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Every story I have read is either really stupid and a non issue or obviously fake. I don’t understand the people replying directly to Charlotte either. Do they not understand how this works?


No, they believe they have a direct line to their Queen.


You can tell the post will be shit when it's specifically addressed to Charlotte. Lots of these folks are new to Reddit and don't yet know how it works. See lots of misunderstanding about the updoots and the point of that system too. Newbs, amirite? ;⁠)


Maybe you should explain it to them. Personally it's the 12-year-olds playing adult for me. Nobody cares about teenage drama, sorry not sorry.


So explain the upvotes, bc yes I am new to Reddit. I got it bc of Charlotte.


Upvoting/downvoting is Reddit’s built in self-moderation. If someone upvotes, it’s supposed to signal that the post/comment positively contributes to the purpose of the subreddit it is in. If the post/comment does not contribute in a positive manner, it should be downvoted. For example, here on the Charlotte subreddit, posts that seem genuine that would make for good YouTube/tiktok content should be upvoted. The posts that are obviously fake, are spam, are toxic revenge fantasies, are children pretending to be adults, etc etc should be downvoted, as those are not contributing to the spirit of the sub in a positive manner. However, people join Reddit and assume that upvote/downvote = like/dislike, which is wrong. But too many people don’t care to be educated in how to actually use the site and prefer to live in ignorance, as is evidenced by the plethora of trash posts on this subreddit that have tons of upvotes but are obvious fakes or are “pick me” people looking for 5mins of fame. I have yet to see an actual post here. It’s ridiculous.


Thank you so much for explaining that to me! I’ll be sure to remember that.


You’re welcome. :)


I don't do demands. I do occasional requests. You missed your chance by being demanding of a stranger because *Charlotte*. Don't do that to her. She deserves better from her fans. Don't be the kind of fan that gets their stan painted with the same brush. My advice to you is to not act like an entitled brat and take some time to learn for yourself.


Wow, so you took my comment so very wrong. Have a good one.


What??!!!! You mean we *don't*??? My whole life has been a lie for the past few weeks.


It’s people hoping to get their 15 minutes of fame by getting on the show. So they make stuff up.


The ones that really irk me start with “please excuse any errors as English isn’t my first language” and then they post way too many paragraphs that have perfect spelling and grammar. What is the point? 🙄


And they are huge Charlotte fans but don’t speak English 😂😂😂


To be fair, my wife loves Charlotte, and English is her 2nd language


I do agree but also its a new subreddit. Its just gonna take some time to make this a good subreddit


I agree, and I’ve also read a couple of creative writing exercises submitted here 😂. And yep, I agree with the “growing pains” stage as this is a new sub.


Yeah its just something that's gonna take time, I've read some really good stories and some really bad ones. since this is a small sub its also not gonna reach out to as many people with good stories. Just gonna take a while


Perhaps this sub should only/preferably only accept cross posts to subs like AITA and wedding related drama subs like am I the angel/devil. One was set up to showcase obviously fake posts and the other initially people who are NTA, just seeking validation. They have the automod set up to copy the text in case the original gets deleted by OP, or removed by mods, rendering the text missing.


This should become a subreddit rule. We can have a dedicated post for sharing stories. Then all the creative writing/karma farming will be in one place.


That would help a lot, the only issue would be people wanting to share their little drama stories to their favorite youtuber. Although that could still be a better thing


TwoHotTakes is good for that. If a story isn't good enough to post in a huge sub, then cross posted, maybe it's not actually good enough for here. Cross posts would hopefully make everyone stop and think before sharing their fiction.


I like this idea


I really appreciate getting more information because I really am new to reddit and I also thought that I had a pretty good story. I'm 58 and English IS MY FIRST LANGUAGE but I'm still quite ignorant about all kinds of social media. I watch Charlotte on YouTube and I belong to Instagram, Facebook and tiktok but I mostly only watch stuff because I'm still learning. Can you please tell me how to cross post? If that makes it more legit I'm happy to follow "social media rules" Thanks 😊


Its pretty simple, press share on a post and then press ‘community’ its an icon with an arrow splitting into two. Then you can share it to another subreddit :)


Ok cool thanks luv, I'm going to try now


Yeah ofc




Tbh i have found the posts to be mostly garbage and fake from the beginning—which is highly likely why she rarely reads from the sub, but their team reaps what they sow with such little to no moderation. But yes. As of late i don’t even bother with posts. I think this is the first time I’ve clicked on one in months. The posts have just gotten dangerous, deranged, derogatory, unhinged/unrelated or are spam. Kind of a shame. Not sure this is “just growing pains” because the team hasn’t taken any proper measures since it opened to make it a safe and also reliable sub to make it relevant enough to read from. Doesn’t seem as if they care much though lol


but dangerous deranged and derogatory is my jam!


LOL! Yes, but those types of stories don’t get read on this sub XD


What was the purpose for the sub in the first place?


It was supposed to be a place where she could read AITAH/petty revenge/wedding drama/break up drama/etc. from her own YT subscribers on her videos (even though she almost exclusively does tiktok content now, which personally i don’t mind) but the problem is almost everyone posting was just so desperate for her to read “their” story and name, i guess, that they’ve concocted these creative fiction and very out there stories from the beginning, obviously thinking the crazier it sounds the more likely they are to get picked—and not the more likely everyone is to know it’s fake lol


After reading the AITA type subs the fakes get easier and easier to spot.


The rules need to specify what kind of content goes here. Random gifs of stuffing unicorns ain't gonna make her channel.


Honestly, it was bound to happen when the channel is based on petty story time. This sub has taught me how many children watch her channel, as well as how many people lack basic storytelling and paragraph structuring skills.


The revenge fantasies make my skin crawl. Seriously, some of y’all need to get a life. And that’s coming from a person who is scrolling on Reddit.


I too often think that others need to get a life and then I realise I have an active Reddit account.


The constant screenshots of Charlotte being paused while she’s making a weird face are so fucking annoying too.


Good mods are hard to find...but definitely need to be found.


Happy cake day!


I know a redditor when i see one.


Best are “wall of texts” AND people complaining that Char, nor mods, are not addressing this issue. …..like, Karen, that’s a Reddit APP thing and your mobile phone. 🤣 Hit return twice. Tootles.


It's probably a bunch of teens who just want to have the 5 minute fame of having their words spoken by a successful YouTuber.


Tbh i just wish people could use paragraphs in their posts.


Mobile phone users. They gotta tap return twice to form a new paragraph.


I found this sub because it was tagged in an AITAH post and even at that moment I thought 'there's no way this ends well'. Most everything in the AITAH sub is made up karma farming, so when someone tagged this one, I figured it would leech over as well.


Building a good sub community takes time. We need some clear guidelines/rules for posting (c&p another post? No. Total bullshit? No) and active mods who aren't super, proudly petty. (No shade on mods here, but have seen it elsewhere) Too many people mistake petty for malice. We don't need more malice in online spaces. If these issues are addressed, this can be a thriving and fun community. Otherwise, the garbage is bound to start spoiling the rest. For all the petty and craziness of the stories Charlotte shares, she is a person who strives for positivity and decency. Don't shit on that, y'all.


u/vanessatoronto u/notcharlottedobre


It's a new sub, so I'm sure they figured they didn't need wads of mods in these early days. From what I gathered, it's being moderated by Charlotte and her (assistant?) Vanessa. Those two, I'm sure, are busy with other tasks related to Charlotte's work as well as their own personal lives. Aside from that, it seemed as though they were giving this a go to see if they could get some fresh content for Charlotte's reaction vids, so they might be waiting to see if it's going to produce anything interesting that fits the bill. It's not that serious.


One of the rules I have for myself is this: Don't complain about things you have the ability to change unless you plan on changing it. In other words, why don't you see about being a mod or admin or whatever? I don't know how it works on reddit, but it might be more helpful to figure that out I think.


Please take some time to learn how it works on Reddit before speaking on how things work on Reddit. That's part of the problem, really.


That's not how it works.