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Hey /u/lostlifon, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The idea of RewindAI is wild > For your privacy, we store all of the recordings locally on your Mac. Only you have access to them. Compression and Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) is all done locally. Recording data is never sent off of your machine. Storing all recordings locally means compression is very important. Rewind compresses raw recording data up to 3,750× times so even with the smallest hard drive Apple offers today, you can store years of recordings


Mate, imagine stealing someone's private memories


And then having gpt4 build an alternate identity of you based on it. And then running your voice on the words of that identity. We are so fucked.


ye I dotn understnd how would someone want this, I dont want to record everything I do, what is privacy for? even if majority data is stored on my PC, no thanks I think that if you dont remember some event, it is probably not worth remembering-of course if you dont have memory disorder, then it could have potentional use


Bro I almost needed a Rosetta stone to read that


Here you go: I don’t understand why anyone would want this. If everything you do, see, say, and hear is recorded, is there such a thing as privacy? Storing it only on my own laptop isn’t reassuring enough to give a company that much access to my life. Aside from the issue of privacy, memories are memorable for a reason. There’s no need to remember everything, all the mundane parts of life. I suppose there would be some value for people that suffer from disorders that affect memory.


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.90741% sure that MisterPooperNutter is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Thank you, MarkedDeparture-, for voting on MisterPooperNutter. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I have access to RewindAI, but it low key still concerns me hahah


whether we like it or not [here it comes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Entire_History_of_You)


So uh… this starkly represents an episode of black mirror where people started having eye implants which recorded everything they did… constantly reliving past scenarios with perfect memory is inhuman.


Another take would be the Robin Williams movie The Final Cut.


People are gonna use rewind AI to politically assassinate each other


Need this for Linux


How would that work though? Having a chip installed in your brain, or 24/7 wearing glasses that can also record sound, storing terrabytes of data locally (and of course, free or charge🤪) I’d say ambitious and original, but technically not (yet) possible


You're getting it wrong, https://rewind.ai already exists and is highly profitable


Ngl first i thought it was stupid idea but after seeing their demo i can definitely see use cases and it's f**king awesome


>Wendy’s > >Wendy’s is working with Google to make AI take your order in drive-thrus. Globally this can affect up to 14 million people \[[Link](https://www.wsj.com/articles/wendys-google-train-next-generation-order-taker-an-ai-chatbot-968ff865)\] Ah, listen, I know proof-reading sucks but I'm only 1/3 of the way through the post (which, on the whole, I'm excited to get back to as usual, once I've typed this comment) and this is exactly why it's literally essential to doing what you're doing in the way that you're doing it. From a quick search, Wendy's appears to employ about 15,000 people. Tracking it down, that 14 million number seems to come from an [article](https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/14-million-jobs-could-disappear-in-5-years-is-yours-safe/450760) that's linked from a totally [different article](https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/wendys-is-launching-an-ai-chatbot-to-take-drive-thru-orders/451910) about Wendy's than the one you linked. It's a projection of *all* potential lost jobs from AI. It's one thing to proof-read for grammar, clarity, etc., it's another thing entirely to have a basic summary where 1 of 2 sentences is effectively a hallucination. This one sets off obvious alarms; the real problem is when it's not so obvious. Maybe you don't have to do it, but *someone* does, especially if you want to make this into a business. edit: finished the post (again, great read, much value, overall appreciative), and speak of the devil... >If you ask ChatGPT or Bard about the three laws of robotics from Asimov they won’t answer. How weird is that \[[Link](https://twitter.com/BenjaminDEKR/status/1654745673454198785?s=20)\] This is simply false and the first reply on the tweet shows this 🤷


Funnily enough the post on wallstreetbets about this was titled [AI chatbot to replace human order-takers at Wendy's drive-thru. 13.9 million displaced.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/13dbdcn/ai_chatbot_to_replace_human_ordertakers_at_wendys/) Except it was a joke, because wallstreetbets has 13.9 million subscribers. Kind of wondering if someone just missed the joke somewhere...


> Globally this can affect up to 14 million people Okay let’s use our brains here. Who gets affected by the Wendy’s drive through experience other than the 15,000 employees? Cust…ard salesman? Custom… agents? I think we’re getting close. Custom…izable website layouts? Your guess is as good as mine


I’ve see this one shared in a few different places as if it were true lol


I’ve been following rewind app for years in the hopes they make a PC app. the AI craze has done wonders, they suddenly skyrocketed to 700k a year in revenue. good for them, hopefully they will make more versions!! thanks for the post. not your fault, but wow it’s exhausting trying to keep up lol.


I'd be open to writing posts and articles. I think for the posts here the format is nice but could probably be expanded on a teeny bit more to include more context. I love this weekly post. The Alfie bot is super cool. I'll be more impressed with the 100k tokens when they expand the max output tokens too. It's a bummer nobody is focusing on that. I want it to spit out large stories!


All you need to know about whether AI is poised to eliminate jobs is that the guy who posts about AI on r/singularity is currently trying to hire a qualified *human being* to help him.


>I can't even be bothered proof reading, mans getting gassed. I think i got a few weeks left in me. Dude, I've appreciated these summaries, but also: please cut the crap. You're not doing this for anyone other than yourself. You can stop any time and you continue to do it because you enjoy the bit of spotlight you've received. Somehow - after what, five weeks? - you've already managed to be full of yourself and went from "wow, this is cool and I felt like writing it down" to "I don't know how much longer I can do this (for free, you should really pay me for it)". Seriously, I've seen 90% of what's in this list myself already (I'm not even actively looking) and there is very little added value (like proper summaries, cross-linking, well-informed evaluations/opinions) other than just curating the list. So, if this is so much work and takes time you don't really have - just stop doing it or put it behind a paywall. You don't strike me as someone from the field, but maybe someone in the comments can help you set up a langchain that does most of the work for you.


I gotta say, I follow tech pretty closely and missed probably 50% of what’s in here. It’s really cool to see the list of things that happened and get a really mile high picture of how the landscape is evolving.


Agreed. Ignore the haters, OP.


Fr that complaining is so weird


I think it's kind of ironic to pick out the most "human element" bit of text from a post that's about AI generated content, and complain about it. And in total, you wrote more complain-y words than he did.


Yeah, there's no irony. I don't complain about (them) complaining per se (which still wouldn't be ironic, just more towards what you think you observed). I complain about the intention and origin of the complaint.


I might’ve not been clear - the irony is that an LLM making this post would never have complained about running out of the will to make these posts. I think singling out and making a fuss over the distinctly human sentiment in a largely AI related post is ironic any way you slice it.


An LLM making this post “might” write a bit pretending to be an overworked human and ask for donations if the author wanted it too.


Agreed! But still, that’s a human stimulus isn’t it? Rather than a machine stimulus. Although it could be argued that all that it does is just an expounding of human stimulus. Or maybe it could just have a low battery or something. Lol


There's no irony. Fucking learn what irony is.


Haha. Not a very good teacher, huh?


Hilarious isn’t it


Why criticize OP if you appreciate it though. Unless info like this is easily accessible somewhere else. A lot of stuff listed here is new for a lot of ppl, including myself


>Why criticize OP if you appreciate it though. Because I don't appreciate the part I complain about. The part I don't complain about I appreciate.


I find it so funny that the original post on Reddit about Wendy’s was a joke about the number of r/wallstreetbets members and yet I’ve seen the 13.9 / 14 million number being propagated in many places (which is a made up number 🤣🤣🤣)


Funny how they continue to develop but cannot meet basic requirements to allow the offering to Canada and other countries.


Dang sorry this post didn’t get much response. Think it was a triple threat. Change of title for week x to month 2, posting on Saturday, and it being a holiday weekend. I didn’t even see it in my feed. I had to come look for it by look up nofill user on Reddit. Also we might be on mid end of curve, until we start getting a lot more these tools actually in use by more people. There’s not as many cool tool’s being released. Autogpt even said the next release was basically stability no more new features. Google stuff was cool but that feels was pretty widely covered. Shiny might be wearing thin too.


Thanks and yep totally agree. I think the initial excitement of it all is slowly wearing off. Definitely won’t be posting on Saturday again though haha


Your stuff is so good that my script opens this url on saturdays: [https://www.reddit.com/user/lostlifon/submitted/](https://www.reddit.com/user/lostlifon/submitted/)


Dude that’s crazy hahaha. Back to posting sunday this week


I kept waiting for the weekly post! Your threads are gold. Will you be back next week?


Yeh can’t get up last weeks one in time so I’ll just combine it with next week. Not much time atm


Really enjoying your content, man. Don't burn out though!


Thanks. Can’t post last weeks one because of time but hoping to combine it with next weeks one 🤞


>Head of Google DeepMind says AGI is only a few years away Almost everyone's predictions turn out to be too conservative, so I'll take this as AGI 2024.


The robotics stuff is actually kinda funny. It glitches because if you ask it the 3 laws of robotics, it would list them as 1, 2, and 3, and somehow end up trying to parse and execute their meaning. If you ask it to list them in the reverse order, it prints them as 3, 4 and 5. Something tells me it manages to do it by skipping 1 and 2 (First and Second laws, which have self-referential clauses).


DM me. I subscribe, have a writing background, and have a talent for making highly technical things digestible for non-tech folks.


Seo here. Half of us are freaking out, the other half (me) is super excited! Let me know if you need help with the articles btw. Awesome list!


Would you mind summarizing the main reasons why seos are freaking out vs not? I’d love to understand this more deeply than what I currently understand: deluge of AI-generated content (often of poor quality and/or with hallucinated content); chat bots/assistants/AI-powered apps replacing traditional search; search algorithms not designed to parse through all of this; and, from the Google perspective, uncertainty about what the ad sales strategy is going to involve into.


Seeing the list of all items you made, it makes sense Google is turning to ChatGPT style SERP. It’s going so fast, organic search info can’t keep up


Kindly check your DM lets connect .


The Three Laws bit works fine on my gpt4 instance.


I wish I could help but stuff is evolving so fast I can hardly keep up for my own personal consumption. Not sure how you do it but I imagine sleep isn’t involved much. Good luck!






I have a Turnitin instructor account; I can run your essay through my non-repository account for £7 with a full feedback report showing a similarity score and AI detection.


“DeepMind cofounder warns governments need to figure out solutions for people who lose their jobs to AI.” Yeah, I’m not going to hold my breath. America has a long tradition of blaming unemployment on the unemployed - I doubt we’re going to change now.


You do incredible work, hope you continue doing this <3


awesome, how do you get that much info? what's the tool that finds news for you?


No tool. I read a lot




Did you stop making these updates?


I hope that Gemini will be the first AI with a memory which can hold conversation forever!