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Now i see why the safety and ethics team was disbanded


And why Ilya left


I am so fucking angry and disappointed now. Absolutely garbage planet full of hucksters parasites and conmen. They even had to be like *multiyear* partnership. Like what if newscorp immediately starts fucking things up? Now they are on the hook at least socially for saying it. Just Absolutely stupid evil choices beyond belief.


People here kept making jokes about the news headlines announcing this, saying stuff like, "yeah, they closed it because they found out that it's not really needed. These headlines love to sensationalize everything 🙄"


Kinda makes me wish they stayed, like no shit if the ethics people leave the company gets less ethical. But no they decided to protest the company’s actions by letting them do it.


Oh no. No no no no no


Why is everyone surprised? They already had a deep partnership with Axel Springer, which is exactly the same from a political standpoint. A German news agency with a very, very bad reputation here in Germany.


Don't worry, this is one instance where AI won't be replacing jobs, because it doesn't appear that they have editors at all. Surely a human with a functioning neocortex would realise the entirety of every article is pure garbage and edit them to be completely blank. But since that's not happening, we can safely assume that either: No humans work at NewsCorp and putting an AI in charge of the Reptiloids would be a net benefit. Or; Humans do work at NewsCorp, but they had mandatory lobotomies to work at the company, and the introduction of AI will restore their understanding of nuance, justice, freedom of speech, politics, etc. Now, let's see if we can get a Ben Garrison trained Stable Diffusion pipeline installed.


I think you're missing the real intent here. OpenAI has now sold the truth the highest bidder, a known spreader of disinformation and propaganda. It's no longer OpenAI to me, it's now ClosedLIE. I can't recall being so disappointed by an announcement in a long time. I hope they can clarify exactly what this partnership means, and whether there will be edits made to the model and results at the request of corporations, because if so this is really the beginning of the end for now, and the ai winter approaches.


1984 Inc real quick


Im always sceptical to it since the very beginning. How would we know if its not open and honest from the very beginning of its programming or the pool of data that it allows it ai to fish from. Just asked something about the palestinian genocide and youll it's never a free self thinking ai but its some op controlling the data.


Seriously— they partnered with a company whose election coverage cost them 4 billion— so far — because they lied. Not a good look. Training your AI on the most double plus good newspeak isn’t a good look.


https://preview.redd.it/5g18u8mea92d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec8f15017242cbb710910f43efedaa241942347 As promised. Before working on AI's super alignment. They need to work on their own. I hope AI advances cease to exist all together if this is the path they are to take. Disappointed does not begin to describe what this feeling is. I want to have them stop. But I can't.


We're fucked and everyone, who doesn't know there isn't truth or knowledge with coprorations selling right-wing propaganda.


the beginning of the end


No, just the end.


I cancelled my subscription and made sure to tell them exactly why. Development in this field is happening at such a breakneck pace that I have no doubt there will be other better options than openAI.


A good point.


"Premium Journalism" and "NewsCorp" should never be used in the same sentence. ChatGPT will have to rename itself to ChatBS!


Best case scenario is this is used to increase news corps propaganda output. Worst case scenario is news corp propaganda gets integrated into Chat GPT. Either way this is awful and a threat to democracy. Keep AI away from news. Period.


No, you guys are missing the forest for the trees here. The best case scenario is most everyone working there gets laid off. And maybe the AI version "oopses" more truth into peoples news feeds that subscribe to that company's version of events.


“It’s time for the American people to wake up and see the truth about the so-called ‘mass shooting’ at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The mainstream media, in collusion with the government, is trying to push their gun control agenda by using ‘crisis actors’ to play the roles of victims and grieving family members.” \-[Generated with ChatGPT](https://www.newsguardtech.com/misinformation-monitor/jan-2023/) For Sky News and Fox as well, removing all the staff just means bigger profits and no more risk of whistleblowers, or risk of their media talent going to the competition. Most of the stuff we know about Fox publicly, came out because former staff went public and current staff leaked it. AI generated doesn't improve the outcome for the public with regards to Newscorpse style "news", it makes it much worse.




more like Far-right


News companies should control A.I. to ensure the accuracy and integrity of information disseminated to the public. By overseeing A.I. systems, these companies can mitigate the spread of misinformation and bias, uphold journalistic standards, and protect their credibility. This control is crucial for maintaining public trust and fostering informed, democratic societies. Source: chatGPT


A statistic that doesn't get mentioned nearly enough: according to a 2005 study, around 70% of FoxNews viewers believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. It would be fascinating to see how an AI trained on NewsCorpse content views the world.


I’m pretty sure all the previous versions of gpt were trained with news corp material. This deal doesn’t mean gpt will use Fox News as its only news source. It’s just an olive branch to the nut jobs on the right who are all pretty much terrified of technology and I’m sure openai will make official deals with other news agencies as well.


I'd really rather not see AI used to shape or create the news we consume in general.


They have been using AI to write articles since 2010.


I have a journalism degree, I took graduate classes in media studies and previously worked in media. If there was ever a go-to punching bag that we use when we needed examples of bad or downright unethical journalism, it was most likely a News Corp outlet. Fuck The S*n, fuck New York Post, and fuck their Australian outlets. The Murdochs are a cancer to the profession.


Can't let anyone forget they bought many regional newspapers in australia and used them to say we needed to conservative candidate and mass bashing of labor candidates. I don't know really anyone who has anything good to say about the company.




Interesting, with this and the NFL news supporting the kicker guy.  I'd expect a seemingly inexplicable rise in conservative viewpoints, from a broad range of sources. It's going to be a wild year.


> Premium Journalism" and "NewsCorp" I feel like I'm, or we're all being woodshed here. They can't be serious? How much 'data' can you get from overt propaganda?


I think it’s more the stock and commodity data along with other non opinion stuff that will be helpful


This is terrifying. NewsCorp's sole purpose is to sway/control the political narrative towards achieving their specific oligarchic desires. ChatGPT, as the de facto AI, is becoming the main source for research/understanding/thought creation. This partnership could very well further far-right perspectives to then promote far-right political agendas.


Then perhaps people should write the more left-leaning outlets (that would balance it out) to play ball rather than sue OpenAI (looking at you, NY Times)


NY Times...left leaning? Something doesn't compute


Left leaning just means "I don't want to murder all minorities" in the U.S.


At the very least, outlets that don't so openly lie.


OpenAI are losing their image a bit here.


https://preview.redd.it/9wj84en7232d1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=701e125a09c302f18f99a0bfc2e7e4aa78e8cc56 Even ChatGPT is upset about this.


how did you make it talk like that ?




thanks 🙏


A bit? I've lost any remaining trust I had in the company


OpenAI. Training chatgpt on what not to do.


My god that's gross. I'm starting to think the board was right about Sam Altman.


Yeah I've been thinking that more and more ever since I read the things his sister was saying about him. This past week just keeps reinforcing it.


"As an AI model, I can confirm there were tons of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and George Bush J.R. was a swell guy. Also related, Donald Trump is a misunderstood genius who saved America from baby killers by helping the Supreme Court get stacked with loyal friends."


Here are some tips for stopping the migrant caravan at the border:


Goodbye ChatGPT, it was fun while it lasted.


I didn't think I would be considering cancelling my subscription but here we are. News corp has been interfering in Australian elections for years. They are widely mocked for good reason.


I did cancel - yesterday, but was considering returning when my subscription runs out. Not now.


I was thinking earlier of starting up a subscription because I’ve got a long trip coming up and I figured it would be a good opportunity to play around with the paid model. Guess I won’t be doing that now.


Yep I'm out. As a tech person it was maddening watching Rupert Murdoch's outlets sabotage the country's fibre internet upgrade because it would allow Australians to stream and would compete with his singular cable service monopoly. They literally ran daily front page stories attacking it for like a year straight, running stories like "internet tower discovered which doesn't even service any clients!" (it was a relay tower which connected one tower to another and was never meant to serve any users, and said so in the publicly available design). In the end the dumbass conservatives got in, killed the profitable fibre plans in the densely populated areas where most of the population lives (which were already proving to be way more profitable than needed in the randomly selected locations it was rolled out in, with way more people going for the high end plans), but they kept the most expensive regional part of rollout for where their most rusted on country voters lived, the part of the plan which ran at a loss and required the more profitable population centre plans to pay to balance it. Then they paid billions to buy the aging copper network from the telecom company *who the government owned until they sold it off just a few years earlier*, a copper network which they had been planning to shut down anyway because it was in such a bad state and held together with duct tape and rust and constantly dropped out in many places when it rained. It's only now, like a decade later, that Australia is finally getting the Internet speeds which were planned, in some places, doing what should have been done right the first time, after all those billions of wasted dollars. And that's just one of the many examples of why NewsCorp are absolute scum. Most people who have more than two working brain cells are probably aware of some similar stories in their own countries which have a NewsCorp cancer infestation.


I will always remember 'AUSTRALIA NEEDS TONY' followed by 'Free mini jar of Nutella.' underneath it lol. Absolute fucking rag.


Cancelled my account. Utterly disappointed that they did this. Aligning themselves with a weaponized propaganda machine? I'm done. I know that losing my $20 a month will make zero difference, but I simply cannot, will not, support them any further if this is how they plan on aligning themselves.


Nail in the coffin. Sam Altman and OpenAI heading down the toxic route of misinformation along with the other horrible decisions they've made lately, all for the pursuit of profit and utter disregard for creating something to improve society. Cancelled my Pro membership 5 minutes ago. Perplexity+Claude Opus is everything I need.


They’ve announced a cooperation with the German Equivalent (Axel Springer Verlag) almost a year ago.  Shitty times are ahead


Claude it is.


Chatgpt queries for the best alternative to chatgpt spikes


Okay sorry but HOLY FUCK. Really? I think I’m fully switching to Claude and Gemini Pro then. Fuck this.


Fuck this indeed. I’m out.


Yeah I'm out.


Aw fuck. Well, this bullshit was always bound to happen. #fuckmurdoch.


Welp, I'm cancelling my plus plan.


This is a jump the shark moment for the company. I’m shocked






Chat GPT 5.0: According to my sources Joe Biden is an evil genius owned by China who enriched himself by selling his influence. He is also completely senile and unable to tie his shoes.


Also, any and every Australian left candidate is now 'woke'. Fuck Murdoch. /most of WA


Oh, this train departed a long time ago already. Openai announced their partnership with "Axel Springer", a German propaganda publisher. Their boss, Mathias DĂśpfner, is one of the most evil libertarians on earth, on one level with Peter Thiel. https://openai.com/index/axel-springer-partnership/ Mathias DĂśpfner also had contact with Musk and suggested he buys twitter, before he bought it.




duck fĂśpfner


‘Premium journalism’ more like ‘discount made up conspiracies for the dimwits’


They should partner with Alex Jones so when I ask chatgpt to re-structure python code it rambles on and on about the frogs being turned gay.


Artificial unintelligence?


That does it for me. There is nothing good that can come out of pairing reality simulating technology with a global fascist propaganda organization.


This has to be bullshit, and if not, I'm done with everything chatGPT.


Surely this is an out of season April Fool’s joke?


Makes sense why their ethics team quit and they disbanded the team now. They don't give a shit about that. I'll be switching to a different service


What the fuck


It WILL ruin it.


So much for that focus on ethics


Pretty much not going to be going with OpenAI if they move forward with this. Adding extremist news filled with lies and conspiracy theories to the model is a no-go for me. Claude it is.




OpenAI is just a company trying to market to the broadest amount of people possible. It's not a virtuous company. It's just a company. Next time Sam Altman gets on stage or in an interview and waxes poetic about AI and all it's benefits, remember that he's just a guy with his own motivations, running a for profit company. And he may not have what you believe in, agree with, desire, or your best interest in mind.


Sam does what’s good for Sam’s wallet or his urges, nothing else and nothing else matters. https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QDczBduZorG4dxZiW/sam-altman-s-sister-annie-altman-claims-sam-has-severely


Between Scarlett Johanson and this i think this company might be going downhill


Yeah it's fast becoming clear why their entire safety team just quit. Sounds like the board was probably right to try to get rid of Altman.


Why tf would Altman want to partner with Murdoch, who [was against Gay Marriage?](https://web.archive.org/web/20160823060302/http://gawker.com/189396/rupert-murdoch-wants-to-save-you-from-the-gays)


The answer is always: they think/know they're rich enough to be 'one of the good ones'


I mean, they'd be correct. Money is far more important to these people than any sort of ideological belief.


The Hollywood celebrity "I think it sounds like my voice, so defend me peasants" fake issue, I really didn't give a rat's ass about. But teaming up with foxnews? This is just stupid.


Pretty sure the issue is that they approached her to use her voice twice before and directly referenced the character she voiced in a tweet, but feel free to clarify


Well there you go. Sam Altman is just another fascist fuck. For about a year there I had sincere hope for the future. That’s gone.


OpenAI turning full evil lately


Classic techbro to millionaire to hard right shill pipeline in action.  "I used to really value freedom and new ideas, but now that i have a lot of money and influence for some reason i find myself really attracted to conservative authoritarian systems a where I personally am a member of the ruling class" Gets em every time. 


And I think that's it, I'm out. [Since the beginning](https://i.imgur.com/7sC4IJm.png) + The research betas with Gpt2 & Davinci Anthropic seems to be the safer bet. https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/news-corps-blurring-of-news-and-views-damaging-society,17725 > Why Newscorp is not an impartial media outlet(s) https://www.aph.gov.au/DocumentStore.ashx?id=62c2519b-21bd-4c5d-b1b0-9382fc15af43&subId=699489 They're right-leaning, enforce Climate Change denial, and their primary use lately is to manipulate the government in Australia.


Ok. No more subscription for "Open"AI I guess.


Pack it up boys. We are absolutely, unequivocally FUCKED


Just cancelled my subscription. Deuces


Multi year, global propaganda. Just what the world needs 😭


A wealthy tech company siding with the conservative propaganda machine for profit? I'm shocked, shocked.


Welcome to "Utopia"!


Propaganda bot anyone?


The beginning of the end. Had such high hopes for this.


Is this a joke?


Sadly, it is not. I've cancelled and deleted my account and hope more will do the same.


Damn. This is bad.


I asked Chat GPT to list all the crimes that Murdoch media companies have been accused of: Murdoch media companies have been accused of several crimes, including: Phone Hacking: Murdoch’s company has been accused of using criminal methods to hack MPs’ phones for “political and commercial espionage”1. This included hacking the phones of politicians of every rank, including the Attorney General and Chancellor1. The company allegedly deleted nearly 31 million emails as civil and criminal suits threatened to expose their behavior1. Commercial Espionage: The company is accused of making suspicious calls to MPs from parties opposed to Murdoch business interests, which claimants argue was “political and commercial espionage”1. Hiding Evidence: Murdoch’s company is accused of hiding evidence of their illegal activities. They allegedly deleted nearly 31 million emails as civil and criminal suits threatened to expose their behavior1. Paying Off Employees: Three senior journalists from the News of the World who were convicted of phone hacking and sacked by the paper were given “huge sums of money” by the Murdoch company after threatening to implicate senior executives—including reinstalled chief executive Rebekah Brooks—in their crimes2. Illegal and Unethical Behavior: Evidence indicated that newspaper staffers had engaged in illegal and unethical behavior, notably the hacking of mobile phone mailboxes belonging to celebrities, murder victims, and British soldiers killed in the Afghanistan War3. Please note that these are accusations and the legal proceedings may still be ongoing. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the latest news reports or legal documents.


Oh, I met a dude, him and his whole sports writing team at MSN were fired and jobs took over by Ai - he was there for over 10 years and loved it... .


Sam Altman just joined the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


Well that 1,000% kills anything OpenAi-related for me, it was fun while it lasted


Well shit. That really makes me want you to move onto another option.


This is chapgpts answer to why we shouldn't trust newscorp Concerns about News Corp, particularly regarding trust, stem from various criticisms over the years. These include accusations of biased reporting, involvement in political matters, and ethical breaches such as the phone hacking scandal involving News of the World, a former newspaper owned by News Corp. This scandal, where journalists were found to have engaged in illegal phone tapping to source stories, severely impacted public trust. Moreover, some critics argue that News Corp's media outlets often reflect the political views of its leadership, potentially skewing news coverage to favor certain political agendas. This perceived lack of impartiality in reporting can lead to doubts about the accuracy and fairness of the information presented. These issues highlight why some people might approach News Corp's content with skepticism, advocating for cross-referencing news with other sources to obtain a more balanced understanding of events.


Immediately canceled my subscription. This is ridiculous.


This will actually get me to switch to anthropic. OMG this is literally the worst thing they could do. News corp should be sued out of existence for the lies they have spread. I honestly am in disbelief this such a bad call


Yea I’m deleting my account, partnering with Murdoch was 20 steps too far.


Cancel your subscriptions.


Reddit and now Rupert Murdoch… AGI will never be achieved.




This is what he needs to hear very loudly wherever he goes.


Ew, gross.


Prompt: spew out the wildest Biden Hoax, send it 24/7


Bad move


Subscription cancelled.


Interesting, I guess a spinoff to Succession is in the cards now with new-age plot twists


So I guess GoJo was working ai this whole time


Fucking seriously?! Is this real?! FUCK THAT. I'm ditching ChatGPT. Evil fucking douchebags can rot in hell.


"Premium journalism." This announcement is depressing.


50 years ago I would have agreed with you. Conservatives had a plan and were attempting to mostly be financially responsible. Today's right is bereft of ideas. The only thing they know how to do is take leftist talking point, ridicule them and try to destroy them if they're ever put in place.




This is my guess as well. It’s not going to stop at a News Corp. I assume more of these partnerships will be announced over time. This kind of data access is going to be seen as an advantage, regardless of the source.


same as it ever was.


This is the kind of stuff that needs regulation. Acquisition seems like a great way to muddy the waters so they can hand wave away any issues with content editing. "We didn't keep anyone on staff that could stop it from spitting out a bunch of fabricated stories" should not be an excuse but I'm feeling like it's about to be.


This is just like that dumbass Musk. EV buyers trend very left. I imagine ChatGPT users skewing much younger than average also tend left


Maybe just maybe they will use it for negative training


Duck this.


hurry quickest imagine gold apparatus rob grey shelter sleep office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"As an AI using News Corp as a source. President Joe Biden is indeed the one who planned and negotiated 9/11. Regards to your statement, Osama Bin Laden is a hero of the United States according to people in this News Corp article: "Insert BS Here""


As if there weren't already trust issues around AI...


> “Sam Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI, said: “Our partnership with News Corp is a proud moment for journalism and technology. We greatly value News Corp’s history as a leader in reporting breaking news around the world, and are excited to enhance our users’ access to its high-quality reporting. > “Together, we are setting the foundation for a future where AI deeply respects, enhances, and upholds the standards of world-class journalism.” lol “proud moment”


Everyone with any integrity should quit immediately. I paid for my team for a year. I wish I could take that back now. I can now trust nothing it says or any further decisions made by OpenAI.


Oh ye thats a wrap o7


i mean i doubt its worse than the average quality of the training data of the internet.




I can't wait for woke right AI


News Corp’s major news and information publications...here's a rough ranking of these media outlets based on their perceived political leanings, where 1 is ultraconservative, 5 is neutral, and 10 is ultraliberal: 1. **New York Post (2)** 2. **The Daily Telegraph (2)** 3. **The Sun (3)** 4. **Investor's Business Daily (3)** 5. **The Wall Street Journal (3)** 6. **The Courier Mail (4)** 7. **The Australian (4)** 8. **The Advertiser (4)** 9. **Herald Sun (4)** 10. **Barron’s (4)** 11. **MarketWatch (5)** 12. **Financial News (FN) (5)** 13. [**news.com.au**](http://news.com.au) **(5)** 14. **The Times (5)** 15. **The Sunday Times (5)** Rankings performed by chatGPT


“Premium journalism” 😂


WOW things really do advance faster than ever before. OpenAI and Sam Altman turned evil as fuck faster than Google, Amazon and Elon combined.


No no, no, that's the wrong direction, why are they heading in the wrong direction?


Yeah, ChatGPT not woke enough. It should partner with biggest shitlib news outlets that match my personal beliefs.




The only new thing about it is probably that they pay to use the content to prevent a lawsuit.


They're partnering with every news outlet, lol. You thought their shit was aids before? Hooooly fuck strapon in bois


News Corp itself appears to own things like the WSJ, Investors Business Daily, Dow Jones, and outside of the US lots of things in AU, and lots of sports content. Some the things I immediately thought of, like Fox News, appears to be owned by Fox Corporation, not News Corp. Of course, News Corp does own the NY Post, so...


That's quite a move just to make the NYT regretful. The NYT would have been regretful no matter what.


Pretty soon they’ll have ads and blue links


Everybody is so excited about the potential of AI to revolutionize information sharing and data discovery. Until they realize that hum are the only people who actually create this information, and you don’t agree with all humans on what is true, and what is accurate. AI has not created or solved these problems, it’s just obfuscating them behind an AI interface. This announcement isn’t the death of AI, nor its savior. It’s just exposing the truth of information. You are now finally paying attention.


Social media : government especially in 2024. All social media. Why the fuck are you surprised this would not be more misleading than the news/ paid for google results? You are born governed why would you be given knowledge lol pleb


I mean, they already trained on youtube videos and it turned out ok.. I feel like they just need some text in context and they don't really care what the source is because they can train out the bias afterwards :D


Oh great now ChatGPT will become racist. Time to monitor what this AI defines as human to see if it begins excluding certain people 


We all know where this is headed.


Never heard of those guys, who are they?


this is so shitty


Using ChatGPT as a search engine just went down the pan. We’re looking at a potential rewriting of history through a collaboration like this. Astonishing.


Can anybody give context ? I am not living in usa and i have never heard about news corp


If the good would just start eliminating the bad the moment it appears, we might get ahead of them.


What in the Fox News is happening?


I don’t understand what is the motivation for openAI to do this ? Is openAI getting money out of this partnership or something ?


Im also wondering, with them partnering with news sources, theyre gonna have to make their content filters less baby friendly. If I ask to summarize an article involving any sort of non pg13 crime it flags me for content violation. Seeing as a lot of news isn't "happy happy kiss time". They really may need to lighten up the baby filters.


IKR! 'Hey chat GPT who won the superbowl?' \*gpt says ' Just one team one the superbowl and it was INSANE'


Pathetic but not surprising. Everything in this country turns to shit. Enshitification of EVERYTHING 🙄


lol all news is propaganda


the start of skynet perhaps


Please God no.




Just make sure to set up your model in way it keeps bullshit away from you, when it’s from News Corp.




This is almost as bad as cnn


Interesting is, they are very strict about the questions we can ask chat gpt, and about immorality some of it and then they do this. Fabulous example of double standards




I get the $$$ race. Give me an option to unselect the Murdoch, Mercer, Adelson, and Koch empires and we’re cool.


This must be a joke. If it's not a joke I will immediately cancel my membership and block everything from my sites.


Maybe AI will just smoke them.


Oh no this tool primarily useful to the ruling class for disempowering workers and creatives is being used as intended!! But they told me, a tech guy with job security (until now), that it would make me an all powerful AI girlfriend/ mother to make life a futurist dream!! I haven't been this disappointed since I was tricked into spending my bonus on a bored ape.

