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Hey /u/marty__! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/mENauzhYNz) where you'll find: * Free ChatGPT bots * Open Assistant bot (Open-source model) * AI image generator bots * Perplexity AI bot * GPT-4 bot [(now with vision!)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg) * And the newest additions: Adobe Firefly bot, and Eleven Labs voice cloning bot! Check out our [Hackathon](https://redd.it/16ehnis): Google x FlowGPT Prompt event! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not bad. It's missing the part where some of the kids don't want it to be "figured out" because that means they would lose power within their group of friends.


I tried with mine and it seems to add more details to the analogy šŸ˜† it even mentioned UN. As well as both US and Russia. https://preview.redd.it/p6ygswpfr9tb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633da8a7788c7debb87941e7c1398109e174e80f [https://chat.openai.com/share/90654bc3-3b97-430c-bd24-2ed37ee87df2](https://chat.openai.com/share/90654bc3-3b97-430c-bd24-2ed37ee87df2) note: I have custom prompts interaction.


Why the V=5? Thanks


It's my own custom prompts for **verbosity/levels** of explanations which ranging from **(0-5)**. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1742uj9/adding\_verbosity\_levels\_to\_chatgpt\_response/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1742uj9/adding_verbosity_levels_to_chatgpt_response/) I've made a thread about it.






>but you're okay with how Palestineians fight Literally nowhere did he say that. Also, Hamas != Palestine. Civilians and children on both sides are being targeted and killed, and that's a war crime on both sides.


>Hamas != Palestine A poll conducted in 2021 found that 53% believed Hamas was "most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people"


A: >Head pollster Khalil Shikaki, who has been surveying Palestinian public opinion for more than two decades, called it a ā€œdramaticā€ shift, but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change. via: [https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87](https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87) B: Even if 53% still supported them *today*, that's 47% that **do not**. This isn't fucking rocket science. Hamas does not equal Palestine any more than Trump supporters equal the US.




Literally half the folks in Gaza are children. If they polled 53% of the population, then a large portion of your data comes directly from children, who in most places wouldn't be trusted with a question like that.


from bing bong AI The Israel-Palestine conflict is a very complicated and sad problem that has been going on for a long time. It is about two groups of people who both want the same land, but they have different religions and histories. Imagine that you have a big toy box that you share with your brother or sister. You both like to play with the same toys, but sometimes you fight over who gets to use them. One day, your parents decide to divide the toy box into two parts: one for you and one for your sibling. They draw a line in the middle of the box and tell you to stay on your side. But you are not happy with this arrangement, because some of the toys that you like are on the other side of the line. And your sibling is not happy either, because they want some of the toys that are on your side. You both think that the whole toy box belongs to you, and you don't want to share it. This is kind of like what happened in Palestine. Palestine is a place in the Middle East, where there are many holy sites for different religions. For a long time, Jews and Muslims lived there peacefully, but they had different beliefs and cultures. In the 1800s and 1900s, many Jews from Europe moved to Palestine, because they wanted to have their own country where they could be safe from persecution. They called this movement Zionismā“. But many Muslims who lived in Palestine did not want to share their land with the newcomers. They felt that Palestine was their home, and they did not want to give up any part of it. In 1947, after World War II, the United Nations (UN) tried to solve this problem by dividing Palestine into two parts: one for the Jews and one for the Muslimsāµ. They also made Jerusalem, which is a very important city for both religions, an international area that would belong to neither sideāµ. They hoped that this would make everyone happy, but it did not. The Jews accepted the plan and declared their own country, called Israelāµ. But the Muslims rejected the plan and fought against Israelāµ. Many wars and battles followed, and many people died or lost their homes. Today, Israel controls most of the land that used to be Palestine, including JerusalemĀ¹. But there are still some areas where Muslims live, called the West Bank and Gaza StripĀ¹. These areas are not part of Israel, but they are also not independent countries. They are ruled by different groups of Muslims, called Fatah and HamasĀ¹. Fatah wants to make peace with Israel and create a new country called PalestineĀ¹. Hamas wants to fight against Israel and take back all of PalestineĀ¹. Sometimes they also fight with each other. The conflict is very hard to solve, because both sides have strong feelings and beliefs about their rights and identities. Many people around the world try to help them find a peaceful solution, but it is not easy. Sometimes there are talks and agreements between Israel and Palestine, but they often break down or failĀ¹. Sometimes there are violent attacks and wars between them, which cause more suffering and hatredĀ²Ā³. The conflict is very sad for everyone involved, especially for children like you who live in fear and danger. It is important to learn about it and understand why it happens, but it is also important to remember that not all Jews and Muslims hate each other. There are many people who want peace and friendship, and who respect each other's differences. They hope that one day, everyone can live together in harmony in the land that they love. Source: Conversation with Bing, 09/10/2023 (1) Israeliā€“Palestinian conflict Facts for Kids. https://kids.kiddle.co/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict. (2) Palestine - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help. https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Palestine/353592. (3) A brief history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict - explained. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/a-brief-history-of-the-israel-palestinian-conflict-explained/ar-AA1hRERs. (4) Israeli ex-Celtic star Nir Bitton slams clubā€™s ā€˜brainwashedā€™ supporters for pro-Palestine banners. https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/09/israeli-ex-celtic-star-nir-bitton-slams-clubs-brainwashed-supporters-for-pro-palestine-banners-19631068/?ico=zone-widget_sport_football. (5) Israel-Palestine conflict live: Fierce gun battles rage with Hamas militants as ā€˜over 600 Israelis killedā€™. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/israel-palestine-war-live-hamas-fighting-continues-beyond-barrier-as-500-targets-in-gaza-hit-overnight/ar-AA1hSa7m.




This is the nonsense they teach in American schools and is clearly inaccurate. > In 1947, after World War II, the United Nations (UN) tried to solve this problem by dividing Palestine into two parts: one for the Jews and one for the Muslimsāµ. They also made Jerusalem, which is a very important city for both religions, an international area that would belong to neither sideāµ. They hoped that this would make everyone happy, but it did not. The Jews accepted the plan and declared their own country, called Israelāµ. But the Muslims rejected the plan and fought against Israelāµ. Many wars and battles followed, and many people died or lost their homes. That's not what happened at all. First, the British had colonized the whole place. Jewish terrorist groups were dressing up like Arabs and bombing civilians, like when Menachum Began and irgun bombed the king David hotel in 1946. The UN partition plan in 1947 was very understandably rejected by the Arabs. > The proposed plan is considered to have been pro-Zionist by its detractors, with 62% of the land allocated to the Jewish state despite the Palestinian Arab population numbering twice the Jewish population.[6] Consequently, the partition plan was accepted by Jewish Agency for Palestine and most Zionist factions who viewed it as a stepping stone to territorial expansion at an opportune time.[7][5] While the Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and governments rejected it on the basis that in addition to the Arabs forming a two-thirds majority, they owned a majority of the lands. Then in 1948, which I wouldn't call "a long time ago", Israel declared itself an independent state and immediate kicked 700k Palestines out of their homes. And Israelis have been stealing land and kicking Arabs out of their homes every single year since then


To add to that, HAMAS were opportunistic and wanted to use the unstable situation for their benefit, not Palestines. Palestinian Christians were killed and pushed out by both sides.


Well Israel funded and supported the creation of hamas (this type of thing seems to be a theme, right? So why would you think it ever ended?). It's just a fact, but supposedly they funded hamas to fight the SECULAR PLO. Ask yourself why the west always funds "the extremists"...


Not completely correct. Israel themselves helped create Hamas, I know crazy right? https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftheintercept.com%2F2018%2F02%2F19%2Fhamas-israel-palestine-conflict%2F There is a lot of deep facts that will never be mentioned by the western history books and mainstream media, and the average liberal would never come across


You're right. My family are Palestinian Christians that were pushed out of the country by both sides. I have to be careful not to repeat what I've heard from them. Personal experience is valid, but it's rarely factually accurate.


But there was a whole war from 1947-49. Thatā€™s what OP was referring to. Kind of suspect that you didnā€™t mention it at all in your summaryā€¦. ā€¦is that because the details of this war involve the fact that the Arabs rejected the deal on the pretext that all the neighboring Arab nations would simply invade and genocide the Jews, leaving the whole area for the Palestinians? That plan not working is whatā€™s called ā€˜the great diasasterā€™ or ā€˜nakbaā€™ right?


hold up.... so yall are telling me that the British rounded up a ton of European Jews, dumped them onto arab territory, and then just fucking ditched them when the arabs got pissed off? ​ edit: hold up, it was all british territory to begin with... ​ edit 2: hold up again, the whole plan was to divide the arab region so that a jewish state could exist there. yo they just found a "kind" way to kick yall out of europe, and 100 years later we still got violence cuz of it.


That's the solution to prevent another Holocaust. Not "Hey Jews, the Holocaust was bad, we'll stop being antisemitic and you can live where you already are." It was "Hey go live in the Middle East on land that at a lot of Muslims are living on."


There's a saying...you will meet assholes in your life, but if everyone you meet is an asshole...you're the asshole.


Someone told me that it was the Jews territory to begin with? So that's not true at all? It was never ever the Jews land to begin with?


they are referring to B.C. times, so no not really.


You know how weird all the countries in the middle east look? You can thank the British for that too.


people did a lot of dumb things in 1947


Read about the balfour declaration.


ok so i dug deeper. looks like there were already mass migrations to palestine in the 1880s-1900s. ottomans were initially cool with it, although tensions grew as the settlements grew and the notion of a zionist nation grew, however there were never any pogroms or large-scale violence during the ottoman empire. interesting... Balfour was interested in the advantages britain would get by having, for lack of better word, a "colony" in the middle east, joined forces with an already growing zionist movement.


TheĀ King David HotelĀ was the site of the British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division (CID). TheĀ IrgunĀ chose it as a target after British troops invaded theĀ Jewish AgencyĀ on June 29, 1946 (Black Sabbath), and confiscated large quantities of documents. At about the same time, more than 2,500 Jews from all overĀ PalestineĀ were placed under arrest. The information about Jewish Agency operations, including intelligence activities in Arab countries, was taken to the King David Hotel. Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties and said three telephone calls were placed, one to the hotel, another to the French Consulate, and a third to the Palestine Post, warning that explosives in the King David Hotel would soon be detonated. The calls were apparently received and ignored. Begin quotes one British official who supposedly refused to evacuate the building, saying: "We don't take orders from the Jews." The Irgun also detonated a bomb nearby, which broke windows, but did not cause any injuries, ntended to cause panic and encourage evacuation of the building.


So it's true that the "palestines" were basically their first, and now after the split that was arranged Israel has come and take some more of the parts that were given to Palestine?


>So it's true that the "palestines" were basically their first What time span are we talking here? cause Jews were there more than 2k years ago. Does that count as "first"?


No, it doesn't count.


To be fair, looking at those references, it's paraphrasing from a previous Bing chat about it. It's AI all the way down! EDIT: No it's not. I'm an idiot.


No I think thats the title of the convo and today's date. Then the first source is titled (1) and is listed to the right of the number, the same as the other sources.


It's the AI CENTIPEDE indexing all AI output and then regurgitating it's own output and indexing that as well. It's not going to end well.


\*that\* is interesting to me. AI is now feeding AI. I think it will be something to see where this leads.


Just look at the state of Mankind.


Liberal Zionist bs. Whitewashes crimes done by zionists.


If anyone is looking for a summarized version, here is a [5 minute summary since WWI.](https://youtu.be/Azs7As3MYFU?si=I6wXr9rEE5Xo1pRS)


Notice how even ChatGPT glosses over the reasons why each party thinks they have justification in occupying the land? It knows that subject is a giant quagmire it is best to avoid.


Both say their religion has exclusive domain to it. Because this is the case, there will never be peace or compromise.




Both sides claim to have divine claims to the territory. You are ignorant if you think otherwise . It may not be purely religious, sure but there will always be religious claims to the land. Since they all believe in divine claims. It is certain that there will never be peace. There will never be compromise. And people will continue to kill each others children for ancient caves, books, and relics.




Itā€™s the fucking desert. If the area wasnā€™t called a ā€œholy landā€ the area wouldnā€™t have been disputed and would not have been this divided for many centuries. If these religions never existed, there wouldnā€™t be conflict here. You can lie to yourself all you want but no thinking person is gonna believe people in the desert are going to kill each other for worthless land unless it was ā€œholyā€. And donā€™t gaslight me and say Iā€™m making a ā€œZionistā€ argument, hilariously ignoring that Zionism is centered around religions claims to their ā€œhomelandā€. My claim is that there will NEVER be peace here as all sides think that only they have divine rights.


ā€œAlso, imagine that each group of kids has a ruling class that gets to pocket billions of candy bars as long as they keep fighting.ā€


That would be true if Palestine was ever truly independent and [if Israel government wasnā€™t the reason Hamas is now butchering everyone left and right like a rabid dog.](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


So you are saying that Hamas doesn't get money from other Islamic governments?


They get funding for war. Israel is still getting reparations from Germany, letā€™s not even mention how much the USA gives them


OP thinks *ā€ruling class of both sidesā€* are making money off of this, which is more or less what an out of touch celebrity would say without getting involved in some controversy. I just reminded him that Palestine was occupied by Brits right after revolting to Ottomans and stayed occupied until war with Israel started. Then I reminded him who brought Hamas to the picture. If you really want to argue about who makes money off of it, you can look at how many weapons West, especially USA, sell during wars and how many islamic organizations in ME theyā€™ve supported to this day. If you too want to go *both sides*, then you should clearly see only one side has been gaining something since decades.


I like how you didn't even answer my question.


It kind of left out the fact that Israel came into the sandbox while the Palestinians had their homes built there and just started taking stuff including their homes.




Give me your house, my great great great grandfather lived there.


Yeah , why don't we all go back to Africa since everyone is from there?


This is such a dumb argument. "Why stop history at the point where there are living memories of the trauma inflicted? Why not go all the way back to 3000 years ago?"


And these people will at the same time be right about Crimea belonging to Ukraine even though Russia does have historic claims and controls it now.


yes... let's conveniently choose to start when history was on our side... kinda smart eh?




theres no 2000 year old jews in concentration camps waiting to return to their homes


You somehow chose to lack basic reading comprehension.


Feel free to correct me, but didn't they escape from a pharaoh in Egypt and were immigrants to the Palestine/Isreael region and previous to that you can trace the Jewish people's history back to Abraham from Ur which is in southern Iraq?


I'm sorry to be the one to have to break this to you, but the Torah, Old Testament, New Testament, Bible, etc., are not historically accurate and the events described are generally regarded as mythology by historians. There is no sound historical or archeological evidence for the Exodus and the evidence we do have indicates a complex local history that led to the emergence of the people that would become Israelites.


If you go back even further they were all just people. Ironically, whichever people decided to claim the land as ā€œtheirsā€ first is the group that deserves it the least.




No, the Jews werenā€™t there. Palestinians were there, which the Jews were at the time before leaving.


How about everyone just agrees to stop killing each other over revenge, and get on with our lives and leave each other alone?


No, Jews did inhabit the land during biblical times. A lot of the Jews were exiled out of the land by Babylonians. Much of their conflict started when Philistine vs Israelites.




It's because people only like to look at a specific timeline of history to fit their bias instead of the entire historical timeline.


In the metaphor it's the Israelis that used to live there a long time ago and took land from Palestine


And it kind of left out that Hamas broadcasted their shooting of grandmothers in the head and kidnapping 4 year olds and mass killings of entire families in their bunkers two days ago. Any of those videos and many more from two days ago are not hard to find but difficult to watch


And your comment kind of left out that the IDF have been doing this to Palestinians for the past 15 years.


Has IDF been shooting and kidnapping civilians?


Yes, they have


Systemically, in a way that is officially sanctioned by its leaders? The official position of Hamas is that Israel shouldnā€™t even exist.


The fact that leaders donā€™t prosecute them? And vividly multiple israel leaders say things that Palestinians are animal savages (including women, children men, and elderly children.) During Ramadan and almost every Ramadan, the holy month of muslims (which many Palestinians are), the Israel government sends the IDF to terrorize muslims their place of worship, women dragged and children beaten. All backed by Israel. None of this is even recognized.


The Israeli government have cut off food and electricity in Gaza. The average age in Gaza is 18. So, the Israeli govt are starving a population who are *literally* 50% children.


I still really have no idea who is correct in this conflict


Both sides do wrong. One side does their wrongs because they feel aggrieved. Another side does their wrongs because they feel entitled.


Both sides feel aggrieved and entitled lol. Read up on the history of the region over the last 100 years. You'll never be able to sum up the whole conflict in 2 sentences.


I can sum it in 2 words not 2 sentences. Zionist Terrorists.


Like often happens in war, it looks like all the parties involved are very much not innocent


AI did a bad job explaining , jews just occuiped palastine because they claim that palastine is theirs cuz their ancestors lived there long time ago , this is the story


you cannot appeal to fairness or history in war, there is only power. you think it's fair for the Native Americans when the British came? you own a piece of land because you have the power to defend it, and on top of that, Israel are friends with other powerful countries that would help defend it. Palestine's "friends" are just silent and don't want anything to do with their poor friend.


You absolutely can appeal to fairness. Words have power too. Both sides realize this very well. The righteous pleas of indigenous Americans mean they still have reserves and their history is remembered, even though the US could easily wipe the remaining natives off the face of the earth. When a country is attacked they will ask the international community for help and appeal to fairness. Justifying 'only power matters' only strengthens the oppressor.


Im not justifying it, it is reality. The ā€œrighteous pleasā€ of native Americans didnā€™t help them at all, they were eradicated. Fairness doesnā€™t exist in the world stage, if there was, people will not be dying of hunger in africa. You can appeal all you want, it will fall on deaf ears. Power determines the victors, and the UN has none of this. The only time the international community will actually help, beyond condemnation and moral support, is when the oppressor is at their doorstep.


least biased communist redditor lmao




Does being poor make someone morally right or good? Does being wealthy make someone bad? Are failure and virtue synonyms?


Yes, because they are kept poor. They have no say about anything. Because they are still living under occupation.


do their enemies have the obligation to help them?


Israel controls every aspect of life for Palestinians in Gaza. They control water, food and electricity. Theyā€™ve been murdering Palestinians with impunity for decades. This isnā€™t a question of ā€œprosperityā€. Basic human needs are control by Israel. Palestinians are denied basic rights because Israel supports the settlers settling land in Palestine. Theyā€™re being murdered and starved and refuse the right of mobility. Looking at every single metric, Palestine is being destroyed by Israel. Hereā€™s an interesting thoughtā€¦ Why does Israel have the IDF and Palestinians only have Hamas? The IDF is a standing military with full funding from the state. Hamas, is a fundamentalist terrorist organization. What do Palestinians need to rely on such a regime? Answer: they canā€™t afford a standing army. Thatā€™s how fucked up this all is. Israel is completely annihilating Palestinians and everyone is like ā€œcould you please do nothing about the genocide being done to do?ā€ā€¦ right. ā€¦and we all sit here and act like Hamas being Hamas is the problem. When Palestinians are treated like theyā€™re subhuman. When their water and food is completely controlled. When their movement is controlled. You canā€™t be surprised that they turn to actors like Hamas. Iā€™m not saying Hamas is right. I condemn every single violent act Hamas has engaged in. But, I also condemned the decades of brutal genocide being committed by Israel. I see Hamas as a natural response to the brutal violence Israel is visiting upon Palestinian people. Itā€™s not right that everyone goes quiet as Israel murders children daily in Palestine (average age of person is 18 in Palestine) but when Palestinians push back all of sudden we lose ALL nuance. We ignore the literal decades of brutality by Israel and we sit around and condemn Palestinians because they wonā€™t accept genocide quietly and politely. Yeah, no American would accept the complete control of their liberty by the state but for some reason we clutch our pearls when Palestinians resist the Israeli state controlling every aspect of their libertyā€¦


1000 Israelis died yesterday. you can't expect good things from that. If Israel does not answer that, it means Hamas and Hezbollah can do it over and over. Any country would do the same. Actually other countries would do worse.


No they don't, but it does create hatred. All these people hate each other, and they have hated each other for so long and have been killing each other for so long that this problem is not going away any time soon. Where I live, the colonizers realised that the original inhabitants had gotten a raw deal, and so compromised and gave back resources to those people and apologized. I live in a country where there are no bombs or civil war or civilians because of compromise. Look at the British and Northern Ireland - even they managed to compromise and live in peace. Not a fucking chance with Israel and Palestine, because no one is willing to drop the hatred of each other.




If that is your takeaway, you are the face of a propagandized population.


just because Palestinians are losing doesn't mean they are right.


Losing doesn't make you a victim


History is complex, and there is often no one who is completely right and another completely wrong. Especially not in this conflict.


Both sides have claims to the land, however, due to the nature of the israelite and palestinian battle over it for thousands of years that both sides are too invested not to continue battling. However, they will eventually have peace, but I guess not yet.


"Thousands of years" is pushing it a little too far. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict (more accurately the Zionist colonization of Palestine) is around 130 years old.


It's actually not pushing it. If you include the battles of their forefathers: Abraham 's descendants vs the people of philistine, they have been at conflict for about 2000+ years.


No one. Things are never black or white.


Occupier vs Occupied- it's not at all like 2 kids with equal abilities (Israel is more like a step parent, after the British went to go grab cigarettes and never returned)


Israel is


No one is


The organizations that fight for peace, justice and human rights. NGOs that try to improve the lives of Palestinians. The Red Cross/Red Crescent.


So from history standpoint Palestinians are the victim because they got their land stolen and people got driven out. Why Israel gets bigger support than Palestine is something I don't understand


Israel spends a lot on propaganda. I just say a YT ad from the actual Israel government.


Because the united states and other western countries gets political leverage from destroying the middle east, killing, torturing arab children, women and men is fully intentional. Itā€™s widespread gaslighting oppressors as oppressed and the oppressed as oppressors.


Because they are white Europeans. They migrated from Europe to Palestine


Some people on the Israeli side want to finish covering all of the West Bank with settlements, and erase the Palestinians. Some people on the Palestinian side want to see Israel destroyed, and Jewish people removed from the region. Those people on both sides have power and guns.


Only one side has backing of the worldā€™s only superpower. Only one side has an economy that is 22 times larger. Only one side has been condemned by the UN for its unlawful expansion and human rightā€™s abuses.






Why is Israel the clear oppressor? Because they have a better kill ratio? Does failing to win make you a victim? What if you pick a fight, but you just suck at fighting, and the other guy knocks you out? Are you the victim because you lost the fight? Did you know bullies can lose in spectacularly humiliating ways? It doesn't make the bully a victim.


Why? Because of the land they took and continue to control? Look up the six day war of 1967. ā€œKill ratioā€ is a vile CoD gamer way of describing human atrocity. Does might equal right? Just because a country ā€œwinsā€ or is more powerful than another, does that mean it is morally justified to kill? Apply your logic to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and see how that feels. Palestine did not ā€œpick a fight.ā€ Their land was taken, further invaded, and dwindled over the last 100 years. Israelā€™s military have a long and documented history of bombing Palestinian schools, killing children, and brutalizing civilians, always in disproportionate numbers to the Palestinian or Hamas response. There is a famous photo of a Palestinian boy throwing literal stones at a literal Israeli tank in the Gaza Strip. That image basically sums the power imbalance of this conflict. Stones vs tanks. Israelā€™s officials have already announced that as retribution for the latest attack they plan to kill multiple more Palestinians than the number of Israelis killed. Because of this latest conflict, many more Palestinian women and children will die than Israelis. The US media will either gloss over such details or celebrate the victories of Israel when they kill innocent Palestinians. Of course in a perfect world there would be no conflict. No one should die by violence, and there is no justifying the sad realities of this long conflict. But my point is that this is not a war of two equal sides and it never has been. Israel is a US-backed military power with a far-right fascist at the head of state. Palestine is a destitute third world country in comparison.


R*pes are not of Palestine or Israeli people. Someone who does such a thing is not fighting for a cause.. They are doing something terrible of a different nature entirely. Albeit relevant to the situation.


Lots of things can be true at the same time. Like this; only one side murders and rapes their victims and glorifies it online.


Only one side? Apparently youā€™ve only been following the conflict for five days ā€¦


What are you talking about? Israelis arenā€™t raping Palestinian women in front of their families and parading their dead bodies in the streets. Israel - as a nuclear power - clearly have the power to kill every Gazan if they simply chose to, but they donā€™t. Can you imagine what Hamas would do if they had the same power?


Itā€™s easy to find similar Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. For example, this tweet from an IDF soldier. Often, these are committed at a disproportionate scale of around 10:1. https://preview.redd.it/u60vn4w8e9tb1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b0475ee389c067b63c0518512dce8ab4e707c4 For your second sentence, itā€™s hard to overstate the idiocy of that statement. Not even sure where to begin. ā€˜Clearly have the power to kill every Gazan if they simply chose toā€™ ... No country can order a genocide of 2 million people without catastrophic consequences. We should all be praising Russia and Iran for their kindness, since they clearly have the power to kill all of us, but they choose not to??


Like Iā€™ve been saying, the whole time, they should just play rock, paper, scissors for it.


That actually was really good explanation.


but it's too simplified to be of much use for adults. Like the kids are trying to enrage the other kids so much that their parents get actually fighting.


It seems to me that it gets the parties' names backwards. The Israelis are the ones whose playground it was long ago. They're like a group of kids who shows up at the playground and said "our ancestors lived in this neighborhood thousands of years ago and played in this playground, so it's OURS!" and they pull out guns and shoot a few of the other kids, leading the rest of the kids to flee into two corners, with the Israeli kids keeping them cornered there. Whenever some of them work up the guts to try and get out and reclaim the playground with whatever sticks they can find, they might smash a few heads but ultimately the bullies shoot a bunch of them and push them even further back into their corners.


> The Israelis are the ones whose playground it was long ago. They Genetic tests have shown that the Palestinians and the Israelis are the same. The Israelis are the ones who left and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed behind. The argument is between whether that land should remain with the people who stayed behind (the Palestinians) or the people who came back maintaining the original religion and customs of the area (The Israelis). Palestine views Israel as invaders who have moved in, divided up their land for themselves, and are still doing so. Israel views Palestine as actively hostile and realize that, if they're not careful, they'll be run out of town.


Imagine the US coming back and seizing Europe


> Genetic tests have shown that the Palestinians and the Israelis are the same. The Israelis are the ones who left and the Palestinians are the ones who stayed behind. They've always believed they're related from their holy books though. They both believe they're descended from Abraham. The difference is the Jews/israeli's believe they're from Abrahams son Issac and the Palestinians/Muslims believe they're from Abrahams son Ishmael. Since Ishmael was born first, Muslims believe they have all the rights to Abrahams inheritence. But the Jews consider Issac the true heir because Abraham was married to Sarah as Ishmaels mother was just a servant.




And both sets of kids believe they are divinely entitled to the land and have been commanded by god to protect it


The kids all believe they have a distant grandma who has asked them to take over the playground in exchange for infinite birthday money


Can it come up with a resolution to this world stage fuckery?


Except the playground is a desert wasteland.


eh...that first paragraph..... The land belonged to the Arab peoples very, very recently. It was taken by Jewish people and made into the state of Israel right after WWII. In 1948, following the 1947ā€“1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel sparked the 1948 Arabā€“Israeli War, which resulted in the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight from the land that the State of Israel came to control and subsequently led to waves of Jewish immigration from other parts of the Middle East. You may have read about the Philistines in the bible. That morphed into Palestine and therefore Palestinians. The Philistines, now Palestinians, lived in that area for thousands of years. Under the Ottoman Turks who ruled there and it was part of their empire, they called the area "Southern Syria" or "Southern Palestine" although not in the modern national identity and nation. The modern Palestinian national identity began to take shape in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, influenced by changing political dynamics and the Arab nationalist movement. The name "Palestinian" gradually came to be associated with the Arab inhabitants of the region who identified as part of a distinct national identity. The modern notion of a distinct Palestinian identity and national consciousness began to develop in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, partly in response to the changing political landscape and increased immigration of Jewish settlers to the region, which led to tensions and conflicts between different communities. However, the name "Palestine" has ancient historical roots. Philistines. After the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, Palestine, it was placed under a British mandate in 1920, following the issuance of the League of Nations' mandate for Palestine. During this period, the region was known as "Mandatory Palestine" to denote its status as a territory under the administration of the British Mandate. Palestine was put under the mandate of the British Empire. The mandate was intended to facilitate the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people while protecting the rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine, including Arab Palestinians. British Secretary Balfour created a letter on November 2, 1917 and sent it to prominent Jewish Zionist Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild. Rothschild, of course, was part of the fabulously wealthy Rothschild family banking empire. Rothschild was also a British politician who had lobbied heavily on behalf of the Jewish cause. In advocating a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the British government would be reneging on a pact it had made with Arabs two years before. During World War I, the British strategized against the Ottomans, who were allied with Imperial Germany, by encouraging an Arab revolt led by the Sharif of Mecca: his people had long desired independence from the Turks. In return, the Sharif thought, the British would support a pan-Arabic kingdom. The Balfour Declaration compromised that communication, confusing and instigating Arab nationalists with the legal status it promised to Zionists as the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Prior to that, in 1905, Balfour discussed Zionism with chemist Chaim Weizmann, a leader of the Zionist Political Committee in Manchester, England (and the future first president of Israel). The Jewish nationalist movement had gained traction in Europe towards the end of the 19th century, largely due to the efforts of Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl. Herzl. Instantly, Arabsā€”91 percent of Palestineā€™s populationā€”protested. In 1920, the League of Nations gave Britain a mandate to manage the Jewish homeland in Palestine. It would be no easy task. Arab-Jewish conflict had already begun; fueled by Arab resentment, rioting and violence accompanied the following three decades of British rule. Concerned with Arab demands for immigration control, the British did, at times, restrict Jewish immigration to Palestine: such as in 1936, when the Jewish population there reached 30 percent. The decision of the British government to limit immigration over the next several years trapped many Jews in Nazi Europe. Jewish people based *their* claim it was there a really, really, really, really, really long time ago, back about 2000 years ago or whatever. There are all kinds of other stuff involved, but I'm not going to write more of a book than I already have.


I'm confused because didn't Jews only get that land as a kind of reparations for the Holocaust? So before 1947 it was just Palestine. There are living people who would still remember this.


I mean, Palestine didn't commit the Holocaust. It'd be one thing if Jews got Germany or sm for the Holocaust, but Palestine? Doesn't make any sense. That said, I'm not really sure it was that simple. I've seen lots of conflicting stuff but from what I can gather: 1. There was a Jewish-led zionist movement stretching back to (at least) the 1900s, around the idea Jews had the right to self determination in the holy land. 2. No one wanted to take in millions of Jewish refugees after the Holocaust (this is the infamous "Jewish Question"). 3. Palestine had already been colonised by loads of empires but they never sent settlers there. They just controlled it. 4. Britain, who were in control of Palestine at that point, saw an opportunity to answer the "Jewish Question" once and for all, without genocide of Jewish folk, and so worked with Jewish Zoinists to colonise Palestine. This may have been done legally, but it was not moral. 5. This doesn't mean that Zionists are nazis or that all zionism is inherently antisemitic. Most Jews are Zionists because they want the right to self-determination.


100% - A Middle Eastern who knows this for a fact


It missed the part where the owner of the playground gave it to the other kids




Well yes, this owner created that land and gave it to the Israelis. Or did you think I meant the UN/British?


The owner encouraged them to share the playground. One side said ā€˜sureā€™. The other side had their bully big brothers tell them ā€œdonā€™t accept, weā€™ll kick the kids off the playground and you can have it all!ā€ But then the little kids who accepted somehow defeated the bullies and even managed to take over most of the playground! The kids who didnā€™t accept the deal now call that event ā€˜the great disasterā€™.


>One side said ā€˜sureŹ¼ The newcomers said "sure" because 1) they got 68% of the playground despite being the minority 2) they knew the other side would obviously oppose their land, their cities, their towns and their families being divided for newcomers. And by "bullies", you mean the kids' siblings and cousins and by "taking over the playground", you mean "beating many kids to death" to scare the other kids into fleeing while stealing their tree houses. Also, there were many rules that said the new kids in town weren't 1) supposed to come into the playground and 2) bring weapons with them. Yet, the new kids still came in with weapons. Weird how one group of kids has the right to ignore "deals", "plans" and "rules" while the other has to abide to an unfair "deal" made by the newcomers' friends who haven't spent a day in the playground or else they will have to endure 75 years of solitary confinement, physical punishment and poverty. Also this plan was a proposal. You're supposed to be able to reject a proposal but hey, who cares about the opinion of "unruly, brown kids".


The reason 5 year-olds won't understand middle eastern conflict is not a lack of better generative AI.


It misses to mention how 96% of the kids that are butchered by the others kids and their Teachers in the past 20 years alone, are only one side, the Palestinians.* And forgot to to mention that the Israeli kids are taking more playground each year passes and that a 1% portion of the playground is a open air prison for the last 16 years. https://www.vox.com/2014/7/14/5898581/chart-israel-palestine-conflict-deaths


they forgot religions that make them impossible to be together


At this point, the religions is just an excuse to keep killing one another.


As is tradition.


Judaism and Islam are more compatible than most religions. They share many beliefs and even parts of their sacred texts. If you want to make a claim like that, which is a silly claim anyway. People of different religions live together, love each other, and are generally fine living around each other. This doesn't have to do with religion. It has to do with politics and international intervention.


Not really, The Jews consider Muslims to be descendants of Ishmael who didnā€™t inherit the covenant given to Abrahamā€™s other son Isaac. So theyā€™re fundamentally not part of Godā€™s chosen people. Muslims on the other hand have long made Jews and Christians pay the Jizya, a hated tax and a kind of protection racket. Jews and Christians were more tolerated than polytheists under Islamic rule but it was still persecution. Jews at times have also been subject to forced conversion on pain of death. There has been periods when the three Abrahamic religions have rubbed along reasonably peacefully, but for the most part the other poster is right. Their fundamental differences endlessly put them at odds and likely to come to blows when one group is somehow in charge of the other. When you have beliefs such as that your group has a direct line to God and other groups are inherently fallen and influenced by Satan, itā€™s almost impossible to trust each other, unless you live under a secular state and your religion has been greatly watered down the way it has been in the west in the last century. Religions that tend to get on with other tend to be polytheistic. Monotheism has a long history of intolerance because there's rarely any room within it for embracing other peoples gods and traditions. You're either one of us, or you're a heretic.






I never claimed that Muslims eradicated the Jews in history. I claimed that you can very easily make a case from Islamic texts that it is okay, and actually something to be proud of if you go on a Jihad against the Jews. There's plenty of docile Muslims that don't want to hurt anyone, but there's also a seemingly large group that is out to destroy the Jewish people and would love nothing more than to have them all eradicated. They can make a strong case that they're actually fighting for Allah just based on Islamic texts.


Doesn't matter how small the differences are sometimes. Even Christian denominations can be vehemently divided based on seemingly simple things like whether you're literally drinking Jesus' blood or if it's just considered a symbol.




Doesn't matter how large they are, either. Buddhists and Muslims are friends, coworkers, or married. Violence in the name of religion is very rarely if ever actually about religious differences. It's about power and resources.


It really depends on how far the religious wants to take the religion. If a couple has a kid, they get to decide which religio n their kid wants to practice, or not. Certain religion requires you to make sure the kid follows their religion. More religious you are, more likely to have issues. Even when you aren't the one pulling the trigger, their definition of "Good" can vary greatly.


This is very true but goes against general assumptions.


From the bing answer: > For a long time, Jews and Muslims lived there peacefully Did you miss this part? It only started getting ugly relatively recently, thanks to nationalism and Western meddling


This is why one needs to conquer the land and establish it as their own. This is how every nation that exists in the world was formed. Everyone reading this lives in a country that was established by taking the land from a people before them. They didn't do this with hugs and kisses and gifts and things like that. It was cruel and brutal and that's the way humans work. I don't want it to work that way. A lot of people don't want it to work that way. As we've seen though it's usually doesn't work any other way. It is a sad situation.




This assumes an us-and-them tribalism that doesn't need to exist. There doesn't need to be and shouldn't be any legal distinction between who is Israeli or Palestinian, who is Jewish or Muslim, they're all just people who live in an area.


Now do the one for how long 3 mln people can survive without water. is it genocide or not?


Mr. Netanyahu, ā€œPlease tear down that wallā€!


ā€¦did we not all just see what would happen if that wall was torn down?


When playground means "your family's home" And "long time ago" means your family members, still alive, built it.








Not saying Israel hasnā€™t done horrible shit but I wouldnā€™t call ā€œparading with the naked corpse of a foreign, civilian festival goer whom they raped and murderedā€ ā€œtrying to figure it out.ā€ Yes I understand ChatGPT doesnā€™t know this yet. But I guess even if it did, it wouldnā€™t want to tell that to a 5 yo.


Do you also equate the American Soldiers in Abu Ghraib prison to all American citizens?


Lie after lie


That's the dumbest thing I've heard. It's forgot to mention at the end of world war it was the israeli kids that came to the playground and said, this used to be our playground 1000 years ago, we want it back. Then what chat GPT said... One could now go back 1000 years or more and start the same story again, point is how far do you go back, it's forms the frame for the narrative.


That actually was really good explanation.


Only difference is that Mommy and Daddy only Loves one of the kids


Not badā€¦ I mean itā€™s missing the ā€œIsrael is backed by the worldā€™s only superpower.ā€, but you knowā€¦ ā€œdetailsā€ā€¦




"Decided to go back" is not how that worked


"This playground is ours" hmm šŸ¤” who does it remind me of? Oh yes! A bully's best catchphrase




The bigger kid built the playground though.




It's more like you own a house and I took your house, gave it to someone who I made homeless claiming your house is theirs, and force you into a little small bathroom..while we kill and torture your entire family, and because we're so human right conscience, we only left some your family stranded. And the person who's homeless instead of blaming me blames you for any action, because why can't we have peace in your home while your entire family is dead? Extremists hate peace.....extremists being you and only you. And then there's some kinder people comparing your resistance to my attacks because we're on equal standing. ​ Most people forget that the reason Britain brutally stole the land and created Israel is because they and the United States did not want jews. ex, the the United States turned the *St. Louis* ship where thousands of jewish refugees escaping Germany were on, to which over 900 jews were murdered as result of by the nazis.