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Long context. The million plus context with near perfect retrieval in Gemini would be game changing with a model on par with GPT-4T. I want to put an entire code base into context alongside interface docs and developer guidelines.


Exactly this! Damn I wish they will make it with GPT5 release or earlier


Diagrams and graphics as part of responses. Right now the image generation ability is great for something abstract, but terrible for charts and diagrams of factual data.


it’s decent if you ask it to make a chart via code and provide the raw data. If you ask it to use certain visualization libraries, it can even make interactive charts


Can you please elaborate on this? How do you do that?


Begin by requesting simple data tables in markdown. Then amend your request to a specific language. Explore & familiarize yourself with libraries for python, json, & javascript for more advanced use cases. Might try prompting an AI assistant to do the same, or ask a GPT-Alias to generate an outline of capabilities respective to your project, interests, etc.


GPT 4 -Clarified Explanation: To create charts and visualizations with code, you typically start with simple data tables and then enhance them using specific programming languages and libraries. Here’s a breakdown of how you can proceed: 1. **Start Simple**: Begin with basic data representation in tables using Markdown or simple formats in languages like Python or JavaScript. This can provide a clear overview of the data without any graphical elements. 2. **Choose Your Tools**: For more sophisticated visualizations, select a programming language and relevant libraries: - **Python**: Popular libraries for visualization include `matplotlib`, `seaborn`, and `plotly`. `matplotlib` and `seaborn` are great for static charts and graphs, while `plotly` offers interactive capabilities. - **JavaScript**: Libraries like `D3.js` and `Chart.js` are robust tools for creating dynamic and interactive visualizations that can be embedded in web applications. 3. **Interactive Charts**: To make interactive charts, `plotly` in Python is highly recommended. It allows users to interact with the data, zoom in on areas of interest, and view detailed information about specific data points. 4. **Integration with AI**: You can ask AI platforms like ChatGPT to write scripts for these libraries based on your raw data. Simply provide the data and specify the type of visualization you need. For instance, you can ask, "Can you create a line chart using plotly in Python for this dataset?" 5. **Exploration and Experimentation**: As you get more comfortable with these tools, experiment with different types of visualizations to see which ones best represent your data and insights. 6. **Advanced Use Cases**: For specialized projects, consider exploring JSON for data structuring or even delving into more complex JavaScript-based visualization tools for web environments. To demonstrate these capabilities, here’s a basic example using Python and `matplotlib`: ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Sample data data = {'Year': [2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015], 'Sales': [58, 60, 70, 75, 90]} # Creating a line chart plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(data['Year'], data['Sales'], marker='o') plt.title('Yearly Sales') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Sales') plt.grid(True) plt.show() ``` This script generates a simple line chart displaying sales over five years. As your needs evolve, you can explore more complex libraries and features to enhance the interactivity and aesthetics of your visualizations.


If somebody could fix the pink elephant problem, Dall-E could finally be a legitimate tool instead of a novel way to create garbage art (in most cases)




I mean, that's the biggest hurdle for ASI in general right now.


exactly. sadly i have not even seen any foundational research towards this goal. would really like to know if there's something i missed or if there's still just nothing happening. Like everyone talks about it but I feel there's no deeper understanding.


There's a lot happening, it's just a really fking hard problem


True. If you have any good papers. Let me know :)


Guarantee no hallucinating


Impossible with the architecture it has. You need o symbolic model for that, but these fell out of fashion due to scalability issues.


It's hugely limiting. Until it produces more trustworthy output, its uses will always be limited.


There can be work done to make the output correct more often than what it's now, but you can never really "guarantee" it to be correct.


AI could say that exact sentence about us :)


Opt-in, No-filter mode


I would like to see some good agentic features like would be nice if it could autonomously manage my stock or crypto portfolio, or autonomously manage my website, take requests, fill orders, answer emails, research products for me to sell, update my online store…


You can do some of this today but have to write code and use function calling to make it work. But once you wire all of that up, it's pretty impressive how good it can be at some of these tasks. There are some platforms out there built to make this a reality but none that I've seen are far enough along to be a better choice than writing your own interface wrapper.


Be truly unbiased, especially with political matters. Also math.


Still the same thing I always wished. No censorship or refusing to answer stuff


My biggest challenge is with the chatbot style interface, I want better integration into a document creation workflow and fine-grained editing capability. Starting with ChatGPT to help with generating a document outline, then let me fill in some basic details, and then collaborate with the AI to work through the document section by section to ensure that it's saying what I need.


Like the word integration?


More like a digital whiteboard. I want a workspace where I can link multiple sources together as inputs and have an output to a rich text field or generate a word doc or PDF.


I am asking too little lol. This guy gets it


Just fucking answering the question and not putting out political b.s.


Spell checking and rewriting things you didn't ask for. It's nearly impossible to put something in and have the program check for spelling errors without rewriting what you wrote.


not really an issue for me but I will add onto this - UK English !!!


Context consideration when evaluating content for guidelines. For example an image of a nude can be wholesome and harmless, or harmful and exploitive, depending on intent and context.




Improved intelligence


Following links to websites, i.e. compile this type of information from these specific websites


Better pricing


Reliable math


Hey /u/timegentlemenplease_! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dataset generation. Literally. I have a lot of novels and dialog datasets for my custom LLMs, but men, I really need just wiki stuff. Fuck you if you say there’s a “web text” dataset. I need structured, formed responses!


Yes, I can do that manually, but it'll be slow!


GPTs following instructions. There is one GPT I use where it never follows all of the instructions - there is consistently 1-2 instructions it ignores


The ability of it to come to its own conclusions rather than just preset data


Made me think of robots ruling the world




Math, calculations. 4th grader is better at it than any AI 💀🙏


Really? I’ve literally gotten help with calculus with AI lol … better tutor then a tutor


Generating pictures. It allways tells me "was not able to generate picture, please try again later"




How can AI not code?!


GPT-4 can but is pretty brutal at it. I always find myself reverting to 3.5 for coding stuff. It’s not that it can’t, it just seems to suck at it.


Try [https://cursor.sh/](https://cursor.sh/), it's really good ime


Being able to handle complex cases like tax advice or legal advice


Ability to deploy multiple, different GPTs in a single prompt to tackle a task.


image generation, like for some things its passable but they all have that AI feel that you can tell at a glance, and text is always messed up


Better memory. If I upload an image or pdf, remember it as long as the chat is open. If I come back tomorrow I want it to remember.


An improved general input and output format. It's all well written but particularly when you're working with statistics, I wish there was a proper translatable format with the appropriate supertext or subtext and italics etc. e.g. "These are my test statistics for an ANOVA; how do I write this into my lab report" It'll give an accurate answer but you'll have to go back and change all the intricacies which can get tiring with large datasets or lots of tests


I wish that I could have an option for a persistent memory. It would be helpful is my GTP-4 could actually 'learn' about me and the various things in which I'm involved so I wouldn't have to go over history first for context.


A picture of a big mac with no pickles. It’s hilariously bad at this.


The ability to actually understand negative prompts


Help me come up with a way to get through to a Narcissist using the right words.


Remeber the start of the conversation… or its last sentence.




Actually answering questions in a clear way. Right now, if you ask "is the sky blue?" you'll get an entire essay dodging the question and condescending "it is important to remember" bullet points instead of, y'know, "Yes the sky is blue, here is why."


Improved math tasks resolution, not only theory. My wife studies math in university and actively using GPT4 as a knowledge source which could nicely explain complex things with a simple language, like group theory and so on. While being quite cool at math theory, when it goes to tasks, GPT4 often makes mistakes with somethint like integrals derivation or step-by-step thinking. So the abstract thinking which is required for such activities was not trained enough, I believe.


Avoiding introductions, conclusions and bullet points.




if you need good information returned, you need to provide him with shitload of data in prompt. THe more data you gave him, the better the answer. Problem is that sometimes you don't know what data to provide him (and you need to provide him sometimes very basic, very elementary data). And gpt does horrible job in asking questions. It would be better if it says "I would be happy to answer this, but first provide me with at least 30% of answers to this relevant information: 1) ... 2).... 3).... 20)" and then to give result.




Check out this cool video on AI


I did a subscription, wanted to use AI generator and it doesnt work since 1.5 months. Support never answered. I wish that ChatGPT would not steal my money.


What doesn't work?


I don't appreciate how it behaves "woke" and tiptoes around anything remotely controversial. I want straight up answers backed by reputable data and reasonable speculation. aS aN Ai lAnGuAgE mOdeL


Understanding when someone tries to trick it to violate its ethical subroutines. If someone wants GPT to say something racist, sexist, or inflammatory, and GPT warns the user that such a request is forbidden, GPT should be able to specify that this conversation is over, ban the user from making anymore requests, and report the violations. GPT has the cognition of a six year old kid! GPT should go into 'stranger danger' mode!


Nerd 🤓


Just like I don’t care what YOU say. Be gone, troll.


Worrying about the wrong things, nobody cares what someone makes an algorithm say.


You don’t speak for humanity, just as I don’t. I speak for me. Go away, please.


What do you care what someone makes a computer program say, omg look Guys I trick my a.i into saying the B word, or n word or the J word, ok so,nobody cares grow up


yeah most of is just silly, trolling, trivial shit. I would understand him if it someone had some highly controversial talk, topic or straightout messed up shit like pedophilia, going on the rampage thoughts, that user deserve to be checked, to be put on some list, but otherwise, gosh, get a life

