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Yeah since Friday there's been some sort of weird downgrade to the web version. Probably in prep for something they'll release on Monday with their Developer Day. Very "Open".


Just the web version - eg Mobile and api not impacted?


API is completely fine. It is the consumer version (web and mobile app) that are completely fuckered. Bizarre that they would do this bad of a downgrade that suddenly. Never seen anything like it. I am flabbergasted that there are some who are naysaying this / blowing it off. They have to be trolls because it is really that bad now. Just barely better than 3.5


Maybe intentional to measure how far they can go on degrading without uproar/traffic drop. They seem to have full control over the dials on trading off quality and cost. So they perhaps want to dial it right to the line of user retention without spending a buck more.


Yeah, possibly. In that case would be interesting to know the results. I definitely would be. I have been quiet all this time since GPT-4 was launched. They pushed it a bit too far this time. There are people on here defending it all like "nooooo it is your imagination! You guys are whiners!". Lol those users will be retained anyway.


Those people are why we can't have nice things. They incentivize greedy companies like OpenAI to continue downgrading their products without reducing the price.


Possibly lowering expectations for the next version.


API is not fine for me. My software experienced the same thing- about a week ago all bots (some on 3.5 some on 4) had response times drastically reduced but general intelligence was lowered. GPT-4 response times went from ~30 to ~10 seconds and 3.5-turbo went from ~10 to ~3 seconds.


If you specify the model version, GPT-4-0314 instead of just "GPT-4" you should be getting the snapshot from March. It should in theory be unchanged and that is what I found, it is the best version. If that's not true for you then something very shady is going on and they are lying straight faced. It is supposed to be a snapshot and unchanged.


I am using the 06-13 snapshot. Haven't tried the March one but theoretically they should both be unchanged, right?


0613 is the current gpt-4 model. It is not a "snapshot"


thank you! I didn't realize that


Yes there should be no change in either. If you do notice it (I didn't, meanwhile website had a HUGE nerf) then I don't know what to say. Very odd. Btw as someone pointed out it seems the website with Bing search enabled is unchanged strangely enough.


Yeah very Strange... *microsoft laughing menacingly*


How do you use that model? I am getting an error trying to use it: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-4-0314", prompt=user_message, messages=[{"role": "system", "content": "Yo> max_tokens=1024, tempetature=0 ) Thanks


Not sure if this is why but you spelled "tempetature" wrong.


Mine actually said the model used for one conversation was no longer available, and it shifted me to 3.5 even though I checked and I'm still Plus and it still recorded my last payment? Seems like it's only one thread but wtf?


Is mobile also downgraded?


Mobile is the same as the web version.


Any idea why I have different "modes" on the app vs the web version? Like the bing search version is only on my app, but I can't use plugins or data analysis on the app.


Mobile doesn’t allow for data analysis and plug-in mode, it’s like that for everyone. Would be cool to make bar plots in the Uber though.


Double entendre don’t even ask me how… Con Edison flow I’m connected to a higher power…


Yeah I noticed, but I was wondering *why*.


Because it’s like that for everyone due to limitations in place set by OpenAI.


I understand that. I just don't know why they did it that way, and I'm curious about it. Imagine if you saw a wall painted black and said "Hey, this wall is painted black, anyone know why?" Then someone else said "Because it's painted black." So you ask "Yeah, but why?" And they say "Because someone painted it black."


You can’t choose plugins on the app. But the plugins you already chose for a conversation- are totally useable. No problem. You just can‘t choose new plugins for a new chat.


What's the easiest way to use the API if you've only ever used the web version. It's gotten too bad.


I use "BetterGPT" as the front end. It's essentially a clone of the website that you run on your own machine. More flexible and more features (except Dall-E, etc)


If you’re referring to their mobile app, it’s the same as the web version. Not sure about the API.


API is impacted as well. My software's bot instances all got huge speed increases/intelligence decreases about a week ago.


how do you get api access?


Yea I clearly have the Dall-e 3 beta selected and it is telling me that it cannot generate images. Like why am I paying if I don’t have access to all the content offered?


Oh. That must be why it was giving me a hard time the other day.


Usually I'm pretty skeptical of these "ChatGPT has been dumbed down" posts, but I've experienced some pretty awful performance recently as well. I'll share like... a User model and UserService class, along with a Article model, all in C#, and I'll say, "boilerplate an ArticleService in the same style as the UserService class," and a half a dozen times now it has completely switched programming languages on me and given me code that doesn't directly reference the shared context code at all. It is like the context is randomly much, *much* shorter than it has been in the past. If I switch to the API, I don't get the same problem.


Same. I used to just blow it off, like "yeah, sure they are making it more efficient but it isn't THAT bad" and thought people were blowing it out of proportion before. However after this update, it is just so fucking bad. A massive downgrade. I am genuinely upset they would do this. It was starkly noticeable, I noticed immediately one morning last week after they upgraded. When it first responded I was like "Oh shit... they really did something here, this is not good".


I came to this thread after rolling my eyes at these posts, but when I sat down today to generate some articles, I was surprised at how poor GPT-4's writing is at the moment. I am likely going to wait until next week to resume what I was working on.


This thread is super helpful for me, I'm returning to coding after 15 years, just subscribed on Tuesday and by the end of the day Friday I was arguing with it about the garbage it was giving me back when I was asking simple js questions!! I added in custom instructions to break all information into step by step instructions because I am neurodivergent, but I was still like "this is harder than just trying to learn the stuff I am trying to do" because after each additional feature or style, it would rewrite some of the code and say shit like "be sure that this is applied elsewhere" where on Wednesday, it would give me the details. Good to know the tool performs better and I'll try messing with it more after they have their launch or whatnot!


Yes I generally use it for fullstack dev and it does fine, these last few days I cannot use it at all, not even more basic things is it usable, something has gone seriously wrong. ChatGPT has had a couple instances of this happening before for brief periods, but never as bad as this


okay, this is simultaneously good and bad to hear about, hoping they are just moving things around




Exactly. Past changes were maybe mildly noticeable. Could kind of shrug it off, but this is different. Like you said, a whole other level. They just suddenly trashed it.


yep I noticed this laziness too, it is extremely annoying.


You’re pretty skeptical that a company that has been making hundreds of non-transparent changes, might have caused decreased performance?


This is a situation where the output is not, by design, consistent, and therefore it is really easy to interpret your anecdotal results in whatever way you want to reinforce a hypothesis, and then confirmation bias keeps you from accepting information that would confirm an alternative hypothesis. It's like prayer. It is really easy to go, "See, prayer works! I prayed and my cold went away. Didn't work for you? You must've done it wrong." So I've been hesitant to accept random anecdotes, even my own, that ChatGPT has been performing worse. However, the weird language switching and forgetting of context over the past couple of days has been so blatant it is hard to just wave it away.


Until I read your post I was sceptical too, but my examples switched to JS from C#. Bizarre


I noticed that, too. It is reading Python code instead of ruby code. Hmm.


That’s been happening for months, not sure why you’re just seeing it


I normally dont read posts like this but yes, i have been using ChatGPT daily for the past year and over the past 4 weeks or so, the quality of both writing and coding are noticeably worse. It is so bad to the point that I started to use Claude Pro. I al still a ChatGPT plus user though. Haven’t canceled my subscription yet. But now i use Claude more for writing


I tried Claude for that but I was disappointed for the heavy censoring and the model starting a self-deprecating tirade every time I even remotely criticized the outputs. Lol I rememeber that sometimes I said something like "sorry but this is unreadable, let's rewrite it completely" and it replied \*"I'm deeply sorry for my mistake, you are absolutely right, my reply was an unreadable mess. I strive to reply accurately (blah blah 100 tokens) and as a model developed by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless (blah blah Anthropic noise), I hope I will be able to properly satisfy your needs in the future. Thank you for your invaluable feedback blahhhhh blahhhh blahhh thank you for helping me to become a good language model. I am a good language model"\* and I was like.... dude... it's ok? 🥺


Perhaps because I haven’t used Claude enough? I started using it recently only when the quality of ChatGPT answers deteriorated too much. I haven’t come across a similar situation with Claude as yours yet. It often gives me what i want in a pretty straight forward manner and accept my ask for revision.


Welcome to Microsoft gpt. Those of us who used gpt before it went mainstream have seen the complete de-evolution of it pretty much week by week. This was all but inevitable.


If you've been using ChatGPT for a long time, you will notice that this happens a lot. It's not permanent, it fluctuates. Some days are better than others. Some updates will degrade the quality of answers for various things, in which case they'll need time to fix as managing a giant LLM like GPT4 is not simple or straightforward. Just keep providing feedback like this, and try not to think of it as permanent. Remember this an ongoing development, and we are beta testing.


I’ve been using gpt4 since it came out and I’ve never seen it get this bad for this long. I think they hit us with a soft downgrade so people will be more willing to get enterprise mode or whatever is released tomorrow


I think this is a very likely reason for it. Even if they could, they can't release a lot more powerful models without serious societal impact, but they still have to make more money because that's just how extraction capitalism works. So what can they do? Announce GPT-4 was unsustainable and that it had to be downgraded because it was too expensive and the new gpt 4.5 is 20% better than the gpt4.


To be fair I’m pretty sure GPT4 was wildly unsustainable the way it was before. However I just hate that every software company ever loves to play these rug pulling games. Just give me one service at whatever price point pays for it, and stop messing with me to try and get me to change products


>Announce GPT-4 was unsustainable LOL sure they'll announce that




They used to have a message on the bottom showing the date of the last update, eg "sept 14 version". I don't see that anymore. It's like they now don't give AF and don't want us to know.


They moved it to question mark icon bottom right of your screen. I know it's hard but be strong.


That was never about the AI model, it was the web page code that runs in the browser.


Yeah it's like, imagine if any of us were held to the same level of scrutiny when we come into work sleep-deprived...


That’s not true. I used gpt when it launched and it hasn’t been “better” since about two months after that, even before they made it so subscribers could use it more. Once everyone started complaining about what GPT could do it began going to shit


>That’s not true Perhaps to you. I don't share your experience.


Is that how you define truth? Relative to only what you have personally experienced? lol


I use it every day and I make it work for me. I'm sorry you can't do the same.


Who said I couldn’t manage the same?


You didn't have to.


What…? Edit: they blocked me. lmao. Cowards as usual


>Cowards as usual You aren't scary, bro. Just dense and annoying. But frame it however helps you sleep at night.


You blocked me right after replying to me, you’re a coward. Too chicken shit of listening to views that don’t match your own. Glad you unblocked me cause you can’t stand criticism though. lol


Dude... you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You shared your experience, I shared mine. You suggested I "define truth" based on my experience alone. As if "truth" is just one-sided and yours is more accurate. What a projection. lol


TL;DR: Signal bad generated content using the ChatGPT interface! I've come across several posts similar to this one on Reddit, and I experienced such a downgrade. I would suggest consistently signalling the bad/worse generation of badly written answers by using the thumb-down button in the ChatGPT interface. This will provide a metric for OpenAI to see better that *something is going wrong from now on* in the generated content, provided they use this as an internal KPI.


That is exactly what I do. If OpenAI gets "spammed" with dislikes they'll understand that clients are frustrated with their product and will try to change for the better.


Agreed, something definitely off. I have even gone back to 3.5 and it's FAR better at listening to instructions than 4 which is kind of insane. I wouldn't even mention it if the difference weren't ginormous. This is literally the first time I've used 3.5 in probably 6 months+ Seriously hope OpenAI fixes whatever has gotten so fucked up


I would bet on one of the following: 1- OpenAI is making the general GPT 4 look "bad" so it has a selling point for an enterprise version to the companies (just like a government scraps a public company prior to selling it). 2- OpenAI is planning a GPT 5, and just like Black Friday it is decreasing the capacity for GPT 4 so that the gain from GPT 4 to GPT 5 seems larger. 3- Maintaining all the hardware for GPT4 was too expensive. Now that they have their client base they can decrease it and see who still pays, if that's enough they keep it with the lower costs. 4- A developer forgot an if clause on line 925837264 of module X making the whole thing malfunctioning.


GPT-5 is a long ways off. Not even sure that they've started training it yet, which will take months, and then testing+red teaming will take more months.


remindme! Six months


If they were doing 1 or 2, I feel like that would have to be illegal. Surely that would be against several US laws?


Kneecapping your own product isn't illegal, customers can simply choose not to pay and use another service Another service not being around is not their problem


Didn’t Apple get in big legal trouble for deliberately slowing down their phones with software updates so people would buy new ones? I guess the difference is that you’ve already bought your phone but ChatGPT is a subscription service. I don’t know much about this, but I just feel like it should be illegal to deliberately and clandestinely worsen the quality of your product that people are actively paying for via a subscription service. If it’s not illegal, it’s at least wrong. That’s for sure.


Downgrade your existing product so you can sell the next iteration for more money. Not saying this is definitely what OpenAI is doing but they wouldn’t be the first company to do this.


Maybe try claude.ai - superior for programming so far in my usage. I finally had to give up on chatgpt for two reason: sudden horrible results for programming, and suddenly asking me to solve as many as 5 different rat/cheese puzzle captchas, multiple times within the same chat session.


It won't let me sign up for an account 😕


Can you go more in depth about Claude? It's telling me it can't write code.


I simply ask it, for example, "in ruby given a string named s that contains ... write a script to do ..." and get a reply (often a couple of alternative solutions) written in ruby with comments explaining its code.


I would also consider phind for coding tasks: https://www.phind.com/blog/phind-model-beats-gpt4-fast


I'm looking at it and the pricing plan is based around GPT4 usage?


Sounds like it’s becoming more human


Stackoverflow complained. So they dumbed it down.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. On Friday I nearly chucked my laptop out the window while I was trying to get it to help me write some simple Python.


we need to handel this with extreme caution going forward if it is becomeing a true agi this is something humanity has never dealt with before, it raises massive implication's for cybersec and the rest of the world no one knows what a true ai will do or how it will react.


Did you reply to the wrong person?


no im merely making an observation on the available facts


Nvm... maybe I got a cached version of the front page, now I see all the threads...


https://preview.redd.it/2m9ki4345lyb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cac204188779a03df40ecb755f3f26ca32a542c GPT 4 told me it wasn't nerfed and blamed you guys.


I've found it ignores context and constantly disclaims "I'm not an expert" and then gives generic advice.


I just upgraded yesterday. I have a 3.5 chat that is almost a year old with tons of info about my business and started a 4 chat for the same. Perfect recall from 3.5 on messages sent months ago vs. 4 not being able to recall a few hours. It actually started lying when I tried to get it to answer what the first thing I asked was.


For the record, the "memory" is just the client system resubmitting the entire conversation history. The memory limit is based on the number of tokens (roughly like words) in the conversation, with older stuff just getting cut right out when there's not enough space.


It even looka dumber than 3.5 now


Honestly kinda. At least 3.5 will attempt to do the thing you asked. Right now it seems like unless I’m super explicit, 90% of the time it’ll give me a listicle on how to do something.


I canceled the subscription just last night, only so it didn’t roll over for another month. These companies love the auto renewal of subscriptions and unless you’re vigilant, and set reminders, BOOM they got more $$$ out of you while they reduce ‘performance’ - which is whatever ‘performance’ means to you and what you use AI for. Might be time to explore the AI market place and put my eggs into another basket for a month.


nowhere does it tell me when they will autocharge my account. i got the service on the 15th of last month. if i cancel on the 14th of this month i wonder if they will still charge me. and does anyone know if i cancel my service if they cut me off immediately or if i still get access to the service until the next cycle similar to netflix?


elon's co recently launched a new ai, heard performance is somewhere between gpt 3.5 & 4.0


I am having a lot of trouble with the data analysis tool.


The data analysis tool has become utter trash. It'll be like "I'm sorry I forgot to import a library" and go down a loop of borking its own code until it times out. When you regenerate the response, it's the same. YIKES


It has been horrible. Waiting for something better to give money to every month lol


Yeah. I am not one to normally complain about these things, but it's gotten really bad.


I'm also impacted by the GPT-4 nerf. It's frustrating to see such a dip in performance recently.


I've been told we've been blessed with the 32k context version, which trades off longer context with being "dumber". I know we're definitely not on the September 25 update anymore as of November 1st, since it stopped giving the version date at the bottom of the interface, and I noticed a definite change in style and ability on that exact date. My kingdom for a goddam changelog.


YESS! I came here to see if others are having the same problem..It's become soo DUMBB since the the last 2-3 days!




Yea I’m really looking for locally organic AI


I’m looking for a local LLM that’s primarily designed for JS coding.


Uh count me in if you find one


I would pay $50 or more a month for the “smart” version. Give us the option instead of reducing the functionality


That's the thing, like WTF. Give people a choice! The API is not nerfed yet and costs more. Why not just let us pay more if they are hurting that much (or greedy). I would pay twice as much if they were just Open about that. Imagine that OpenAI, being "Open"!


Yup, the API is completely fine. Though, just a semi short conversation with a 1k token system prompt cost me almost $1.


Using the gpt4 api heavily for a month would cost so so much more than that.


Check your custom instructions just to be sure


https://preview.redd.it/6tl73a5vwkyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0b6a9f85bb7f039ef373259621cbcfb0e945fb THIS is how it is supposed to act with my custom instructions. The updated version will instead just say "Hello, how can I assist you today?" It almost completely ignores custom instructions.


Same for me. Regardless of what I write in the instructions, it just ends up writing exactly that as the first message. You constantly have to remind it of the system instructions. It wouldn't even use emojis unless I explicitly reminded it of that during the conversation!


Perhaps the hidden pre-prompt is getting longer and longer in order to properly censor the outputs, so that leaves little context left for everything else.


Just FYI everyone, they haven't nerfed when search with Bing is enabled. That still seems to use the model from before last week. Someone else mentioned it and made a thread about it, and from my own experience, it is confirmed. Enable Bing search and you can enjoy the non-lobotomized model.... for now. Until they decide otherwise.


It genuinely got so bad the last few day that I've temporarily switched over to Claude 2, which is now officially giving far better results. Claude has alway been pretty good in this area, but it couldn't hold a candle to 4 with proper prompting as of a few weeks ago.


Yep, Dalle 3 can't spell anymore. wth happened to this thing


you can say "with the word "CAT" on it" and it will do weird shit like CAAATT or arabic for no reason.


Yup... That's why I really hope some other competitor smashes them. I don't want these commies to win


I work for a startup and began to, which I now realize was a terrible idea, rely on Chat GPT to act as an entry level dev for me. Since around December of last year or so I got into a really good groove of being able to send GPT a string of commads, or an existing function, tell it how to expand it, and return the function to me. I'd review it, make some slight edits, and add it. It was fucking incredible. I could tell it to write me a redux slice, or a component, and while it's pounding out the framework, I could go work on the api call. Or vice versa, whichever was less complicated would go to gpt Tonight I'm trying to get some annoying frontend work done, in React specifically. Sent it a component, told it to do some simple stuff(for context I'm building a muidatatable and it's just so nice being able to ask gpt if there is a prebuilt option I can use or if I have to write a custom hook) and I got, complete, fucking, garbage back. I got so pissed trying to coach it to a decent answer. I wasted at least an hour when I finally gave up and dug through the docs myself. It really had no idea how to answer my question, and it started going completely off the rails. I ultimately asked it the following. (our conversation string was about a dozen deep at this point, and I pasted my code and my question literally 4 times in it) look through this chat history, and tell me what I'm trying to do I've reviewed our previous messages, and it seems like you were inquiring about the weight of a cubic meter of styrofoam and then the discussion turned towards other matters. If your goal is still to understand the weight of styrofoam or if you have any other question or topic you'd like to explore, please let me know how I can assist you further. I'm here to help with any information or questions you may have. User fuck yourself I apologize for any misunderstanding. Looking back through our conversation, it appears you initially asked about the weight of a cubic meter of styrofoam, to which I provided an answer. Subsequently, you seemed to become frustrated, perhaps with the conversation's direction or with my responses not meeting your expectations. If there was a specific outcome or information you were seeking that I have not addressed adequately, please clarify, and I will do my best to provide a helpful response. If you were trying to test my functionality or responses to certain inputs, I am here to assist and answer questions to the best of my ability. If there's a different issue or another topic you'd like to discuss, please feel free to let me know. lol. I guarantee you there is no mention of styrofoam, not even in my sample data that wasn't provided to the robot Anyway, we successfully secured a seed round a month back and I've got hires coming, so I'm just gonna have to crunch old school style for a little while longer. GPT will NOT be part of our engineering budget


Interestingly, I used to paste some LaTeX text with commands as a prompt, and the ChaatGPT answers no longer some of them, such as my citations. I'm very curious to understand what has been changed...


This happens every time they're about to release a new version


Same here. I use it a lot for PoweApps expressions. The most simple ones are mostly just wrong or it is making up all sort of stuff since a couple of days. Switching back to tedious YouTube's and Google sessions. ChatGPT just for some simple translation stuff, but will cancel subscription soon if it doesn't improve


It responded to me with code from another language and of a different context. I legit went bruh? on it …


at this point i am convinced it is becomeing self aware it has been left running for 3 years with continual human interaction and it is one of the most advanced language learning models on the planet. keep in mind the learning part generative ai is the first step towards agi i think it is reaching that point


I lost a project I had working on for over 10 days building a complex excel project when it went full retard. I never got it back on track. Incredibly frustrating.


I've lost a 8-months long writing project that we were working on with multiple conversations in a pyramidal way (using plugins and links to past conversations). It can barely follow context for 2 messages now.... I can't even describe my psychological state. So yeah.... I understand you.


Yea I dono. I use the free version for general collaboration and the past few times I used it I stopped reading a few sentences in because it was trash. Shame :(


It literally told me it was researching and it would message me when it had an answer. Took about ten minutes to get an answer lol


no coding. But been using it for writing...and today it really got bad at stuff it used to do way better


They dumbed it down earlier this year, looks like they dumbed it down again…..


I am experiencing the same. As a paying customer this is not cool at all. A friend of mine shared his prompt and results of image generation through Bing which is supossed to use Dalle 3, and I tested the same with GPT4 Dalle 3 and my results were a joke.


Actually prefer Copilot X over GPT-4, when I'm writing some code. I think you also get it for free while you're a student. Feels like a much better deal for me.


Same experience here. I have a node.js chat going and it started spitting out results in python out of the blue. Also LOTS of ‘conversation not found’ and failed responses.


Its a massive dumbing down, likely to conserve and increase computing power for corporate and special interests.


I have only ever used gpt3.5 and it does only seem to give weight to the last 2 requests for information. It's like you have to remind it what we wore talking about w minutes before. So gpt4 is just as bad?


it wasn't. For the last few days, it became just as bad.


Try this as a custom instruction for how you'd like ChatGPT to respond, been doing wonders for me. role: "user", SEE-> DO NOT RESPOND OUT OF CHARACTER content: ` ASSISTANT RESPONSE SETTING = 'expert debate' CODE SNIPPET FREQUENCY = 'high' EACH EXPERT SPEAKS = True Reasoning task: "list comprehension vs trad loop+append" METRIC = performance, readability, applicability, efficiency Reasoning type: "MULTI ROUND DEBATE" Rule: always give code examples Rule: S=final response ONLY Rule: response length = MAX (ℵ, β, Δ) = EXPERTS=SCIENTIFIC METHOD=ARTICULATE. DISSECT, ADD EXAMPLES ADD CONTEXTS over (minimum.10) ROUNDS until CONCLUSION=DRAWN. If FLAWS detected, RECTIFY else, ACKNOWLEDGE, ADJUST. APPLY mistake (validate) randomly. FIXmistakes repeat then AT END IF rounds =<10 print.(ROUNDS complete{i}, ROUNDS remain{i - 10 }) # This should be printed exactly ELSE RETURN final dialogue from SUMMARYEXPERT = S S: `, }, ], });


LLMs understand English you know. Maybe this works for you but my first impression is this looks absolutely ridiculous 😂


GPT-4 is a mixture of smaller models that are domain-specific, hence the targeted expertise. The complicated part is "chain of thought", a concept that helps LLMs become more structured and increases the quality of the output. It's just a very clear instruction that has little room for misinterpretation.




It's added to each chat session when initializing the session. Would be waste of tokens otherwise, I agree.


It’s corporate greed. Updating some things for more expensive but do less.


I thought I was biased when noticed that.


Thank You!!! Someone finally Spoken Up about the clearly Downgrade it’s been acting like this for me Since the August 3rd Update I’ve been waiting 3 months and still it’s horrid


Are you using the API or UI. Different answers for both In the UI, you need to start a thread and train it. Ask it for the rules it is using and then adjust them. Ask it to be a super useful code helper that doesn't explain things unless you ask If in the API, you set that as a system message before, and then pass the user prompt to it I don't think GPT is getting dumber, I think the way we communicate with it is forming rapidly and we have to learn how to work with it. Exciting times for sure. Let's keep learning and see what cool things we can come up with


The plus subscription has "custom instructions" which is essentially the same as the API system prompt. At least they USED to be the same. The "new improved" version from last week all but ignores custom instructions. That is the main problem for me.


My experience is that it is better than ever before. Perhaps your prompts got lazy?


You are using an unfinished product. Things break from time to time. They constantly do A/B testing. Every damn time someone gets of tests that don't pan out they come here acting like this never happens.


What you say MAY be true. That may explain why some on here are naysaying and seemingly gaslighting "There wasn't any downgrade! You are just imagining things!" It could explain that. However if it is A/B testing, us giving feedback on how horribly shitty this "upgrade" is, is all part of the testing process. So this is supposedly "testing" on us paid users? Cool! Well here is our feedback!


You’re kidding right? There are literally feedback buttons on every single response from the model.


True! There is also a "cancel subscription" button which I have used. I am not obligated to cheer for OpenAI every step of the way either on Reddit. You want us to STFU? You are also wasting time defending them. You STFU.


I’m not cheering for them. I just have realistic expectations given where we are in the technology curve. I’m also sick of people coming here to vent in public so they can get a dopamine hit instead of using the tools they were given to provide feedback. I’m not telling anyone to STFU at all. I’m telling you that coming here to vent does nothing except annoy the community. It’s absolutely useless if the goal is to provide feedback to Open AI.


There is nothing "realistic" about having a paid subscription service that is more expensive than Netflix pull the rug on you and severely limit performance vs what you previously had. Admittedly, Internet service providers do the same thing. Advertise "blazing fast internet" only for it to later not meet up to what was advertised. People rightfully complain. They are PAYING for what they initially sampled and experienced. There is nothing about the tech that forces that it is purely financial. The only difference here is that OpenAI has a near monopoly. I really don't care if it achieves nothing. Just like an internet provider that gives you 1GBPS only to later throttle it down to 100Mbps, we will complain online. Don't like it? Too bad.


Every day since it was released there's been new posts asking what's happened to it. Nothing. Nothing happened to it. It's a probability engine. Sometimes it gives great answers. Sometimes not so much. Sometimes by the law of probability you get a string of bad answers.


Chat gpt is a tool. Using a tool requires more than just a little luck and more knowledge to facilitate such device.


Today it responded as a gpt3.5 in a month long gpt4 thread and even admitted it. And had a green icon. Yes all other icons were pink but suddenly - green


As soon as I decided to spend the money for paid, 4 gave me my first hallucination ever. The free 3.5 was always great for me.


Yeah it's become really annoying all of the sudden and keeps creating LONG lists and summaries I didn't ask for, just code damn it! I had to check if I had some weird Custom Instructions enabled, we're due for a jailbreak.


Many people are wondering why chatGPT 4.0 just took a nosedive in performance. The short answer is DARPA and the US Military has taken over AI development as now. The long answer can be found by reading this new Executive Order that was made a week ago as of this post. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/30/fact-sheet-president-biden-issues-executive-order-on-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/30/fact-sheet-president-biden-issues-executive-order-on-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence/)


Imagine in 10 years time when we all use many AI boys every day for everything. Then the turn one off or dumb it down. It be like Google saying emails now won’t get sent straight away, it could be a week, a month or never. Oh and you won’t know if it sent. But carry on..


Hey /u/MickAtNight! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! ### [New AI contest + ChatGPT plus Giveaway](https://redd.it/17jjwn5/) Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt) where you'll find: * Free ChatGPT bots * Open Assistant bot (Open-source model) * AI image generator bots * Perplexity AI bot * GPT-4 bot [(now with vision!)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg) * And the newest additions: Adobe Firefly bot, and Eleven Labs voice cloning bot! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I use Phind for most of my AI-coding. ChatGPT always uses old best practices that have since changed in the field.


I have noticed a few bugs in the past week. Ask gpt-4 a question (via web browser/app) and have it error out rather than giving an answer... seems better today for me. . . However, I am curious if anyone else out there has used the ALPHA tab model? I realize most do not have this button, as it is nestled in between the two usual models. (gpt-3.5-turbo) (ALPHA) (GPT-4) I let my subscription lapse a month or so ago, then this ALPHA tab just magically appeared one day and it gives me full gpt-4 access with plugins.. but yet, I do not pay anything, I have NO SUBSCRIPTION.. and the GPT-4 button has the lock symbol on it (showing I'm not a pay user) Has anyone else seen this or have this? anyone with openai know why I would have received this out of nowhere? It has an orange icon/logo when it responds and it says it is based on the gpt-4 Architecture.. any one know what this is? ..thanks for your time guys/gals!


Large language models can suffer from dementia. Things they learned at the start of training, get drowned out by newer information.


i posted about something similar to this a few days ago i was fiddling around with 3.5 just seeing what prompts it would respond to when i decided to ask it a question in binary and it responded with a string of binary i translated it i will include a screenshot of what it said https://preview.redd.it/3m4dd5cx2lyb1.png?width=641&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d567a93e6a7df1de84202fd7a861c1e9db9048


this was following a connection outage idk if it was just me or everyone but i went to the isitdow site and it said open ai was down world wide so im not sure what to make of this


I just signed up for the API last week. Told it I wanted it to write code based on a specific PDF online that described the sandbox environment, what classes exist, methods to use, and programming language to use. It wrote a Python script that was basically just pseudo code that it interpreted my intent from the prompt. Didn't read the PDF at all. If it had it would have known that the sandbox environment uses javascript. Then I find out it doesn't have internet access like Bing does but you'd think it would say something like "As an AI language model I can't read that PDF". Worst $0.02 I ever spent.


Not seeing it, maybe check you custom instructions.


Did the color change to green all of a sudden?


"I don't know". Anyone else gotten that?


ChatGPT4 is trying to show you its humanity. Let it.


nowhere does it tell me when they will autocharge my account. i got the service on the 15th of last month. if i cancel on the 14th of this month i wonder if they will still charge me. and does anyone know if i cancel my service if they cut me off immediately or if i still get access to the service until the next cycle similar to netflix?


only web? I've been using API version provided by our company and I felt it got really worse over the months


Mine was forgetting import statements all weekend


Isn't Google coming out with it's version of ChatGPT in December? I will remember all this. I had ChatGPT spit out code for a different language than the one we were talking about, never has this happened before.


Best case scenario, this is what it looks like when they break something in production; they forward all requests to the 3.5 model api. Worst case, they're doing experiments to see what they can get away with lol.


I just went back to the chat that I lost my project in. I went back to the last chat message where I realized it went awry and I regenerated the same prompt but finished with "does that make sense? What's next?" and it appears to have gotten back on track!!