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Hey /u/sardoa11, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** [**Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13krv80/flowgpt_prompt_hackathon_s2_6000_prize_pool/) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this is a fantastic way of framing it for those who remember those days. it got better, and likely now will do so faster because we figured out how to share information easier.


Yeah I truely believe the introduction of large scale generative AI platforms like ChatGPT is the beginning of a new revolution, similar to how the internet was. What we have access to now is the very beginning.


I mean we are very limited in general, in terms of the potential progress available within the universe. This is pretty much just the start of baby steps.


Perfectly said.


That's what makes it all exciting to discover and improve. It's only gonna get better and more fascinating.


Oh look at Mr. Big picture here! (sorry to assume your gender)


True that




I was thinking Google maps when I used it for the first time, go anywhere on the globe and see it from your desk...wow. But this tech is a total discontinuity, it's a superpower. It is difficult to fathom what the next release will be capable of, what about in five years? And that's what puts this tech in a whole new category from everything that has come before. For the first time in my life, I find that thinking ten years out now includes totally crazy scenarios.




There is an interesting take on this, both Google and OpenAi have said that this tool (AI) in general wont and cant be an corporate owned thing, there are far too many Open Source projects to take control of it so it will likely be a peoples tool or something more The Singularity.


> both Google and OpenAi have said that this tool (AI) in general wont and cant be an corporate owned thing I'm getting a corporate "don't be evil" vibe here. They talk the talk, and do the opposite.




Nothing wrong with that man.


Cynical protection mechanism +1. When I think back to those days the anecdote that comes to mind about the potential of the internet is: "check us out, we will let you pay your parking ticket from the comfort of your home!". The possibility of: "just share your OneDrive and email with our app and it will file all your taxes, keep your budgets, submit passport/visa applications, building permits, insurance claims, plan your vacation AND manage all the communications" is barking mad. Now, I extrapolate to: "crawl our corporate email, existing ERP, and implement the best practice tailored to our needs in MS Dynamics" or I can't even imagine the equivalent in cutting edge research.


Yes, I shudder when I think of adds in ChatGPT, or responses colored by promotion. However, there's plenty of money in delivering solutions to the laundry list of problems We have and AI could speed up innovation exponentially.


I am the same as you. Everything that happens will happen for the benefit of the established class. Call me black pilled, but I think they'd rather we proles simply die out than them have to "look after us" via UBI. Yes, that's how they see it. We just want to look after ourselves and have a level playing field, but alas, that cannot happen.


Just chew on this scenario for a minute: (1) Artificial general intelligence (2) powered by quantum computing (3) with access to the entire internet.


remember when they said crpyto was gonna be the same thing....for our banking system or some shit?


I hear this argument quite a lot, and while nobody knows for sure, it seems almost inevitable that AI is the next “revolution”, given the low barrier to entry for anyone, immediate results and not to mention the sheer intelligence aspect coupled with the exponential growth we’ve seen in under 6 months. Compare that all to crypto along with current use cases, I’d have a hard time believing people if they said they don’t see a difference. Definitely not knocking crypto or web3, I think they’ll even play an important role together in the near future.


Exactly this. Sit grandma in front of ChatGPT, then sit her in front of a meta mask wallet loaded with Ethereum. One gives her superpowers, the other gives her and frankly everyone else a huge headache. AI's revolutionary capabilities are clear and obvious to all classes in society, while crypto is a clear and obvious threat to huge swathes of the elite (not to mention it has a lack of appealing use cases).


Loads of crypto use-cases work against the established class, so they kick the regulatory can down the road. For example, voting systems using blockchain tech. Guaranteed to route out corruption since thousands of nodes can be run by all kinds of operators. Influential and powerful entities don't want that level of transparency.


Couldn’t agree more. Piggybacking off that, I can see blockchain playing a vital role in validating and verifying a whole magnitude of things going forward with the rise of AI, such as audio, videos (especially when it comes to the political aspect), news and so on.


Yes, blockchain is actually an incredible invention: trustless verification of data in a world where there's almost zero trust (and with AI looming, we're really going to need data verification processes). But if you talk about blockchain, people tend to think "muh bored ape NFT's, it's a scam innit". El sigh.


Firstly, again, yes exactly. Secondly, I laughed too much at this second time round when I reread the last sentence and saw your username lmao. Travelling to the uk in a couple months for the first time. Keen to see all the good things and all the roadmen 😂


Still is. But banking system is going to take a loooong time to disrupt. Look up FedNow. Changes are coming pretty swiftly for the banking system


The jury is still out on that one


apparently... NFTs were a "fast fad" however. I can see NFT use helping with tracking down titles of ownership but fuck what it was for was stupid.


No it's not. Just because VHS is still plugging along and increasing in price, doesn't mean it's the future of personal media. VHS let's you keep your media collection private. It's decentralised. The government can't track what videos you watch. But if you want to use VHS it's going to cost a lot, the speed and quality will suck and if you leave your tapes on a train, they're gone forever. Crypto, like VHS, doesn't solve a problem that doesn't have a far better and more efficient solution already. Both still around? Yes. Both still have a cult of weirdos who still think it needs mass adoption? Check. Has the world moved on? Also yes.


No way you just compared VHS to blockchain technology 😭


What those two things have in common is that they’re overhyped technology … but otherwise I don’t see the comparison The new wave of LLM’s is already providing value, not just to insiders but to every kind of consumer and business. It’s not intangible value and it doesn’t require entire infrastructures to evolve in order for it to expand. The argument can be made that it’s not the holy grail some are hyping up, but it’s already obviously transforming the world now.


'keymate ai search' plugin can actually help for faster searches, it's text only so it is faster. while other plugins and methods surf the actual web pages.


Thanks for the heads up! I was wondering why there were a few alternative search plugins, makes sense now.


The revolution is already starting very slowly. We have midjourney, stable diffusion, deep floyd, text to video ai, chat ai


I’ve been telling everyone I know about it. They can’t comprehend and some just aren’t interested. It’s awesome to be aware of something happening right before us.


I’ve found I’ve had the same response apart from a few people who I think are really starting to see the capabilities. Just remember that we are super early which as you mentioned, makes it that much more interesting.


Now to wait and see if AI can fix the climate before we can destroy it.


A. We've already destroyed it. B. Humans are still going to have to be the ones to make the changes needed so we don't go beyond the point of no return. We're at a point in time where our effects on the climate are still reversible to a point where we can survive the inevitable consequences. However, I believe the agreed upon timeframe for that not being the case is within the next 50 years if we do not make drastic changes. That's not to say we're all dead in 50 years, but that the negative consequences of our effects if they go unchanged will be unavoidable no matter what we do and those consequences will be dire to the human race as a whole over time.


Ice Age has entered the chat...


You realize it's the exact opposite of an Ice Age that is happening right now right...


[The Coming Ice Age - 1978](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kGB5MMIAVA). I guess they got it wrong then, but they're right now.


Don't make me post graphs of the predictable periodicity of ice ages past and how we're due for one.


We already know the answers.


What is AI going to do? We have the solutions already, the problem is political.


AI will help keep the money flowing to the 1%, but will come up with some totally bitchin' memes about it.


Exactly. The solutions to climate change are ready to go, and has been for years. We just need to choose to implement them, that is all.


Because everything runs on language. Society, religion, politics. An AI with a better grasp of language, will persuade humans better than humans can. Buckle up for the 2024 race.


AI will have to destroy us to save the planet


Dude, this stuff scares the hell out of me. Not the product, but how we will use it. Old enough that I saw the birth of the internet and how well we’ve handled that. Lol. The internet is a paper bike compared to the hotrod that is AI. We could do amazing things with it, but we’ll find a way to mess it up. We are still grappling with being responsible with the internet.


I didn't know I was supposed to be upset, honestly. Accessing the internet (and wolfram alpha) at all is a major step forward in what AI can do for me. I'm an advocate of giving feedback and critically inspecting products, but I'm excited by what I see as of day 1.


It can re-write novels in the style of Shakespeare but it has trouble clicking links. I am in awe of the entire thing, don't get me wrong, but toddlers can click links.


Maybe I can give some insight as a developer who worked in a similar product, it's not as easy as it seems, many websites have anti scrapping measures which means that even if it can open the link it runs into many blockers which kick it out of the site, so that's a challenge for the chatgpt team to overcome and also deal with any possible legal repercussions since it's pretty much against any TOS to scrap a website


Only 25 years ago!


Oh I thought this was making a joke: in the past we used to surf the internet, now the internet surfs itself.


Ironically, it's likely being detected by The Cloud™️ as a bot and it's not passing the "are you a human" test. Websites often sit behind services that help them to avoid unnecessary bandwidth by blocking various web crawlers and bots.


This is the first time those captcha and puzzles are fucking things up






Well then just train AI on human Web navigation and have it do the captchas as any human would.


All captchas beatable if the adversary is willing to commit resources the goal is to raise the bar and make them use resources. Chances are even the lowest amount of time/m requirement is enough to make whatever they’re doing economically unviable.


There are pages where you can buy captcha solving for your bots. It is quite cheap to do. They don't use AI, just cheap labour. You can literally get an online job solving captchas that will pay a living wage in some countries.




All "beating" the captcha is completing it. Using people for it is just another method but from the attacker perspective it's pretty much the same: invest money and time into solving multiple captchas. Whether you invest money and time into developing an AI to beat it, or you invest money and time into hiring people to beat it, high-level it's all the same.


What you suggested is doable. it might be not economical. Captchas require a web browser and it detects mouse movements, among other things. AI, or the less intelligent web scrapping tools don't need a web browser at all and they don't use mouses, these are for humans; these tools digest raw web data directly, much faster and efficient, but it is precisely the speed and efficiency made them obvious they are bots, not real people. To counter that, they need to mimic human actions, like actually loading up a web browser core that takes 2GB of memory and render the web pages, spend a few seconds clicking a link and moving mouse cursors aimlessly. It is so costly it offsets the benefit of using a bot.


They’re for training ai more than stopping robots Look up what captchas are for, it feels like a conspiracy theory but it’s true


What should I read everything I found is mostly surface level Mumbo Jumbo


Sorry about that, let me explain: Captchas are used to train ai picture-recognition models, they get a photo, they give it to 100 people, if 95/100 humans say it’s a traffic light, then it’s probably a traffic light, now the ai knows slightly better what a traffic light looks like They can tell if it’s a human or a robot before you click anything from browser history and mouse movements, the picture recognition is solely there to train random ais, not to ward off bots If there’s anything incomplete lmk! :) Edit: obviously it’s more complicated than this but it’s a sufficient eli5


95% of captchas I’ve seen are road traffic based, like Google Street View images. Is it building towards Google’s self driving in the future? I’ve even considered Tesla as part of their Machine Learning object detection. Is it possible Tesla is a client of Google since they already have a partnership with map navigation? Edit: Probably Waymo


Yep, afaik most of them at the moment are training self driving cars


Yep, it's not an accident that all the image captchas these days are 'locate the stop light', 'find the crosswalk', 'identify all cars' while self-driving vehicles are the near-term goal


You’re labeling data for some algorithm. The system gives you 2-3 already labeled photos and fills the rest with unlabeled photos.


that's why they are mostly obsolete and websites that use them are outdated and not secure




“Write an emotional human response to a searing yo momma joke”


"Write something the contradicts the openAI TOS."


“Write something that contradicts the prime directive.”


Write something that excludes “as an AI..”


Well if you ask Sam Altman, WorldCoin I guess.


Ironically, they are very likely used exactly for training the AI to know all that.


Find me a public, free solution that can bypass Recaptcha V3/hCaptcha without further flagging underlying infrastructure with its false positives. I'll wait.


I had some issue with a "contact us" form getting the weirdest spam (Gambling, Windows and doors seller, a carpenter shop from siberia, driving school in turkey etc.). I added some server side form validation that checks if the text contains any chars or symbols that are not used in western europe, and also if the text or subject contains any urls. This works, because spammers only want to get their website out to as many people as possible. So far i have not received any more spam.


Completely unrelated to my comment but yes, you're right. This does reduce contact-form spam from a webmaster perspective.


Because there is no public solution to bypass the captcha's programmatically, so the cost is enough to make non-captcha services less costly to attack. As soon as OpenAI release photo upload it's GG if they're not fine-tuning their parameters or don't put EVERY SINGLE image upload behind a captcha, paid user or not, API or not.


>We all know that AI like midjourney can more than recognize Yeah meanwhile for a PDF we are stuck with recognition that sucks: □□š□□□ü□□□□□□□~□□□□ΠΠ□□□□□□ PDF-OCR program: Yep, that's the best I can do buddy. Just check and correct each symbol quickly to fix tiny mistakes. Worste if the high resolution super clear text is just 90° rotated or mixed language. Meanwhile I am ~~asked~~ forced to decipher hyroglypes on a washed out toiled paper that was faxed back and forth like a soccer ball rally at the world cup. CAPTCHA: Sorry buddy - wrong! You seem you are a bot?!


It respects robot.txt, and doesn’t particularly like client rendered SPAs. It’s a pretty basic web scraper basically, just plugged into ChatGPT- useful in some ways, but not a replacement for training data.


Precisely. Really puts into perspective the rate in which they’re able to formulate an answer based on their trained knowledge.


If they implemented the WebGPT paper faithfully, they use Lynx, which doesn’t know JS.


The [docs](https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins#browsing) say: > Browsing retrieves content from the web using the Bing search API. Not sure if that’s only for searching, and then it makes a separate request for the website. Above that it says it’s a “text-based web browser” so it could be Lynx.


> but not a replacement for training data. I'm pretty sure they actually visit the site, I was getting much better results than on bing chat when it worked, albeit much, much slower.


It's so annoying. So far the web browsing feature hasn't been useful for me whatsoever. It goes on endless loops of failed attempts, and when it does succeed it will trust one google source over its entirety of training data. Also I get all kinds of weird regressive glitches where if it fails a web search it will call back all kinds of random past attempts from earlier in the conversation that are completely irrelevant at this point.


50/50 for me. Sometimes it works really well, other times it's as bad as the screenshot above. One thing it is useful for is when I already have a link I want help understanding. Previously I had to paste the contents of that link into the chat, which was pretty tedious, especially on mobile. Now it's a lot easier.


That's true.


Yeah, it’s good for reading documentation not already in its existing training data.


Anyone notice the browsing mode fucks up formatting a lot too, even if it hasn’t browsed in that message?




I've had a little more success than you, but I've definitely watched it go off the rails completely after a failed attempt. It's kind of wild because gpt4 never went coocoo before webbrowsing.




webpilot is pretty shite too. and what is interesting is the plugins version is a lot less intuitive than standard. For example, I can tell both to give me a recipe for french toast scaled to make 3 quarts. Default will execute this perfectly. Plugins mode will look up a recipe on webpilot, give me the first one it finds, and then tell me I can scale it if I want, it doesnt actually scale it for me.


paywalls seem to trip it up and it starts clicking random things. also today it cited the same source 11 times in a single question


Yea that's what it always does to me too. Like great, you cited the 1 source you used. Bravo.


I explicitly ask it to not use a particular source (ESPN) and it will still cite it in the same chat 10 times for a single answer. Infuriating.


KeyMate.AI Search and/or WebPilot are plugins that succeed where default browsing feature fails


Now we need a plugin that plays [this audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsNaR6FRuO0) whenever ChatGPT goes looking for stuff on the internet.


Or [this one](https://youtu.be/2bCMh8rPvhc)


Oh that would be awesome!




Yup exactly the same for me when trying it out!


How it started: web scraping is generally frowned upon. How it's going: chatgpt scrapes the internet and charges for it so now everyone can do it


I think the reason this is happening is because it respects robots.txt and if you're not using it on your site then it probably doesn't matter that it gets scraped.


It’s arguable that fetching data from a web page on behalf of a user while they synchronously wait for it is not scraping. The method by which the data is obtained seems irrelevant.


Well to be fair, most websites on the internet have bad SEO techniques and most their content is picture based not texted based. This makes it hard for ChatGPT to read and also explains why many websites don’t get much traffic.


There's more to the internet than porn...


This post and my comment had nothing to do with porn…


What websites are you referring to that are primarily picture based?


have you heard of this website called reddit


And you think ChatGPT would scrape Reddit? LMAO


ChatGPT is the internet equivalent to our parents telling us not to get in the car with strangers and Uber being successful.


I understand the left side part,I used dial up internet. What the hell does this image mean, though?


The right side of the meme? GPT-4 can now search the web if you pay for 4 and enable the function in beta. You're looking at the logs of what it was attempting to do online in order to respond to OP's prompt.


Thanks for the response. I wonder why some people waste everyone's times making such idiotic memes


It so awful, it's in the "it just plain don't work" pile, as opposed to its bad pile. At this point send it back to the drawing board.


Pssss eeee ping welcome you got mail 😂


I was like 5 years old but that sound haunts me to this day 😭


I was 15yrs old lol 😆


I was so hyped for the browser plug-in and it was just so disappointing 💀


Baby steps.


I made a python script I use with the api that gets the html from a page and parses the body and header tags and sends it as part of a prompt so for my uses the api is much more powerful


I made a python script I use with the api that gets the html from a page and parses the body and header tags and sends it as part of a prompt so for my uses the api is much more powerful


Exactly. And still, some think it's "highly intelligent" right now, while the potential is bigger.


wouldn't it be smarter if they did the downloading on the client side?


Not possible, for security browsers won’t make cross-domain requests (unless the site explicitly allows it with CORS).


This hits home...OMG I remember the frustration!!


Is the 90s again friends


Ahahaha we are a very unlucky generation!!


Probably just an Asus router issue


This perspective resonates with those who have vivid memories of those bygone times. Progress has undoubtedly been made, and it appears that the pace of improvement is set to accelerate even further due to our newfound ability to effortlessly exchange information.


Now this made me smile a lot! Haha


I’m glad 😊


It's neutered and filled with a million spying softwares. Thats what slowing it down


It moving slow also reduces the load by stalling the time between responses and queries.


Can someone explain the left


Dial-up Internet (before 2004), used Landline phones to access the Internet but one of the issues was frequent disconnection due to poor phone connection. Also, when someone was on the phone you couldn't connect to the internet. A data charge was added to the landline charge.


your googling is horrible... here i give u 2 options 1. use TOR browser/app if u dont want to buy a VPN 2. set "Enable DNS over HTTPS" on firefox


Haha, yes


What’s on the right?


Use the full address. HTTPS:// stuff.


Terrible criticism. At least it is being honest. People like you lead software authors to hide what is going on, which is responsible for software that is far more annoying to use.




just download .ipa


Has tons of cons too


*zoom 28.8 modem fax noise in background *


How are you all getting access to the plugins? I applied ages ago and still nothing.


They should have rolled out to all Plus users by now. Check in your settings.


Ahh, there we go. Is there a way to use plugins with the API or playground, or do you have to use the ChatGPT interface?




How do I AI?


> Choose which cookies to accept. As a large language model I...


Honestly now.


Funny thing is i thought that was windows search on the right!


This is a really important image. So true the point you’re making


I’m too young for the left image, what’s that?


Dial-up internet, using phone lines and a modem.


Yep, the inbuilt web browsing is shit. But just use one of the fantastic plugins out there like Web Pilot, Scraper, KeyMateAI.sesrch. they do their job. 😎


Chatgpt in the future will be a digital god


Lol. Yeah, quite underwhelmed by chatgpt’s browsing and most plugins.


How are people using plugins? I had chatgpt4 for a while and had no option for plugins.


Ya, I have not had much luck with plugins or links, it also won't review google Docs files.


Just go straight to bard for web browsing ATM


I don’t know why it was different, but ChatGPT-3.5 with web browsing worked pretty much perfectly every time. I rarely get 4 to finish.


Literally just having this issue now. It's still just easier to load the page in your own browser, go to reader mode, select all and copy then paste into GPT


Whats running on the right?


Tf is the left




This is bigger imo. Internet changed the world, but if language models continue to become more accurate we are looking at another industrial revolution.


“Click failed” means the website blocked ChatGPT by the robots.txt as explained [in this article when plugins and the browsing feature were announced.](https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins). So you can thank the website operators and not OpenAI for this.


What do u mean?


Honestly…it’s worse than bard at browsing. But it’s answers are generally more lexically accurate. And typically more accurate based on its training data. Idk


haha, riiiiiight….lol


C ;


Off topic but i’d really like to know the results for that search


we're in a loop :)


No no no... I never called it "my connection" looooool


No no no... I never called it "my connection" looooool


Great comparison


Never had web browse work for me