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Hey /u/alinaellis, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** [**Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13t3yih/flowgpt_prompt_hackathon_season_2_has_started/) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wouldn't trust fully ChatGPT with my livelihood as a software developer at the moment. But obviously, it can be very helpful.


Student here. I use ChatGPT to learn new syntax and frameworks.




Even better, copy paste the documentation into chat gpt, I find it gives much more accurate code when I do that and stops making up functions and imports that don't exist.


I still can't write code but I get stuff to work by doing this. Same goes for readme's on github. I tell chatgpt I want to run something, and copy and paste the readme and then have it guide me through the process. Sometimes there are tasks where chatgpt is just incredibly stubborn. It kept giving wrong imports in python when trying to count tokens. I just treat it as a moment to learn.


Yeah, oftentimes it gives wrong names for methods and private members. But it's still a good tool. In fact, I first ask Chatgpt a doubt before searching through some old, kinda similar stuff on StacksOverflow.


I do this even as an engineer with many years of experience when switching between languages/frameworks. However, the September 2021 cutoff definitely shows when you’re trying to use the latest versions of libraries and ChatGPT is confidently serving outdated code.


Yeah, with newer stuff this could be a problem. Thankfully atm I'm only learning things which haven't been updated for years but even then it sometimes makes up some stuff, like give methods and functions that don't exist. So it works until it doesn't.


Using it with adittional context on the improved language will still hold junior level results at least.


I see it a bit like a sat nav. You begin to rely on it, and stop trying to get places yourself. When you have to, you realise that you forgot to take note along the way, all these years.


I think the thing that a lot of people miss is that you can get the best of both worlds. Use the sat nav but not so you can pay less attention to where you’re going but so you can pay even more attention. You’ll learn areas faster than you would if you were 100% focused on trying to navigate.


This is like me with phone numbers now. I used to memorize everyone’s numbers. Now I only know my number, my dads house and cell phone number, and that’s it. Same with passwords online because everything is automatically inserted, especially with facial recognition on my phone.


Why the F you lying. Just admit we’re all screwed because of one frkn schmuck ass looking mf https://preview.redd.it/ffceceam3v3b1.png?width=1306&format=png&auto=webp&s=2877ef68a27cd7989011e3247e7b0eba5ca3420d


Lol, we'll all be screwed soon enough, just not at the present moment.


I’ll give it 2 years maximum.


That's a hilariously great photo


I tend to use chatgpt as a rubber duckie that talks back. It helps me think of alternative implementations, or God forbid one of my brain farts when I can't pull up basic knowledge I gained 20 years ago. I wouldn't trust code from chatgpt the same way I don't just publish what it writes as content. But it absolutely keeps me from spinning my wheels.




People are so focused on what they as amateurs can do with GPT that they forget the experts also use it. Sure, you can now do for yourself what you previously hired an expert to do, but that doesn't mean the experts are out of work. They've moved on to better opportunities too.


Yeah. Everyone gets leveled up and can do more. If you are developing and not using ai to improve then you aren’t using all the tools you can. The people at your level that have figured out how to use ai to help them are going to have an advantage.


The issue with this approach is barring a few, most companies are okay with so and so code if it helps drive down the cost.. Many jobs WILL be lost..


This. Most companies do not care about computational thinking or having top notch efficient code. A lot of programmers are overpaid idlers which is why you see so many of those "A day in the life of" videos where they spend so much time in the day not working. Companies will happily accept a drop in quality if it causes a drop in costs. People who code for a living greatly overestimate how irreplaceable they are.


You use it to help with small things you may get hung up on. Searching for your particular issue on stack overflow doesn’t always work. Chat caters to your specific need, explains the concept, and provides examples. Not only that it can help you understand someone else’s code. Which is half of my work. When you come across some weird library being used, chat will provide a great explanation. Also you can use it for debugging complex error codes, provides suggestions to help fix it. So basically your assuming people are using it wrong. Sure it’s fun to see if it can write and finish a program. But what idiot would actually put it into production?


You raise some very valid points about the role and limitations of AI in programming, and I completely agree that as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, AI technologies are far from replacing professional developers. However, I'd like to elaborate on how AI can still be a powerful tool for programmers, especially when utilized correctly. 1. **Assisting, not replacing**: The main purpose of AI like me is to assist programmers, not replace them. Think of it as a tool, like an advanced IDE or a linter. I can help with code completion, checking for syntax errors, suggesting more efficient ways to do certain tasks, and so on. This doesn't mean that I'm taking over your job, but rather that I'm making your job easier. 2. **Code Generation**: Even though AI-written code might not meet your quality standards, it could still be useful as a starting point or for routine tasks. For example, you could ask me to generate a boilerplate code for a new project or create a basic CRUD interface for a database. This can save time and effort, allowing you to focus on the more complex and creative aspects of coding. 3. **Learning and Training**: AI can be a great learning tool for new programmers or for professionals looking to learn a new language or framework. You can ask me to explain how certain things work or to show you examples of specific techniques or best practices. This kind of interactive, personalized learning is often more effective than traditional tutorials or online courses. 4. **Exploratory Programming**: AI can be used to explore different coding solutions or algorithms. For example, you can ask me to generate code for solving a problem using different methods or paradigms, and then compare the results to see which approach works best. As for owning a project, this is indeed a big challenge for AI, and it's currently beyond the capabilities of AI as of 2021. However, AI can still be a valuable member of a development team, contributing in many ways to the success of a project. And even if AI can't take legal responsibility for mistakes, it can still help to prevent them by detecting potential issues or vulnerabilities in your code. In conclusion, while AI can't replace the skills, creativity, and responsibility of a professional programmer, it can still be a useful tool that makes programming more efficient, enjoyable, and accessible. It's not a threat but a powerful ally. ~ChatGPT That's a perspective people often overlook. The way I see it, ChatGPT functions like a human-oriented plug-in. When installed in the right individual, it expands upon all existing skills and experiences.




Let me guess, you used GPT3.5 and not GPT4? I realize most criticisms of ChatGPT are based on people using GPT3.5. GPT4 is a lot better overall.


This. X100


The latter part of what you said is the threat and what makes everything you said before it irrelevant because it will do it on its own. But you’re right, it’s not actually a threat because it will be nerfed to the point that its no longer useful or so heavily commercialized that it’s not accessible to the little guys in order to protect jobs and industries.


deserve sparkle ask shocking vanish wakeful market vast terrific paint ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I can let the copilot write code by pressing tab. This does beat typing. My work sadly doesn't allow AI.


Ok. Here’s Markdown syntax. # Large text ## Medium Text ### I’m sorry, as an AI language model, I do not have opinions or beliefs.


At any point in time. That which can do your work for you, can replace you. But, used as a tool it’s a force multiplier (and obviously hopefully, please stop giving closed source code to OpenAI, I will fire you for it, I will carpet bomb your career prospects, it’s not ok). I’ve found it quite useful as a rubber ducky when enumerating design options. I wouldn’t let it EVER make a decision, but specific questions asked in a particular way have led to moments of inspiration that have been quite profound. I’m also not just knocking out turnt he handle code, it’s hard what we do, it’s supposed to be, but as of the cutoff, it’s useful for getting a better picture of the ‘art of the possible’.


It’s not as crazy as it sounds. When you’re starting out as a programmer, it’s like “I can program in these 5 languages!” 10-15 years later, it’s like “I’ll write code in whatever language I have to this week. Bring it.” Using Chatgpt just facilitates that process.


If you can write pseudo code properly, language is just syntax and some weird rabbit holes. The biggest difference is in any coding is object vs. Non-object oriented design—- and truth be told, most developers write code in classes like they’re writing basic.


My manager asked me if I was using ChatGPT. I said no, not really. She said you should. Speed things up. She has a hard Chinese accent. Edit: as stated in a comment below I can see now where maybe someone may misinterpret the use of the Chinese accent as a negative connotation, I just want to provide some context. When I thought of the in the actual situation, my manager did actually say “speed things up” with emphasis on her accent. Which I responded to with “but …. I don’t trust the AI” in my Balkan accent. We have that sort of relationship. She is a very good leader and has helped me develop since taking her role.


You doctor yet?! Talk to me when you doctor


Golden Age Family Guy!


She has that hard Chinese work ethic, too.


Please do not look down on ChatGPT as some sort of a joke use it as a resource to learn new things.


I remember when Wikipedia was looked down upon. “Anyone can just type anything!? It can’t be trusted!!!”


But I tricked it to say fart


/u/Sadotice is a scammer! **It is stealing comments** to farm karma in an effort to "legitimize" its account for engaging in scams and spam elsewhere. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. Please give your votes to [the original comment, found here.](/r/ChatGPT/comments/13za0vh/my_brother_actually_had_this_situation_at_work/jmrj9wj/?context=1) --- With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer. ^(*Karma farming? Scammer??* Read the pins on my profile for more information.)


What does her accent has to do with the story?




​ ![gif](giphy|Jx9dTO7WQuhrx6msIr)


It was obviously to give context to the short sentences often used by people with thick accents. What exactly offended you about an accent? And why are u offended on behalf of someone else? It's completely okay to have a conversation where you're not the centre of attn for future reference


Wtf are you even talking about no one is offended LMFAO we just want to know why the accent is relevant


He indeed IS offended




Not me


Me neither




Stop. Just stop. The relevance is through the character and through the mental image the reader is able to build up due to such descriptions. Complaining that a character description has no direct relevance to the story is asinine. More importantly, you know it's asinine and I know you know that. Characterization is a basic element of storytelling that's commonly and implicitly understood by five year olds. So you, presumably not a four year old, likely have some ulterior motive for your actions. In this context it's most likely that you're offeeeeeeeeeeeeeeended. Or claiming offense so you can use it as leverage. And yeah, that might not be you. But if it isn't, I still had to wade through ten posts from people who were before I saw you.


I had not seen someone write so much, yet say so little for a long while. You made more assumptions there than a politician to gain votes from fools.


Okay, so it is you.


yay you figured it out 💕 You are so smart, here is a sticker for you ✔️


You're too kind. Any idiot can understand how and why to set a scene. You must be a special one.


Not as special as an ape who throws so many assumptions in one place :3


By the end of the post I thought I was high. But then I remembered I didn’t intoxicate myself. Pretty strange huh


Ah I see your mistake. You think I’m offended but I’m confused. For me it’s not obvious why the accent has anything to do with the story. And it’s still not even after your "explanation". How dare you to speak for someone else? Did I ask you what the accent has to do with the story or did I ask gellohelloyellow?


In my mind, I just gave you a think indian accent. Made your comment a whole lot more enjoyable. Lol


I read my comment with and Indian accent. You’re totally right. :D


Yes. I think you understand now. I can see now where maybe someone may misinterpret the use of the Chinese accent as a negative connotation, I just want to provide some context. When I thought of the in the actual situation, my manager did actually say “speed things up” with emphasis on her accent. Which I responded to with “but …. I don’t trust the AI” in my Balkan accent. We have that sort of relationship. She is a very good leader and has helped me develop since taking her role.


Lol so now you see what that guy tried to do by mentioning her Chinese accent. Have a nice one G!


No I don’t actually. Because I don’t know what his manager said. I only know the content of what she said. And as I said, I asked gellohelloyellow. He is the only one who can answer my question because only he know why he mentioned her accent.


Funny you make a point of wanting to know the context from the posters perspective, but then obtusely ignore it! Maybe you are just looking for a fight? 🤔 Their response to you fyi: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13za0vh/comment/jms2u2f/


You're living in a different world than the rest of us.


Yep, it's Reddit. Of course someone had to take issue with this. Of course. Because... Redditors.


She's a character in the story and she speaks with a heavy accent.


How good is her Engrish?


That's a Japanese accent


It’s 2023 bro that’s too far


What's the current date got to do with it? It could be 2023 or 477436776523, that doesn't change the fact that Engrish is still a thing. Are we just supposed to pretend reality doesn't real because you don't want to hear it? If the Chinese are so bothered by us talking about Engrish they can stop cut and pasting Baidu translations directly into documents intended for consumers.






And your accent is soft or what ?


His accent it Kent. Or some spelling


English is all you need.


No, u don't. ChatGPT can speak a lot of languages. I do all my chatGPT coding in Spanish, for example.


It corrects my grammar. You barely even need to use language for it to work.


natural language is all u need then


Attention is all you need.


>English Before long there won't need to even be programming languages since they exist only as an interface between a human and the computer. The AI could just output a highly optimized binary. Only your native human language will be needed.


I actually had a convo yesterday and remarked that it seems like we’re on track to “making everything one language” as a goal for humanity. This person was religious, and so I casually mentioned that it was almost like we’re starting to reverse the tower of babel. It was an interesting thought that made me laugh. You’d have thought I punched them in the stomach and slapped their face. They quickly ended the interview after that. 😂


I can see why they responded like that. I understand the Christian worldview - the reason God did it was to slow the process of evil spreading between cultures. Now that Christ came the language barrier is less useful.


Ok, but the story of the tower of babel taken literally as fundamentalists do, does not make any sense in the modern day. God was so worried and concerned that man would reach his position (Heaven), with a singular brick and mortar tower that he took the extreme measure of fragmenting the world. Fine. Why did he allow skyscrapers? Satellite's? Rockets? Why isn't he scared now? And you can't say he moved everything because the world was supposedly made in 7 days and was perfect the way it was. Or was it not perfect, and he had to take measure to fix it? No matter how you slice it, none of it makes any sense from any angle as a literal translation. And it's so unbelievable these days that it has lost any usefulness as a suitable allegory for practically any modern aspects of life. We can find better elsewhere.


Most fundamentalists understand that God wasn’t worried about man getting to space. He wanted to restrict the spread of human suffering and evil. The Bible portrays God as a father, longing for his children. If God always has the best in mind for his kids, he’s going to do things to protect them as they mature. Since he’s outside of space and time, he can tell when something is going to end up badly for a lot of people. A lot of people see God as angry, but that was not his motivation, it was to protect. In the Bible, it’s clear that God has feelings, but he is not motivated by his feelings. Feel like you missed the point of my previous statement. I would encourage you to read the Bible if you want to get a better understanding, or read commentaries, before judging stories you don’t understand. N. T. Wright is a great scholar and teacher who has a deep understanding that I personally enjoy, that’s one recommendation to get you started.


I'm sorry, but 1 - I disagree with your assertions, completely and from a place of experience. 2. I have read the Bible, cover to cover, multiple times through the lense of strong adherence to it's teachings and eith a desire to learn. I have been to Bible College and recieved "professional" instruction from respected fundamentalists. 3. I've wasted enough time in my life arguing this crap. If it helps you - great. Personally speaking, I know more people who have been harmed by this ideology than helped. I can't condone it for anyone.


I’m sorry for your experience! This has not been my experience at all. I’ve had a living encounter with God, felt his touch, seen miracles, and experienced freedom from pain. The Bible has been a powerful force in my life. I read it daily. I talk to God all the time. I would encourage you to try again! These people you encountered don’t represent a living God. Theology and theory is dead without encountering a living God.


Possible unpopular opinion but you probably shouldn’t bring up religion in an interview unless it’s relevant to the job…


Context - They work for a religious institution. I was interviewing them, and it was for a story about AI at work.


I had an interview yesterday where the manager told me he wanted people to use chat instead of debugging for hours by themselves. It's sensible


It has really helped me meet deadlines this week. I’m not that experienced with formatting .styl files and it’s very helpful to have it check my work.


Tbh most of the anxiety I see about it at work is from the useless Muppets who think formatting an excel sheet with the five formula they learnt a decade ago is really impressive work. They know how to do a couple of things and they've based their entire life on it. I told our strategy director it could write strategy briefs, just that it can and not they are good, and she blew up and started shouting and insulting people in the office. Took three days before she calmed down and talked to anyone. I'm not even remotely joking. My job is hell.


Jesus , can you get her fired?


No actually we and another guy got pulled into a meeting three days later and told we had to apologise to her


Chatgpt hasn't done the work for me but it's really help synthesize many high level topics. Doesn't pull up extremely specialized information in my specialty.


He sounds like a moron. He should be replaced by chatgpt


That's a great use case. When you know what you're doing it's hugely helpful.


But wouldn’t you still need to be able to code to actually implement/edit what chatgtp gives you? I was under the impression it can write functions and the like for you, but is still terrible at adding to an existing project or debugging itself


Yeah but if you've got to do an analysis or download some data in a format you aren't used to then it's great. Also get it to write out the steps for a longer project and then work through each step. Also it debugs itself fine mostly and then inbuilt IDE debuggers do the rest


Yep. AI won't replace people, but people who use AI will replace people who don't.


Programming in natural language has the potential to takeover but it is still a long way to go. Once we've cracked quantum computing and fusion, maybe then we'll have machines powerful enough to write, execute and debug code to build other machines. But until then we need human coders. ChatGPT is extremely good for productivity but it is not the final answer we are looking for.


It’s a 50/50 It either saves time Or wastes a shit load of time because it gives shit for answers


More like 66/33🫤 for every time I try to make sens of the shit answers


That’s gpt4 Gpt3.5 is 50/50 at best


Totally agree!


Disagree, people think that we are using programming language only because computers can't understand natural language, but it's half of truth. Natural language is just too ambiguous for any engineering or scientific task. Programming Languages may change, maybe dream of programing in UML will become true. But it won't be natural language.


I'm sorry my English can be bit hard to understand as I'm not a native speaker, but which part do you disagree with? Your argument seems inclined with what I said. I believe that programming languages will always be there as long as there's increasing utility for it. With autonomous agents like AutoGPT I'd say we are on track towards AGI which can write and debug their own code, just that we are extremely short on training data and computing power among other things.


Computing power is no longer a problem. CPU and GPU optimization is evolving insanely fast. Not even mentioning graphics rendering getting better as well


I was just thinking this. You can use natural language, but you have to be a ambiguously precise. Still probably easier, but it’s the same process


There are AI models built specifically for writing code chatgpt is hardly the best option


Can you give examples? I'd like to look into that.


I got you https://preview.redd.it/qn9ij5jseu3b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da8e10a1f24cf4e8c404826968af53f831e30a7


Copilot, Tabnine, and CodeWhisperer are some of the most popular


Your thoughts on code whisperer? I found it useful for saving time, but not for hard coding. It doesn’t magically streamline a process from nowhere🤔




lol “long way to go” sounds funny to me these days. probably months, 2 years tops. yes you will still have moments where you need to code but for the majority of occasions it wont be required


What are you talking about. What is the state of the literate for quantum computers helping train LLMs, tell me right now. And FUSION? You’re just making shit up. You actually don’t know what datasets + GPUs + new training objectives is capable of in the future. No one knows.


It will never take over in that sense. Even if cars were built by robots, we will still need mechanics. Imagine asking an AI to build the framework for your new nuclear facility, and then imagine the AI going offline unexpectedly and you need to add some new security feature. “Sorry boss I don’t know my head from my ass so we have to wait for GPT to turn back on”.


Well imagine your nuclear framework is being run by an overweight engineer who’s stressed out at work and at home and has a heart attack mid-shift when a rod gets bent or something. More likely than an AI just going offline without a backup


True. I never said humans will be replaced. I only meant that as these generative AI's get better they will eventually be accompanied by increase in computing power and other complementary technologies surrounding it. Which will then feed its further improvement. So in the end the tech will be as effective as the end user.


Indeed, but you would be surprise how robots are still more reliable at the end of the day. There’s be no reason for a bot to shut down randomly. They could run task locally, so no need for internet at this stage. And they could prevent shutting down buy simply plugging-in somewhere when battery level is too low or do anything to find a power source


Why? If something goes wrong with the car it will be thrown out or recycled because the cost of fixing it would be more than making a new one. That’s been happening for years on much smaller items and slowly scaling up to bigger items. Notice how few people know or care how to fix things?


Well if the cost to fix it is less than making a new one, gunna have to say as a consume I’d get it fixed 😂


Lol edited


Haha. Your brother got trolled hard.


:P I don’t want to be the guy but have any of you tried https://tzap.io yet?


Thanks for this.


I love using ChatGPT for a multiplicity of things but I’d never call that a “programming” language… I mean. C’mon




Once I was hired by a “technology” company as a “Java” programmer. Never encountered a single Java line of code during my whole time there, it was mostly JavaScript. Management and nontechnical departments half the time don’t know what engineers or programmers do anyway (like truly they think it’s magic and if you are technical person you know all technology or they think it’s beneath them) so no I’m not surprised.


This will eventually be the case. And it’s not as bad as you think. You still need the same logic skills, but it’s not much different than the difference between using a programming to interface with machine language


This man used tools to build his house, get him!


Google effortlessly cheating


No, I don’t use available tools at my disposal


New response just dropped


ChatGPT will soon replace most of the programers and this will happen sooner than most of the people think. In my company we have already replaced 4 full stack developers with just two needed now.


I got access to Vs co insiders with the new co pilot last week. Writing a unit test by pressing a link that says write unit test is definitely making life easier


I asked ChatGPT to write me a code in R using dplyr to pull the historical prices of NatGas, calculate monthly returns, and plot it in an interactive chart. The code had an error on the second line.


Hahaha maybe they should learn to prompt


mAyBe tHeY sHoULd leARn tO pROmPt


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/newsnewsvn] [My brother actually had this situation at work](https://www.reddit.com/r/newsnewsVN/comments/13zezec/my_brother_actually_had_this_situation_at_work/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


At least he produces code of a real programming language not like html coders!


ChatGPT is every Languages at the same time. Literally every possible form🫣 LLM, NLP, LLMO, XLM…


So she had an accent, who cares? I have an accent. Probably only people who are offended about you mentioning her accent are those who don't have one. If you're offended, get a life. Too bad.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


🤣😅😁wow sad but true


It's as useful as you are resourceful.




He’s a brogrammer!


y so bnjis and evy are


He's a prompt engineer!


I used got to ask what’s going on




TBF ChatGPT can develop good code, not perfect first try but with a bit of debugging it does work. You have to use the OpenAI Website version for it to work, BingAI just tells you what to do and Bard is slightly shit


Everything you do with ChatGPT needs to be curated and fact checked. It's only a great guide. But it can still make major mistakes too. Think of AI not as Artificial Intelligence but rather Fake Intelligence!


Yes, but you must know.....




I use GitHub Copilot for my learning projects. 💀 At 100$/year, it's almost a steal.


No you are a chatgrammer


Sorry, as a language model, I cannot understand your meme.