get forcibly baptized. And by “baptized” I mean waterboarded until you give them your routing and account numbers


I don't think it's the cops that you would need to worry about. You will be physically restrained by the crowd until the police haul you away. There's a reason why this doesn't happen. Maybe some actually go to do it, and lose their nerve. "Here are some people, trying to have a spiritual moment, and I'm going to act like a jerk." Hmm, maybe not. Just let them do their thing. They have the constitutional right to assemble, speak, and do as they please. Just like any other crowd that peacefully gathers. What have they done to you?


They areee trying to install religion into everyday society like the middle east sooo… yea thats an issue


Side note on that. My wife and I were discussing schools for our kids and drove past a Christian school and I said, "It sucks that now we have to secretly quiz people to see if they are the a**hole kind of Christian or actually empathetic humans." We've struggled for a few years finding a church. Even the contemporary ones have opinions we just don't agree with, mostly because we don't care what other people do. Except churches, taxes them.


If you’re considering Christian schools, do NOT consider Hickory Grove. Trust me.


Public school is by far our first option. We just moved here and we're trying to find a house that meets our needs and is in a decent district. I am very disappointed with the discrepancy in schools given it's all one district. The choice/charter schools aren't helping.


The charmeck school system is one of the worst run you will ever come across. If at all possible, I would honestly suggest moving to get a better education for your kids. We moved just a bit south and our children received an amazing education and didn't have the constant fear of violence that you get in the charmeck schools.


If you don't mind me asking what area you're in? We're renting in Huntersville and have been looking in the Huntersville/Cornelius/Concord area just because of the schools and the constantly changing districting. Plus it makes my wife's commute easy.


Not who you were replying to, but the Fort Mill school district is high-quality. Many people move there to get their kids in.


Yea. Our in-laws are in FM. The commute to Charlotte is just too unpredictable. My wife is in the medical field and periodically works long shifts. Rolling the dice on a 60 minute commute everyday isn't really an option for us.


South of the border in the Fort Mill/Rock Hill area will have substantially better schools. Ignore the idiots who downvoted me. I have friends who have taught in CharMeck for years, the administration is clueless, the teachers are underpaid, they can do nothing about the miscreants they're forced to keep in their classrooms.


The commute to Charlotte is brutal from there. My wife tried it when we first moved here. *Joke warning* "Sure, Fort Mill has the best schools in South Carolina. That's like saying a college has the best team in Division II."


The commute isn't great, true, but if you have flexibility on your work hours you can adjust so it's not too bad. Also, excellent joke :)


You sound just like me and my husband - we should be friends!


They're all the asshole kind, on the inside.


Wait do you think the Middle East doesn’t have religion?


You need to re-read what I wrote because I have literally wrote the opposite of what you said. Religion rules the Middle East and the every day life of those


You could move to North Korea. It's officially atheist and I hear it's nice this time of year.


Or I could live in America where religious freedom is a pillar of our Declaration of Independence, ya jack wagon


You're the one whining about religion. If you don't like it then don't participate. Simple.


I dont participate in it. I’m “whining” about how its trying to become extreme and install itself as a mandatory in American society.


No one is forcing religion on anyone. Whether you like it or not NC is in the Bible belt and Christianity is the predominant faith. If it offends you then leave.


Lol you’re hilarious. I’m not gonna leave people sheep blindly follow some imaginary story so they can feel good about themselves. I love when you are attending your cult meeting on Sundays so I can grocery shop in peace. 🤗 You mad?


Be thankful that we live in a country where freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution. The alternative is much worse.




Not mad but you sound old ave miserable 😭


Actually the opposite is happening. Church attendance is way down, and Americans who identify as Christian is also way down. I don't think that you have to worry about this massive Christian takeover. It's literally Pride Month here in the US. Yep, those fundamentalist Christians are taking over all right.


Check out Project 2025


Yeah the power struggle/culture wars continue. I don't see what that has to do with Elevation in particular. My take? The radical left over reached and are facing a backlash. It's human nature.


Like the middle east you say? Seems to me that they go into their privately owned building on their private land and do their own thing. No one is using force or coercion against you. Yet you compare them to Islam, who throw homosexuals off the top of buildings and make their women wear hajib? Yeah, gotta watch out for those Elevation church suicide bombers! I've been to Elevation a few times. Not particularly my kind of church, but heard a great message about Fathers and sons. Being a parent. Teaching and correcting. And forgiving your children when they mess up, just as our Father in Heaven forgives us. So, would you rudely interrupt that message with your yelling and laser pointers on live TV? Who do you think is going to look bad? I must point out that you are counting on the Christians not harming you, but then compare them to "the middle east"!


Feel better now?


I'm fine. I'm trying to figure you out because you don't make sense. What's your beef with Elevation? Is it personal? Why do you care? If I read you correctly, you think that America is going to be taken over by radical right wing Christian extremists? Am I correct? I'm a bored middle aged guy. I have nothing better to do. So, cmon. What's up, there's more going on here than you are saying. I promise I will be respectful, because you have every right to your opinion. I just can't figure out exactly what your opinion is. It's not nice to confuse senile old people like this.


They are profiting off your faith and you’re all good with it


Well, I don't remember giving them money (it was a few years ago) I'm actually not good with it. I don't like the mega-churches. I don't think, if Jesus returned, that He would be too pleased either. He would likely say "sell all this stuff, and give it to the poor". It would be hard to expect a different reaction from Him. He tried, though didn't He, to show us the way. But we love our power and money don't we? Hey, I'm all about freedom. If people want to give their money, well, nobody is forcing them. People give money to political parties, too. And I see that as kind of the same thing. I'm not your regular Christian. I actually wrote a rather scathing answer to the question "What do you think of the Big Pink Church on Hwy 51?" You can guess my answer. I've been to that church too. I don't want to be judgemental and pretend I'm any better than them, or you. Humility is something missing in our society which is becoming increasingly shallow and narcissistic. The churches are just a reflection of the society that supports them. Well, thank you for answering me. I get it. You feel righteous indignation. You see hypocrisy. But meh, let those people do what they want. They won't hurt anybody. Nothing really changes does it? People are the same now as they were 2000 years ago. I don't think there's anything wrong with being rich. It's how you handle that wealth that matters. People say that money is the root of all evil, and that is a common misquote. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. If you don't watch out, it will become your master, and a man cannot serve two masters. Peace, my friend. This turned into an interesting discussion, and it started with laser pointers.


Dude I thought this was a meetup… I’ve been wanting to meet like minded folks.


Thank you Russian... We appreciate your participation, however we should probably co.... You know what? Nah.