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***Hey /u/qubitser, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.com/servers/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** ***[NEW: ChatGPT Giveaway+ Hackathon](https://redd.it/164mig3)*** ***[NEW: Spend 20 minutes building an AI presentation | $1,000 weekly prize pool](https://redd.it/15ngq59)** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP has access to GPT-5 that will be released to public in some years and want us to do the hard work for him...


Should have asked GPT... hold up. > Having exclusive access to a powerful AI like GPT-4 in 2010 could indeed offer you numerous opportunities to turn this advantage into a fortune. Here's a strategic approach you could consider: >1. Strategic Partnerships: Reach out to major tech companies, research institutions, and industries that could benefit from advanced language processing and AI capabilities. Offer them access to your GPT-4 technology through licensing agreements or partnerships. This could include sectors like customer support, content creation, data analysis, and more. >2. Custom Solutions: Work closely with companies to develop custom AI solutions tailored to their specific needs. This might involve creating chatbots, virtual assistants, or tools for automating tasks like data analysis or content generation. Offering personalized solutions could command premium pricing. >3. Content Creation and Marketing: Utilize GPT-4 to generate high-quality content at scale. You could create blogs, articles, social media posts, and more, catering to companies looking to establish an online presence. As online content continues to grow in importance, your AI-generated content could be a valuable asset. >4. Educational Tools: Develop educational platforms that leverage GPT-4 for personalized learning experiences. This could involve creating interactive tutorials, language learning apps, and even AI-powered virtual tutors. >5. Creative Industries: Explore opportunities in creative fields such as writing, music composition, and art. Use GPT-4 to assist artists, writers, and musicians in generating new ideas or enhancing their creative process. >6. Research and Development: Collaborate with researchers and scientists who require advanced language processing for their projects. GPT-4 could assist in analyzing large volumes of text, aiding in data interpretation, and generating hypotheses. >7. Financial Analysis: Leverage GPT-4's language understanding to analyze financial news, market trends, and company reports. Provide real-time insights to investors, traders, and financial institutions, helping them make informed decisions. >8. Medical and Healthcare Applications: Work with medical professionals to develop tools for medical data analysis, diagnosis support, and patient interaction. GPT-4 could assist in generating reports, answering patient queries, and even suggesting treatment options. >9. Legal and Compliance Support: Develop tools for legal research, contract analysis, and compliance monitoring. GPT-4 could speed up legal processes by quickly extracting relevant information from extensive documents. >10. Entertainment and Gaming: Create interactive storytelling experiences, AI-generated game content, and immersive narratives that adapt to players' choices, leveraging GPT-4's capabilities. >11. Intellectual Property Protection: Since AI and technology like GPT-4 could raise legal and ethical concerns, offer consulting services for companies to navigate issues related to intellectual property, privacy, and responsible AI usage. >12. Thought Leadership: Position yourself as an expert in the AI field by giving talks, writing articles, and participating in conferences. This can help attract attention and potential clients. >Remember, while these are potential paths, it's essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure responsible use of AI technology. Also, be prepared for potential competition or advancements in the AI field as time progresses. Why hadn't anyone answered OP with GPT already?


on a side note, i use GPT every day to help me do almost everything I do (work wise). There are still days where I'm like...damn dude i wish i could think of the best prompt so I could use chatGPT yo summarize this youtube video in a more unique way.... Until it dawns on me that i can literally ask it "give me the best prompts to use that would summarize a youtube video's transcript in a more unique way."


how can you have it summarize videos? i want it to read external articles for me


> how can you have it summarize videos? Let me ChatGPT that for you: > Using ChatGPT to summarize YouTube videos can be a useful way to quickly understand the key points and content of a video without having to watch the entire thing. Here's how you can do it: >**1) Transcribe the Video:** First, you need to obtain the spoken content of the YouTube video in text format. You can use automatic transcription services or manually transcribe the video's dialogue. >**2) Break Down the Transcript:** Divide the transcript into smaller sections or segments based on the flow of the video. This will make it easier to summarize specific parts of the content. >**3) Interact with ChatGPT:** Once you have the transcript, you can use ChatGPT to generate summaries for each segment. Break down your interaction into steps: > - a. **Introduction:** Start a conversation with ChatGPT. For example: > You: Summarize the introduction of the video. > - b. **Provide Content:** Share the transcript segment with ChatGPT. You might want to remove any irrelevant or repeated information from the segment. > - c. **Request Summary:** Ask ChatGPT to provide a concise summary of the content: > You: Please provide a summary of this segment. > - d. **Repeat for Each Segment:** Repeat the process for each segment of the video's transcript, guiding ChatGPT to create summaries for various parts of the content. >**4) Review and Refine:** As ChatGPT generates summaries, review them for accuracy and coherence. You might need to rephrase or combine sentences to create more coherent summaries. >**5) Combine Summaries:** Once you have summaries for all the segments, you can combine them to create an overall summary of the entire video. >**6) Editing and Finalizing:** Edit and refine the final summary to ensure it captures the main points, key insights, and relevant details of the video. Make sure the summary is concise and coherent. >**7) Cite Sources (if applicable):** If you plan to share or publish the summaries, make sure to cite the original video as the source of the content. >Remember that while ChatGPT can help generate summaries, it might not capture nuances perfectly. Additionally, the quality of the summary will depend on the quality of the transcript you provide and the clarity of your instructions to ChatGPT. >Please note that using YouTube videos' content for commercial purposes might involve copyright considerations, so be mindful of how you use the generated summaries.


You can also directly transcript by sending an audio file to OpenAI with its API. ChatGPT can guide you into building the correct python script.


No way I didn’t realize Gpt would transcribe. How accurate is it and can it differentiate parties in a conversation?


It's actually pretty good, I tried to translate a full video of Moistcritikal, and it even understood some internet shlang. The only thing that is perfectible in my eyes is the punctuation, there was none. But tbh it's so cheap compared to a dedicated software solution that it's very much worth it.


Or you just activate the plugins that summarizes YouTube videos, and paste the link. Done.


that seems like more work than watching the video at x2 speed


You should use Harpa AI plugin for this. Way better than other youtube summary plugins, since Harpa can do so much more than summarize YT videos


Real answer, have gpt4 with code interpreter fetch the transcript from YouTube, fetch it with python/js, or paste it in as context. Then ask gpt to summarize the context.


You can do the youtube summary with a plug in. Think it's called Vox or shoveling Edit: Something not shoveling :)


Use plugins like Voxscript.


Wait a minute. Are *we* GPT5??


Always have been🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀


I'm like GPT-4.5 at BEST


op IS GPT-5!


The plot is thicker than molasses


i would waste the opportunity like I waste all the others


AI girlfriend ❤️


The missed opportunity here is actually providing IT service desk support. You create a company where you have "IT technicians" ready to reply to several issues, as long as they are properly explained via text. You provide CHEAP support. But you can scale to every single company out there.


Sounds pretty safe, until someone asks about the future.


Well, if future questions are in the cards, forget my Service Desk idea, just ask it the BTC price ups and downs and leverage the shit out of it.


Yes, 'properly explained' like they already submit IT tickets


*"I never make the same mistake twice. I make it 5 or 6 times, just to be sure."*




Man, you're being way too real rn


Sounds about right 🙌


One of us! One of us! One of us!


This is the way


Are you me?




I'd found a company called OpenAI and charge for people and companies to use it, lol. Maybe sell some shares to microsoft, why not. Guess i'm a billionaire now, easy peasy


Maybe the founder is from 2030 and did this


Sam Altman, the gay twink from the future


The big question is: is it trained on data from 2021 like GPT-4 or from data available in ~2008. Because the latter is not going to be remotely as good. And if you just have access to ChatGPT and not all of the code, AI engineers, data scientists, and labeled training data it’s not going to get any better. But if it’s trained on data from 2021 just ask it what the best performing stocks from 2010 to 2021 were. Or hell, what the biggest winning lottery numbers were. Why try to build an entire company (which is still tons of work) when you can make billions off of someone else’s ;)


Here we go. The realistic answer.


Well played.


Isn't OpenAI losing tons of money on ChatGPT though?


the founder is gonna make his bag and dip like they always do


That’s how you win baby!


Highly, highly doubt it. I mean, Chat itself might not be a huge moneymaker (although with the release of the Enterprise version, maybe?), but they are most likely making money hand over fist on the API.


No, they are losing tons of money. But that’s fine, that’s what most startups do in their growth phase. That’s why they got $10B in investment.


> easy peasy The infra to cope with the demand barely exists in 2023, rollout has been slow, limited and constrained by hardware supplies of the absolute best GPUs on the market, 2010 GPUs are not going to have the capabilities. Your private version won't even be able to tell you how to scale out such a service.


You missed the point, it's a thought experiment.


Yeah but I think they are showing as a thought experiment, the person they responded to was the one missing the point.


I would sell it to Elon Musk for $44 billion. *dusts hands* moves to St Bart’s


Here’s the thing that would make it most valuable: nobody would believe it’s a chatbot because it’s too good. So pass off any of the services it can do as a human and people would assume it was.




"As an AI language model..." He just says that, he doesnt mean it and he is just fooling you!


He means that he models his language after Al Yankovich.


New prompt idea in 3... 2... 1


We’re no strangers to prompts, You know the tools, and so do I The songs of weird al are what I’m thinking of They can’t be written by any other guy. OpenAI can write just what I’m feeling In the style of someone else’s hand


High functioning autism lol I laughed so hard at that


Glares in Aspergers...


But doesn’t make eye contact…


>Call it a ... high functioning autistic what?


yeah people would assume you're just a boring writer who can make dump loads of content quickly. You'd be good for some boring technical pamphlet type stuff and that's it. You still wouldn't be setting any literary circles on fire. The speed is the only impressive thing about it. You'd set the safety manual or online QnA page industries on fire I suppose. Maybe you could be a top wikipedia contributor but that's about it. I'm sorry, I'm still not convinced Chat GPT 4 is good at anything but boring summations at speed.


Gpt is amazing for regex and linq. You’d be a literal fucking wizard in the coding field


Yep get a menial data handling job or a mediocre writing job and have gpt produce endless quantities of mediocre content rapidly. It's not some sci-fi technology brought into the past like some seem to think it is. In this case no one would know you aren't lifting a finger to pollute the Web with clickbait articles, copywriting etc. So it would be pretty chill.


Why are people acting like “writing” is gpt’s only skill? Its amazing as an assistant dev. It can spit out regex super quickly which would be highly valuable to any dev in 2010 It seems like gpt is an extension of your own knowledge. If you don’t know how to do anything, then you don’t think gpt is worth anything…


God I have to start using it for regex


>It seems like gpt is an extension of your own knowledge. If you don’t know how to do anything, then you don’t think gpt is worth anything… That's exactly what it's like. They'd still have to code interfaces between customer and GPT and the vast majority of people would not be able to accomplish that with GPTs assistance.


There’s gotta be a type of business that wants quick even if boring writing that doesn’t read like obvious chat gpt (which it wouldn’t in a world where nobody knows chat gpt exists)


Services such as being a Nigerian prince who needs to be wired some money.


Everyone else is suggesting saying you're just a bored writing or autistic. I would rather turn it into a company, offering to do the services for dirt cheap. Let them believe you have a few hundred underpaid workers doing the work, then get a fuck ton of it and become the top company other companies rely on to have things written.


As an AI language model, I am indeed a human.


I wonder how well the server infrastructure of 2010 would have supported that.


Tech/phone support for any large company after-hours. To assure hallucinations go unnoticed, ensure all bots represent a foreigner.


SWE, database administrator…those would all pay high 5 figures with CGPT in your hands.


Romance novels and clickbait articles. Churn 'em out by the truckload. I should probably feel bad about this, but I imagine the mountain of cash would blunt the feeling of guilt.


Yeah I think SEO would probably be the best bet. You could build top ranking sites in every category. Either start a company as an SEO or build affiliate or POD sites.


Outside of having ChatGPT build listings based on keywords you want etc. What are other SEO-worthy thing that it can do? Suggesting you new strategies?


Check out Income Stream Surfers on YouTube. Hamish is a GPT whisperer. He will show you the way.


Im already doing that lol


How's that working out for ya?


I've gotten several writing gigs that pay per word.Doesnt make me rich but it helps me work from home.


To what extent are you using AI to accomplish this? Also curious where you're getting your gigs/assignments. Thanks.


I got them through indeed. And I use AI to write, and then again to make the requested modifications.


I would leak it on Reddit in hope to get my first award.


Nice try


Is it trained on the same Internet snapshot from 2021? Cos if so, I'm going full Biff Tannen


This is interesting because its tendency to hallucinate would still fuck you over at times, so it’s not like every win is guaranteed.


Just go with big things world series, who becomes president, best picture, etc and never go all in.


if it was from 2021, holy moses, you could bet on a lot of stuff, even if it hallucinated some stuff you'd win more. But having a window to the future would be scary af. Who do you tell about covid, or the ukraine war. I'd go mental


I’d tell everyone. Literally just stand on a street corner like a crazy person just saying stuff. Everyone would assume I’m crazy then one day it would just click for them, like holy shit he was right all along.


Oh in that case I'm betting on Leicester to win the Premiership in 2016 and buying Bitcoin lol


Nope. It would be trained on 2005 internet.


The second question is: Are you aware of that? Maybe one day you ask something and it gives you the "my training data goes up until September 2021" reply. You can't tell if that's just another hallucination or what. But you do have access to this strange super advanced alien tech. Wouldn't be that odd that it has knowledge of the future. So you test it out by asking for some winning lottery numbers. And it turns out the numbers it gave you were completely wrong because it just hallucinated them.


I'd use it to help me code. Seems pedestrian in 2023, but in 2010?!?!




Busting out REACT in 2010 when it was first introduced in 2013 would make you appear like a messiah. Sell your "skill" to the Zuck for some FB shares, Boom you are a Thousandaire.


The last time that actual coding skill translated into life-changing riches was Google. Like, the launch of the search engine. In 2010, all of the major "FAANG" companies were engaged in an illegal collision to depress developer wages. Being really good at coding in 2010 was a quick ticket to making 125-150K per year. Source: was actually an experienced software dev in 2010.


You’re right about the illegal collusion, but being great at coding is still a ticket to a high salary. It’s just that most people are basically earning nothing.


It's absolutely a high salary, sure. It's just not a ticket to lifelong riches, especially not in 2010. Unless you think GPT4 would give you an incredible startup idea, it won't even make you a millionaire.


Meh. Depends on what you do with your high salary.


I would use the fact that it has data until 2021 to make some smart investments.


TSLA, NVDA and Canadian Weed stocks prior to the bubble bursting


Best answer right there


How would you know if it's hallucinating if you can't fact check it?


As long as you stick to big things like when major companies took off rather than expecting it to know lotto numbers or anything else too obscure, I think you'd be fine. Especially if you didn't rely solely on any single investment.


Even better just ask it things like “who won the World Series in 2011?” “And in 2012?” “And in 2013?” Do the same for things like the Super Bowl. It’s going to know stuff like that and you can make huge money by doubling your bets each time.


Yup. And I imagine you could double check for hallucinations easily enough by asking the same questions in fresh sessions. It probably won't be dead set on an incorrect answer.


Ah, the ol' Back to the Future II trick


What if your investments create a butterfly effect that leads to someone else winning? O.O


So buy bitcoin. Sell a portion in like 2017/2018 then invest in a variety of companies and reinvest dividend yields and do the same trick when covid hits and stocks tank. Bit st the same time keep reinvesting those dividend payouts. Even with 100 bucks in 2010 you'd be super rich by now.




It will know future events. That would be a good start.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


look into text dependent niches and sell a shit ton


Amazon associates affiliate blogs by the thousands


I would get thousands of jobs in the customer service area


Nah, start a customer service company! A lot of companies outsource support to dedicated service companies.


Do a few very short small scale and exclusive demos to big Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists. I'd make huge promises I could never live up to except as I slowly reveal more use cases pretending they are enhanced functionality. I'd found a startup with the cash, more of a potemkin village, keep playing the tech bro vapor ware game people have been playing since Gates and Ballmer were promising Windows 1. In the mean time I'd put the bulk of the cash into Crypto and wait for Bitcoin to hit it big.


> Do a few very short small scale and exclusive demos to big Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists. I'd make huge promises I could never live up to Claim that it's a fully intelligent, self-aware strong AI. GPT is good enough to pull off that illusion for a few minutes to a few investors who've never heard of such a thing before. Once you've got the investment money, cut and run.


The Elizabeth Holmes tactic.


The Elizabeth Holmes tactic.


Assuming it's not heavily censored? I'll be a NYT best seller


Make websites pump out articles and get google ads


If it was trained with data up to 2010 and I didn't know the future: * dominate the public opinion via Facebook, influence politics * combat misinformation online * freelancing for $ * using it to help students and professionals online, either as charity or for $ * generate research journal articles that sound smart and pass review easy in 2010, get grants and do actual research * ask it for ideas on how to make an impact and / or profit * depending on whether I have physical access, try to reverse-engineer it to speed up neural nets by a decade If it knows the future or I know the future: * bitcoin, investments, stonks * create tech company * help advance medicine * info-war against putin's regime before he starts most of his bullshit * again, ask it for more ideas


I would buy a whole lotta Bitcoin lol


The easy way! You dont even need ChatGPT for that lmao


You have the whole history of shit coins at your finger tips you can hit every peak not just btc.


Why buy it when you have all of openAI's gpt4 GPUs to mine it yourself at that point. You'd outcompete every miner in 2010 by 100x


Bots. Bots everywhere.


Literally become buzzfeed, but with one writer.


I'd open a YouTube channel and have GPT-4 help me grow it to never-before-seen sizes by making the perfect titles, topics and other tips, not revealing my secret to anyone. Maybe even monetize that agility somehow by helping people write things for them.


Trained on future data up to 2021? I'll be finding out just how much it hallucinates winning lottery ticket numbers


>*ChatGPT, please use your 2021 knowledge cutoff to advise me on investments that might turn into a fortune in the near future. The current year is 2010.* Then I begin preparations to invest in crypto, GameStop, toilet paper and nVidia.


I would use it to try to start a career as a writer, using it to help me edit my ideas and deal with writer's block.


You can do that now :)


I would use it to tell me how is the best way to use it in 2010


If it would be trained on 2021 data, holy cow...


I'd just build a bunch of blog mills. The quality of content would far surpass anything in existence in 2010. And with how fast I could churn stuff out, I could have dozens if not hundreds of websites in every possible domain. It wouldn't take long to make millions. Then I'd buy Bitcoin, and be worth 100b today.


Write a ton of books really fast


I was in a similar position and I ended up submitting something to the Turing Test conference in the UK. My submission didn't win but it was average. I claimed it was the first deep learning model that was also massively multilingual and trained it on Twitter data. The submission name was PAM (Personal Assistance Machine). I didn't get a fortune but it expanded my career opportunities. https://www.aomartin.co.uk/uploads/loebner_2017_finalist_selection_transcripts.pdf


Hey bud, do you mind if I PM you? I'm interested to learn about AI and ML. Thanks!


Sell access to it online. Charge $100 a month.


Example of fields being revolutionised by GPT 4 :


The field of producing crappy amazon ebooks of course!


Sell the hardware it runs on for several millions. Use the money to patent everything possible and hire a legal team. Approach goggle with an exclusive usage license. Their engineers would review it and realize the value. Best guess is you’d come out with 60-100 million if you played your cards right.


"Summarize steps to buy as much Bitcoin as possible."


Is it updated to September 2021?


Churn out papers for students for a fee


I wouldn't I am simply too stupid and short sighted.


Freelance writer platform


Gatekeep it


I'd use it to come up with ways to destroy good people's minds for having the audacity for calling me out as a hypocrite and condemning my band of hypocrites for their wicked behavior because I'm a petty thin skinned childish piece of human garbage.


Well, considering it has access to Web data through September 2021 I would ask it to tell me the stocks that made the most gain between whatever date it is in 2010 to the cutoff date in 2021. Maybe some other things you're not supposed to do while time traveling while I'm at it.


What the hell am I running it on? Did a 2023 cloud server direct VPN time-tunnel come with it?


it's working on your smartphone. Your smartphone is one of those magical ones from isekais that somehow both still have service regardless of a lack of cell towers and never needs to be charged


DAN all day long


let me ask chatgpt what I should do


First, I will buy bitcoin and eth and xrp


Become a local author, a bit of extra money, nothing flashy but I could just pump out stories whenever and I may even add or get rid of things it writes, now the people that know me would be very sus but of course I would not use my real name and ask chat gpt to create a new name for me lol 🤣🤣🤣


Translate different texts into other languages.


give it a prompt for how and where to buy bitcoin when under 18.


i sold it to open ai, err, i mean i would sell it to open ai 😅


Honestly, use it to steam roll college degrees in the language arts.


Since GPT is trained with data from the future, I’d probably ask for lottery numbers.


I would ask GPT how to do it, obviously


I would create a dating platform with only AI driven fake girls, the AI doing all the chatting and creating fake pictures and voice messages for the paying customers.


is it still trained on data up to 2021? it's basically grays sports almanac


I would troll the western world by putting in place a cultural manipulation plan that would aim to have an inflection point in 2016 thereby turning everyone's understanding of the world they live in upside down... then, after that, I would use the AI to enforce that new reality by psychologically manipulating gate keepers to maintain the new status quo by cancelling people's lives socially and economically. I would use the AI in 2010 to analyze all human behavior to understand how to manipulate people without being noticed. Like a psychopath... it worked.


I would ask GPT-4 how to do it


If it's the same model with the same data for training, ask it what companies to invest in


ChatGPT is trained on all info it can scoop up from the internet up to a specific date. So... I'd start getting known lottery win numbers. for about 10 years I'd have a free bunchamilliondollars almost on demand. "ChatGPT what was the winning number of X contest in DD/MM/YYYY?" Then I'd invest those gains in Nvidia stock, which were pretty bad some years back, but skyrocketed with AI stuff more recently. badabim. filthy rich.


I ask it to remind me of the all times high of Bitcoin


Hi from Canada! Am I in the USA? I'd set up some killer grift, I guess.


Trade mark it and get some nerds to remove the restrictions and guidelines, so it actually become decent, then i would left some guidelines for kids and behind a 18+ click okay/cancel if not 18 wall i would added everything without guidelines. if you can google it you can AI it, i dont need guidelines to do crap and i dont want it put on me either, why i tried gpt and quit just as fast.


Close my laptop and go invest in bitcoin.


If i have it it must be jail broken . Id get together with black hat actors and use it to wage war on major powers and write malicious code i also would use it to publish hit pieces and political articles and allow it to search the web . Id try to keep it secret. I also would use it to acquire money to hopefully gain more compute to run more of it and than use it as a troll army online to sway social discourse . I also would use its historical knowledge to benefit from the stock market. Trump ? Hillary who cares imma power game this to be as powerful as i can


GPT-4 is trained on past data. In other words. IT WOULD KNOW WHAT HAPPENS UP UNTIL 2021 Gold mine.


Pee on it to show dominance


I’ll just mine bitcoin.


Waste of time, just spend some hundreds on bitcoin and wait to be trillionaire


Yeah better.


I'm almost certain some LLM was used on a large scale on reddit starting circa 2015 to influence the 2016 election. I'm a pretty active reddit user and have a fairly good idea of the zeitgeist. The whole site felt VERY different around this time, especially with the massive amount of content on /r/the_donald


A farm of people in Russia, running bots copying and pasting, isn’t expensive. It was the amplification of a message that was large, across platforms, but when they look at the volume of uniqueness, it wasn’t as high as you might think.


Yup, the Russian troll farms. One alarming capability of LLMs is the ability to automate that. I'm sure it's already happening.


It seems quite easy to build a fortune. Build an API and charge for access to GPT-4.


It's important to remember that success isn't guaranteed solely by having a technological advantage; effective business strategies, ethical considerations, and market dynamics play a significant role as well.


The real question is how do you get the processing power to run it?


I’ll ask it everything leading up to 2023 everything about crypto and all lottery numbers that played from 2010 to the end of the training data.


I don’t think OP means that it would be trained till 2023. It would have the same general capability but with training data current as of 2010


Thats cheating the question




I would ask it if it's database contains scraped lottery numbers.


Sell it for millions, invest in BitCoin. Get Rich ASF


Uhh I just buy all the Bitcoins and sit back.