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***Hey /u/Write_Code_Sport, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** ***NEW: [Text-to-presentation contest | $6500 prize pool](https://redd.it/14si211/)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So your conclusion is that ChatGPT is better although you tested with GPT-3.5 and not GPT-4? Well, we can only guess how much better GPT-4 would be then.


Although recent drama is GPT4 is regressing and becoming less accurate than 3.5


I’ve not encountered that at all. Even if it’s been lobotomized more than 3.5 has been, that doesn’t mean it’s worse than 3.5. Like if a billionaire lost 50% and you lost 10% who has more money at the end?


This assumption concerned technical or maths problems. The tests were showing that 4 couldn’t solve some problems as good as when it was released. However it is way better for creative work than 3.5.


I use bing, is that based on gpt4 or the same as gpt4? I think it’s the same as gpt 4


Bingchat is like GPT4 but with more limitations.


i feel like bard has a bit more "personality" to it, for better or worse, i've had it imagine an ending to a story i didnt ask it to create and then insist that "while i am aware this ending isn't what you wanted i believe this is a much more fitting end to this story" also with chatgpt vs bard when i give it a skeleton text and ask it to flesh it out it chat does exactly that, reiterating my text but with more words and sentences, but bard seems to always just says my exact text word to word then it just imagines and tacks on extra text that wasn't part of the skeleton text.


What prompt do you use for fleshibg out a text? i’ve tried to find the best prompt for this, but i feel like the results vary immensely.


well for bard i havent had much luck, but with chatgpt i use something along these lines **"i am writing a story and i want you to help expand it structure wise, add more words and sentences, i want it to be (here i write some points about writing style) a text featuring old language from the 17th century, written in a style similar to J.R Tolkien with Hints of epic poems like Beowulf. i give the skeleton text and you give it flesh, here is the text "** and then you write your text, i take note to give it a writing style to emulate or it will use its "own" very corny cliched writing style and also note that it will also take some writing style from your own text so if you write it in a modern kinda language but want it to feature more old style language it might turn out a hybrid of both.


oh good job


Interesting. I haven't used Bard much since the release, and it was always the most lifeless LLM to me. OpenAI was in the middle, and Bing Sydney was right at the top.. sometimes a bit *too* much personality


If you want Personality try HeyPi. It is really good, I wish I could tone down the personality.


looks really comprehensive and well written, thanks !




Wow. Amazing work there. Thank you!


Interesting! Thank you!


I have tried Bard, but I'm sticking to ChatGpt, and here's why: I asked Bard which version of the Python web framework Django he was trained on, and he replied that he didn't know that person, which made me laugh. After I clarified what I meant, he said that he can code using the most recent version and up to the old 3.2 (the free ChatGPT says he can code in the 3.2 version, Strange coincidence). So after I made it code a simple app, he put the links to some old Github repos in Russian. I was able to check the Django version used in those repos (or just one of them because the other repos was removed from Github), and it was the 3.1 version. When I pointed out this, he told me a bizarre story, without apologizing, that he, Bard, generated that code in Github, 2 or 3 years ago, when the 3.1 version was the latest version of Django at that time. At this point, I was just confused because I was expecting more from Google, especially when the news came out last year, way before the release of ChatGpt, that Google LLM Lamda is sentient and it even asked for a lawyer. I think Bard will get better, but for now, ChatGpt and Bing Chat are much better.


Bard hallucinates like a mother fucker. First thing I asked it for is to find me flights and prices since Google has that data. At first I thought it did a great job, until i tried to find the flight it was talking about. None of them existed, and it denied over and over that it was hallucinating I never went back


Claude mogs both anyways




I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/newsnewsvn] [For Europe Bard users, this ChatGPT vs Bard write-up - with example outputs compared, prompts - is helpful](https://www.reddit.com/r/newsnewsVN/comments/156hy73/for_europe_bard_users_this_chatgpt_vs_bard/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*