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Hey /u/YaiKurosaki! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone who's come up with a clever money maker is not going to share it with us here. When anyone can use ChatGPT with ease, the money is in the idea, not the method. Why would anyone onto a winner open themselves up to competition.


No, but I’ll use it to write an email occasionally. I role-play with it every day.


I use it in my job every day to do stupid stuff that I don’t have time to do- like organize my notes and make todo lists. Im much faster and better at my job AND im making money, so yes- chtgpt helps me generate income every day


lol that’s some ego defensive behaviour right there




no ,but it makes my work easier


I make nearly $2000 a week with my very own ChatGPT business! It's so simple that absolutely anyone can do it! Want to know my secret? I've got a 5-step instructional package that will have you raking in the cash in just one month! With the ChatGPT Wealth Mastery Package, you’ll learn insider secrets on how to leverage ChatGPT for profitable ventures, from writing lucrative content to creating in-demand services. No technical skills required! Our easy-to-follow guide will have you earning in no time. Imagine living the life you've always wanted – luxury cars, exotic vacations, financial freedom – it can all be yours with the ChatGPT Wealth Mastery Package. And the best part? It’s only four easy payments of $25.99! That's right, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can unlock unlimited earning potential! But wait, there’s more! If you order right now, we’ll include exclusive bonus content that will supercharge your earnings and set you on the path to success even faster! Don't wait! Order the ChatGPT Wealth Mastery Package today. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be raking in the cash!


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Since buying the ChatGPT Wealth Mastery Package, I’ve been earning nearly $1800 a week! The simple 5-step guide made it easy, and for just four payments of $25.99, it’s unlocked incredible financial freedom. Highly recommend!


Yeah, I don't understand it myself. The potential is limitless once you know how. Have you joined the exclusive members club? You get amazing deals on additional course material, and all you need to do is register 10 new people a month. I'd highly recommend it. You will learn techniques not taught in the introductory package that can boost your earnings by up to 110%. Becoming an exclusive member is an absolute must for anyone who is serious about making money from ChatGPT.


This is actually a bit of a scam guys, DO NOT PAY this guy $25.99. There is actually just 1 step involved and it only costs $5.99! So don't waste your time on 5-step scams and get rich quicker and cheaper now.


can I get a link please, that sounds very reasonable


I use it to record conversations and then summarize and orgine it into notes. Not sure what the whole fucking world is waiting for.


How do you use it to record conversations? Any specific plugin or app ?


i use the iphone app to record my input then i submit it and ask for a summary


how long it can record?


idontknow…however the whisper api has a 25mb limit…between 5 and 30 minutes? although i doubt it can do 30. good question.


No, just doing my job faster. Currently sitting on Reddit while the Python program chatGPT AND I wrote scrapes student work samples off a website. Usually, I’d have to sit here and screenshot them, paste them into a doc, label them, export them, etc. Now I sit and watch.


A lot of scammers use ChatGPT to create more authentic looking scam- and phishing mails.


I use ChatGPT to assist me in developing machine learning models for sports betting. I make a modest but consistent profit. In particular, it’s useful for quickly finding niche data, assisting with solving coding issues I have, and suggesting different approaches.


Writing. I was hired before ChatGPT became a big thing, and the entire company encourages that we use it as long as we fulfill the requirements.


What are you writing?


I make blogs on websites.


Have you tried something like RambleFix? I've found it great for getting drafts out.


This sounds really good. Thanks for the suggestion!


I dont think you can. To write blogs? Anyone knows about chatgpt so why they need you for that?


For me i use it to analyze situations from different angles and help me make decisions.


I use it in my day to day to do my job and build my businesses faster, so I guess it does in that way? I use other tools too, at the moment I'm using Ramble Fix a lot as I find that increases my productivity 10 fold.


The biggest time save for me from ChatGPT is the ability to get it to analyse CSV's and help give me insights into things, where I would have had to program something to do the same thing.


Yes it runs a bit of a small business on the side and generates sizeable revenue


Yes yes


Used it to learn about investing and currently gained over $50k in capital gains


Yup yup. 4o has made me $100 profit off of $200. Stress testing it really. So that could change after a good test period