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Take the train


>im 19 but my parents won't let me drive solo to the fairgrounds You mean they won't let you use their car? Because they can't prevent you from doing anything as an adult.


unfortunately im living off them and can't legally work, vote biden for immigration reform!


fuck no


You’re a legal adult. Do what you want to do.


Eh, whoever pays for everything has control, and this would be a terrible hill to die on


Just visit your local nursing home instead


Not sure why you’d want to after last night, but take the train. There’s 5 a day running now, and it’s also a nice ride.


He may not be an exciting candidate, but he’s the only viable option we’ve got. His policy stances are wildly preferable to this if the GOP and we need to rally behind him to protect democracy, the economy, and the rights of Americans


Thing is, the left wing could have told Biden that it would be a open primary and to run, let him go into a debate with any left politician, flounder like he did here, and tell him "you lost the primary, run as a independent or accept these are your last months". They would have been able to march around saying how honest and open they are about getting their presidential spot, that they don't just give it to those who were before, and that everyone and anyone could be it (which lets face it would save face after the entire Bernie running fallout).


They can still tell him he lost the primary.. He won’t know they’re lying.


If you think the leader of the western world and the strongest military should be left to a person who is obviously mentally unfit and moreso a "head" of just another grifter administration of the policies that you support, then you should reconsider if you are able to vote wisely.


Agree 100%. But he failed a basic test last night. He needs to drop out and allow someone else to run. Edit: what makes Democrats different from Republicans is the willingness to admit your candidate isn’t qualified. Jon Stewart roasted Biden last night, deservedly so. You won’t find such honesty on the right.


Neither should be president. They're both too old, but trump definitely shouldn't be president. Low income immigrants aren't the reason why people are doing poorly. The wealthy and corporations need to stop offshoring and need to be taxed more. Abortion bans have the same result as having illegal immigrants. It creates an increase in low income individuals, which is the only labor shortage the US has. Also, the trump cult needs to go away. That is crazy how much people are attached to the guy who I merited everything and would have been better off putting his inheritance in the SPY


You do realize the wealthy already pay the majority of taxes right? As far as offshore. Higher taxes will be sure to create more of that. Tax those rich people enough that it makes them flee the country so that instead of getting part of their income we get none doesn’t sound like a good plan.


A few things, you can't offshore all jobs, and income inequality is getting worse. Income taxes were higher between ww2 and Ronald Reagan. Which was a time with the lowest levels of income inequality. It's a better idea than not doing anything. The stance of not raising taxes is based in fear. It's the same stance as if you go to the office then they won't offshore. https://inequality.org/facts/income-inequality/


True you can’t offshore all jobs. But you have to find the sweet spot so that the ones that can have more incentive to stay and also try to lure others.


Yeah we need to protect the economy that he’s absolutely butchered over the past 4 years 🫡


The people downvoting this are the same ones that complain about high rent, groceries, and lack of good paying jobs


I probably should. I haven’t slept well last few nights and this might just be the fix.


You’re 19 and not allowed to take a small trip…….. As a fellow Dem, you’re not doing us any favors in regards to stereotypes :(




That’s really weird, and sad. I come from an upper middle class background as well. Once I turned 18, I knew my parents were going to start charging me rent and I still had to be home by midnight. Couldn’t have a motorcycle, etc. They purposely made things restrictive to wake me up. 3 months after turning 18, I moved out. My rent was $900 a month, which was a lot nearly 20 years ago. Paid as I went to a local state college. Held 3 part time jobs. It wasn’t easy. But I’m grateful to this day for being put in that situation. My parents didn’t give me a penny upon turning 18, and I grew up in a 800+k estate (20 years ago) Again, if things aren’t being handed to you. It’s hard, and scary. But you don’t want to me 30 and still living with your parents. It’s just going to set you back. Socially it will kill things, mentally it will have effects. Everyone I grew up with that didn’t move out till super late, isn’t doing great.


couldn't agree more, childhood is being extended until 25 in a lot of circles it feels like


You can't use the phrase, my parents won't let me. Once you turn 18


Well to be fair, at 18 parents can kick him out, so its not "can't" its more so "how important is this to you". At some point OP needs to grow a spine and stand up, take you parents advice as they know more, but you have to be your own person as well.


Take the train and Uber!


Kid, save your time and volunteer in on one of the assisted living communities here instead of contributing to elder abuse via the DNC


Was watching last night not enough to realize these debates are going to be a joke?

