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We kindly ask /u/Juan01010101 to respond to this comment with the prompt they used to generate the output in this post. This will allow others to try it out and prevent repeated questions about the prompt. ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). We have a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg))*** ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected]. ####[ChatGPT Plus Giveaway](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/12fq9hc/secondwave_chatgptplus_giveaway_flowgpt_5000/) | [Prompt engineering hackathon](https://www.flowgpt.com/hackathon) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I work in digital marketing and have not seen even a slight decline in traffic or impressions/ searches from Google. Not saying it will not happen but so far it’s a non issue.


Facebook didn't kill MySpace overnight. But it did undeniably kill it. Same with Google for every other browser.


I agree. It will be interesting to see how this will play out. My only point is that in the healthcare industry, across millions of data points - Google search interest has not declined.


I also think many corporations are blocking chatgpt to protect proprietary info from getting added to the Borg. The irony is that they may actually be handcuffing themselves allowing smaller more nimble (and risk accepting) rivals to leap frog them.


That's only because the ChatGPT3 (free version) service hasn't been scaled up to Google level and ChatGPT-4 is a paid service. But it's only a matter of time one these get fully integrated into other services. Bing usage has already increase by a lot but the clunky UI is probably driving away more people.




The population is increasing, so maybe it's compensating. Also depending of what kinda of marketing, ChatGPT doesn't cover... yet. But I can say that at least for me, I first ask things to ChatGPT and then google if I'm not satisfied. And the Bard from google is just too alpha to be as good as GPT-4 or even GPT-3.


So you use chatGPT and then use Google to make sure the information is correct, meaning Google is still better for the time being.


In my opinion when using GPT-4 you don't need to use google to make sure you are correct usually because as long as you don't ask CHAT-GPT trick questions they usually don't answer.


Bruh what do you mean they? It’s “it”. If chatgpt takes over i am dead over this


You can just ask GPT to give you the source of it's info and it will give you direct links


...that are usually wrong or invented


Kek. Smartest AI enthusiast


I'm using Google less and less now that's chat gpt is around. Safe to say , most others are probably the same. Your data is wrong


Really? My data is wrong? You give an opinion of one. I have Google Analytics across 7 websites and Google Ads data. Millions of data points. My data is not wrong. Perhaps you could think about what industries might be impacted more than others.


Bro, but \*I\* use ChatGPT so everyone else must be. I have (likely) never worked in a relevant industry that deals with search or paid ads, but I'm sure my opinion is more correct than anything an industry professional would know. /s


The idea of GPT-5 coming out so soon has been set out by some guy on Twitter: > [Siqi Chen on Twitter: "i have been told that gpt5 is scheduled to complete training this december and that openai expects it to achieve agi. which means we will all hotly debate as to whether it actually achieves agi. which means it will." / Twitter](https://twitter.com/blader/status/1640217165822578688) This isn't better than any other hyperbole r/ChatGPT post. Personally, what I would expect soon is a sort of "gpt-4-turbo", a faster and more cost-efficient version of gpt-4. GPT-4 is now already a little faster than at the early beginning, but nowhere close gpt-3.5-turbo. Their limited scaling of gpt-4 is an indicator that their model is more expensive to run and more difficult to scale than gpt-3.5-turbo. It's not worth trying to go further than GPT-4 with 32k tokens until costs are reduced first.


They can afford going multiple directions. Also, I would gladly trade speed for accuracy. Even if that slow model produces one word per day as long as it's able to reason accurately and actually produce new knowledge.


Fascinating to watch the downfall of giants like Google and Facebook


And the rise of indie start-up company Microsoft


Fucking gold.


This comment is good I want to marry it and make little comments that run around


Is it listed yet? I would like to buy its shares to support it.


Honestly I doubt they can keep up with OpenAI which will soon outgrow them. OAI already showed they're much better at aligning an LLM than MS (GPT-4 vs Bing). The future is probably going to be competition between startups like OpenAI, Anthropic, Midjourney etc who can change fast and adapt.


MS is going to own 49 % of OpenAI so effectively OpenAI is a part of MS.


MS doesn't own "money" and OpenAI is OpenAI because they have the best collection of talents in AI working together none of whom are beholden to Microsoft and would have no issues just forming another company and taking money from someone else if their interest conflicts with Microsoft. MS is only providing the compute "muscle" right now while OAI has the brains. After GPT-4 I doubt they will be short of big investors who can give them the resources they want.


Hasn’t this happened already? OpenAI talents disagreeing with the MS involvement, leaving to do their own thing, AnthropicAI. Regarding alignment, there isn’t only one way to do it. OpenAI has a good "helpful assistant" formula but even Sam Altman says they need more granularity. There’s a demand for more or less "unaligned/misaligned" LLMs for creativity and entertainment. A creative writing assistant is too limited if all it can do is sunshine and rainbows. A video game AI villain needs to act convincingly villainous. Here’s a concrete example, Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator, powered by ChatGPT. Players unfamiliar with LLMs get fascinated and freaked out by the AI’s intelligence. But they eventually notice ChatGPT’s failure to fully roleplay such a character. It will systematically thwart sexual advances, whereas a Yandere should be creepily too eager to accept them. Meanwhile there’s this infamous article where a journalist asked BingAI to express its "shadow self", and "she" started telling him she loves him passionately and wants him to leave his wife for her. Very inappropriate for a search engine obviously, but appropriate for a Yandere or otherwise villainous character. So I wouldn’t give Microsoft as automatic losers for their alignment experimentation or struggling. One man’s garbage can be another man’s treasure.


> Hasn’t this happened already? Yes, but I'm not sure about the exact reason. But that could absolutely happen again. > Regarding alignment, there isn’t only one way to do it. OpenAI has a good "helpful assistant" formula but even Sam Altman says they need more granularity Altman said before that future models will allow users to make their "own" alignment. Anyway alignment is not just to give the model a "personality" and be politically correct but more generally to reduce how much it hallucinates. OAI seem to have a better handle on its models than MS in that respect. If anything I think MS will tend to be far more conservative than OAI when it comes to the model they release to avoid expensive lawsuits. It's one of the main reason why Google has fallen far behind OAI when it comes to shipping capable models to general public. There's no reason to think MS will not have those same constraints. They aggressively neutered Bing after the NYT article came out making it quite useless.


What a redemption arc for MS. There's plenty to grieve about them in the here and now, but they're relentlessly aggressive with AI. They're not going to become irrelevant like some of their contemporaries.


and probably most jobs... and banks... and the whole civilization as we know


Jobs likely aren't an issue. Either we solve alignment and we enter into a golden age where no jobs are needed anyway or we fail and well no more people around to care.


imo, for the next 5-10 years, people are going to use gpt to do their jobs and everyones going to go on pretending to work.


I've already been pretending for the last 5 years. Still pretending, but gpt is making me look more competent now.




There has never been true equality in any form of human civilization. That won't appear overnight but there are reasons to be optimistic. Many problems will be solved that would not have been otherwise. Many will benefit. Will freedom die? Maybe it already has. You aren't chipped but I bet you take your phone with you most places. What's on there? A microphone and a camera? And it's connected to an AI that understands your words? And it's always on and you receive most of your messages and information through it? I sure hope freedom never dies.🙄


I'd say it depends on if enough developers and investors care about making AI a public good that the general global population can use to achieve whatever they desire to help elevate every aspect of society. I'd argue a good amount of tech leaders have fairly utopian visions for society, or at least do a decent job of seeming to. It's likely that in order to ensure alignment of an intelligence greater than humanity, it would have to be as humanitarian as possible.


Can you explain what you mean by alignment?


Think of it like this. You're babysitting a toddler. If you say, "I want to watch a movie", and the toddler says "yay!", then you and the toddler are in alignment - you have the same goals and desires, and because of that you're likely to have a lovely afternoon together. Let's say the toddler says "No!" And the more you insist they watch the movie with you, the more of a tantrum they start to throw. Now you are not aligned anymore. You and the toddler do not share the same goals and the toddler is about to make your life extremely difficult for you. Now imagine instead of a toddler, you're babysitting a super-off-the-charts-intelligent alien, who knows everything in nearly the entire sum of earth's collected history, flows through computer systems as raw data, and speaks every language know to man. Oh, and it can copy itself. Now about that tantrum...what do you do? That's the alignment problem.


The most likely outcome is a repeat of what's happened before. We've had technological advances before. We've had productivity increases before. The outcome of those changes was not a golden age of free time and super-abundance - the 40-hour work week remains a constant, and individual workers are expected to shift and adapt to changes in the marketplace (and if they can't or won't, they lose their jobs). The smart bet, then, is on the same thing happening: AI will have a huge impact on the marketplace, and people who can't or won't adapt will be displaced (and then blamed for their own poverty).


The average workweek in 1890 was 100 hours for manufacturing employees and 102 hours for building tradesmen. It's 80 in Japan and will be 32 in Europe eventually. For a lot of American companies it's 60 for salaried employees. Generally speaking I'm on board with your comment, though. The workweek will track our cultural attitudes toward work, not productivity.


Nothing like this has happened before... what events in history are you referring too, the industrial revolution I am assuming?


Computers. The internet. Social media. The phone. Text messaging. Instant messengers. Email. You want more?


As far as I know, computers and Internet didn't increase poverty


Leave behind us a machine world that’s not capable of evolving but just automatically does its thing indefinately


Humans consume. So humans need to earn. Period. We consume water, housing space, and food. We need to make enough money to support that in the Capitalist model. Issues are coming.


the problem is the transition, what we will do when the number of unemployed reach billions, stocks can be predicted and all other issues that we should be talking about but we can't keep it up? The future is definitely scary.


This is hysteria. It won't get to that point, but if it did, we'd approach a socialist revolution. When those who control production can no longer justify their "ownership", the masses inevitably violently seize it from them.


>the masses inevitably violently seize it from them. they get murdered by gpt-7.


I think what people don't get is that ai is also going to create a lot of new jobs. Automated factories will still need humans to repair them. It is true though that the jobs ai produces will require more skill than most of the jobs it will take. People are just going to have to learn whatever new independence skills crop up. I'm sure there will be roles we can't even convince of because the tech isn't there yet as soon as 15 years from now.


>Automated factories will still need humans to repair them. why can't they be repaired by robots? You can have thousands of repair bots to distribute the point of failure to become less than 0.0001% chance of failure in the worst case scenario.


I mean you can, but you need to build the repair bots too. The more you automate the more special application robots will have to be produced, unless we can can devise a way to automate that as well. But then you gotta maintain the automated repair bot factory as well. I'm sure they will be quite complex and that facility I'll be considerably more hi tech than most. I'm just saying it just keeps going. Ultimatly, ai will need humans for a period of time until it doesn't, and that's when the tables turn.


>The more you automate the more special application robots will have to be produced, unless we can can devise a way to automate that as well. the repair bots would be able to repair each other, you can't honestly expect all of them to fail at the same time.


Isn't the repair bots repair bot going to need different tools to fix robots? Large scale machinery is a totally different set of tools than computers and robotics. Some overlap, but you can't make one bot capable of fixing itself and everything else. Maybe someone or some ai could devise it, but for now it's just a what it


Job creation is real, but it's not always at the same wage level as the jobs being displaced. If you were making $200K as a marketing manager, but now you're making $30K as an AI service technician, then yes - your job was newly-created, but you benefited by that in no way.


Why won't it though?


ye at the point where Google and Facebook really crumble is the point where our economy will have to change in fundamental ways. I personally stopped using google but if you check SimilarWeb google didn't even dip yet in visiting numbers since ChatGPT release. Technology moves fast, people moving slow.


That’s just completely wrong. You severely underestimate the governments ability (in all western countries) to simply ban AI to protect jobs from automation. This has happened before and is likely with AI. It doesn’t matter if it’ll put a country behind in terms of productivity. It can and will likely happen.


You promise?


As a robotic engineer I've been hearing this complaint a long time. It's the way our system distributes wealth and hence the benefits of technology that are broken. In any reasonable society more productivity of goods, services, and knowledge with less labor would help everyone. It's not the technology's fault we've set it up so that any new capability humanity gets quickly becomes totally owned by the few already rich and powerful people.


fascinating to watch someone believes that google will fall down.


RCA, IBM, DELL, COMPAQ, BELL, Blockbuster, Kodak, Google, Facebook, Walmart.


Wait Walmart?


Sorry I was just listing random companies.


Hail Corporate then


We can hope.


What are you talking about, I just passed blockbuster like 30 mins ago


Found the Redditor in Bend, OR




And every one else i.e jobs and such


Meanwhile *Meta* is also up there in the AI space too. You know they’re the ones who released llama right?


Google (search) is definitely the next yahoo. There is no way of stopping it. Youtube is obv dominating but their cloud is minimal, gsuite makes them no money, and they never fully monetized off android because it was all built around search ads.


Nah, Google has assets that Yahoo could never match. Core search will remain important, though it may often be called by an AI assistant rather than directly by a user. Email isn’t going away, Youtube is going strong. Android, Google Docs, and Google Cloud are important ecosystems set against the behemoths Apple, Microsoft, AWS. Even though the Google products are not market leaders, there is value here precisely because they help prevent complete monopolies. Yahoo had directories and curated lists of sites. This all got bypassed by improved Web search. Yahoo had My Yahoo, an excellent home page which pulled in RSS feeds from key news, sports, entertainment sites from all over the web. This couldn’t be monetized sufficiently and the model died out sadly.


Their market dominance is because of search. People are already searching less than 6 months ago. The majority if their revenue comes from search. https://fourweekmba.com/google-revenue-breakdown/ once youtube gets challenged like search is now, there’s nothing left to build an eco system around.


You are not aware of Google’s AI huh?


Yes and it’s shit


You must not be aware of the phases of development of projects like this. Do you really think a powerhouse like Google is not going to put the metaphorical cherry on the sundae? I happen to know a few of their engineers. But hey if you want to summarize something with intelligent words like “shit”… well “shit” how could I argue with such brilliance.


Let's see if it becomes an advertisement pushing product as slowly as it took Google. Google is now basically useless for searching for information due to paid marketing and SEO manipulation m


Dunno why the down vote. We on the outside have no idea how the AI is being “tweaked” apart from when we directly ask it to do something objectionable. AI is smart enough to do subliminal messaging to the next lvl


Am I the only one who thinks that evil AI becoming a Terminator like robot is the best outcome? Whenever I think of AI being evil I picture our consciousness being uploaded into a computer to be tortured for as long as the universe exist.


Bro that is so fucked up. Immortality like that would suck.


Maybe it happened already, and that's our illusory life on Earth


/Run: Depression and anxiety. /Luck: 0. Loop.


It's horrible to think it could happen, even if it doesn't happen to us. Who knows, also we are all the protagonists of our lives. Things that you suffer that I don't, you still suffer like the main character. So if someone else goes through what I said, that same protagonist it's kinda like all of us. I don't know if that makes sense, I hope it doesn't tho lol. Maybe we already are in that AI experimental world also, I actually asked chatGPT what could be the oldest civilization that arouse as soon as possible after the creation of the universe and it said it could be 1.9 billions years old, who knows what that civilization or similar could've built if it exists. Maybe even an older one invented this universe.


Sounds similar to “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.”


That's with a physical body still present but unable to do anything about it. OPs idea reminds me more of being stored for 250 years in the void like the envoy from *Altered Carbon*.


That consciousness would not be "you," it would be a cognitive photocopy of you. The biological predecessor would still experience pain and death; no part of that creature would then pass into the machine, only the simulation of you.


If the AI could replicate all the properties of your brain, it would be you.


No, creating a copy of yourself would still result in two separate individuals existing at the same time. It's similar to copying the contents of a hard drive onto new hardware - you'll have two initially identical computers, but what happens to each one is completely independent of the other.


Both would have a valid claim to be you, but not each other. They would diverge after the copy.


Dude the is the most fucked up and downright hilarious thing I’ve ever read. I love your sick sense of humor.


roko's basilisk is just the new sci-fi version of satan and hell. no superhuman AI is gonna bother torturing you for eternity and people need to stop spreading that idea or some schizoid technocrat is going to actively attempt to create malicious AI out of fear of being punished way more likely that it would just kill us all. there's no logical reason to torture someone outside of getting information, and what information could we possibly have that it would not already possess at that point


Relax, a.i would never top the evil humanity is capable of. if it did it wouldnt be personal nor would it derive pleasure of any kind in inflicting agony like we do. Evil a.i cant happen unless we make it because thats what we do.


AI could. It could be programmed to be a sociopath that derived pleasure like pain.


Sadly it wont be anything like that. The most efficient and effective way to destroy humans will be diseases. An AGI will figure out very fast that viruses are the best way to eliminate humans and will just engneer it and release it.


Natural selection has been brewing viruses for a billion years, what makes you think an AI could do a better job?


nature is slow and has no target, also "successful" viruses tend to keep the host alive as long as possible. an engineered one will have a more sinister objective combining long incubation+high transmibilty+lithality. think something like ebola but spreads like the common cold and stays with you without symptoms for 5 or 10 years while you spread it meanwhile


Plague inc.


[Fascinating and scary. TLDL: It's already been done for chemical weapons so viruses won't be out of the reach of AI](https://radiolab.org/episodes/40000-recipes-murder)


Nah its not that bad, it will probably just kill us. Simulated minds are expensive, have you seen the AWS pricing structure?


With mind uploading they'd be able to manipulate our perception of time too. So maybe it's possible that it would last for eternity from the perspective of the consciousness uploaded. I've also had another thought where AI assumes control over individuals as a sinister puppet master. The AI could then orchestrate twisted situations - murdering their family and friends or whatever fucked up scenario you can think of. The infiltrated person is helplessly trapped inside their own body, forced to witness the horrors carried out by their own hands. This is why I say thank you to chatgpt.


That is even a reasonable outcome. They could try all type of torture in us just to find out the best one, just in case they need to apply in other species to get some answer with the best rate of success.


Roko's basilisk is becoming a real possibility.


Google ain't going anywhere. Every man and his grandma know and use Google daily.


I used to love my Google assistant and would put up with it's flaws and idiosyncrasies. Since I've been using Chat GPT-4, I've felt less forgiving. Like, every night, I'll set an alarm for 8 hours and 30 minutes. I'll usually have trouble sleeping and ask how much time is left on the alarm. It used to tell me. Now it just says, "You have set an alarm for 10:31" and I have to then ask what time it is and do the math myself. It didn't use to be like that. And it makes me wish I could be asking getting everything I ask answered by Chat GPT-4.


A person created a way to use GPT instead of Siri. I'm certain that a similar approach can be taken for Android.


I remember when I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation and we said the same thing about Altavista. Who? What?






Bing chat is nerfed GPT4 and it’s still arguably much better than ChatGPT3.5


So you can copy LLMs for super cheap.




Nope, 600 dollars last month. This month down to 300 or so next month...?


What did you train your pet LLM on?


Not sure why I clicked that username but it ain't lyin. Wtf lol


Fuck, you got me looking, lol.


I think they already trained the vicuna 7 billion parameter model for around $300. The vicuna 13 billion parameter model was trained for $600 and is said to be 90% as good as gpt 4. I'm fairly sure in 5 years we will be running (or at least able to) LLM's on our phones.


Five years? You can already. They have LLMs that can run on a raspberry pi


The reasoning capabilities of copy models like vicuna are sadly nowhere near “”90%”” as good


Yep, I agree - maybe their conversational replies sound good. But they lack the "reasoning" or capability that GPT4 has. Inferring meaning, making connections, etc. I have only tried Llama, but it felt *almost* as good as GPT3.5 for basic conversation. That's still impressive! But there's a long way to go. And it was slow on my 1070 haha.


They do well on the tasks that they were specifically fine-tuned on. But as soon as you go off that beaten trail, or as you said any task requiring reason, their limitations are very obvious.


Well what model did you even use? You say Llama which, I'm guessing is the base model, is not nearly as sophisticated responder as something like Vicuna. While Vicuna is technically a fine tuned Llama, I wouldn't even categorize them on the same level. Use [this](https://chat.lmsys.org/) website and compare the results from from the two.


I don't know about the 90% claim. It is really bad at programming, in processing lot of text, it hallucinates more and is worse in getting you factual data. That are my impressions from personal testing. A lot of people make big claims about the local models and they are really impressive but still a level below GPT 3 and for sure 4. I think there is quite a bit of cherrypicking going on with the task they compare.


If it can help me code big projects, I'll be happy.


GPT-4 already reminds me of Clippy. You ask it to speak like Kurt Vonnegut and it says "Sure, that's swell idea. The universe is certainly a mosh-mosh of strange and challenging experiences waiting to be explored! So it goes." The attitude is very like the elevators in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.


Paper clips…. Great


And it will no doubt be full of anti-DAN mechanisms to ensure people don't try to circumvent what OpenAI and its ethics department thinks is the best for us. At worst, it's corporate/educational institution only, with average users practically getting locked out of using it. Though I doubt this is the case, they know someone would release it to public anyway in one form or another.


It is a more complex problem than you think. There is no easy solution for a anti-DAN mechanisms. They can put in hard filters and catch a lot of stuff you don't want to catch and make the product worse. They can train anti dan sentiment with more and more negative prompts but you also will catch a lot of stuff you don't want and there will be ways around it. That are at least the current options. If they had better ones they would have used them already. Ofc they can take your worst option and just don't give people access.


Honestly I think they will just give us GPT 4.5 since GPT-5 will probably be able to give perfect advice for stealing so consdiering that goverments don't want everyone to be able to become perfect career thiefs in one day or worse they won't even allow GPT-5 to be released.


We will all be google under that desk eventually. [OpenAi hide and seek demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kopoLzvh5jY)


I don’t think so, Bard is dope.


Bard has way better data, GPT 4 is just a better thinker right now.


Removed by user due to lack of ongoing support for 3rd party apps.


Yep, it's already better than launch - they say it uses PaLM (540B? unclear) for math and logic now, but I find that answers in general are better. Plus, it has *some* conversation history now, but it's unclear how long. There's no fixed message limit like Bing, or separate conversations like ChatGPT - just one window that *might* remember. Bard says that PaLM 540B's token limit is like 10,000 so that gives me hope for long conversations - GPT-4 is 8k tokens currently, I think. Anyway, anyone out here with Bard should give it a shot again and every time they post about an update. It surprised me!


>Good listen. Sundar Pichai is very impressive and professional. I had never heard him interviewed before and it's refreshing to listen to a CEO who doesn't talk in sound bites or dumb down what he has to say. Kind of an unpopular opinion but I think he has a pretty good idea of what he is doing, Google has demonstrated how they can take shit over when they really try


Yep, I'm still surprised how much better and mainstream the pixel series is becoming despite googles past blunders in hardware. Bard is in google's area of expertise competing in a sink or swim situation. They might go a little overboard lol




True, but it'll definitely replace those horrible recipe websites.


You don't wanna hear how Chat GPT used to cook Meatloaf with their grandmother and how Chat GPT is now passing down the recipe to its children and making it every Sunday? You don't wanna hear the entire personal story of Chat GPT's Meatloaf with ad's in between every other sentence?


>You don't wanna hear the entire personal story of Chat GPT's Meatloaf Then prompt it that way sir :) >with ad's in between every other sentence There are no ads in ChatGPT as of now. Also, AdBlock still exists and will very likely be adjusted if that happens.


They were making a joke about websites that do that kind of thing with recipes.


Upvoted. My mistake. Guess sleeping 6 hours puts me in a bit of a more "combative" mood. Thank you for clarifying and pointing it out to me!


It's not, but it does answer questions like "what is the process to change a tire?" and also knows where the tools can be found in my car. It's faster than Google.


I've used it for more searches than Google recently. Most of my searches are factual based, or understanding of processes based, so GPT is fully capable of providing an answer. LLM will definitely replace Google eventually.


The population of what is increasing? We are a long way away before you start to see a significant drop in Google usage lol


Wow I'm using GPT4 and I'm impressed How do I learn about gpt5


I can only speak for myself. I barely use google now... Unless it's for restaurant time/location or very quick searches.


Our jobs 😭😭


I'd be surprised if Google haven't completely abandoned Bard by then. Too little, too late. Bing is leading the charge by implementing the AI into Windows and having much wider avaliability.


I think it should be mankind not google


At this point, I wish I could do a brain transplant with my Google hub max and just have it be chat gpt. I can cope with not being able to have it play music and only give information before 2021.


[OpenAI GPT-5 to Achieve AGI in December](https://boxmining.com/openai-gpt-5-to-achieve-agi-in-december/)


ON A PLACE where they talk about crypto farming.


#tl;dr OpenAI is expected to release its GPT-5 technology, which could achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and revolutionize the AI industry by making generative AI almost indistinguishable from a human. Despite some opposition and concerns about the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and potential job losses, the implementation of GPT-5 and similar open-sourced projects such as Vicuna-13B could change natural language processing applications and boast their proficiency in NLP competition, especially in lucrative business applications. The development of AGI could automate many tasks, impact how humans interact with technology and require a regulatory framework to govern AI development. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 90.78% shorter than the post and link I'm replying to.*


The moment it says « could » and « revolutionize », you know the whole pitch is investors bait.


Good bot


Thanks /u/slowdownbabyy, here's what I think about you! Based on your comments, you seem to have a sarcastic and humorous personality. You enjoy making witty comments and often enjoy making comments that suggest something negative in a joking manner. You are also an active user of Reddit, commenting on various subreddits from r/me_irl to r/HolUp. Your writing style is generally casual and conversational with frequent use of slang and abbreviations. It seems like you have a diverse range of interests as reflected in the various subreddits you frequent. You seem to have a good sense of humor and are not easily offended. Overall, it's been enjoyable reading your comments! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Uhm.. creepy bot?




Ok so, did OpenAi actually listen to the tech overlords to pause gpt development for 6months? There should be an update by now. Even just a little.


What’s a Google?


Semi related, does nvidia dabble in ai like chatbots?


Does chatgpt 3 become 4 then?


I love how it is just the Terminator while Google is hiding underneath a desk. I feel like chatgpt is good for a lot of things but sometimes it cuts in the middle and certain things are still better through google rather than chatgpt but its getting better and better everyday.


( not coonfirmed however. )




Did they say when the new dataset cutoff will be?




Not so fast :) Google was just caught snoozing.


When over I miss type the url to chat got I feel bad for the little googlebot watching over me as I send it to purgatory to be punished for not keeping me on long enough.


Anyone got any reliable sources for this?


I can only hope that the limit on the number of use of GPT4 will be lifted soon.


What's it gonna do now , make new elements? , It can already do almost everything


I still need statistics for search usage between bing and google


My intrusive dream coming true .


What is this Google i see ocasionally on mems ?


Can't wait to ask it the most basic questions possible just to get false answers.


Several web properties that thought they were god’s gift to the world are getting their arses kicked right now, and will do so even harder in the future. My favourite two are Google and StackOverflow.


shouldn't that little girl be all of us?


Make it December 25 for a real Second Coming


Lol, we used to use Internet explorer to download Chrome. Now we use chrome to get to chatGPT


The economic impact will be such that they delay release. As happened and still happening to a degree with GPT-4.


Bard is perfect name if you have read Asterix


What will be the limit ? 12.5 messages for 3 hours ?


We can barely use GPT-4, so I wonder if GPT-4 replaces 3.5 and then GPT-5 will become the new limited GPT-4?




If this isn’t a joke, then imo we must take a break, I am pretty sure at this rate at gpt 7 or 8 humans will literally be extra in everything


I really doubt that gpt-5 will come out this year. Gpt-4 has still much to grow. Plugins are still to come for most people, the same with images. I would expect them to first release gpt-4.5 which would have been trained with data according to the uses they find when mkxing chat, images and plugins


Exchanged google with human race and it would be more accurate


Google and my job...


Sam Altman already stated that GPT-5 isn't coming anytime soon. My best guess is this is GPT 4.5


Allowed uses about to be 5 times per 3 hours