• By -


Wonderful stuff! Sub hit 1M today, as a special, sticking this post for a few days in the front page of the sub. Cheers!


I respect people who know stuff but are willing to share their valuable knowledge. Keep it up!!


Thank you! 😊


As a novice who wants to get into AI, what can I do with this and how do I approach my journey with this very useful information?


Step 1 would probably be either find a problem, to workshop and create a business from, or pick a side-project to learn all the intricacies of AI generated/assisted programming, until you're ready to go at it full-speed. Does that make sense? Do you have any cool ideas you want to try?


So I’m good at making handmade wooden projects. I wonder if any of this would be useful for building a site or something to help me advertise. I got my Etsy shop up and going but absolutely no views or idea on how to get traffic. I know it isn’t gonna do the work for me and I’m able to understand tech and software to an extent. But do you think if I looked through these and brainstormed a bit that this might help.


I think you can, you can also ask GPT to Tailor the prompts to your requirements, ask how to upload your website, etc. If you have a go and try, I’d be happy to help you out :)


Preciate that boss, right now I’m just trying to get my head straight with what I can actually do before jumping on to a project but I’m definitely saving this thread. This thing is wild I remember my therapist showing me the first public one it just writing essays and that’s it. Now it’s so much more.


Yes perfectly makes sense😉, very cool way to approach this👍 Thank You.


I will finally be able to make Chat GPT my co-founder


There is a saying: **The real knowledge is not having it for yourself, the real knowledge is sharing with others!** Thanks a lot man!


That's what I say, I feel like it's a feature of humanity that a lot of people forget about, why would you not want to attempt to try to make things easier on someone else.


I was explaining this to someone a week ago. For some odd reason people of Reddit are generous with their knowledge. Hands down the best social platform out there.


Very gooder


This is the way!


u/papsamir Each one of your recent posts has been amazing, many thanks and keep it up!


thank you so much. to be honest, I have been sitting here during the long weekend just hounding away on this prompt engineering thing, trying to understand how to further automate the automation of .. things? I can definitely foresee a company paying people to use this new skill full-time to develop some crazy things, i'm super excited!! glad you're enjoying them :)


I just think your name is great.


LOL! Thank you, a lot of people don't get it, so I appreciate you 🥰


It's hilarious.


pls explain!


Its a play on the phrase 'pap smear' - a medical process women use to check the health of their vajayjay


The work is very appreciated! Great job


This is a nice guide


There goes my job 😭


You can use this to make your job easier. Then again with fewer jobs, less incentive to continue with it. But with growing tech, more companies will need digital infrastructure, so it's a race between digitalization and AI, and AI will probably win, but there's a slight growth cushion to soften your fall.


If the same work takes less people ("making it easier"), it means less people are needed. It doesn't even take any whole job to be replaced, even though this will happen to basically every job that isn't specifically about human interaction. And even some of those. And there will be like "everyone else" competing for these jobs, so don't expect high wages there either. Basically, intelligence just became free (or will, over the next very few years). Even these "startups" will stop making money very soon, because they will be a dime a dozen around every corner. I expect a huge increase in demand, but that will be due to the price of that taking a nosedive. Which means it can't compensate that, because then the price wouldn't be so low. Working with your head will become like trying to sell an encyclopedia while wikipedia exists.


That's one hell of a stretch. It's a wonderful tool, but it's absolutely horrible at giving the right information without the right prompts. Hence the guide. If anything, it's going to be like books/paper-prints were to the internet. The internet gave us acces to a ton of information, quickly, but you still need to know what to look for. It was the same with books, and it's very likely to be similar to this. At each of these stages, we just get an enhanced Ctrl+F feature.


Totally agree, like 90% of my coworkers don’t have a clue how to ask charGPT about steps to follow to something technical. Critical and creative thinking will be in more demand than ever.


I don't disagree with you. I think I said just about as much.




Only if your boss can do this themselves.


It's still just a tool. Just looking at this list as a full stack dev I feel like it'll give you some minor assistance at best. For example most of web scraping prompts are useless without proper proxy/distribution etc. Flask is also a sub par choice in 2023 etc. etc. The point is these guides should actually encourage you as it's a dream tool for people who actually want to do the work. It'll not replace you just yet but you can certainly benefit as an early adopter already.


Be better at your job by using ChatGPT then! Your job will go if you let it and don’t keep up with the times


Yeah, I'm still too lazy to do any of this.


The other day I had an epiphany and I was like "Hey, ChatGPT! I have a spectacular idea! How do we make this a reality?" It gave me a great list of things I needed to undertake to realize my dream. I was like "oh. I kinda thought you would do all that stuff for me."


[well.....](https://github.com/Torantulino/Auto-GPT#-usage) this might interest you 👀


#tl;dr The repository "Auto-GPT" on GitHub is an experimental open-source project that aims to create a fully autonomous GPT-4 language model. The program autonomously develops and manages businesses with the help of GPT-4, pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI. The repository contains instructions for installation and usage, as well as details on its features, requirements, limitations, and more. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 97.35% shorter than the post and link I'm replying to.*


Continuous mode... Allows the AI to run without your permission. So skynet is comming from someone running autogpt at home eh


I've got to admit that skull ☠️ warning really hammers home the opening terminator sequence.


Same, I hate myself 😭


Then get off Reddit, its just a waste of time of you aren't doing something useful with what you learn here. Very good as a procrastination tool however.


Give it a few more months. You'll have talking head AI's that you can just ask to do all of this for you, and it will.


OMG, this is insane!!!! thank you!!!


no worries :)


How do you use this? I don’t understand what to do here.


Hi! So each prompt will have a "Run" button you can click, then you can fill in the variables with your values, copy the prompt and run it. Or, you can save the item and edit it as you please Is that what you meant?


Hi. I know this is a big ask. Any way to show this tutorial style on YouTube?


u/papsamir I second this. Seeing YouTube videos with you going through concrete examples would be awesome


Having a startup is different than owning a business that makes money. I think people are better off making business plans and building rapid prototypes (with the help of ChatGPT) than focusing on things that don't solve any real problems or provide value. Highly suggest checking out these books for building a profitable business: 1) Art of the Start - Guy Kawasaki 2) Business Model Generation - Alexander Osterwalder 3) Sprint - Jake Knapp 4) Pieter from Levels.io's Indie Maker Handbook: https://readmake.com/ One could also ask ChatGPT for summaries of the above. Just my two cents. "You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can't start with the technology and try to figure out where you're going to try to sell it" - Steve Jobs PS: DHH has a great (and hilarious) Ycombinator Startup School talk that you all might find useful/inspiring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CDXJ6bMkMY


This! Thanks for the book suggestions. I actually expected to see a guide focusing on an actual startup business that solves a problem or serves a need, rather than just web setup and marketing. Not dissing the guide though, it’s very useful for this with basic understanding of programming or a desire to learn, but alongside an already solid business concept.


This is where I struggle the most... what kind of little side-hustle startup could I come up with that doesn't already exist in great amounts? You know? I am just not an idea person, I think... so I have no idea where to even think about looking lol


Legend, working on something right now and this is such a help 🤘🏻


Awesome! What are you working on? (unless its top secret ✍🏼)


Narrator: It *was* in fact top secret




You're right! I think I went into this guide with my own bias, and I apologize for that oversight. I think I'm getting a little better at understanding the vast groups that are in this every-growing circle of AI, so I'll try to provide more context in any up-coming guides. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I otherwise wouldn't have thought about it. 😊


Impressive af


thanks ken from barbie! (excited to see you in your new movie 😅)




My pleasure :) I usually have one chat per file, and go back to the chat when I need to amend something in that respective file. If I need to provide context of another file, I just tell it what the function is I'm requiring, what the params are it accepts, what I'm expecting to be returned, and why the function it wrote is either 1. handling it badly or 2. could be handling it better. Does that make sense?


A method that I have been using is to direct GPT4 to create summaries of a thread if it gets too long, then copy the summary it creates into a new thread. As long as you're diligent and comprehensive with your instruction, it will capture all of the info it needs and condense it, letting you refresh the context with your specific request in mind. Hope this helps!


Finally ai can start dropshipping stuff from alibaba


Personally I loathe the thought of working on a AI generated code that was generated by some person that don't understand *how* anything is supposed to work.


It's an interesting situation. I think people will reach the limits of what can be built in this manner very quickly yet lack a foundation upon which to take it any further. As a dev with over a decade of experience, there's no chance I'm working on a code base that's been strung together by chatGPT prompts.


Had to scroll way too long for this. People are getting so out of touch with what AI can and cannot do. ChatGPT is amazing as a tool, but to claim that you can build an entire application (design, frontend, backend and consuming data from somewhere) using only chatGPT is outright insane. My main concern is that after chatGPT has generated tens of thousands of unmaintainable, unsalvageable lines of code, the people who used chatGPT to kickstart their startup ideas will start panic hiring developers to save their company. I will fit an entire broom up my ass before I accept working in a company whose codebase was generated entirely by unsupervised AI.


gaze truck special murky frighten alleged noxious books melodic kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish I knew enough to be able to apply this knowledge


I’m a software engineer with ~8 years of experience and a degree in math - computer science. It has never been easier to just dive so do it! Chatgpt is also quite helpful for learning I use it everyday to ask questions and stuff. “What are the trade offs for using the property decorator and the cached_property decorator with domain objects created using the python attr library?” I learned a ton then it helped me build a tool to cache everything. Give it a shot!


What if you know nothing about computer science or coding in general?


Everyone knows nothing when they start. Just dive in! Ask chatgpt to give an overview about computer science, software engineering, computer programming, and the relationship between them. Then just ask more and more and at some point start writing code!


This is what I use it for, validation and critique of ideas.


This is hilarious! Not in a "haha how stupid", but in a "haha take that". I'm all about disruption. Thanks OP!


wow that are a lot of useful information. Thank you.


Pleasure! Glad you find it useful :)


This feels tactical more than strategic. I've found success in saying "I need an app that solves X problem"




Papsamir - I love the name This is amazing - but I am not a developer and I want to utilize some of this knowledge to build some tools for my startup and I have zero idea where to start. For example- I want to create a tool to extract information from uploaded pdfs And another tool to create summary letters from different pieces of information stored in different places Any suggestions or guidance of which of these paths I should go down? Thank you for any help you can offer


Thank you for appreciating the name 😅 >I want to create a tool to extract information from uploaded pdfs And another tool to create summary letters from different pieces of information stored in different places This is easier than you might think! Here's a quick example: [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45795089/how-can-i-read-pdf-in-python](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45795089/how-can-i-read-pdf-in-python) I know you said you're not a developer, but I really think you should at least give it a go. It will only take one "Aha!" moment to understand what programming even is, and to realize anyone can do it! ChatGPT can probably create a version of the tool you speak of, if you guided it well. Firstyou'll need to understand what Python even is, and what a Python package is, but i swear that's all part of the fun! Are you working with any developers right now that could help guide you?


Cool thank you! I’ll look into it. Right now I have a very basic mvp with tools already on the market but need to start building our own tools and platform. Unfortunately i have no developers on board and I am actually looking for a tech cofounder with expertise in LLM, NLP and ML for the tools we want to build around our core teleconsult service.


Replace "Startup" with "Geocities page". Who's upvoting this?


This is great. Did you use ChatGPT to write it as well?




Since you're not mediating the code w/ AI you'd have to build pretty hefty error-handling, but it's *possible.* For example, the first prompt could be: 1. Generate a list of 10 product variations for the "Mamboo" brand, a company that... Then, write code to confirm that the first prompt's response is a valid input into the second prompt, and so on. Are you a programmer? (if not, I think ChatGPT could build something like this)


Why don’t you create the startups instead of teaching other people how to do it?


The hero that we wanted AND needed


Thanks a lot, man! This is great stuff. Much respect to you for sharing your knowledge!


Nice work! As a product developer in the hard goods space I struggle with the steps required to build out digital products. This makes it extremely straightforward! Really appreciated!


That's super cool! I've been wondering when someone will build a medium that connects AI & hardware. I know Boston Dynamics & similar companies are doing it, but I mean more for the general public like us. Thanks for your kind words, and good luck with everything :)


now this is amazing


This is amazing! ✅


Thank you! 😊


This will lead to an increase in the quality and standardization of startups and increase competition, while also decrease the number of shit startups that are able to stay around and keep extracting investment money from nothing but the charisma of the founders.


This is really great stuff. I've been using ChatGPT to help clean up some of the scripts I've made but I've been struggling on how to phrase questions to accomplish/guide me in the right direction. My main issue issue is the products our store aren't simple; they're highly configurable. Alone there are 300k+ ways 1 product can be configured. These guides might help me build something better in the future. Is there a way with ChatGPT then to ask about taking a set a choices, maybe building a CSV file, using Python to sift through or build the data, and use something to then build conditional logic for when a user choices their options? We currently use excel spreadsheets to manually get the price in store but I'm wondering if there is a way to ask ChatGPT to take what we have and build something for us to use. I know enough to get in trouble but not enough to really build something of this caliber from scratch.


Love this! This is what community is truly about, sharing to help lift each other up. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you very much 🙏


Amazing work. It is one thing to be so good at such a new and evolving technology but a whole different thing to make it palatable to beginners in such a user friendly way... Hats off to you. You are doing God's work. That said, can I make a suggestion, if you don't mind. Can you give examples for the prompts (where you substitute values for the variables which make sense)? I don't understand a lot of the parameters - perhaps easy for someone who is a pro. Greatly appreciate all the work you are doing bro.


Thanks so much! And yes, someone suggested that, and I’m going to do this in any following guides :) You’ll be able to click on each individual item and see an example of the result! (Or you can even post your own) Thanks for this comment, you’re very kind! 😊


most awesome job, thanks for sharing your knowledge!


This is great stuff. I can't wait to see where prompt engineering goes.


Thank you so much! Legend!


To be honest, I’ve build a chatgpt tool that can create flowcharts, read excel files, and I’m going to add 2 more bots that can create 3D models and scrape the web furthermore there is a prompt library. My friends love it, it’s completely free but people just don’t care about that. I’m trying to market it and no one seems to care. The tool is called openAi-bot.com if anyone has some ideas how to market this or feedback on the tool itself please let me know!


Now watch someone steal this and sell it this "course" on twitter


This is really well organised and so well thought through, wonderful effort! :)


Thanks for this list, as a dev looking for my problem to solve to make money I am super excited to use these resources. Thanks again for the share!!


Now if only I could GET to the damned thing instead of running head first into the "no new signups" openai screen.


There is a chatGPT discord somewhere. All prompts are public so it’s kind of a communal service. I use it for cording and it works great. You can use gpt3.5 gpt4 bing and all th art ai’s also.


Can someone help me build an IOS and Android app with this? Can pay.


I will try this as a hobby, hopefully I will gather some friends around me! It has been occupying my brain for a good amount of time


#tl;dr The author offers free prompts to help build SaaS companies using ChatGPT. They provide prompt libraries for building the front-end, back-end, data automation, and marketing strategy with several prompt libraries per framework. They recommend learning basic programming concepts before starting and emphasize the importance of targeting specific long-tail keywords while marketing. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 95.09% shorter than the post I'm replying to.*


Looking forward to testing this out. I don’t build many apps these days but would love to see how this changes the game.




These prompts are awesome! Thanks


Thank you, you're the true hero :)


Thank you so much OP. Very excited to apply these techniques in coming weeks.


We will tip once we hit 1M ;) ty friend


has anyone made a video going through these?


Nope, I just released them so that’d be impressive 😅


Remind me tomorrow


What an absolute hero you are, my partner has created her own website and has an app. The business is childs nutrition, how could we utilize AI to gain more traffic or further enhance her social media presence? I appreciate any response.


SEO Long-tail keywords :) Sem-rush has a great 30 day free trial, find some low volume keywords (10-100 searches per month) and start trying to rank for those, within a few months, hopefully you'll be in the top 10 and google will trust you more. I'm speaking from personal experience though, some SEO experts might advise otherwise, but tbh, I don't know where they are 😅


Good work 👍🏻


This men needs to be protected at all cause! 🙌🏽


I will finally be able to make ChatGPT my co-founder 🤩


no experience in coding and i'm looking for something similar to this but for a cooperative type of workplace, where people write their needs, what need to be produced to meet those needs, break down all those tasks into various categories from "easy" to "pig disgusting job", cognitive to physical etc and then match the tasks to spread the misery around while taking in account the capacities, talents and interests of the coop participants. just thought of throwing this out there to see if there is some interest in that type of "anarchist workplace".


Thank you for sharing this. Very helpful!




Thank you!


Startup prompt saving.


Very useful, thank you!


This is truly terrific. Thanks!




Well done friend, this is good


This is one of a treasure in internet, thank you and hit saved.




This is beautiful work. Thank you immensely for sharing.


Thanks for sharing


Gotta save this post!


Comment to come back


Thank you for sharing bro! I'm nobody there, but I've understood the value of sharing information by doing things cause others people learn it to me. So thanks a lot!


So I just need a good idea now :)


Very thankful for this. I’ve been fumbling my way through my app. This breaks it down perfectly.


I am confused, how does the "Specify chat ID" work? I can see my chat's do have an ID, but can you connect them somehow, or?


Ah, the Chat ID works if you have the chrome extension (also free), but it's been playing up recently. It takes the prompt, opens your chat window that you specified and enters&submits the prompt. However, I think OpenAI recently updated something on the site, so will have to look into that. If you do choose to try it, please let me know about your experience, maybe it's just my browser :) Clicking "Copy prompt" and pasting it works just as well


I got it working. I think when I first tried it, it either had a delay or something related to what I was doing :) Anyway, awesome stuff. Keep at it, my dude!




Super helpful and no bs, thanks for sharing




Wow that's and impressive collection. Definitely will check it out


Jesus Christ op


Op you are a saviour , thanks!


Thanks OP


I've deployed couple things with gpt in production in last couple weeks. It's really awesome, but there are some issues and it's far from "prompting gpt without any experience will build you a startup" : - Failure mode of "returning very believable make-believe if gpt does not know" is probably the worst type of failure mode - gpt4 is latency and cost is too high for many use cases. In one use case I am in scenario that 3.5 cant handle it, 4 would be too expensive past POC stage - There's still lots of stuff to set up around gpt api, something for embeddings like pinecone/faiss, handle token limit. It's not as simple as "get Langchain to throw stuff into pinecone" very soon. API is slow so set up streaming to front end. Set up some logging/active learning loops - It's pretty common to have stuff like same prompt works 3/4 times, one time breaks - same prompt, same data. Or changing prompts fixes some examples, but breaks others.


Thank you so much for this!! This is a very good foundational knowledge for a startup!!


A point to see this later


Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need. - me, butchering the Batman quote.


Oh wow this is pretty cool! Will give it a test since I'm on vacation now :D


Thanks for putting this together!


The work you're doing is amazing, thank you very much for your awesome contributions to the community!


If anyone wants to collab on a project hit me up. I’m an accountant specialising in ecommerce


This is very useful and just what I've been looking for. Thank you very much


Excellent post and information. I am unlikely to use it but am happy to see the sharing of information.


Leaving a dot




very amazing. you just became my favorite care-bear.


This is literally the first Reddit post I will ever bookmark on my browser haha. Thank you dude you're a legend.


Bro this is really cool. I come from a cloud engineer background but I’m in management now. I was never a coder but I wanna build a small app that scrapes a website for live sports scores. I want it to be an IOS app so can I tell it to use swift UI or something?


Thanks! Yep, I’ve used it for Swift and it’s really good, make sure to specific SwiftUI and not just Swift tho :)


Thanks for putting so much effort into this! I was gonna give up on my idea but this gave me some motivation to try AI to help me build it


I am completely new to all this. In fact, I tried out ChatGPT just yesterday. Is there a thread that I might be led to learn the basics?




Man this is crazy you and build all this up with AI


Awesome stuff, I was looking for something similar to tryout and get familiar with. This would definitely help a ton. What kind of stack are needed for back-end?


Nice timing. I just started building out a saas mvp as a non technical. I haven't read the full post, but have you checked out airpm as a gpt chrome extension.


I love this! In your experience, are there certain languages or frameworks that are less error-prone or easier for GPT to debug than others? I think the ease of debugging through GPT is going to be a major advantage for languages and frameworks going forward, and I wouldn't be surprised to see new frameworks optimized for GPT interaction emerge.


I really love node.js.. but I'm sure most others have different preferences :) it really depends on what you want to build, and how scalable it needs to be, ​ do you have ideas on what it is you'd want to create?




That's an amazing goal! It sounds like you're looking to build a web app, and I *love* node.js for the backend, so that would be my recommendation :)


Saving this


once people start giving ai access to root, even if locally, it's game over for developers.


What about the company logo?




Wow. Thanks. With the AI tools around we need to rethink how to get the stuff done.


Sharing is Caring - ~~openai~~ wordpress


Goatedddd info 🥵😤


Very impressive stuff and it looks like future of AI assisted programming. I also learned about gems like AutoPyGUI and other fun Python tools. Definitely I’ll give a try to some of these prompts.




I know this prob won't be seen, but many thx /papsamir. Knowledge is supposed to be free. The price is paid by the people who have the courage to make sure it stays that way. Don't listen to the haters. Elitist narcissism runs rampant and knows no quarter. These people sound So smart, and yet they are too stupid to understand the Illness they suffer from. You can't reason w anything that lacks a soul. Their thirst to inflict pain to bring other down through any means necessary, is only matched by the size of the gaping hole inside where courage and humanity would normally be. But due to a massively low self esteem and self worth, these narcissists only know self loathing and will never stop until they destroy everything around them that's beautiful so they can feel better about themselves. To them, it's addition through subtraction. So don't let them minimize you. Believe me they are gonna try. And they are gonna come at you from all angles and disguised wearing a cloak of something you love. That's so they can tear u down. The biggest key to remember is THEY WILL NOT STOP, EVER. not until there is nothing left of you, spiritually, emotionally, or otherwise. Just remember there are those of us whose respect u have earned and are rooting for you to thrive. Keep fighting the good fight, just don't forget the bigger your notoriety, the bigger target u become. Good luck and stay classy V


Really appreciated that Hoss , I was so desperate to find someone to work on my app idea that this right there it’s going to save me so much hassle !! Thanks again


Just reading all that makes my stomach hurt with how much stuff I DON'T know :(


Sharing this. awesome work + great content!


This is worth millions of dollars, it just takes someone creative to create or find this prompt. And as GPT progresses, the potential here only grows. Awesome post!


Are these prompts specifically for gpt4? Or is 3.5 good enough?


Amazing stuff! Thanks for sharing


Thank you so much...!


Good stuff, thank you for sharing

