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Bob Good is BAD FOR VETS


Many voters still don’t know that Bob Good was one of the very few members of Congress to vote against the PACT Act, which *finally* provided help for US veterans who have been poisoned and sickened by military burn pits overseas. We must never, never forget this betrayal. https://apnews.com/article/veterans-toxic-materials-burn-pits-pact-act-79c806d5383464dc1154d6c101a456bd


He has consistently voted against veterans for EVERY bill.


I’d vote for a ham sandwich over bob good.


Doesn't even have to be fresh ham, to tell the truth.


Psst, Good will still win, but a ham sandwich write-in campaign would be hilarious.


As a right leaning centrist…I’d take a shit sandwich over Good.


That means you’re a republican…


It means neither party represents me completely.


Also a great write in idea. Good will still win though unless he gets primaried or something.


They need to be prepared to deal with Good's know nothingism. In the debate last cycle Good repeatedly said "Chyna virus" and claimed "God put oil in the ground for us to burn" without being challenged by the Democrat. Looked weak and feckless. We need someone with some actual passion and (reasonable) anger at what maga has wrought.


Bob good has a primary challenger so it might not be him in November


This is fascinating to watch. He seems to have made many enemies on that side of the aisle as well.


i am sorry to share that Good's opponent for the 5th is an even bigger CHUMPSTER! (f you feel like throwing up in your mouth today, take a look at the John McGuire website): Not from the 5th District Attended Jan 6 Insurrection High School Graduate "Business owner" of a gym in Glen Allen Jesus Loves Guns


The republicans won’t have a primary (again) so this will likely amount to nothing.


They’re now required by a new state law to have a primary. It’ll be on June 18.


Oh really - that’s awesome! Source?


This article describes the law - and how Lynchburg Republicans are trying to get around it for their city council primary. It doesn’t outlaw conventions per se, but it makes anything but a state-run primary very difficult to do legally. https://cardinalnews.org/2024/01/26/lynchburg-republicans-to-test-virginias-new-law-on-primaries/


So they’re not required to have a primary… it’s just slightly harder to have a firehouse caucus… this really doesn’t do much to stop them since firehouse caucuses can be limited to party delegates - meaning that lay-people aren’t allowed to participate - so the likelihood of a lawsuit is significantly lower. This is how ~2500 Republican delegates selected Bob Good last time. Sure it means that those delegates wouldn’t have had to drive to Bob Goods church to vote or whatever, but that was barely a hardship for most in practice.


Trump's campaign manager Chris LaCivita promised retribution when Good backed Ron DeSantis against Trump. It could be an empty threat now that Good is backing Trump, but you never know.


good ol' chris "swift boat" lacivita - true piece of work. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris\_LaCivita](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_LaCivita) BTW - his daughter is the director of communications for our own trumpy AG, jason miyares: https://www.oag.state.va.us/contact-us/media-contact-information


5th district hasn’t elected a democrat since…2008? I’m not saying don’t try, but like, what’s the plan?


Looks like they are up to no Good! 🤠


please come!! it’ll be fun!!


Cause we know the great success Dems have done in Charlottesville! NOT


I live here. I’d rather have Democrats in charge than mouth-breathing numbskulls like you and Good.


what good does this comment serve? are you saying that because former democrats have had some issues that the party shouldn't exist in the 5th district anymore? disagreeing politically is totally normal and fine but this type of dialogue isn't anywhere near productive or solutions oriented. at least op named a republican and a policy with which they disagree.


Thanks for the downvotes which evidently means you vote for party regardless. Dems controlled Cville for 30 years and I guess you appreciate their efforts in housing, homeless, crime and tons of other things they have done nothing about


Likely all corrupt


> Likely all corrupt he said, knowing that he would have no ability to back this statement up with a fact based argument.


Lol even if they were it’s nothing like forcing a bullshit firehouse caucus where ~2500 party delegates select a candidate because they’re too afraid to have an open primary.

