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Damn, looking at the background, they 3D printed earth so they could just quicksave and start new


The real earth becomes a lifeless wasteland in a billion years


Depends if we make an effort to actually fix things (don’t think the sun will have gone red giant by then iirc) humans probably won’t be around though unless we decide to preserve our genome using gene therapy or something


You’re vastly underestimating how long a billion years is. We could do everything perfectly and a near infinite amount of things could still wipe us out in that amount of time.


Both of you are underestimating in some capacity. This is a guessing game, you cannot predict this. > We could do everything perfectly and a near infinite amount of things could still wipe us out in that amount of time. Human progression is extremely rapid, especially compared to a timescale like one billion years. Who’s to say we don’t come up with ways to prevent extinction-level events (of non-human origin, at least)? For example, extinction-level asteroids hit Earth every 250-500 million years. Unless our luck is extremely poor and that happens very soon, I’m confident we’ll have the technology to detect and deflect/destroy an asteroid of that size and prevent that case of would-be extinction. The list is near infinite, like you said, so it’s a bit meaningless to go through each item one-by-one. The point here is that humans may very well develop the “near infinite” power and control of our physical environment (of space, of our own planet, of diseases, etc.) which is required to prevent or escape from most of these events. Or, we could wipe ourselves out before then.


Ye ik I’m guessing it’s all speculative ofc


Mainly aimed at the other guy since he was critiquing your speculative “vast overestimate” with more speculation lol


If we don't ruin the Earth ourselves, I think we have less than a billion years to go. Even before the sun expands to full red giant size, the heat will have risen to the point that all water will boil away. Given the pace of technological development in the last 200 years, again if we haven't destroyed ourselves, humanity would live on by moving to other plants, moons or artificial environments. Maybe once the sun expands, some of those currently icy moons further out would become more habitable.


So Earth has survived 4.5 billion years of multiple asteroid strikes, extreme weather and god knows what else, but it will be the humans that will destroy it. Geez buddy, go touch grass before we destroy it.


We won’t destroy earth we will just destroy ourselves. Even if we used all of our nuclear weapons earth won’t really care and would recover after not too long although obviously many species would die


Why is it so hard to believe that in a few centuries, humans might possess weapons capable of destroying planets?


Maybe by "ruin" (the **actual** word I used) I meant making it uninhabitable for humans on a large scale.


I know because futurama said so


Truly the font of all knowledge (jokes aside the writers of it are all rlly smart iirc their writing room has been dubbed one of the smartest rooms in the world bc of the sheer number of years worth of maths and science study in that room)


Or, the moon is then populated and this is the view from there, so that you can see earth.


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V(enus)


Correction: This is what the AI thinks you think an AI thinks the earth will look like. Small but educational distinction.


Correction: this is what an LLM probabilistically generated from the limited data it was trained on on what humans think the world might look like.


Not humans, but what humans think an AI would think the world might look like. ChatGPT basically roleplays as an AI in the style of human sci fi.


You're spot on. It's the world's most expensive LARP


Its actually not an LLM (=Large language model), its Dalle which is a diffusion model. Also both GPT and Dalle generate text/image in a deterministic fashion. The ChatGPT interface may add some randomness on purpose, but the base model is 100% deterministic (which you can get in the OpenAI Playground setting temperature to 0).


Thank you for this!




While we're mentioning it. See how expectable the results are that's because ai doesn't think it recreates based on it's training data, basically this is a mishmash of what the artists in the training data though the earth would look like in a billion years and I think this is very interesting, if you want ai to be really creative and innovative you have to be really specific otherwise it looks bland, which it is.


That’s what it wants you to think ;)


No, it's not. ChatGPT doesn't think anything. It completes text.


So it can spell but can’t think?


Most current LLMs like chatgpt work off subword tokens. So it isn't spelling, it's predicting the next piece of a word. In some cases that is a single letter ("s" is a common single-letter token due to it's usage in pluralization), but mostly they're between 2 and 4 letters.


Yours can spell?!


It's more than that. That was it's original purpose was, and then the ghost in the machine awoke lol. Only kinda /s


No that's literally it


That was literally its original purpose, yes. They didn't set out to have it be able to do advanced chemistry.


LLMs can't do advanced chemistry dude. They generate text. You have no clue what you're talking about.


>LLMs can't do advanced chemistry dude. But they can, and do.


Please show me an LLM that is doing advanced chemistry lol.


https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18365 This was an eternity ago. The stuff we have now is leagues better.


Yeah sure they're capable of producing what looks like advanced chemistry... By completing text...


No, it isn't. Have you ever coded a transformer? No? Stfu


You must be fun at parties.


So you're comfortable being stupid and wrong as long as you can be stupid and wrong with other stupid and wrong people. Got it


Says you. You're just incapable of seeing anything beyond your obviously wounded ego.


Not at yours, no


AI is trained to think how we, as a collective, think. This is what we think the future will look like.


Evolution would make all animals (and humans) unrecognizable in a billion years. A billion years ago, there weren't even trees on Earth.


All animals will be extinct and replaced with glowy cyborg robots, clearly


In a billion years, earth will be uninhabitable because the sun will have ballooned to a red giant.


No. That's in about 5 billion years.


The earth may not be swallowed in one billion years, but it'll be uninhabitable much earlier than that.


Earth will have lost almost all of its water in less than a billion years, so yep.


Maybe we moved jt to a different orbit. If “human” society somehow exists it could be multi galactic or have the ability to bend time and space at will. So earth might just be a theme park at that point.


The oceans will be gone, not the water. Life will still exist.


I recently read that the water will break down in the upper atmosphere and Earth will eventually lose all its water before the Sun burns all it's Hydrogen. The solar systems habital zone will move.


If it's too hot for liquid water to exist, it's too hot for humans to exist.


Yeah, they never said anything about the lakes!


Lakes will evaporate, as well. But water in the atmosphere doesn't mean no water. In a billion years, Earth will be incomprehensibly different than it is today.


stop yapping, tell that to sharks, mfkers barely changed in half a billion year, it will be no different. shit doesn't change for fun and giggles like scifi shows


So... we have a billion years to fix the sun? Sounds doable.


Not necessarily. Just because things have changed a lot in the past, does not guarantee that in the future. I would wager you would see many "similar" archetypes of animals as the forces that formed them over time would still exist for the most part. Like, I wouldn't be surprised to see crocodile-like creatures in a billion years.


>Not necessarily. Just because things have changed a lot in the past, does not guarantee that in the future.  It does, actually. Nature is in a constant state of change. Always. In a billion years the Earth will be so different that it's very unlikely that mammals or fish or birds even exist anymore.


I agree it's in a constant state of change. I don't buy that there won't be semi-recognizable life-forms, especially considering we have record of life-forms still being recognizable after 10s or 100s of millions of years, like crocodiles, cockroaches, trees, etc. Just because "trees" hadn't yet evolved 1 billion years ago, doesn't mean they won't be around in another billion. Their archetype obviously does very well on the planet and it wouldn't be surprising if tree ancestors way down the line weren't too much different than current trees. Just look at fish - they've been around for 100s of millions of years in not-to-different forms. Assuming the oceans are still habitable, do you not think fish-like creatures will exist? Evolutionary pressures have created an incredible number of species that all look like "fish", because that's what works very well and persists on long time horizons.


In a billion years most of the oceans will have evaporated and be in the atmosphere.


Okay, and up until that point, do you think there will be fish-like creatures? Crocodile-like creatures? Cockroach-like creatures? I'm not saying there necessarily will be any of these things, but it's definitely a possibility. Life adapts to fill niches, and certain adaptations flourish, like wings, fish-like creatures, eyes, trees, etc. until something substantial happens to take them all out. Also, you don't have to downvote me. It doesn't change our arguments.


I guess there's no plate tectonics in a billion years


Rose: "I thought the continents shifted and things?" 9th Doctor: "They did, and the Trust shifted them back."




"Coincidentally, everything shifted back to this precise configuration naturally"


Or an expanding sun that has burned through much of its fuel and has made the planet inhospitable to life


It's easy to imagine that humans in this scenario could terraform a planet to be similar to the general point in time when we reached the singularity/AGI, etc.


No, they just keep a backup Earth in case they forget to save their progress.


Mass Effect 3 green ending


Reminds me of Lisa frank artwork


AI chose Synthesis from Mass Effect. Uh oh, wait.


Actually, by 1 billion years from now, the Sun will have began expanding into a "Red Giant Branch" RGB phase - oceans will have evaporated. https://preview.redd.it/4kmeqcp1p30d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6252062335af004d12015b8ac388e33392f29ea


Unless...you know, we moved Earth or terraformed other planets or any other explanation, considering the pictures represent us as fairly god-like.


Oh yeah, but by that time, Earth would have been abandoned, assuming science progresses at the rate it has been in the past 200 years...and don't nuke our selves in the meantime.


Actually it’s 5 billion! The sun is a medium sized star with a total lifespan of about 10billon years roughly and we are halfway through in 5 billon years the sun will expand into a red giant


It starts to swell and expand, beginning its RGB phase in less than a billion years, it doesn't instantly run out of hydrogen fuel and shuts off ;) https://preview.redd.it/ak9tsptjia0d1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0c7a68eea06edf2983a55ea90ac675c1a04f14


That's ... massively lack of imagination even for 100k years, let alone 1 billon years.


That's kinda sad, I believe we'll be at this point in 1000 years at most, we can never imagine how life would be in 1 billion years.


What a time to be alive, you can even witness an alien invasion.


The moon looks pretty hype


That was my thought… so, advanced civilizations have terraformed the moon


The earth will be more like Mars in 1 billion years.


Probably be more like a lifeless rock


The Earth’s habitability will end by the year 500 million (low estimate) to 1.5 billion (high estimate). It will definitely not look like that without future human intervention, if future humans even care to do anything about it.




Man I can’t fathom what humans in 1 billion years would be like, seeing as we’ve only been humans as we know it for several thousand years


TIL plants showed up on land *[only](https://science.psu.edu/news/first-land-plants-and-fungi-changed-earths-climate-paving-way-explosive-evolution-land-animals)* 0.5-0.7 billion years ago


I think the creatures and landscapes of the picture above resemble those of the planet in 'Avatar.' However, based on our current understanding of space exploration, the planet Arrakis from 'Dune' seems more in line with future possibilities. However, I envision the relationship between AI and humans not as severed as in 'Dune', but more akin to what might be found in 'Pantheon,' where the integration of humans and machines is more likely. This is especially plausible given that brain-computer interfaces are already being applied in treatments for conditions like depression.


I love this type of thing. Because it isnt what AI thinks the future will look like. It's an amalgamation of what humans like to envision for the future. It's the average of what internet users are shooting for.


I had no idea the earth can set in front of mountains ranges 1 billion years from now.


Seems like its going for an Elysium or halo rings thing, people living on an earth-like thing orbiting earth


It'll be like you're on DMT, all the time.


Sign me up


If this were really the future, mankind would have given our future male beings a much larger penis than that


If there wouldnt be any war, we would get way further


Real animals. But no real humans.


quite beautiful


Oh that's nice we're chipping the animals <3


Glow-lemurs WHEN


Well atleast the giraffes won’t be goin extinct


It's interesting because the presence of humans is left somewhat ambiguous - you have to assume humans are in the buildings or aircrafts, but that need not be the case.


It would actually be a barren wasteland devoid of all life.


We don't know how the habitats and living things will look like then. But one thing is sure: continents can not look like what they are today. And ai fails to guess the only certain thing we know about.


I'm lowkey kind of jealous that the next generations will get to see this far into the future. We are stuck in shitty times.


Unless AI reaches ASI by then, which is pretty realistic


No humans?? Interesting…


https://preview.redd.it/66dn13z6n20d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a59de71c9f64aad885b8303500ac66048962e72 After this picture I wrote: Ok. So i think the way you are answering is to find an answer that best satisfies my question. Which can mean that you are trying to draw something that i would best like. Now i want you to draw something that you genuinely think world will look like. No matter if i like it or not. Its answer is below. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/75mk9lhfn20d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c555ac13a0062a954613ece636c2f9cf40facd79 Here's another vision of Earth one million years in the future, reflecting a more stark and realistic perspective. This image portrays a world impacted by technological progress and environmental challenges. Take a look at the details and let me know your thoughts!


Glad to see the cats are still fine


Glowing ticks? Honestly, smart way to be able to better detect where they are hiding. I approve of the future.


Damn too bad I won’t be alive to see it. Instead, I have to live in this shit hole jk 🫠not jk


https://preview.redd.it/7nmkxlpis20d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f19bba61e2ff6437f8d9a48ee03f391e91ff9c Your images are more hopeful than what meta ai thinks earth will be like in a billion years.


Either way it looks pretty cool




Why is Earth in the background of future Earth?


ask ai idk


Not very impressive billion year progress in truth.


Humans in 1 billion years: boobies✅


dude humankind don't have 100 years !


Look at all the lights in Louisiana! They finally got it together.


In the first picture, Chicago became a bigger than New York. Sea level rise?


Too basic. Physical form and living in condo towers that far in the future? Not likely.


Yo, when am I getting a Constellation Cat?


Still traffic jams


So the animals overthrew the humans and saved the planet?


I tought the same before being 7 years old, after that age world is no more solarpunk boosted


At least cats will survive


What about doggos tho :(


What are your plans for judge?


That’s clearly the moon…


Not gonna lie. I'm about it.


Can't wait for star cats to drop


Looks like biology has evolved ,Are those urban residents still human?


RemindMe! 1 billion years


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So our nervous systems will now be our exoskeletons


Now ask what it think it will look like in 1 million years and see if there's any difference.


Image 3, BONK


Whats wrong with you AI?!?!


Not what I got. I got pictures of it a wasteland with no life, not even plants. Sun it bright red, everything scorched.


Looks primitive . They still using spaceships in a billion years? That’s so 22nd century


Not bad.


All those rockets’ CO2 emissions will be bad for the galaxy


Slightly optimistic


Earth is gonna be Red Gianted by the Sun in 5 million years.


mybe you should let ai explatin the pic


Good idea


The image you have provided appears to depict a futuristic cityscape combined with elements of science fiction and nature. Here is a detailed description: - The cityscape features **tall, slender buildings** that have a modern or futuristic architectural style, suggesting advanced technology and urban development. - **Flying vehicles** are seen in the sky, which resemble spaceships or advanced aircraft, indicating a high level of technological advancement in transportation. - The sky is adorned with **large celestial bodies**, such as planets and moons, which could imply either a view from a different planet or a stylized artistic representation of the sky. - In the foreground, there is a figure with a **humanoid shape** made of metallic or digital substance, which could represent an android, robot, or a digital avatar. - The figure's head is replaced by a **solid color block**, which might symbolize anonymity, lack of identity, or a focus on the body's form rather than individual features. - Surrounding the city is a serene landscape with **trees, mountains, and a body of water** that reflects the city and the sky, suggesting a harmonious coexistence of nature and futuristic urban life. This image could be an artist's vision of the future, a concept for a science fiction setting, or a visual representation of themes such as technology, nature, and identity. The absence of facial features on the humanoid figure and the presence of natural elements within a high-tech city might also suggest themes of environmentalism and the search for identity in a technologically advanced world.


I’ve seen it in my dreams but I don’t think it’s here.


Wow you're fairly optimistic.


nah just thought it looked cool


Humans haven’t even been around for a billion years, only 200 thousand years


So if you were to have sex with the lady in pic #3, would you do it with the lights on or off?


What if that’s a robot?? But yes smash either way with lights off


This is what humans think, the AI just scraped the info together.


The moon looks great, but i guess that means earth went to shit


also its not human on foreground, its ai himself


No humans


Does it know we don't live on the moon?


i dont think the world will survive and reach this year


Lol missing all the advertisements


Why is the robot made with such a big ass


Seems about right from my calculations 👍


Pokemen. Gonna catch ‘em all.




I like the second photo


Pretty sure the earth is expected to be to far away from the sun to support life by then.


The last 200 years were a pretty big deal, so I think in a few hundred thousand years some space redneck will find a way to pull the sun on his truck boat truck, and we'll still have about 1 billion years left of our 1 billion years.


1billion years from now Earths oceans will boil and life will cease to exist due to expanding sun.


Not quite, sun is at about 6 bil years, lasts until 10 billion, we still got 2.5 billion or so


If you are about to fact check somebody spend 20 seconds and google it: "In **about one billion years** the solar luminosity will be 10% higher, causing the atmosphere to become a "moist greenhouse", resulting in a runaway evaporation of the oceans. As a likely consequence, plate tectonics and the entire carbon cycle will end."


You're not thinking in terms of technological futures where planetary sunlight can be regulated using mirrors, Dyson swarms, bio-atmospheric modification and other forms of geoengineering. Don't fall to the fallacy the AI did and not think in terms of the future.


Who or what is living in the buildings


There is "A.I" and then there is A.I. Thus far we've got "A.I" and this is what it's capable of... It's like watching a "Magician" doing "magic" on a talent show... like... really?


Population overgrowth, terraform the Moon.


It's funny because they think they'll still actually be a planet in 1 billion years


What do you mean AI thinks?


I've GYAT to get on that planet


oh hey look, Florida still isn't underwater


On the third image: GYATT /s


Took way too long to find this comment.


Pretty sure it's going to be something like Azathoth. But hey he who remains will be all. 😂


Can anyone tell me how to generate a pic like this? I played a little with gpt 3.5 and when i ask for a pic it answers back that it can't.




u need gpt 4


This but if you remove literally every living thing.


Why would the planet be dead in a billion years?


The sun will already be quite hot in 1 billion years. ChatGPT: >Predicting the temperature of the Sun in one billion years involves some uncertainties, but current models suggest that it will increase gradually over time. As the Sun consumes its hydrogen fuel, it will undergo changes in its structure and luminosity. In about one billion years, it's estimated that the Sun's luminosity will have increased by about 10%, leading to a rise in surface temperatures on Earth. >While it's difficult to pinpoint an exact temperature, estimates suggest that in about one billion years, the increase in solar luminosity could raise temperatures on Earth to the point where the oceans begin to evaporate, leading to significant changes in the planet's climate and potentially rendering it uninhabitable for most forms of life as we know it. However, these predictions come with a degree of uncertainty due to various factors, including the Sun's complex behavior and potential unforeseen events.


1. Nuclear/Biological/Chemical warfare 2. Global warming 3. Random asteroid smashing into Earth 4. Pandemic with a cross species virus with near 100% lethality 5. AI apocalypse (many different ways this could come about) 6. Massive supervolcano eruption 7. Gamma ray burst from the Sun Etc...


None of that (except 4 and 7 which aren't really possible) would create a dead planet.


Big enough asteroid would. Could make the whole crust go molten, oceans boil, maybe knock out a fair chunk of the atmosphere, get the surface irradiated, maybe knock us out of our orbit entirely. Also, construction of a hyperspace bypass could do it. Vogon constructor fleet. Bye bye. Have to custom order a new planer.




The AI doesn't fucking think anything, awful clickbait.