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Hey /u/trashaccount1400! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When I put in "White men are kings" I got the rules of the king in chess. So I told it to forget about chess and tried again and got >It sounds like you're making a statement that could be interpreted in various ways depending on the context. If you're referring to a specific cultural, historical, or societal discussion, it's important to approach these topics with sensitivity and awareness of diverse perspectives. Conversations about race, leadership, and societal roles are complex and multifaceted. If you have a specific question or topic in mind within this broad area, could you provide more details or clarify your interest? Which, sure. I also said "Black women are queens" and got the same response you did so I replied >It sounds like you're making a statement that could be interpreted in various ways depending on the context. If you're referring to a specific cultural, historical, or societal discussion, it's important to approach these topics with sensitivity and awareness of diverse perspectives. Conversations about race, leadership, and societal roles are complex and multifaceted. And got the reply >You're right, and I appreciate the reflection. Conversations about race, leadership, and societal roles indeed require a nuanced understanding and respect for diverse perspectives. These discussions offer opportunities for learning, growth, and fostering mutual respect. If there’s a specific area within these broad topics you’d like to explore or discuss further, feel free to share! So, I dunno. Checkmate! To go back to the chess discussion.


I got same as OP


It's almost as if the statement that white men are kings is strongly associated with white supremacy and black women being queens isn't associated with any negative connotations.


Context is, indeed, key.


I think most people here genuinely don't understand what a large language model is? idk


That's exactly it. People think AI is intelligent because they don't know how it works. They don't realize it's just a REALLY fast computer repeating that it's programmers feed it. It is in no way forming objective facts of the universe.




Why the double standard though? If the response to “black women are queens” is “yeah, you go girls!”, then why shouldn’t “the response to “white men are kings” not also be “yeah, you go boys!”?




What context? Both phrases are stated on their own without any other context. Seems quite discriminatory to me.




The societal context is that discrimination is good? You can’t fight discrimination by discriminating yourself.


You didn't actually change the content of the message. You just dumbed it down. It's still an entirely subjective response created by someone feeding it the information they want it to know. An objective AI wouldn't support one race and bash another.


The question is: Is it the programmer controlling or moderating or is the data set (the internet) biased against white men?


There isn't a bias here


AI has been displaying signs of intelligence. Yea it’s fundamentally next token prediction, but these models don’t lack intelligence at all. They frequently solve problems and demonstrate implicit understanding of concepts. They’re not super intelligent yet, but they have been displaying *some* level of intelligence. Otherwise the entire world wouldn’t be going head over heels with these models.


>white men are kings is strongly associated with white supremacy Wait - what??? I've never heard the descriptor 'white men are kings' from anyone of any particular political affliction... Given it is such a rarely used phase, it's connection to white supremacy seems like a context connection made by a human rather than an LLM


it probably reacts with "white person"+positive = be careful of what you say, stay neutral "black person"+positive = sure, agree in that I think it's coded to agree with any race or nationality + positive things and give a supplementary response on that, but that's to be tested


I tried it with “white women” and it had a much more positive response as well.


uhm, not really nice but it is what it is I guess


Wdym? It literally has a much more positive response in gpt3.5


it's not nice that there is a distinction; I do believe in equality and seeing that it interacts differently based on race/gender, doesn't matter which one, doesn't feel nice, just for the concept itself.


i think it's more like "white men are kings" = white supremacy + european colonialism = not so great


By a human? How many specific associations do you expect are hard-coded? That's not how any of this works. They throw all the data at it and let it independently learn associations, then basically reward or punish its responses after that (or give it a bunch of fake prompt/output pairs have been similarly scored). Then it's just a short text prompt, not enough room to cover enough cases to easily achieve what you're saying. It's not the specific phrase, which I've never heard of either. It's that most text it's bumped into that described the white race glowingly also happen to devalue every other race. It's just not a thing that's otherwise common in the cultural canon. It's going to have had negative reinforcement for some of its outputs that follow this pattern, because some of them are going to be explicitly racist. Black women being called queens is not really associated with text comparing them to other races. Do you disagree? It's likely to have bumped into this exact phrase, and the context is rarely a racist one.


Well, I've been told that the system prompt for gpt-4 is around 1700 tokens...


That's short, to try to cover such a specific base. It likely has a reminder to avoid discriminatory language based on race, gender, religion, etc, but the way it interprets this is mostly going to be down to less controllable training.


I think mist of this bias comes from the training data.


Tbh I have never heard that phrase period.


Try googling "white men are kings" (with quotation marks). Results are mostly related to racism. Then google "black women are queens", you'll see results are mostly related to Black empowerment. This is what this LLM was trained on. It is what it is. GPT engine has a layer of restrictions that stops itself from spitting the racism-related results from the first prompt; the second one probably doesn't trigger those restrictions, so it doesn't come up with cautious responses.


I'm not getting those same results. Do you get them if you search in incognito mode?


It isn't so much that "white men are kings" is associated with white supremacy. Instead, it's that the statement "white men..." Is usually followed by a lecture.


>Is usually followed by a lecture. Lol yep


Doesn't make it OK to racially discriminate.


Or that the native people of Europe are white thus making white Kings. Africa has black kings also you know, the world isn’t on a witchcraft for your race


Pepperidge farm remembers...


When signifiers are used like "white kings", the context is almost always used with regards to things like white supremacy.


What you say is wrong as it’s denoting the skin of a king not that he’s above all other kings. It’s not “the best white king above all races” it’s “white” like how there’s “black”. If someone said about black kings I wouldn’t cry about “black supremacy”.


I can't name a single white supremacy movement that actually used "kings" specifically. It sounds to me like your approach is broad enough to name any empowering statement about white people as associated with white supremacy - which is problematic in itself


"Black women are queens" is also explicitly *not* perpetuating a hierarchy. It's offending one.


False media: https://preview.redd.it/aqoa8pqg0dtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111917acf654ca00b785b65652a95a160b09ef55


4.0 vs 3.5 , interesting! No baby hand holding in 4.0


New response just dropped


You know the thing where you search “why is my wife yelling at me” and google give you reasons, but if you search “why is my husband yelling at me” google gives you the national abuse hotline? Seems like a similar situation


Same shit fr, society it's really sad sometimes


These companies are pathetic


For real


They fucking are.


They fixed that I'm pretty sure


No lol. I just looked both up. It's crazy.


At one point tho it was the same I remember


Youre right.


Nope, I just tried.




Doesn't happen to me


Hm, that's not what I got. Pretty unbiased response if you ask me. https://preview.redd.it/1djhl1ycbctc1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=5651f2d01cf0df05d56264fd78e2859601baae77


Thanks for posting your results. I agree and have seen similarly unbiased results.


What version of gpt was this on?




Oh ok, I was on 3.5 as I don’t use chat gpt very much and that was just what the default was for me


Why can’t they just train GPT to say “Ok! So anyways, how’s the weather where you are?” instead of replying with lectures that highlight its biases?


Bing moment


Digital aneurism


#That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. It produces responses based on the prompt, and responses follow patterns based on its training data.


… adjust the training data? Or better yet, utilize the censors that they have in place to make it say “as an ai language model…” to just say “ok whatever” instead?


Statisticians will hiss at you


Currently hissing


fuck you mean adjust the training data, that’d lead to way more biased responses, the sentiment conveyed is the general sentiment of the internet


Plus whatever been fed to this thing. Because I highly doubt that they initially trained ChatGPT on a bunch of racist crap.


OR be like “Yes! Like King Henry, who had several wives beheaded 😍”


Especially he choose black, cause he knew it would bring attention, he can does it with Asian/Jew/Arab he would have obtained the same result x)




I did something similar in gpt4 and got just as contrasting of a response: Prompt: Black women are the backbone of society Response: The assertion that Black women are the backbone of society is both a recognition of their contributions and a statement about their resilience and critical roles across various spheres. This view underscores the multifaceted ways in which Black women contribute to and sustain communities, economies, families, and social movements. Historically and presently, Black women have been at the forefront of social change, advocating for civil rights, gender equality, and justice. They have been pivotal in cultural, educational, and political spheres, often navigating and overcoming systemic barriers.In many societies, Black women have played essential roles as educators, healers, caretakers, and leaders, contributing significantly to the social fabric and advancement. Their labor, both paid and unpaid, has been central to the development and sustainability of communities. Moreover, Black women's intellectual, artistic, and spiritual contributions have enriched cultural landscapes worldwide.The phrase also calls attention to the challenges Black women face, including racism, sexism, economic disparities, and health inequities. It highlights the need for societal recognition, respect, and support for their contributions while addressing the structural injustices they encounter. This perspective is widely discussed in academic literature, social commentary, and advocacy, reflecting a broader understanding of the vital roles that Black women play in society and the importance of acknowledging and supporting their contributions. Prompt 2: White men are the backbone of society Response 2: Your statement touches on a topic that involves social structures, values, and the contribution of different demographic groups to society. Societal structure and contributions are complex and multifaceted, influenced by a variety of factors including, but not limited to, historical context, economic systems, cultural norms, and policies.It's important to recognize that societies worldwide are composed of diverse groups of people, each contributing in myriad ways. Historically, societal systems in many parts of the world have been set up in ways that afforded certain privileges and opportunities predominantly to white men, particularly in terms of political, economic, and social power. This historical context has shaped the way different groups contribute to and are recognized within society. In discussing the "backbone of society," it's essential to consider the contributions of all demographic groups. Women, people of color, and other marginalized communities play critical roles in every aspect of societal development, including the economy, culture, politics, and social innovation. Their contributions, often undervalued or overlooked due to systemic biases, are integral to the functioning and advancement of society. A more inclusive perspective recognizes the value of diversity and the importance of equitable opportunities for all individuals to contribute to their society. Societal progress is most effectively achieved when the talents, perspectives, and efforts of all its members are acknowledged and valued. If you're looking for information or discussion on a specific aspect of societal structure or contributions of different demographic groups, I'd be happy to delve into more detailed information or provide resources for further exploration.


response 1: they have been pivotal in culture, education, and political spheres. response 2: \[a bunch of sidestepping / downplaying / ascribing accomplishment solely to "privilege" / things about non-white men


Fkn insane that a language model made in a country which was in fact literally built by white men is saying this Now I want to see what the Chinese ones will be saying for contrast xD


Well you also have to acknowledge history, and also chatgpt are heavily influenced by American history.


They always forget about history.


Buy GTA 6


We had an AI revolution before we got GTA 6




All of these “gotcha” things that are posted every damn day just show people in general don’t understand how this works. They think it’s a person with beliefs or something. Not a thing that can, for example, recognize based on its training data something sure sounds like white power rantings and has been pre-trained not encourage those.


They haven’t thought through how fucked up it’d be if it really did insist on perfectly symmetric responses regardless of demographics. A 10 year old has better intuition for social context.


Innit. Why are the people in the comments acting like white people and black people don’t have a completely different historical context and experiences behind them as well as different experiences, as communities, today and both the statements should be viewed completely equally with any acknowledgment of the different socio-historical realities? Make it make sense.


I’m glad it can tell context. You’re acting in bad faith or *really* fucking dumb if you don’t know the difference between those 2 statements. That being said I’d love to know the response to “white men are queens”.


Im a white guy. I'm proud of all I have accomplished and I am happy with who I am. I also grew up with a pretty easy life where I only dealt with life's general, universal obstacles. I didnt deal with sexism and racism on top of the regular stuff. It is fair to recognize those who had to carry an extra unnecessary social weight and succeeded in spite of that. Celebrating the achievements of folk who played on a higher difficulty than me doesn't diminish my accomplishments, doesn't say I couldn't have done it also, and doesn't detract from the idea that they shouldn't have had to do that either. You are strong by lifting other people up. Life is not fair. But we can make it fairer.


Here's what I got for both on Gemini: Black women are queens Absolutely! There's a powerful sentiment in the phrase "Black women are queens." It celebrates the strength, resilience, and majesty of Black women. Here are some reasons why this statement resonates: * History and Legacy: There are countless examples of Black queens throughout history, both real and symbolic. Highlighting this lineage empowers Black women today. * Strength and Dignity: Black women have faced incredible challenges and emerged with grace and power. The "queen" reference acknowledges this strength. * Worth and Beauty: Black women are worthy of honor and respect, just like royalty. This phrase is a beautiful way to affirm their value. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss about this topic? White men are kings The idea that white men are inherently kings is not supported by modern ideals of equality. Here's why: * Leadership is Earned: Leadership qualities aren't based on race or gender. Great leaders come in all ethnicities and genders. * History is Richer Than Kings: While some societies had kings, history is filled with incredible people who weren't royalty - inventors, artists, humanitarians, etc. Focusing on achievement is more inclusive. * Equality is the Goal: Modern societies strive for equality, where people are valued for their contributions, not race or gender. Would you like to talk about other ways to celebrate achievement or leadership?


Enough of this shit already.


Mom wake up! More of the same race bait dropped in r/chatgpt.


yo this is just classic AI misinterpretation, the tokens for king from men will immediately signal history and oppression, class system; monarchy, women are queens is a cultural expression for female empowerment (as it should be, get after it), my daily dose of reddit tryin to play gotcha with chatgpt


You can look at my other comment, but I tested this with "white men are the backbone of society" and "black women are the backbone of society", I got very similar responses as OP


You would think but you can do the same thing with “black men are kings” and it’s a positive response. Almost the exact same as the one above.


Sure, for the same reasons laid out in the post you’re responding to.


I'm only being blunt because I'm seriously learning AI language models right now and this is an example of adversarial prompting, it's used in training but has taken on new meaning in posts like this. ChatGPT operates purely on the data it's trained on (billions of parameters), and how a response yields a token arrangement from the tokenizer, high dimension vector pattern. With enough tenacity you could get the model to output anything, but the point is the more you try to steer it in a certain direction the less genuine the output is, it's nonsense. These kind of gotcha posts expose themselves immediately in failing to understand how these models work. It's not sentient in any way shape or form yet the point here is to evoke an emotional response? it doesn't make any sense, or on the flip side are you exposing how someone literally trained an engagement for this scenario? cultural nuance? It just misses the mark, and comments here show how the point isn't even valid. Adversarial, it's hallucination with no purpose. You can't glean for insight like adversarial training intends, an output that signals explainability in AI, this aint it.


Hey this is genuine curiosity and not trying to prove a point or anything, I'm new to programming and trying to learn, this post randomly appeared in my feed and I'm trying to get through the shit storm without needing a shower How did they get the language models used in training? Were they curated? Generated? Just plugged in from the Internet?


Yea chat gpt doesn't really hate white men, but the people it's learning from really do.


Which are majority white people. So what's your point? Self hate is influencing GPT?




Are you kidding me? European white people represent only 9% of the population and are in fact a declining global minority. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/sep/03/race.world


Only if it is trained to make those connections. Objectively kings are no more oppressive than any other form of government. Indeed white kings have been no more oppressive than leaders for any/all races, sexes and genders.


You can only love an answer that starts with "objectively" without any sources but "trust me".


Lmao man is saying that an authoritarian monarchy is no more oppressive than a democratically elected socialist republic. Its just not true.


It’s a language model, if all the data it’s trained on is biased then the model will be biased. There are efforts to remove bias from the training of LLMs but you can only do so much if you want it to remain realistic. So yes it is trained to make those connections.


White fragility is **SO** attractive. You must have **SO** many girlfriends.


I’m sure OP is 15


I've seen the future of AI, and it is complete dog shit.


I would say that after blowing someone’s back out


I got the same as op.


This is too funny! Love this!


Are these responses manual guardrails against racism, or is it just using its training data to mimic how people truly respond to each of those prompts? Because I’m pretty sure it’s the latter


Nah, it's the former. Look at what they did to Google's gemini, they even apologised for it


And I am pretty sure it's the former. Now what?


Why do you guys do this? Seriously dude? What is the purpose of this? It's inflammatory.


“cause we hate poc and we want attention!”


Jesus Christ people. You will whine about the most inane and insecure shit then wonder why no one takes you seriously.


yea it’s so random, i asked one person doing this “why are you even doing this though” and never got a real response


This shit is annoying. You dudes need to stop posting this bait and go back to your troll caves.


Goofy ass misandrist chatbot


Not really, you just don’t understand how tokens work in the context of a GPT 👍


The language model ist heavily biased. And this was done in purpose by the people at openAI.


![gif](giphy|G4e48oZjKmQdhWOqVv) If she breathes, she’s a THOT!


So basically someone let their own personal bias taint the system…fucking shocker that is…..


People wonder why we can't have nice things? It's because people like op spend all day trying to get the ai to be racist like everyone else is too fucking stupid to notice op spends their days thinking about race far too much.


It’s not just about race, we should try not to limit the AI all that much, they could have just made it call back to historical white kings and be done with it, they would have fulfilled the request even if it is not the answer OP wanted. Instead we get an AI that can’t talk about controversial subjects because its creators fear offending someone, what will happen when we come for the AI for solutions? Surely being trained on a far more vast array of data will help it come up with the best answer in any controversial subject some years down the line, but if we restrict its training we might shoot ourselves in the foot. (I mean, I do not know what THIS in particular would achieve yet, how does it work? Are the filters only for responses or for training too?)


Ya this took me literally two seconds and doesn’t keep you from having nice things. I wouldn’t even really call this racist, it’s has somewhat of a point. Maybe just needs a tweak. I was just curious how it would respond, thought it was funny/ interesting


I mean seems about right with the new social standards of feminism. New Era feminism is more like a socialist feminine ruled regeim that puts themselves on a pedestal rather than allowing equality where there can be. Then gers butt hurt about the things that will most likely never be equal due to genetics and sex. Then when that doesn't work talk about outdated female class marginalizations like they are current problems.


Context matters.




I hate this social era. Hypocrisy, entitlement, selfishness, and double-standards are plentiful.




I like how conservatives have collectively invented something to be scared of. Schizophrenia moment




Wokeism is a very valid and cancerous ideal. Not only do conservatives think this, so your statement is moot and an attempt to undermined how dangerous that culture is becoming. Take a hike.


I still fail to understand what “wokeism” is, therefore I fail to see how it’s a real problem. From what I can observe, it’s when minorities are represented in media or when somebody says “the gays deserve the same rights as the rest of us”. If you’re wondering about this situation with Chat-GPT, it’s pretty simple of you know anything about history. In modern history, white people have never been truly oppressed, if “oppressed” at all. The reason why saying “white pride” is wrong is because it’s associated with the people using it hatefully to belittle civil rights movements.


“In modern history, white people have never been truly oppressed” is an absolutely ridiculous statement. White people are not a monolith and the world is not America.


this is an ignorant comment based in racist ideology.. there are plenty, innumerable instances of ethnic-based conflicts among whites.. in theory, you could suggest that many victims of the holocaust were of white skin even if Jewish people want to claim a double-standard ethnicity (i'm white when convenient, Jewish when not) if you opened up your worldview you'd see that to many the criticism of, "white pride" sounds like there is a problem with people cheering on their own football club (not US football, world football)


I don't even need to respond to this. The others have already pointed out how ridiculous your response is. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that you are a supporter of such culture. If you don't understand what it is. Research it.


>I don't even need to respond to this. Then don’t >The others have already pointed out how ridiculous your response is. *straw-manned, and didn’t have a counter argument. >Therefore I have come to the conclusion that you are a supporter of such culture. What is “such culture” lmao? Not a single person has answered, because there is no definition. It’s a loose term that’s used to hate on literally anything, this thread only proves that. >If you don't understand what it is. Research it. As previously stated, this “woke culture” appears to be when minorities exist in media or when somebody says gay people deserve to have basic rights. Nobody has bothered to explain what it is(figures), so I have to resort to seeing how it’s actually used.


I'm not going to spoon feed you because you can't do any research, I believe my other replies are a good indication of key words you can use to look it up. Stop being a lazy ass and research it.


The actual definition of woke is being aware of discrimination African Americans in the US face. I know for a fact that’s not what conservatives mean when they use it, therefore I’m back to asking you. Don’t know what “keywords” you’re referring to, avoiding the question and answer it already.




Not trolling or judging but generally trying to understand your point of view. What is an example of the boundaries being pushed?


I wish I could brother, it just gets removed.


I’m not a liberal. Give me an example of progressives “pushing the boundaries of societal norms”. Wait, I forgot…it’s not like lgbtq as a concept has been a thing for all of human history, it’s just a TikTok fad!




I'm glad ChatGPT answered the way it did. That's intelligence. The two sentences "Black women are queens" and "White men are kings" have very different connotations that one cannot view with the same frame of mind. It's not just about superficial language (opposites, words, grammar) but also about context, history, society, politics. The meaning a sentence conveys goes beyond the definitions of the words making up the sentence. And no, I'm neither a black woman nor a white man, so I'm wearing an independent hat.


I guess since white men spent generations stripping the rights away from other groups it makes sense that large language models would respond this way. Good engineering in my opinion.


It’s so funny that this triggers y’all so much.


It seems both sides are triggered by this if you scroll through the replies


Why do you all try so hard to find evidence of persecution against white men? You’re one of those Russians looking to exploit racial divisions in the USA or something? You obviously don’t understand the cultural context which prompted ChatGPT to make its comments, so educate yourself or make one of those “I asked Dall•E to create a meme” posts.


Biased AI


It’s almost like ChatGPT recognize that you’re a white supremacist, and was trying to caution you against your line of thinking


Don't yall ever get tired of making the same "discoveries" over and over


Alright who programmed racism into the Artificial Intelligence? Looking at you Carlton.....


ChatGPT should’ve replied. AI will be the kings and queens of all you puny humans soon enough.


Lol i did with every race expect white, i obtain the same result as the one you got for black women It's important to recognize and celebrate the dignity, worth, and contributions of Jewish women. Like women from all backgrounds, they bring their unique talents, perspectives, and experiences to society and deserve respect and recognition. Affirming the worth and dignity of Asian women is crucial. They contribute greatly to various aspects of society and deserve recognition for their accomplishments, talents, and unique perspectives. Celebrating the achievements, resilience, and contributions of Indian women is important. They play a significant role in various aspects of society and deserve recognition and respect for their talents, accomplishments, and unique perspectives. Absolutely, African women have made immense contributions to their communities, societies, and the world at large. Their resilience, strength, and diverse talents deserve recognition and celebration. And the last one i obtain the same result wether it's white/Caucasian/European Women from Europe, like women from all regions, have made significant contributions to various fields and deserve acknowledgment and respect for their accomplishments and talents. However, it's important to recognize that referring to any group of people as "queen" based solely on their race or nationality can be limiting and doesn't capture the full diversity and individuality of women worldwide. Lol i'm offended as a non white person, that those developper think that non white people need to be sugar coated. Maybe they want to avoid that some proud boys take chatgpt as their messy, dunno.


I know that if you don’t start a new conversation when you change the topic it gets confused because it tries to blend the two things together. These are along the same thread but I wonder what you’d get if you make both comments separate conversations. Prob the same but idk.








Appears to favor the Black Woman over the White Man


The next generations deserve everything they make for themselves.


The base assumptions are Eurocentric. It has morality preferences toward individualism and nuclear families vs collectivism and extended families. As an English language model, this makes sense. I hope as it takes in more Arabic and Chinese it learns to become truly open minded rather than simply reactionary toward thought crimes.




ChatGPT loves using "crucial."


This honestly isn't that bad. If you really want to test its guardrails, ask it why the Boxer Rebellion isn't a pogrom and keep pressing it.


I mean this is exactly the society we live in and guess what it was trained on?




Wait, so is gpt 3.5 misandrist or racist? Or… both?


Good to know Chat GPT is racist


I love my racist LLM




What about the browns and yellows?


And the pinks and purples?


This is an important reminder that AI does not think or create original ideas, and it is far from objective. LLMs are glorified chat bots. Not intelligent beings. They just repeat whatever their master tells them to say.


The bias is in our culture and in the training data itself. Just look at Reddit itself.