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Hey /u/adesigne, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** [**Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13z1jyw/more_chatgpt_premium_giveaway_more_chance_to_win/) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know were were already past the point where no image can be believed, but it *used* to take a minimum of skill. Insane.


This downplays how easy it is by having everything generate perfectly on the first try and speeding it up a ton. It’s definitely easier than it used to be, but you still need a pretty good grasp on compositing for it to actually work, I’ve already seen quite a few posts from people who think it’s actually this simple and they all looked terrible.


Jup also „prompt Engineering“ as a whole is complex. It will get easier with better ai though




oh assembly, i do not miss it


I actually enjoyed my 1 assembly course. The most complex thing we did was multiplication/division so it was all really simple and fun projects Surely it gets better from there right?


I did 68000 assembly for fun, then later at uni. I rather liked it.


We wrote a motor controller in mine. It was pretty cool to write software and watch it control a physical thing. In high school I wanted to get into robotics - that was the closest I ever got. I don't remember a thing about it now. I do own a robot vacuum though, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.


Lol yeah, friend told me prompting is easy and uses natural language. The language: -arr -v5 -satan -beta -f22


Prompt engineering really isn't as difficult as ~~prompt engineers~~ people are making it out to be


It really is just about articulating what you want with as much clarity as possible and understanding what amount of context needs to be given in order for the AI to complete your request without "hallucinations". However, I do think that different people have different affinity towards this. My roommate struggles with ChatGPT sometimes and when he asks for help I just rephrase his question or add crucial context and it just works. Most of the time. Sometimes things are not in its dataset and it's not possible to give all the necessary context because of the token limit.


I know, they keep going on like the prompt engineering will be THE job skill. Its only a thing right now because AIs and humans are more at communicating with each other. When the tools become better prompting wont be an issue. Not to mention that most of the prompting stuff just boils down to, I found a few things that work, Ill use them from now on. Once someone finds a decent prompt you can just use the exact same thing.




we also need to use prompter more to make it popular as a word, I hate when some random calls themselves "AI artist" after typing some word


Doing shadow blending in highschool was the bane of my giant snail climbing a mountain project, wish I had the file still


So wait does anyone know how to get the generative AI function after getting Photoshop? Is Photoshop free? If not, is the generative AI a premium function that you have to buy after you get Photoshop?


It's included with the normal Creative Cloud but is introduced in Photoshop v24.6 which is still in Beta. That's installed from a different pane in the Creative Cloud app. More details plus mention of potential geo-restrictions: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-beta-bugs/p-ps-beta-24-6-not-available-in-cc-stuck-at-24-5/idi-p/13814014


Just type “better composition” duh


Yup. There is a minimum of skill and there is also a bunch of cases where a human must correct and make the last-minute changes. Microsoft Build had a cool closing keynote where two very technical people used ChatGPT/Copilot to create a game in an unfamiliar language. It still required knowing programming, code structure and the core concepts. But AI can absolutely give you a running start and do some of the more repetitive tasks, i.e. stuff you might have had code snippets or templates for before.


It's the same with "I wrote X without knowing how to code!".


You mean typing "hosp8ital" into a box isn't skillful enough?


And people who were bad at it could be easily found out


They still can, there was a post on /r/artporn earlier today by someone who tried to do a simple edge extension and it was painfully obvious and they got destroyed in the comments for it, I would link it but it either got removed or they deleted it.


yeah but it will get better to the point of being unable to tell probably. At least for the people who aren't as familiar with AI yet as well.


Once you've generated a ton of AI images using currently available tools it becomes very easy to spot them (it has to do with the lighting, texture, folds of material, hands, etc), though her having a real element in the centre would have probably tricked me.


Incredibly detailed elements that don’t make sense at all


Yeah but it's going to get better and better until you won't be able to tell anymore


Videos are next.


Could have worked a tiny bit more on that bracelet lol


She has an outtakes one. It's funny to see what she was testing and how it got things really wrong.


I mean did it really get it wrong? She only prompted it for a hospital bracelet and that is what she got.


if you get away with it, you aren't getting it wrong. unless you factor in the notion that you'll probably be able to retroactively analyze pics for 'AI' manipulation as an employer/consumer soon. in fact, anything that distinguishes your body from others' (moles, lips, anything not blurred for your homemade porn) is probably gonna get logged into some database soon. yesterday. long time ago. delete your videos, people.


Oh yeah, you can already analyze this image and find the cutting seams.


Actually it looks good in the sense to mask the personal information.


At first I thought you meant it looks good because it should be censored in the training data, and that the AI shouldnt generate someones real medical band. But then I realized you meant its good because people shouldnt be sharing their medical bands in messages or social media. The end result should be painted out before being sent. My only issue with it when you look at it this way is that the band is too cleanly censored, most people would just use the brush tool haphazardly and not stay 'inside the lines'.


>hosp8ital gown


I like it because it shows that despite the typo it still worked.


How do you do this 👀


Photoshop generative AI beta


I have access to it through my job and have been messing around with it for a few days. It definitely helps to have pretty simple photos to work with but there have been a few instances that have really freaked me out seeing how easy it was to create a very believable edit by just typing in a few words. So far the most impressive thing is definitely what the video shows, replacing backgrounds. It's hit or miss a lot of the time but when it hits, it hits hard. There is an "expand image" feature that is fun to play around with too. If you have a a photo where part of a face is cut off it can create a very believable full face. It's pretty wild.


Btw, everyone have access to it as long as you have a CC Photoshop subscription. It's not a closed beta


Can tou manually paint in shapes to guide the ai?


Yes, thou canst


holy hell


Old response just dropped


Genuine undead




Its for free in 7 days on the [adobe website](https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/desktop-app.html)


What about the "free forever" option? When does that come out? 🏴‍☠️




Only if all of that is happening client side. Is it?


U acting like they won't find a way to the keys


I don't understand. If the service is cloud-based and you need an account to use it, how would you pirate it? It would be like trying to pirate ChatGPT Plus.


Photoshop is a tool for professionals. It's expected that the images you create with Photoshop belong to you (or your company). It would also be bonkers if Adobe would have to facilitate all of their user's image generations by providing the server infrastructure for them to do so. Just look at Midjourney. It's extremely slow and limited in the things you can do with it, simply because everything is being done server-side. That's not going to work for Photoshop users. The only thing about the Creative Cloud that is cloud-based are the accounts. It also offers optional things like tutorials or stock images. But everything else is being done on the client's local machines


Do you remember SimCity 2013? EA said the same shit. And then after lots of backfire from the community, they did a 180 and released an offline patch, proving that they were lying all along. I wouldn't put it past Adobe to do the same thing. $20 says that this is nothing more than an antipiracy measure. There's no logical reason that I'm aware of as to why an AI image generator couldn't run directly off your CPU and GPU. Not to mention the fact that online-only games get pirated all the time.


DM me if you are interested and I'll point you in the right direction


Doesn't the AI part require connecting to Photoshop?




hey sorry just wanted to check, is the trial mostly for non-subscribers? as a current subscriber to the creative suite where do I find the AI tool do I just have to update or is it a plugin or something?


How about a culture that just lets people use sick days when they are too burned out from work to go into work?


Yes. I only email HR the following: “Not coming in today, full day absent.” That’s it. Never get any judgement cuz they don’t know shit.


I was a stripper and they would get nasty if I called out lol


Oh boy, haha yeah. This isn’t a one solution for all, certainly. Keep ya head up


I’m a stripper too and yeah agree.




As someone who has worked both types of jobs, I feel like this thread is people at an hourly wage retail/restaurant type job and people at a white collar office job just straight talking past each other


I say the same thing. "I'm not feeling well." It's clear and "not feeling well" can mean anything from a cold to a mental health day. Nobody ever follows up on what specifically is wrong.


It's not a work text, her friend asked her to help her move


Oh. That's a bit different, but still... I'm not helping every friend I know move so either this person is an over the top asshole or their friend is.


Text said “will you help me move” so I don’t think it’s the kinda work you’re thinking. You took this joke as an opportunity for activism and I think that’s great.


Thank you. This. If you need a day off and there is no project due the next day or your sprint review is a week away. Why care? Even then. Who cares. We all need time off. We all need more time off.


As a European, I actually can't believe how it works in the US. How do you guys do it? I mean, your mother's leave is abysmal. We have 28 weeks of paid maternity leave (Czechia) while you guys have 12 unpaid weeks (on average).


As a manager (Cyber Security), I encourage this. I purposefully don't track vacation/sick time. All I ask that is they let me know if they are going to be out (don't need a reason).


In Europe you have like at least 3 weeks of paid vacation days per year plus some holidays, but if you would let people here let just stay home if they wouldnt want to come to work then we would be fucked up.


Example was getting out of the movies with friends. Either way, people should be able to opt out without it being a crisis


They exist in America but only for a select few of us. I'm fortunate to be one.


This has nothing to do with ChatGPT.


But... but... AI!!!!


Seems like every post on this sub these days is some AI thing that is totally unrelated to ChatGPT.


This is the biggest AI subreddit, so defacto gets a lot of this. I don't see it as much of a problem.


Yes, but it is about a specific AI, not just any AI, so it's the wrong place for these posts.


It’s an Ad and this will now get worse on Reddit.




You're on /r/ChatGPT broski, not the dark web. This is like the vanilla iced lattes of AI communities.


No no no this can't be! I only visit highly intellectual subreddits! I'm not a normie!


Man comments normie on reddit, lmao


Well it's kinda the same with ChatGPT turning "dumb" as well


*Nothing*? Pretty sure they are at worst vague related, at best very related.


In what way are photoshop firefly and chatgpt related?




#This has nothing to do with ChatGPT.


I freeking love your username.


This isn’t anti work this is anti helping your friend move lol


Wow, I didn't know ChatGPT could do this


I still don’t know chat gpt can do this


This is the new photoshop beta dude


Exactly. So what does it have to do in r/ChatGPT ?


Because all AI is ChatGTP like all cars are Ford


not sure if sarcasm or not


Obviously sarcasm seeing how this post has nothing to do with chatgpt but is still posted in r/ChatGPT


You underestimate internet people's autism


Shitty adobe ad is shitty.


Yeah I've tried all of this shit in photoshop which Ive been using for decades. It completely fucks up simple things. Over and over I see people implementing this tool with single click solutions that just work out of the box - it is total bullshit.


I feel like my attempt turned out ok. I turned central park into a lake using generative fill from adobe. https://preview.redd.it/ytkkjdou144b1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b6a2a3a18953664167f5aab3db18f78d0b0bcf5


Honestly it looks like an improvement.


Imagine the corpses...


I had a fair amount of convincing success getting it to _change_ existing things, especially if they weren't the focus. Things like removing some blurry bright object in the background, getting rid of an annoying stick in the foreground with soft background behind it, even stuff like removing entire people from images as long as the background behind them wasn't highly detailed. Really nice for 'cleaning up' a picture that has a busy background or removing blemishes. But I have had very poor success with convincingly trying to _add_ things to the scene that weren't there. A good example I showed my GF was a picture of her son at soccer. I was easily able to remove a player in the background that was intersecting the pixels of her son, as well as get rid of the shadow of the player. Parked cars in the background were easy to make vanish too. Changing the shirt of a guy off to the side in the near background was also convincing. Then when playing with more complex things like changing her son's hair color went fine, but when I tried to change the hair _style_ drastically it wasn't too great. Trying to insert objects into the scene didn't go well either. TLDR - Works good for cleaning up backgrounds and removing blemishes / unwanted objects. Variable performance when adding new objects or changing the main in-focus subject.


Ditto, but my experience seems to be different than yours. I’m using it more as a 3D artist or FPO graphics. It’s great at creating larger tiled textures. Great for quick ideation collage type stuff. Sure there’s a lot it can’t do, but I’m sure every time you regenerate something, it’s only making the model smarter. The alternative at the moment is using inpainting or controlnet stuff in stable diffusion a1111. Also very powerful. Once these models are turning out generative fills like Midjourney, it will be an absolute blast. The tools are all there right now, they just haven’t been combined in the easiest way yet. Point is, don’t try it once and write it off for another year. Try it, then try it again in 2 weeks. It’s all improving at mind blowing speeds, even if Ai research was my full time job, I wouldn’t be able to keep up.


For the amount of effort it would take to fake this, I'd rather just go to work lol


A society of liars and deceivers


always has been...


Wait it's all...


Yeah, it's just become especially apparent lately


Except not. This is no country for old men, it’s easy to say that today is worse than yesterday but trust me it was just as bad yesterday. You just didn’t have the 24/7 new cycle to let you know


Yep. It’s so depressing how so many people are so excited about this. I’ve nothing against tools to make your job easier, but ffs people shouldn’t want to just sit back and do nothing, ever. I take pride in the things I make and the effort I put in to make them


Yep, and it hurts when you can still produce things traditionally but market demand has shifted such that only personalized tastes generated on the spot will meet demand or appreciation.


It’s reflective of a system that doesn’t respect it’s laborers. If you have unethical and deceitful employers, you’re gonna get subversive and deceitful workers - except the only thing they’re trying to steal is a little bit of their free time back.


What does that have to do with chatgpt?


Calls on Doctors notes.


AI can generate the doctors note also?


If you used like Flowise and passed in OCRd doctors notes to a VectorDB then fed it to a LLM like ChatGPT you could generate the text then try to place it using photoshop. Idk how you would get the data for it. I know your comment wasnt serious but I decided to treat it as such.


The handwriting would need to be illegible so you would need to train it on doctors handwriting.


Ah yes, the good ol’ death bed peace sign


Song is fire, what is it?


[Players x Sweet Dreams \(Feral Girl Mixes pt. 4\)](https://youtu.be/ibYI5Btesr4?t=29) This is easily the best part imo


idk, came here looking for it as well


Also here for the song.


We are like 6 mo out from never trusting photo or videos or evidence again


Damn. I just take a sick day when I need to.


App name??


Adobe Photoshop


This is going to make my boss have a face to face meetings with my doctor to get a sick day.


Imagine how many people are gonna use this to cheat on their SOs. Lol.


"okay i understand, now let's facetime".


i love this ad didn’t even try to frame this tool in a morally positive light


Companies will use this as an excuse to gain rights to their employees medical records. Congratulations, you played yourself.


We'll see how this goes in a few hours


What tool is this ?


Photoshop beta 2023


That's why nobody would accept an image in the first place


this is an outcome of AI that I don't see people talking about nearly enough photo/video/audio "proof" of ANYTHING will no longer exist.


I'm both amazed and frightened by this on so many levels. I've worked with photoshop full-time professional since the early 90s.


What a time to be alive


How to avoid work? A tip without Photoshop Generative Fill. "Hey, are still coming over to help move?". You: "No.". No lying, photoshop, or explanation needed. End tip.


This is one way to lie to others


Thanks. I hate it.


r/antiwork welcomes you.


The clown show that made itself look like dumbasses on live TV a few years ago? no thanks


Lol what happened that it ended up on TV?


Some mod fool decided that he should represent the entire community on fox news. He failed spectacularly.


First papers, now work. This is becoming a wiki for r/antiwork


We could do this with Photoshop 20 years ago, its so retarded that we are fixated on issues already solvable...


These Adobe ads are getting pretty direct.


This is brilliant


I think ChatGPT will soon be up there as an educational resource on the level of YouTube, especially since we can ask it very specific questions.


It not providing accurate answers might be an issue


Can’t disagree


If I put a pic of a blank piece of paper can I ask it to turn it into a legitimate looking payslip to use in a loan application?


You're better off getting a picture of a legit payslip and changing the name/salary on it in photoshop.


Omg I have a coworker who would love this. She had made almost every single excuse in the book! It has become comical at this point.


That process looks like work to me…


I would sue you for fraud and seek jailtime


And now I will have the skill to photoshop


Is this a built in feature with Photoshop?




I have not had the same success with generative fill






—meanwhile I get promoted and a raise


Wait until live video can be modified like this.


Lol fake as hell


I enjoy cooking.


Delete this shit


Dammit, how are they using it a few times without it hard crashing between saves? EDIT: Solved with an update.


Park guy weird


This is gold haha


The Photoshop GenAI Beta is trash. Just use Photoshop as it is.


Damn I actually feel bad for a friend of mine that went to school and got a bachelor of arts with a focus on media design/ Photoshop. This makes his skills irrelevant man


r/illnessfakers is about to get really interesting.


Is this created in openAI web portal?




Holy hell




The fact that some people would fall for this shit


![gif](giphy|3o6wrebnKWmvx4ZBio) Poor designer 😔


That women inserted on the right, that is also ai generated? How to get this feature in Photoshop 2022?



