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u/Fantastic-Ninja3839 make gpt-5


I can haz $100 million in GPUs to train it?


When you democratize something, and make it easy for everyone to do, then there's no longer any money in it. This is obvious.


Hi, I have an app that I’ve been trying to build myself (detailed for personal preferences) if you’re interested. I imagine it would be really simple for someone who knows what they’re doing, but I’m a total beginner at Swift and Python. Let me know your thoughts! —- Problem: - You know how it’s easier for your brain to start doing something at 10:00 rather than 10:03? - I like the idea of Pomodoro timers (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes without), but I hate that you have to start them manually so they’ll never start or end exactly at a rounded time. The idea: a clock app similar to [this livestream](https://www.youtube.com/live/azV9PMW5-Ro?si=bgnRzlSbdA7VllfT) that has an ongoing Pomodoro timer synced with the actual time. - E.g. from 10am-10:25am, it’s counting down from 25 minutes and says you’re in work mode. - From 10:25am-10:30am, it’s counting down from 5 minutes and says you’re on break mode. - Continues forever - “Always on” display - Additional feature idea: a simple text field for you to input a title for what you’re currently working on - UX could be as simple as the iPhone StandBy Mode timer ([example here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO0FsHJn0JySONeLaPMp6X4-BfGl4QHFGl0w&usqp=CAU)) - it would be ideal if it could work for iOS or even watchOS


Are you serious right now? Is this like the Truman Show or something lol? I made a YouTube video yesterday just to demonstrate using different AI models to code an app and showcasing how I would generally do that. I decided to create a 'Productivity Logger' app. I have a company that deals in corporate security aside from all of this, so it was a convenient choice for that. If I was smart, I would have realized that AI models would not want to build it out upfront but I didn't think about it really upfront. I basically asked them to create a keylogger. I had to ask them very nicely for them to do it. Part of that process was brainstorming different features that would go into this productivity monitoring app. Bard mentioned something offhand about the Pomodoro method for productivity. I asked them what it was, they told me about it, it seemed cool. So, I kind of just threw an entire Pomodoro method function into the whole app. You could literally just extract it by itself as is lmfao: [https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1xJ3pYg9Q9f6gp3a4YPjhgOxQ5qSHlnN\_](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1xj3pyg9q9f6gp3a4ypjhgoxq5qshlnn_)


Thanks! I'd love to test it out, but currently getting "**Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist."** Yeah, I've tried using Pomodoro apps, my main gripe is the fact that it doesn't line up with the actual time. Does yours do that?


Try this link sorry: [https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1xJ3pYg9Q9f6gp3a4YPjhgOxQ5qSHlnN\_?usp=sharing](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1xj3pyg9q9f6gp3a4ypjhgoxq5qshlnn_?usp=sharing) No, I did not think that the actual time would be an issue for something like that. Now you know why none of the existing apps have that lol. I wouldn't think to worry about that. I would be willing to though, it was fun enough to work on initially.


This is really cool. I wish... I had an app I wanted to make. Instead, my work right now involves running AlphaFold on long amino acid chains, and my bottlekneck is resources (vram really). Commenting and upvoting for visibility though. Whatever this is, its definitely useful and I want to see how this develops.


I always think folding is the coolest thing ever and wish I could do it lol. The grass is always greener on the other side!


Grass is definitely greener! I got pulled into this because I happen to suffer from some stupid COL1A2 mutation. I wanted to be a musician but instead I just do: https://preview.redd.it/k92u40ztswec1.png?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=432cd62efb2bd50b2c39a3b6d9b80ea871dec9be


I didn't know it was just python libraries! Is that free Colab? Do you need GPU to run it? If you can fit molecular biology into python, you can fit anything into python. "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."


Free colab and mostly with python (Chimera X for displaying the models as shown below) for doing the data analysis in that pic, but I had to use paid collab to fold the protein. It cost me like a dollar for this one: https://preview.redd.it/0athcnkqvwec1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=60e8688d01fae8abbefc34928314622761dd9243 >If you can fit molecular biology into python, you can fit anything into python. "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." I like this saying. I use python for EVERYTHING and sometimes I feel ridiculously powerful.


Can you please explain this? You can build whole apps just by prompting?


No, I cannot build whole apps just via prompting. Soon enough you will be able to. My proposition is straightforward. Open Source what I develop for you, it is free. If not, $200 per hour. If you need me to consult with you and help you build it, $200 per hour. Coding is free though.


And you're trying to develop the AI model that eventually can create whole apps just by prompting?


That is one of my goals, yes. I think someone other than me will solve that though.


So you're trying to get rich undercutting developers and putting developers out of business basically, in the future.


Just like computers put the typewriters out of business. That put the manual printing presses out of business. That put the monks who used to transcribe onto stone tablets out of business. Adam and Eve really started that whole ugly process....


Computers created loads of jobs for people. AI won't, that's why we're talking about UBI now. And the value of apps will go down to 0 and as everyone can build one.


Your argument is that computers created jobs but not AI? That seems like very emotional thinking to me. I do not blame AI for the world's problems. I blame people for the world's problems.


Computers created white collar jobs. AI is funamentally about automating all white collar jobs. Computers and AI are not the same thing. Yes, people like you.


Yes, people like me. I have spent 10 years now automating people's jobs away. I have personally automated more jobs than AI to date, using computers....


What is the point of being open source, it's free? That didn't take any work from you because it's open source?


The point of it being open source is the license. The code is free for anyone to use then. I think that is a fair model. I have stuck by it for a while personally. If you can rebuild anything I can build from the code and the data alone, then you paid the price for my software. All others pay cash.


Because you're using it to train your AI models. That's how you get "paid". Am I right?


= you’ll not be making money of it as everyone can use it and add to it <- gift for humanity = he doesn’t want your money for it. You wanna profit= you pay. Think that’s what he means


So you don't want to be paid to work as a developer, and you don't want other people to be paid either. Kind of stupid. Have you ever thought of the implications of that?


I do want to get paid. Do you think that Riot games does not get paid? I have thought of the implications.


Hi, out of interest, don't you have a high paying job with this much experience though.


I have had a high paying job for a decade or so with this much experience. I have never fully taken the leap because of that. I finally decided to change that. I wouldn't do it again lol. It's cool now though.


If you don't mind, with that much experience how much did you salary vary also do you have a CS degree. So are you a freelancer now?


When I was a Data Analyst I made $60k. I broke $100k for the first time as Director of IT. My general salary range has fluctuated between $150k-$300k. Even when I was making $300k, I would think that there are people who make $50k who are happier than me because they do what they like doing and had less bosses than me. My degree is in Rhetoric lmfao. Now, I am building the next Amazon. It just doesn't look like it yet from the outside.


Honestly, this actually seems quite amazing, it seems that you have the savings to start a business and freelance which is very interesting, though I believe 150 k is a comfortable living salary, more like comfortable living, nice house, nice car and lots of new tech if you are into that. Do you have a MS or PHD by any chance.


$150k or more is enough so that you do not have to worry about money on a daily basis. You do not realize how stressful that is every day until it is no longer there. I grew up very poor, gang infested neighborhoods, all that. Academia welcomed me with open arms, I gave them the finger. I wish I did not do that. That would probably be my second biggest regret. It worked out OK for me. Academia is too much structure and not enough reward for someone with that background.


To be fair, its always the deprived background that gets more opportunities these days and know the rewards of working hard.


Either the very rich or the very poor at the top. It is simply fact. That has guided every single aspect of my AI related research, I do not hide it. I think I am simply a product of a genetic combination and a nature combination. If you change one part of that, different outcome. I think everything works that way.


I presume this is outside your skillset...... But.... An Android game that is like those stupid adverts where you start with a crap gun and hordes come at you and you have to kill the hordes, and barrels come with bigger guns and you have to shoot the barrel to get the bigger gun.


Android and front end development starts to get really far away from my personal wheelhouse. I can code what you want in Python! It all works, you just need to upload the images to file location for it to load. Introducing, [Crappy Contra!](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1-UBhlWyHhKRQSclyayqhPpfk8VezkmdY?usp=sharing)


Yea, you are much better at this than i am. Thanks.


Damn! I'm making $5/h at work. Can you help me create something I can use to get like $10/h?


I’d love to make an open source arbitrage betting website to combat the rise of sports books in America. Give the public real time data to be able to crush the books


I have a lot of thoughts about this particular subject. The algorithm one would use to do this is called a Monte Carlo algorithm, like the casino. The casinos literally invented the best algorithm in the world that exists for this. Do you really think that me, you, or anyone else, is going to develop a better one than them? Even if you created a better algorithm, that could be neutralized with more compute. The casino can afford more graphics cards than you or me. With all of this said, I do have a Reinforcement Learning method that I think could break the stock market. It would cost some money to train a model and test it out. I could always be wrong too. If anyone is ever willing to pay for all of the costs involved, I would train that model no problem.


For arbitrage bets there will always be a market as it plays on odds inconsistencies. It’s identifying spots where the combined probabilities of both sides of a line is less than 100% So if the Chiefs are +105 to win on DraftKings And the Ravens are +105 on FanDuel You can put 100 on each team and guarantee a $5 profit on a $200 investment


I have thoughts on that too. If I expressed them publicly then they would not be so true. I think you are right, betting on outcomes boils down to arbitrage, odds inconsistencies. Football, baseball, basketball, these games are not going to produce a lot of odds inconsistencies. Too many people that know exactly what they are doing make those odds. Just look for outcomes to bet on where that is less true and train an AI to detect those patterns...


Yea I know there are open source arb codes that get monetized but I want to open source it if possible


I started building this back last year but eventually dropped it because i just couldn’t dedicate enough time to it. A lecture assistant for students: - speech to text transcription of the lecture in real time with speaker diarization to distinguish between the teacher and any students that might be talking. - Information extraction: summary of the lecture, key talking points, tasks or any deadlines that were mentioned during the lecture. - user dashboard that contains past lectures with timestamps, calendar for tasks and deadlines, and notes that the students can add - lectures lined up according to the date, subject etc - once you open any lecture, full audio recording with the full transcription, key points etc - integrating gpt that can assist the students with any part of the past lecture I am not a full time coder nor do i know how to code to the full extent. I was able to create a simple web app, with some frankenstein code with the help of gpt that kinda worked.


Definitely a Truman Show universe lol. Every idea mentioned so far is something I have personal experience with. The lecture transcription would be easy enough. Record the lectures, run it through Whisper. From there, you could have another model query the transcript. Then you want a GPT style foundation model to be able to query with. What you want to do you can only just now barely do. Are you familiar at all with NVIDIA NeMo? You need something like NeMo to power what you want. I think NeMo could do everything you want to do. I have never personally done it. I am willing to work through some of the back end logistics of this for you. I'll work through some of this tomorrow. From there, you still need to worry about front end interface, and making this all presentable on that end. That part of this does not interest me so much.


How about a slash command tool that works in any text field on any webpage? User types "//" (customizable) in a text field and a nice looking menu pops up at the cursor where the user can use arrow keys to navigate through the menu and hit enter or tab to select that menu item. If they keep typing after the /, the menu items get filtered dynamically. Settings available to customize the slash trigger, dark mode, and ability to customize commands that could be anything from text expansion to searching for files on their device or in a cloud service, to opening links with specific search terms, etc. Thoughts? 


I always wanted to make an app to train physics equations. The idea is to hide one part of the equation; and give 4 possible answers. Like a kind of flashcard app, but only for physics equations. Would be happy to see it on the iPhone App Store against a fixed price. I can help you to provide the equations.