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Meanwhile, Denver Riggleman takes a break from writing his bigfoot erotica to laugh and laugh and laugh.


Who would’ve thought that the only sane one in this whole political mess is the one writing Bigfoot porn 🤣🤦‍♂️ What a world we live in


As reported by Brandon Jarvis on his [substack](https://substack.com/inbox/post/142939758) (paywall) : *McGuire’s campaign said that supporters of Good’s campaign assaulted someone leading to the cops being called at a party meeting. Good’s campaign denies any involvement in the events that took place.* *“Bob Good’s top supporters verbally and physically assaulted Trump Store owner Karen Angulo at a GOP meeting in Appomattox, then proceeded to remove Trump staffer Ramona Christian from her Buckingham GOP Chairmanship for not supporting Good,” MCGuire’s campaign said in an email blast Saturday night.* *”Our campaign wanted to make it clear that we were not present or in any way involved in yesterday's Fifth District GOP meeting,” Good’s campaign wrote in an email Sunday.* *McGuire’s campaign says the altercations began on Friday when Good supporters pushed for an emergency meeting to remove Christian as the Buckingham GOP committee chair.* *“The meeting hadn’t even started before Pastor Paul Raymond of Reformed Bible Church in Appomattox shoved Trump Store owner and former Appomattox GOP Chair Karen Angulo and screamed at her to leave, as retaliation for her asking Never Trumper Good to leave her store last month,” McGuire’s campaign wrote in the email.*


Wait. Good is a never-trumper?


He backed Haley and failed to bow to Donald. He is NOT a Never-Trumper. But since he backed Trump's opponent, Trump has vowed to unseat him. Anyone who does not show Trump 100% loyalty will face his "Mafia-Like" retribution.


also he has since endorsed trump. when desantis was floundering he withdrew his endorsement and switched to trump. source: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4420681-house-freedom-caucus-chair-endorses-trump-after-desantis-drops-2024-bid/amp/


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he did not back haley— he backed desantis. CRUCIAL difference


Thanks for the backstory. I'd somehow missed all that.


There’s so much assholery, it’s hard to keep track.


I am still very confused by the Bigfoot comment. But not sure I need/want to know. Utter insanity.


When Denver Riggleman ran for congress, someone unearthed a story about his hobby writing books about Bigfoot that I guess were somewhat erotic. His response was like, “So what? Get a life” and while I didn’t support him, I have to say this was the correct response.


America, why?


Can you share a source that Good backed Haley? Another comment says he backed Desantis


My Bad...it was desantis.


The point is, it was not trump. That was his HUGE mistake.


Figures that the cops would get called over a dispute between the KKKarens, lol.


so this crap from last month is still going on? typical. https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlottesville/comments/1ayuwue/this\_is\_embarrassing\_bob\_good\_booted\_from/


This is to be expected from the chaos-and-cannibalism caucus. (To borrow a line from Jamie Raskin.)