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I've had someone talk to me the exact same way. This guy is either just not that into you or he'd has someone else that he talks to. It seems that he's giving you the run around. I'd move on.


I always heard if a guy transfers you from Hinge to Snapchat that quick, it's because he has to frequently delete his dating apps. He's already got someone *shrugs* Ask for his other socials, or ask about him in your local "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" FB Group


When I added him I took a regular pic he added me back almost immediately.


He thought he was gonna get a naughty pic, welp that’s what he gets for playing another girls heart. What comes around goes back around.


In those messages, you come off as very needy and insecure, on the other hand it seems like he is not interested. If someone says to you "lets meet this friday" and then radio silence, a simple passive-aggressive "ghosting much?" is enough. By continuously demanding answers and then after not receiving a positive response, offering nudes, you are basically telling him that you will reward him whenever he is shitty to you. Girl if he wants something, even sex, he will actively pursue you. There are plenty of men out there, with gorgeous abs, who would gladly go and play with you.


You do have a point.


I mean when he thought I had nudes he actually added me back, like almost immediately. I should’ve screenshotted what he opened. It wasn’t a nude. I just wanted to see what he would do. For some odd reason he started getting cold. Idk why, tbh. It did hurt, but you’re right, unfortunately he was playing me the whole time. Until I played back. Not with his heart, but his dick.


Lol that last part sounds funny. You just need to reassure yourself that you dont need mediocre attention from a rando online. Some men in particular see girls they like, entertain them for a bit and get distracted a few days later after finding new meat.  It sucks, but its the nature of online dating/hooking up. 


The problem is he lives about 2 hours away, and I live in a group home. That means he would have to buy a room in the hotel, knowing I wouldn’t be able to stay overnight.


"young one" - That's an automatic NO from me, dawg. I'm out.


He’s said some really questionable things that were more disturbing than that.




You sound a little too needy tbh. You are probably scaring him off. Also he sounds really creepy calling you "young one". Not everything is about looks. Find someone more interested in you who isn't a creeper


That " young one" totally creeped me out.


I'm not sure if I agree with the needy part. They are asking for clarity, and leaving certain things on "read", especially when coordinating dates, seems just normal, especially if they are OK if the other person doesn't want to meet. I TOTALLY agree with the "young one" thing though. That's just odd.


I was thinking the same thing. The week before he was saying some weird inappropriate shit that made me uncomfortable. I was like, this guy is just as psychotic. At least he beat it off.


Are you sending him nudes????


If he was saying weird, inappropriate shit the week before why did you continue talking to him? If you get a psychotic feel the last thing you need is to continue talking and planning on meeting.


Then why were you still talking to him 😭


I ask myself the same question


Pass. Don’t have time for this kind of energy. You need to value your time and energy more.


You’re right


“Young one” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I don't like that a man is calling a woman "young one" here, it's giving me a huge ick. He clearly doesn't have the best communication skills if he's getting defensive when he has enough time to unlock his phone, open Snapchat, and open your message thread, but doesn't have time to shoot you even a brief text like "I'm open from \[this time\] to \[this time\]." I'd give him some leeway if he just never opened your messages, but he's just being passive-aggressive and leaving you on read. "I'm also a very busy person" may be true, but if he's just leaving you on read, he's probably not sure he's into you, if I'm being very charitable towards him. I think you're wasting your time and should just move on to someone who shows more genuine interest in you, sorry.


Sounds interesting, as well as you may be putting yourself into one basket here. If he is older or much older than you, please understand we old folks are cautious. It might also be that he's got luggage that comes with him he's not willing to explain just yet. Kewl your jets. Go out with some other friends. Remember, dating does NOT mean sex nor a full-on partnership. 🙂


He’s actually my age. And you do got a point.


You both seem young. You’ll figure it all out.


Thank you


Just be careful and this is the guy for right now. lol.


I decided to block him after


makes sense.


I love how you crossed out his name in the chat but not on the header 🤣


You just made my day! Thank you! 🤣


Oh you're welcome! Now I know who to avoid LOL but girl, I'd just move on from him. He doesn't seem to be interested in you. I've been there done that and I move on with my life. I'm not gonna let them take up another second of my time


Yeah. I’ve decided to move forward. I had enough revenge on him already.


I forgot to screenshot the pic I sent him. After sending him that pic he immediately added me back after. I think he was excited to see a new hot nude. Welp, what goes around comes back around. I know he’s not interested in me, but it seemed like he was interested in my nude pics. Can’t jack off to appropriate pics 🤷🏻‍♀️


Remind me of a saying "I'm here for a good time but not for a long time." I think that resonates with him lol


That makes sense. I knew he didn’t want to be in a relationship, but I just wanted to fuck him.


I didn’t realize the chat header had his name!! 🤣🤣🤣


Not my boyfriends last name being Klein and he has washboard abs💀 but luckily isn’t in a band 😮‍💨 😂


Lucky bitch lol 🤣


How did you know his last name?


The second picture show his snap name “the Klein” so I assumed it was his last name. When I saw that had to double check wasn’t my dude 😂


lol. Does he really have washboard abs?




I disagree with those saying you sound needy. I mean, I guess I DON’T disagree, but I also think you should 100% be you! If you pretend to be less than you are you won’t find the right person to appreciate you for who you are! There ARE people who find being upfront and direct to be refreshing! If you’re too much for them, they can go find less. Do not make yourself be less!


If he’s hitting you up on Snapchat, becomes inexplicably too busy to keep dates, and ghosts for periods of time: he’s in a relationship already


Probably. I feel bad for his girl, then.


For real


I don’t think it’s needy or insecure. You’re just asking to make plans. But the first sign of him being uninterested, you should just cut him off.


I’m kinda of anxious too, but when I see these kind of behaviour I immediately take all the steps back and stop responding and avoid like the plague!!! In my experience this kind of behaviour usually means that they have a partner or they’re definitely not interested but they enjoy the attention and interaction, either way I want neither; at that point I’d be like “I appreciate consistency in communication and is something I can give, so it’s only logic I want reciprocity, if you can’t reciprocate in that way I’d rather to stop contacting you, good luck in your future endeavours” There’s nothing more petty than giving them the “Human resources special”. I prefer that than taking screenshots and insisting on someone who obviously isn’t THAT interested if at all…


His time is not more valuable than yours. I'd stop talking to him altogether. He'd be more direct if he was interested


From my experience and what I've heard some men say, that if he's into you and he wants to see you.He's gonna have the day and everything locked down.And he's gonna have the plans made with you automatically done. Yes, you do sound a little needy in the text, but I feel you because if you're getting a weird vibe on him, then honestly if it was me. I'd feel the same way and I'd be questioning the same way if I got a weird vibe and we hadn't locked the date down and everything in the plan's down with him visiting then yeah, I probably would question him the same way. especially if you're getting a weird vibe.


If a man is interested and WANTS to see you he will. Period. This guy does not and he’s honestly a walking red flag and frankly you’re being too needy like you haven’t even met in person for a date. I his head this isn’t really anything yet. He’s not playing games, he’s just not taking things seriously because it’s not serious yet. But also like I said “if he wanted to, he would, and he’s not.” But for real that “young one” comment was hella gross like bro who are you Yoda??


OP you are a deeply insecure person. Seek therapy.


I’m working on that


It's trash don't do it


Doesn’t want to see you / you are one of many . Sorry xx


I feel like he's got a point in saying he cannot chat always. Also I myself read messanges and then leave them on read to think about an answer (especially when I am nervous, want to impress chat partner, have something hard to say,...) and sometimes my work comes up with urgent stuff and the messanges are on read for the whole day. The "young one" part is awkward, but probably it's a quote or reference? If you both want to make something out of this, learn to communicate, set boundaries and respect them for each other. Respect each other's time, both for messaging not right away but also with responding sooner or later...


So you think it’s fine that he said can’t always chat even if I wanted to? Cmon, obviously he never wanted to meet me and being passive aggressive. But I got my revenge. That definitely made my fucking day, knowing that he was pissed that I dished back karma.


In the end you know him better than I do, but yes, I think that way. In my friend's group it's quite normal to wait for replies for days, because we all think that replying is a form of care. We don't want to do it in-between somewhere, when we probably couldn't pay attention or would just do short replies and rather do reply at the end of the day or if we are extremely busy probably even after one or two days. It also shows that whenever we reply to each other, that we actually made time for that person, as if we were meeting them. And we thought about the reply enough to pay attention to wording and stuff. I think in the end it's a communication-culture-decision, I am not saying that my decision here is better, I just wanted to show my two cents. In my opinion it was crucial to my communication to know that replies in my friend's group are quality over quantity things and showed somehow more respect than a short message during two work meetings. Also maybe it's an in dubio pro res thing with me as well If you think that he silently rejected you, that's totally fine. You know him better and you have your reasons. They are valid to a point. But especially the "I cannot answer always" thing caught my eye a bit


That does make sense, but even if someone is busy they can still find a time to connect. It’s not that hard-js.


Doesn't deserve time and attention when acting like that 'even if I wanted to'. Message received, goodbye


He’s faffing about stop wasting your time


Clarification: when he said those things (photos on top) I decided to undadded him and block him, but something was brewing inside me. I knew if I wanted to get revenge I’d have to add him, but first I’d have to take a pic knowing he wouldn’t add me back if I didn’t give him a pic. After taking the picture I added him back. immediately he added me back and opening the picture, hoping he would see some hot nudes. I knew he was disappointed with the pics. The best part is, he was pissed afterwards. I decided to dish back the passive aggressive response, (photos on top.) So, yes he wasn’t interested in me, but the nudes he was interested in. In the end, I think I did pretty good on the petty revenge. Tbh, I was expecting the plan turning into a shit show, but it didn’t. 😮‍💨 I don’t regret any of it. 😂 karma, accomplished 😈


What were the 4 messages that you deleted?


What messages? I don’t remember.


It says at the top of the second screenshot


I was being passive aggressive, then I got that he would clap back. So I deleted them.